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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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I'm tired of counting (have homework to do!)

This is what I ended up with:

Total of $1,835 donated in 24 pages of this thread.
9 donations of unknown amount.

Probably safe to say there has been at least $2000 raised from GAF in the short time span.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
A classy speech would be one where you treat your competitors with respect and only say truthful things about both yourself and them. :lol

I'm sure you are relishing any perceived hand-wringing, just like some did last Friday. Didn't work out well for them, though, because McCain got no traction outside his base with the Palin announcement.
You're just mad because it took a small town girl to call Obama out for what he is! So packed with truth and issues relevant to the American people.

Okay, this thread is moving way too fast, and I guess it's silly to assume that my reputation precedes me. But seriously, folks, I hated the speech as much as anyone else here. In fact, I just completed my $100 donation to the Obama NeoGAF group.
ronito said:


I hate to use it, but I kid you not...responding to these people is such a futile effort. The talking points they babble are regurgitated lines of thought that were refuted months ago. There truly is no point.


wave dial said:
Use this link if you want your donation to count on NeoGAF's meter.
Okay, I lied when I said I had put in $25. I was about to, but worked out for a bit first.

To make up for it, I just put in $35 to the NeoGAF fund.
Jak140 said:
They're pulling everything until they can review if it's damning? The hell? So you're saying that they are openly suppressing free speech until they can determine if it's positive?

Even if that were the case, there are still sever palin clips on youtube. They just went after high profile clips. They pulled that one because it was on Huffington Post and the Daily Kos, just like the AIP one that had been up for months. They were pulled because the McCain campaign doesn't like free speech when it's critical of them.

So you don't refute that the clip it'self is damning, it's just the whole story in your head about free speech that is damning. I asked for a source, and you don't have one. Please move on to debating the contents of the interview.


PrivateWHudson said:
That whole breakdown is so full of crap it's not even worth refuting.

This is referring to guns and bibles controversy. How could you not know that?

Scranton-you guys are great working class people!
San Francisco - those guys in Scranton are a bunch of bible thumping NRA wacko's.

Actually I think it is a dig on Biden who is from Scranton.
Steve Youngblood said:
You're just mad because it took a small town girl to call Obama out for what he is! So packed with truth and issues relevant to the American people.

Okay, this thread is moving way too fast, and I guess it's silly to assume that my reputation precedes me. But seriously, folks, I hated the speech as much as anyone else here. In fact, I just completed my $100 donation to the Obama NeoGAF group.

Oh, why you.

<shakes fist>


Fragamemnon said:
The Bridge to Nowhere story is a flat out, indefensible lie.

As well as every word she spoke on taxes.

soul creator said:
Roland Martin on Palin speech

(BenjaminBirdie should like this especially)

Exactly. Such a dumbass move by Ghouliani and Palin to mock and laugh at Obama's community organizing, of all things.

Obama seriously needs to fuck them up for that. Not to mention the media, if they haven't been frightened off.


WickedAngel said:
I hate to use it, but I kid you not...responding to these people is such a futile effort. The talking points they babble are regurgitated lines of thought that were refuted months ago. There truly is no point.
I just wanted to post that gif.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
PrivateWHudson said:
That whole breakdown is so full of crap it's not even worth refuting.

This is referring to guns and bibles controversy. How could you not know that?

Scranton-you guys are great working class people!
San Francisco - those guys in Scranton are a bunch of bible thumping NRA wacko's.

That compared to all that McCain has done? His VP choice undermines everything he's ever stood for.

I've always thought of myself as a republican and loved McCain until 2006, not I can't stand the sight of him or any other republican for that matter.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Hey republicans in this thread can you actually defend your party laughing at people who are community organizers.

Since you probably dont even know that they do I am going to help you out
Community organizing is a process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest. While organizing describes any activity involving people interacting with one another in a formal manner, much community organizing is in the pursuit of a common agenda. Many groups seek populist goals and the ideal of participatory democracy. Community organizers create social movements by building a base of concerned people, mobilizing these community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved.

Explain it to me guyz!!!! Im too elitist to understand why i should be laughing at it. Im in the collegez... And I have done community work too.


PrivateWHudson said:
That whole breakdown is so full of crap it's not even worth refuting.

Hey there! As the person who wrote it, I'm curious about your opinion of the crap I wrote. I'm always open to being corrected.

I see you did make the time to do one refutation. I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you on it.

This is referring to guns and bibles controversy. How could you not know that?

Scranton-you guys are great working class people!
San Francisco - those guys in Scranton are a bunch of bible thumping NRA wacko's.

I'm well aware of Bitter-gate. I also know the full quote.

