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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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deadbeef said:
I think the original poster of that comment was referring to the people in this thread when they said "democrats" were laughing at McCain for being a POW.
But he was replying to a comment about how Palin mocked volunteers. So tit for tat.

Where's the video?
minus_273 said:
maybe its like how dems dimissively said "getting shot down in a plane doesnt qualify you to be president". I dont know maybe that was a little over the line? i mean spending years in a hell hole as a matter of honor doesnt say anything about your character at all.

Oh fucking please. They didn't call out Barack Obama, they called out THE ACT OF GIVING BACK TO YOUR COMMUNITY.

Really, stop dodging and fucking defend that.
minus_273 said:
really i seem to remember a ton of "POW POW POW" posts.
Blame McCain for that.

He's used his Prisoner of War status as a get out of jail free card. If he can't answer something he responds with a POW!

That denigrates his service as much as he himself does.


Karma Kramer said:
So basically a continuation of firing up the base and sending independents and moderates to Obama...?


Basically. Every speech tonight didn't really go into any policy detail at all and just attacked "liberals" and the "media."


The visible Republicans in THIS thread are virtually the perfect examples of why I'm so disgusted with Republicans in general. Something is fucking wrong with you people.
minus_273 said:
maybe its like how dems dimissively said "getting shot down in a plane doesnt qualify you to be president". I dont know maybe that was a little over the line? i mean spending years in a hell hole as a matter of honor doesnt say anything about your character at all.
Let me help you out. Being a fighter pilot is good. Being a community organizer is good.

Getting shot down? Not good. No blame put on McCain . . . but getting shot down doesn't make one more qualified to be president. Would you like to refute that?

See . . . was that hard to understand?
Let's clarify the Bridge to Nowhere stuff once and for all.

When she introduced herself to the country (4 days ago), she declared that she opposed the project as wasteful earmark spending. It played nicely into John McCain's opposition to earmarks.

However, it has now been discovered that she originally supported the bridge project and sought funds from the federal government (via earmarks) to complete the building of the bridge. When the amount the federal government was willing to provide was less than expected and it became clear that Alaska as a state would have to shoulder the burden, the project was canceled. This also coincided with the shift in public opinion regarding the project.

The issue is NOT about whether she flip flopped. The issue is about her lying about why she opposed it and using this distorted example to misrepresent herself as a "reformer." Further, the fact that she hired a lobbyist to secure $27 million for her town in Alaska from the government also shows that she is not an earmark-fighting reformer.
DrForester said:
How is this different that people laughing at someone who only was mayor of a city of less than 9,000? Both side bash the other side (Obama and Palin) and degrade their service because it wasn't some massive nationwide job. The pure partisan hypocrisy on both sides is disgusting to me.

Hang on pal.

The Dems didn't have to belittle McCain's public service at the DNC to get their point across. The Reps made belittling Obama their centerpiece instead of TELLING ME, an Independent, WHAT THEY WOULD DO FOR ME.

Seeing seas of older white Reps laughing at the though of someone being a civil servants (during the Rudy speech and again in the Palin one) is fucking low rent.

It shows me why the Reps are out of touch and don't care about shit that matters.

They are content to go down the same ole partisan division of old and proclaim a "victory".


DrForester said:
How is this different that people laughing at someone who only was mayor of a city of less than 9,000? Both side bash the other side (Obama and Palin) and degrade their service because it wasn't some massive nationwide job. The pure partisan hypocrisy on both sides is disgusting to me.

The left (and others, certainly) railing against Palin's lack of experience is exclusively due to McCain trumpeting his own experience and, most critically, bashing Obama's experience throughout the campaign (this being his most used and almost sole talking point against him). The VP's #1 duty is to assume the President's mantle if the need should arise. So for McCain to choose someone like Palin after everything he's been saying about Obama is simply ripe for mockery - it's just too easy. Republicans have nobody to blame but the McCain Campaign for all of the deriding of Palin's experience.


