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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
PrivateWHudson said:
I don't like him either, but we're talking about lies, not how much of a douche McCain is.

I wouldn't mind McCain if he weren't acting so pathetic as of late. I still can't think of one reason why Palin should be on this ticket other than the fact that she's a woman and they make her say whatever they need.

Going through the rest of that transcript without nitpicking at things such as her sons actual deployment or little things like that, I have a problem with her attacking the community organizer thing. (Also, if people don't know the purpose of the private jet makes a ton of sense when you live in Alaska where going from city to city is more difficult than anywhere else in the US. Even going from Juno to Anchorage is a bitch, if you want to go from Anchorage to Barrow you will pressed for luck to get there in any kind of reasonable time... ). The over the top "Take our money" thing, her ordeals with the lobbyists, power abuse (even in the smallest arenas), "our opponent is against making us independent", "he wants to reduce our military strength"

and most of all, Victoly in Iraq is in sight
Hell no it aint


BenjaminBirdie said:
Absolutely. It's so fucking disgraceful to see this defended, to prop up this idea that Community Service, in this fucking bullshit COUNTRY FIRST party is something to be laughed at.

So yeah, carp on about bitter tears and continue to be a party to such absolutely reprehensible speechifying.

I wish I was good at making videos... I'd make a youtube video showing the McCain campaign's response on a variety of issues....

McCain: I don't know much about that

Foreign Policy and the Iraq War
Palin: I don't have an opinion on that

Country first:
Palin: Community service is something to be mocked!


"GAF's biggest wanker"
M3wThr33 said:
"No amount of logic can shatter a faith consciously based on a lie."

M. Lamar Keene
Please pay attention to this everyone. It's time to ignore the willfully ignorant in this thread.


TheGrayGhost said:
I just back from my night class. Fill me in. I heard her speech was a complete disaster. GAF, was it?
I wouldn't call it a disaster, as frankly it probably met most of the goals they set for it. I would, however, call it an atrocity.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Karma said:
She was against it. Why does it matter if at one time she was for it. In the end she said NO.

Why can't Obama change his mind about certain issues too? lulz?
minus_273 said:
how much executive experience does obama have again? oh thats right as much as me.
Yeah . . . that 'executive experience' meme got abused tonight. Years in the Illionois legislature and US senate mean nothing . . . there is no 'executive experience'.

Never mind that in both those cases you lead your own staffs.

Never mind that he lead a campaign with a budget of 100s of millions that defeated the Clinton-political-machine.

No 'executive experience'. Being governor for 20 months in the 47th state is so much better! Oh wait . . . I forgot the mayor of town of 6700 people. Vice president? Let's just make her president . . . or king of the world!


Karma said:
She was against it. Why does it matter if at one time she was for it. In the end she said NO.
She was against it when all the funding fell through. Now that's TAKING A STAND AGAINST WASHINGTON if ever I saw it. In fact she even said she still wanted it once the funding was gone
NullPointer said:
Holy Shit.

Watching the Guilliani speech now.

The crowd actually laughed at his mention of Community Organizer?

Who the fuck are these people?

Pieces of shit that showed their true colors.

I'm ashamed to share citizenship with them.

Not all Reps.

Just those pieces of shit.


lopaz said:
POW POW POW doesn't mean "LOL Mccain was a POW, how humorous, he got tortured, LOL", it means "why can't Mccain respond to any criticism without bringing his POW experiences up?"

i like how no one is talking about the comment i linked to. Is the c-word allowed when talking about republicans now?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Karma said:
She was against it. Why does it matter if at one time she was for it. In the end she said NO.

You mean she's a FlipFlopper!!!?

Don't you get it, it's not the substance we're bitching about. It's the fucking hypocrisy.

I would hope ALL politicians are able to change their mind on a subject - however the last election cycle marketed that ability as an endless negative. That was the Republican contribution to politics. Now it is coming back home to roost.

C- word is not kosher in my house. Not defending its use.


Karma said:
She was against it. Why does it matter if at one time she was for it. In the end she said NO.

Probably for the same reason it doesn't matter to people that Obama ultimately voted in FAVOR of FISA. Rhetoric is all that's important and actual results are meaningless.

Minus - I PM'ed Amir0x with it, he'll take care of it.


Karma said:
She was against it. Why does it matter if at one time she was for it. In the end she said NO.