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them.And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

Sarah Palin implies that this is a castigation of voters by Obama, but I don't see it that way.


Post Count: 9999
minus_273 said:
how much executive experience does obama have again? oh thats right as much as me.

Political executive experience, obviously none. In terms of actual executive experience, they're not far off.

Now in terms of general political experience, neither really have much compared to their running mates. You can take that as being good, bad, or neutral as you wish however.


deadbeef said:
She said her son was being deployed to Iraq, but he's going to Kuwait first! lawl
you realize a lot of troops make pit stops there before going to Iraq right? Both my cousins made stops in Kuwait before getting shipped out one to Iraq the other to Afghanistan then Iraq. Just like when my cousin came back he went to Germany then came back to the states.
I'm late to the party again.

Does anybody have a link to Palin's speech online?

I was out and about grabbing beers and wouldn't you know it - not a single bar we went to was showing the convention.

Edit: I take it she did pretty well? Thats my expectation anyway. It'd also explain the upsurge in GAF donations in the last few pages.


I just donated $150 to Obama and another $150 to Nader. Thanks for pissing me off neocons. Keep up the good work I have plenty more to spare.
NullPointer said:
I was out and about grabbing beers and wouldn't you know it - not a single bar we went to was showing the convention.
You obviously don't hang out at the trendy places then. What else would they be showing if not the Republican National Convention? Sports? Get out of here.


Zeke said:
you realize a lot of troops make pit stops there before going to Iraq right? Both my cousins made stops in Kuwait before getting shipped out one to Iraq the other to Afghanistan then Iraq. Just like when my cousin came back he went to Germany then came back to the states.

I was being sarcastic. There were some valid points in his refutation, but that one was kind of stretching I think.


PrivateWHudson said:
So you don't refute that the clip it'self is damning, it's just the whole story in your head about free speech that is damning. I asked for a source, and you don't have one. Please move on to debating the contents of the interview.
It shows her to be at worst callous and at best naive, neither are traits becoming of a VP. She was forced to apologize after several Alaskan newspapers called her on it, so don't tell me it wasn't damaging to her. Of course, she must not have really meant it because she appeared on the same tasteless show less than a year later when her VP nom was announced.


MThanded said:
Hey republicans in this thread can you actually defend your party laughing at people who are community organizers.

Since you probably dont even know that they do I am going to help you out

Explain it to me guyz!!!! Im too elitist to understand why i should be laughing at it. Im in the collegez... And I have done community work too.

ill do that when you explain your party laughing about Mccain being a handicapped POW.
Trurl said:
At most that is condescending. The spirit behind what he said is the exact opposite of an insult.
See my youtube video post above - clears up the whole thing and is a damn sound interpretation of the situation on Obama's part, to boot.
Schrade said:
Wow. Such classy people in this thread.

Politics is such a waste of money, time and effort. All this money people are throwing away donating to politicians and their stupid conventions needs to be taken away and put to a real use.

While I won't defend liberal gaf and its more silly posters I also wholeheartedly disagree with your other second point. It might be a waste to you but there are millions of people it isn't a waste for and donating to a cause whether it be republican or democrat or libertarian is fine by me.


Karma said:
What the fuck did she lie about?
This has been detailed already, but the most transparent:
-She supported the bridge to nowhere
-She begged for earmarks and was a part of the Alaska machine
-She was not fiscally responsible in any way, shape or form

They rest can be marked up as disingenuous or stupid.
deadbeef said:
She said her son was being deployed to Iraq, but he's going to Kuwait first! lawl
This one is kind of noteworthy to the extent that disclosing the actual date of deployment is apparently illegal or something.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
ryutaro's mama said:
All while not saying a gotdamn thing of what she will do for me if elected.

I suppose if I need to sell a jet, I should look her up.

Just use eBay!

So easy an Alaskan governor can do it! :D


minus_273 said:
ill do that when you explain your party laughing about Mccain being a handicapped POW.
Our VP candidate did that in his acceptance speech? Really? Can you forward that video to me.



Schrade said:
Wow. Such classy people in this thread.


Politics is such a waste of money, time and effort. All this money people are throwing away donating to politicians and their stupid conventions needs to be taken away and put to a real use.

How is attempting to put a competent person in arguably the most powerful position in the world a 'waste of time'? I guess getting in unjustified wars are no big deal.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
minus_273 said:
ill do that when you explain your party laughing about Mccain being a handicapped POW.
Yeah in a speech.... Im talking about in a speech not people in this thread. Show me the youtube clip of obama or biden laughing at mccain for be a POW. I am talking about one of the people running for the office saying bullshit like this on television not immature shit in this thread. Give me the video use google its a search engine.
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