Crisis said:
The visible Republicans in THIS thread are virtually the perfect examples of why I'm so disgusted with Republicans in general. Something is fucking wrong with you people.

The guy with the bow and arrow chick seems OK


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
minus_273 said:
maybe its like how dems dimissively said "getting shot down in a plane doesnt qualify you to be president". I dont know maybe that was a little over the line? i mean spending years in a hell hole as a matter of honor doesnt say anything about your character at all.
It doesn't. Just because it happened it doesnt automatically qualify you to be president. you have gone through something most havent but it has nothing to do with you ability to be president.


speculawyer said:
Let me help you out. Being a fighter pilot is good. Being a community organizer is good.

Getting shot down? Not good. No blame put on McCain . . . but getting shot down doesn't make one more qualified to be president. Would you like to refute that?

See . . . was that hard to understand?

i dont think mccain goes around saying he got shot down. he doesnt have "i got shot down" stories. he has POW stories. there is a big difference. Many men are shot down and many are recovered to fly more sorties others arent as fortunate. are you saying that line was not harsh and belittling his experience?

In B-school we actually studied the character of POWs in an organizational behaviour class. Ordinary men dont make it through that.
minus_273 said:
violence down around 80%
US hands over anbar (IIRC the largest province)

Breaking on drudge right now: Looking forward to leaving bagdad and tentative plan to leave in 2011.

Obama always said that the surge could result in a temporary reduction of violence. Its the political progress he sought that kept him from endorsing the strategy.

Basically, where we're at right now is where we were when Bush declared "Mission Accomplished".

Too soon to give anybody credit.

And certainly THIS:

OuterWorldVoice said:
Christ. You're celebrating one of the most tremendous failures in US history.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
minus_273 said:
violence down around 80%
US hands over anbar (IIRC the largest province)

Um, the violence is UP 100% from before we invaded. The infrastructure is fucked, religious intolerance has been stoked and this small detail, Iraq, HAS CONTRIBUTED TO TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DEFICIT, KILLED 4000 US TROOPS, AND IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11, NOR DID IT HAVE WMDs.

Christ. You're celebrating one of the most tremendous failures in US history.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I dont understand why the republicans are up in arms about the democratic base atttacking the VP candidate. The actual candidate from your party is attacking our candidate. So sit your ass down. Lets get this straight. You are the biggest hypocrites in the world.
Karma said:
She was against it. Why does it matter if at one time she was for it. In the end she said NO.

She only said no because it became politically ugly. If she could quietly take the money, she would have. That's the point.

Ethics is all about how we behave when no one is watching.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Um, the violence is UP 100% from before we invaded. The infrastructure is fucked, religious intolerance has been stoked and this small detail, Iraq, HAS CONTRIBUTED TO TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DEFICIT, KILLED 4000 US TROOPS, IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11, NOR DID IT HAVE WMDs.

speculawyer said:
She only said no because it became politically ugly. If she could quietly take the money, she would have. That's the point.

Ethics is all about how we behave when no one is watching.
She only said no after her election and after it was already scuttled. Still took the money, just used it on other projects.


devilhawk said:
Unfortunately, the media hasn't really stated the whole truth. In this article it states why it was canceled but cuts off the first part of the statement.

“Ketchikan desires a better way to reach the airport, but the $398 million bridge is not the answer”

She did say no to the bridge to nowhere in effect. Really she just wanted the money for the state and got it without it being tied to a stupid bridge. Saying she lied is untrue but she is still a bit misleading by saying it, I guess.

This. You can disagree with what she did but you can not say she is now lying about it. She is also right about Obama raising taxes. He wants to raise the capitol gains tax and the payroll tax cap. His plans for our military are a huge mistake as well.


Anyway. Good speech by Palin.


