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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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crisdecuba said:
This should help clarify the point he was trying to make:


Same discussion, more clearly articulated. Cut this crap about insulting rural voters.

are you trying to say obama doesn't say different things to different audiences? would he have gone in front of rural whites and given that speech? i believe that was the original point in the speech. he says different things to different people where as mccain will say the same thing.
Xisiqomelir said:
Hey there! As the person who wrote it, I'm curious about your opinion of the crap I wrote. I'm always open to being corrected.

I see you did make the time to do one refutation. I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you on it.

I'm well aware of Bitter-gate. I also know the full quote.

Sarah Palin implies that this is a castigation of voters by Obama, but I don't see it that way.

Fair enough. I think given the audience he was speaking to, and the fact that I'm from PA, I took it very much as him being too well off to relate to us hicks.

I'm really just looking for the LIES that everyone keeps screaming about. They keep pointing toward your post. I really don't see you pointing out lies, just things that you don't agree with.


MThanded said:
Hey republicans in this thread can you actually defend your party laughing at people who are community organizers.

Since you probably dont even know that they do I am going to help you out

Explain it to me guyz!!!! Im too elitist to understand why i should be laughing at it. Im in the collegez... And I have done community work too.

The truly stupid thing is that Obama postponed high-paying jobs and earlier entry into Harvard Law in order to do community organizing for a few years, because he felt compelled to. Yet not only do the Republicans laugh at that and claim it takes no responsibility (when community organizing is inherently a huge responsibility), but they also have the gall to call Obama elitist and out of touch on top of that. It's like, holy fuck, do you people even listen to yourselves?
DY_nasty said:
That compared to all that McCain has done? His VP choice undermines everything he's ever stood for.

I've always thought of myself as a republican and loved McCain until 2006, not I can't stand the sight of him or any other republican for that matter.

I don't like him either, but we're talking about lies, not how much of a douche McCain is.
ronito said:
Our VP candidate did that in his acceptance speech? Really? Can you forward that video to me.

I'll do you better than VP! How's about referencing random, nameless internet surrogates at a place some call NeoGAF?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Zeliard said:
The truly stupid thing is that Obama postponed high-paying jobs and earlier entry into Harvard Law in order to do community organizing for a few years, because he felt compelled to. Yet not only do the Republicans laugh at that and claim it takes no responsibility (when community organizing is inherently a huge responsibility), but they also have the gall to call Obama elitist and out of touch on top of that. It's like, holy fuck, do you people even listen to yourselves?
It needs to be repeated. Thats why I quoted it. They wont address this issue in this thread they will spin it into another issue mark my words.
minus_273 said:
hey guys palin ripped your candidate a new one, but this will make you happy:

Obama might pursue criminal charges against Bush

I dont recall anyone in recent going after the other party and previous president after they take office. I wonder what he has in mind purges?

Ohz NOEZ!!! HE'S GOING TO LOOK INTO PROSECUTING PEOPLE IF THEY COMMITTED CRIMES!!!!! This is a sad day my friends, to think political criminals may be punished for their crimes!


Karma said:
If you say so. I disagree.
What's there to disagree with?

I told the Congress "thanks, but no thanks," for that Bridge to Nowhere.



Schrade said:
Wow. Such classy people in this thread.


Politics is such a waste of money, time and effort. All this money people are throwing away donating to politicians and their stupid conventions needs to be taken away and put to a real use.

wow. i thought GAF had rules about racist and sexist language in place since the primary. that kind of bullshit doesnt belong in any discussion.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
how much executive experience does obama have again? oh thats right as much as me.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol This is so funny to me. I can't figure out why.

Oh. wait a minute. yes i can.

minus_273 said:
are you trying to say obama doesn't say different things to different audiences? would he have gone in front of rural whites and given that speech? i believe that was the original point in the speech. he says different things to different people where as mccain will say the same thing.
No, I'm saying he's not insulting rural voters, which was something you claimed in your original post. Make sense?
MThanded said:
It needs to be repeated. Thats why I quoted it. They wont address this issue in this thread they will spin it into another issue mark my words.

Absolutely. It's so fucking disgraceful to see this defended, to prop up this idea that Community Service, in this fucking bullshit COUNTRY FIRST party is something to be laughed at.

So yeah, carp on about bitter tears and continue to be a party to such absolutely reprehensible speechifying.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Dirtbag 504 said:
alright, I think my points have been made and maybe a few of them heard.
see you guys around debates, should be a hoot.

I'm not looking forward to the debates. Both McCain and Palin are tremendously outclassed when it comes to off the cuff rhetoric and argument - so they will stick RIGIDLY to talking points, to the point of ignoring a counterpoint and it will be frustrating to watch.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Can you republicans please respond to my posts. Im beginning to think you guys have no answer.
Zeliard said:
The truly stupid thing is that Obama postponed high-paying jobs and earlier entry into Harvard Law in order to do community organizing for a few years, because he felt compelled to. Yet not only do the Republicans laugh at that and claim it takes no responsibility (when community organizing is inherently a huge responsibility), but they also have the gall to call Obama elitist and out of touch on top of that. It's like, holy fuck, do you people even listen to yourselves?