Because she was for it when the federal government was paying for it, she was only against it when it was expected that Alaskans would pay for some of it. Also, instead of returning all the federal money she took for the project, she kept it and spent it on other local projects.
Man.....the more I think about this, the more I realize that as long as Obama keeps his cool, which he has, the more these people are just going to keep digging their hole. :lol :lol :lol


minus_273 said:
i like how no one is talking about the comment i linked to. Is the c-word allowed when talking about republicans now?

No, and they'll probably be banned eventually. This thread is moving at lightspeed though. Are you going to back down from the POW thing though, yknow, since you were wrong?
OuterWorldVoice said:
Her delivery was awesome. The content was poor, slight and risky. The reception by pundits is mixed.

I heard that the delivery was poor, too. Stuttering. Awkward pauses for expected applause (which didn't come). I even heard she looked surprise at some of what she was saying. As for content, I heard she awkwardly introduced her family.

Any YouTube videos of the pundits analyzing this thing?


minus_273 said:
i like how no one is talking about the comment i linked to. Is the c-word allowed when talking about republicans now?
The C word isn't allowed in my book. They'll probably get banned.



TheGrayGhost said:
I just back from my night class. Fill me in. I heard her speech was a complete disaster. GAF, was it?

I didn't think her delivery was anything particularly great, though others do, but there's near-unanimous agreement that the substance just wasn't there. At all. Quite the opposite, she threw some blatant lies out there.

The worst of the night however, and one of the shittiest speeches I've personally heard in recent memory, was definitely Guiliani's. Next to him, Palin was like Obama.

PrivateWHudson said:

What are you trying to say?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
PrivateWHudson said:

In 1985, freshly graduated from Columbia University and working for a New York business consultant, Barack Obama decided to become a community organizer. Though he liked the idea, he didn't understand what the job involved, and his inquiries turned up few opportunities.

Then he got a call from Jerry Kellman, an organizer working on Chicago's far South Side for a community group based in the churches of the region, an expanse of white, black and Latino blue-collar neighborhoods that were reeling from the steel-mill closings. Kellman was looking for an organizer for the new Developing Communities Project (DCP), which would focus on black city neighborhoods.

Obama, only 24, struck board members as "awesome" and "extremely impressive," and they quickly hired him, at $13,000 a year, plus $2,000 for a car--a beat-up blue Honda Civic, which Obama drove for the next three years organizing more than twenty congregations to change their neighborhoods.

He's was a Ivy Leaguer making 13K a year. If that isn't thinking for others, I don't know what the fuck is.


Karma said:
She was against it. Why does it matter if at one time she was for it. In the end she said NO.
In the end, John McCain was against Keating scandals. Why does it matter if he was one time for it?

You don't get brownie points for taking a moral stand if all you're doing is conceding defeat after you lose.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
TheGrayGhost said:
I heard that the delivery was poor, too. Stuttering. Awkward pauses for expected applause (which didn't come). I even heard she looked surprise at some of what she was saying. As for content, I heard she awkwardly introduced her family.

Any YouTube videos of the pundits analyzing this thing?

Nope, first few minutes were shaky, then she hit her stride. however, I think the speech was written before the various "gates," and it was too late to start afresh, so they just ran with the subject matter, which was almost all problematic.
Gaborn said:
Probably for the same reason it doesn't matter to people that Obama ultimately voted in FAVOR of FISA. Rhetoric is all that's important and actual results are meaningless.
I recall many people being critical about that vote. Don't pretend that it went completely unnoticed because we are incapable of critiquing our political Jesus.


Kills Photobucket
ryutaro's mama said:
Pieces of shit that showed their true colors.

I'm ashamed to share citizenship with them.

Not all Reps.

Just those pieces of shit.

How is this different that people laughing at someone who only was mayor of a city of less than 9,000? Both side bash the other side (Obama and Palin) and degrade their service because it wasn't some massive nationwide job. The pure partisan hypocrisy on both sides is disgusting to me.
Lesath said:
Huh, what?

These are refutations of misleading statements portrayed as facts (lies). There is no personal agreement or disagreement involved here.

Budget - Under control (compared to congresses budget).
Bridge - Thanks (oh crap this could be bad PR), but no thanks.
Taxes - There are more taxes than just income, and yes Obama wants to raise them.
Energy - Last I checked, he just wanted to conserve and hold out HOPE for costly renewables. I'll have to see if he's updated his plan.


ronito said:
What's there to disagree with?
Unfortunately, the media hasn't really stated the whole truth. In this article it states why it was canceled but cuts off the first part of the statement.