MThanded said:
I dont understand why the republicans are up in arms about the democratic base atttacking the VP candidate. The actual candidate from your party is attacking our candidate. So sit your ass down. Lets get this straight. You are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

That's her job. That will be Biden's job in the debates as well. Keeps the primary candidate clean.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
The Gravina Island Bridge entry at Wikipedia has been updated to sound like Palin was one of the major supporters of the bridge. But it gets better. They added an image listed as sourced from DailyKos. (LOL) It shows her holding up a t-shirt. Below it they put "Sarah Palin campaigning for the bridge project." :lol


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
minus_273 said:
i dont think mccain goes around saying he got shot down. he doesnt have "i got shot down" stories. he has POW stories. there is a big difference. Many men are shot down and many are recovered to fly more sorties others arent as fortunate. are you saying that line was not harsh and belittling his experience?

In B-school we actually studied the character of POWs in an organizational behaviour class. Ordinary men dont make it through that.
Ok but i dont understand this makes you a better presidential candidate... No you did not say that at all. You just gave us some elitist answer. Maybe your actually a democrat in disguise. Dont let your party find out.
Onix said:
Thanks, though its not like I'm rich ... but I do okay for myself. Granted, I'm also turning 33 in two months ;)

BTW - See the above post :p
Post Count: 9999
(Today, 09:44 PM)
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What job allows you to make six figures and post on GAF all day? :lol
Karma said:
I read the "facts" and call bullshit on almost all of them.

With this one statement you've managed to crystallize the contemporary Republican mindset into one easy to use phrase.

And don't forget: up is down, black is white, hot is cold, etc.


speculawyer said:
She only said no because it became politically ugly. If she could quietly take the money, she would have. That's the point.

Ethics is all about how we behave when no one is watching.

So you admit that she said no. Good now we both agree that she did not lie in her speech about saying no to the bridge.


140.85 said:
The Gravina Island Bridge entry at Wikipedia has been updated to sound like Palin was one of the major supporters of the bridge. But it gets better. They added an image listed as sourced from DailyKos. (LOL) It shows her holding up a t-shirt. Below it they put "Sarah Palin campaigning for the bridge project." :lol
She's just promoting tourism for the town Nowhere, Alaska.

"Visit Nowhere, Alaska!!"
minus_273 said:
violence down around 80%
US hands over anbar (IIRC the largest province)

Breaking on drudge right now: Looking forward to leaving bagdad and tentative plan to leave in 2011.
Tentative plans to leave? Have we left? What would happen if we left right now? What were the original goals of the surge? Will the Iraqi government be capable of governing itself once we leave? What would have happened if we had left instead of committing to the surge? Will true Democracy exist there, and will we leave the Iraqis overall better off having gone in there to begin with?

So many hypotheticals that complicate the entire argument. Was the surge a success or a failure? Eh, it's open to interpretation. However, what's hard to justify, though, is going to war in Iraq in the first place.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Karma said:
So you admit that she said no. Good now we both agree that she did not lie in her speech about saying no to the bridge.
Har you got him on a typo. You are a master at the reading. Read the damn speech you and I know what was in it.


Karma said:
So you admit that she said no. Good now we both agree that she did not lie in her speech about saying no to the bridge.

She said she opposed it. She did not. I mean, she said she wasn't in favour once the project was dead, but that's not really opposing anything.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
The archived Palin press release

Gravina Access Project Redirected

September 21, 2007, Juneau, Alaska - Governor Sarah Palin today directed the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to look for the most fiscally responsible alternative for access to the Ketchikan airport and Gravina Island instead of proceeding any further with the proposed $398 million bridge.

“Ketchikan desires a better way to reach the airport, but the $398 million bridge is not the answer,” said Governor Palin. “Despite the work of our congressional delegation, we are about $329 million short of full funding for the bridge project, and it’s clear that Congress has little interest in spending any more money on a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island,” Governor Palin added. “Much of the public’s attitude toward Alaska bridges is based on inaccurate portrayals of the projects here. But we need to focus on what we can do, rather than fight over what has happened.” The Department of Transportation has approximately $36 million in federal funds that will become available for other projects with the shutdown of the Gravina Island bridge project. Governor Palin has directed Commissioner Leo von Scheben to review transportation projects statewide to prepare a list of possible uses for the funds, while the department also looks for a more affordable answer for Gravina Island access.