And here I always thought community service was a pillar of the Christian faith.

Guess I was wrong. A true Christian should seek higher government office.

Makes perfect sense.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Karma said:
Whatever. I read the "facts" and call bullshit on almost all of them.

Just putting them in quotes doesn't make them false. Most of them are a matter of undisputed public record.
minus_273 said:
are you trying to say obama doesn't say different things to different audiences? would he have gone in front of rural whites and given that speech? i believe that was the original point in the speech. he says different things to different people where as mccain will say the same thing.
And actually, he did then subsequently go out and stood his ground on the original comments. For example, speaking in front of an Indiana crowd here:


Edit: and again... http://www.truveo.com/Obama-defends-bitter-remarks/id/3468977175#
All Obama needs to do is focus on Mccain. Palin has already lost Mccain the election. :lol :lol And as usual, Obama has already done what he needs to. You can say whatever you want Mccain / Palin! Its over, but keep writhing as you crash to the floor.


PrivateWHudson said:
Fair enough. I think given the audience he was speaking to, and the fact that I'm from PA, I took it very much as him being too well off to relate to us hicks.

I'm really just looking for the LIES that everyone keeps screaming about. They keep pointing toward your post. I really don't see you pointing out lies, just things that you don't agree with.

Huh, what?

Our state budget is under control.

But the Wasilla budget ended up $20M in the red. Palin was Wasilla mayor for 6 years, she's only had 20 months to tear into the AK budget.

I told the Congress "thanks, but no thanks," for that Bridge to Nowhere.

... take more of your money


... give you more orders from Washington ... and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. America needs more energy ... our opponent is against producing it.



These are refutations of misleading statements portrayed as facts (lies). There is no personal agreement or disagreement involved here.


OuterWorldVoice said:
I'm not looking forward to the debates. Both McCain and Palin are tremendously outclassed when it comes to off the cuff rhetoric and argument - so they will stick RIGIDLY to talking points, to the point of ignoring a counterpoint and it will be frustrating to watch.

I'm more concerned that both candidates are going to spend more time attacking each other's VP's then each other (both picks are so predictably reactionary). I also thought Kerry pretty much killed Bush in the debates and left him for dead, but the country still surprised me.

This thread is going to be a madhouse.


TheGrayGhost said:
I just back from my night class. Fill me in. I heard her speech was a complete disaster. GAF, was it?

Palin reads a speech written by someone else is called "emotional" when it just talks about everyone but her.

No one changes their mind.

NeoGAF ends up donating over $1,000 to Obama in the last 5 hours.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
TheGrayGhost said:
I just back from my night class. Fill me in. I heard her speech was a complete disaster. GAF, was it?

Her delivery was awesome. The content was poor, slight and risky. The reception by pundits is mixed.


PrivateWHudson said:
Fair enough. I think given the audience he was speaking to, and the fact that I'm from PA, I took it very much as him being too well off to relate to us hicks.

I'm really just looking for the LIES that everyone keeps screaming about. They keep pointing toward your post. I really don't see you pointing out lies, just things that you don't agree with.

Did you read the whole thing? To categorize, the plain lies are:

-Palin's opposition to the bridge to nowhere
-Track Palin going to Iraq on Sept 11, 2008
-Palin's non-dealing with lobbyists
-Obama not sponsoring IL state senate legislation
-Obama never using the word "victory"
-Obama raising taxes on the majority of the population
-Obama reducing American military strength
-Obama opposing increased energy production

and the dissemblings/equivocations/slanders are:

-Denigration of community organizers
-"Media attack"
-Imminent victory in Iraq (this hinges on the definition of "victory")
-Implying meetings without preconditions is naturally followed by total supplication
-Obama allowing terrorists to evade capture
Zeliar said:
The truly stupid thing is that Obama postponed high-paying jobs and earlier entry into Harvard Law in order to do community organizing for a few years, because he felt compelled to. Yet not only do the Republicans laugh at that and claim it takes no responsibility (when community organizing is inherently a huge responsibility), but they also have the gall to call Obama elitist and out of touch on top of that. It's like, holy fuck, do you people even listen to yourselves?

Holy Shit.

Watching the Guilliani speech now.

The crowd actually laughed at his mention of Community Organizer?

Who the fuck are these people?


MThanded said:
Can you republicans please respond to my posts. Im beginning to think you guys have no answer.

I don't recall seeing anyone in this thread claim that community organization requires no responsibility. I think that was Sarah Palin at least, and perhaps other Republicans tonight on stage.

Why is it OK to associate those remarks by Republicans with people here while when someone says that Democrats are laughing at McCain because he was a POW, someone says "Oh yeah?!! Show me the video where someone said that at the convention!" when it happened right here on GAF.
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