“Ketchikan desires a better way to reach the airport, but the $398 million bridge is not the answer”

She did say no to the bridge to nowhere in effect. Really she just wanted the money for the state and got it without it being tied to a stupid bridge. Saying she lied is untrue but she is still a bit misleading by saying it, I guess.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
"HAI GUYZ I LIE through my teeth but I know that the republican base will eat it up and never call me out on it. But they arent fanatical like those crazy cult obama supporters."

PALIN: "I have protected the taxpayers by vetoing wasteful spending ... and championed reform to end the abuses of earmark spending by Congress. I told the Congress 'thanks but no thanks' for that Bridge to Nowhere."

THE FACTS: As mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbyist and traveled to Washington annually to support earmarks for the town totaling $27 million. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. While Palin notes she rejected plans to build a $398 million bridge from Ketchikan to an island with 50 residents and an airport, that opposition came only after the plan was ridiculed nationally as a "bridge to nowhere."


DrForester said:
How is this different that people laughing at someone who only was mayor of a city of less than 9,000? Both side bash the other side (Obama and Palin) and degrade their service because it wasn't some massive nationwide job. The pure partisan hypocrisy on both sides is disgusting to me.

Huh. When did Obama degrade her service?


NullPointer said:
Holy Shit.

Watching the Guilliani speech now.

The crowd actually laughed at his mention of Community Organizer?

Who the fuck are these people?

maybe its like how dems dimissively said "getting shot down in a plane doesnt qualify you to be president". I dont know maybe that was a little over the line? i mean spending years in a hell hole as a matter of honor doesnt say anything about your character at all.


Rapping Granny said:
That's what I want too.

I think the original poster of that comment was referring to the people in this thread when they said "democrats" were laughing at McCain for being a POW.
minus_273 said:
since someone claimed obama doesnt insult rural voters behind closed doors, here is the video of his secret san francisco fundraiser with subtitles


Yeah . . . but I'm sorry . . it is true. These people do cling to superstition and guns.

That's right, I said it. But tell me how these people are any different than the Muslims in the mid-east that they mock? They both cling to guns and God. The only difference is this country has an established rule of law that mostly keeps people under control. But they still manage to kill a family-planning doctor, an Arkansas Democratic leader, and Unitarian church now and then.

Go ahead . . . defend those shootings.


Karma Kramer said:
I missed everything tonight... anyone have a wrap up of what happened?

The GOP proves that they're the scum of the earth and in response, GAF donates about $2000+ to Obama in just a few hours.
minus_273 said:
maybe its like how dems dimissively said "getting shot down in a plane doesnt qualify you to be president". I dont know maybe that was a little over the line? i mean spending years in a hell hole as a matter of honor doesnt say anything about your character at all.
Character is only ONE part of being President of the United States of America. Wisdom, leadership, and a mind are another. I'm not saying Mccain doesn't have some of these, but they were right. You can't say that every POW is ready to be president.


minus_273 said:
maybe its like how dems dimissively said "getting shot down in a plane doesnt qualify you to be president". I dont know maybe that was a little over the line? i mean spending years in a hell hole as a matter of honor doesnt say anything about your character at all.

Getting shot down doesn't qualify you to be President. In fact, being President involves flying relatively few planes. Credit to Mccain for having huge balls during his POW ordeal, but it's not all that relevant and he's using it deflect any criticism.
DrForester said:
How is this different that people laughing at someone who only was mayor of a city of less than 9,000? Both side bash the other side (Obama and Palin) and degrade their service because it wasn't some massive nationwide job. The pure partisan hypocrisy on both sides is disgusting to me.

The reason she gets hell for her executive experience is purely because of the standards laid down by McCain.

Experience. Ready on day one. Ready to be president. etc. etc.

By McCain's OWN standards his choice is a farce.

minus_273 said:
maybe its like how dems dimissively said "getting shot down in a plane doesnt qualify you to be president". I dont know maybe that was a little over the line? i mean spending years in a hell hole as a matter of honor doesnt say anything about your character at all.

I agree entirely with you on this. McCain's service record is admirable, and nobody should besmirch it IMO.

Whether that honor translates into good policy is another matter entirely though.
Tim-E said:
The GOP proves that they're the scum of the earth and in response, GAF donates about $2000+ to Obama in just a few hours.

So basically a continuation of firing up the base and sending independents and moderates to Obama...?

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