“There is no question we desperately need to construct new roads in this state, including in Southeast Alaska, where skyrocketing costs for the Alaska Marine Highway System present an impediment to the state’s budget and the region’s economy,” said von Scheben.

“The original purpose of this project was to improve access to Gravina Island, and we will continue to work with the community to help them attain that goal,” von Scheben said.

The commissioner said his department would continue to work with local officials to discuss future plans for development of Gravina Island.
minus_273 said:
I wasnt aware obama was responsible for the drop in violence. Is this anything like tim kaine claiming obama's "request for a ceasefire was complied with by russia" in georgia?

I don't care if I get banned for this.

Dude...please tell me where you live. I am going to shit on your face. And then I'll have a different group of my friends hold you down and shit on it again. Do you want to know why?

Because you are ridiculous. You are taking points out of your ass, and I feel like it deserves some more shit. In your mouth, nose, and eyes. Because this is the United States of America. This is my country, OUR country. And I won't have it continuously ruined by a sugar daddy and his lying, thieving, backstabbing buffoon of a woman. No way, no how, no Mccain.

So please, tell me where and when I can feed my feces into your throat!


MThanded said:
It doesn't. Just because it happened it doesn't automatically qualify you to be president. you have gone through something most haven't but it has nothing to do with you ability to be president.
The funny thing is that in '04 Democrats were the ones defending a candidate with a war record. It just shows how disgusting partisan politics is and how quickly people change their tune when it supports their views. Both sides are guilty and this thread is the personification of it. Too many people are closed minded and can't even listen to opposing viewpoints. It really is a scary time to be someone who doesn't fit the tight mold of either party 100%. All that happens is you are attacked for not being a drone for one side of the other.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Um, the violence is UP 100% from before we invaded. The infrastructure is fucked, religious intolerance has been stoked and this small detail, Iraq, HAS CONTRIBUTED TO TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN DEFICIT, KILLED 4000 US TROOPS, AND IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11, NOR DID IT HAVE WMDs.

Christ. You're celebrating one of the most tremendous failures in US history.

are you saying Saddam didnt kill anyone? how is it up 100%? Saddam didnt slaughter the sunnis and kurds? just because MSNBC was not reporting it doesnt mean it wasnt happening. Iraq most definitely had WMD and they declared it to the UN in the 1990s (if you debate this point you are an idiot). The debate is if the WMD found after the invasion were new or not and if it was usable or not. There were no new WMD found and the stuff that was found was not weaponized and bush was wrong on that part.
minus_273 said:
i dont think mccain goes around saying he got shot down. he doesnt have "i got shot down" stories. he has POW stories. there is a big difference. Many men are shot down and many are recovered to fly more sorties others arent as fortunate. .

No, you were complaining about what General Clark said. General Clark impulsively said "Getting shot down doesn't qualify one for president." Admittedly not a politically correct, it was also completely true. (Like the bitter-gate statement.)

minus_273 said:
In B-school we actually studied the character of POWs in an organizational behaviour class. Ordinary men dont make it through that.
Which brings up another HUGE lie of the night. Huckabee implied that McCain didn't break when tortured. He did. McCain admits it. And I don't hold anything against him for it. I would break too.

However, I am completely offended by the fack that the GOP would completely lie to the entire world about it like that. Why does the GOP have to lie like that? Why?

If they will like to you about that, what else will they lie to you about? WMD perhaps?

Ties to Al-Qeada?

Being fiscally conservative? OoopS! I said it!

minus_273 said:
i dont think mccain goes around saying he got shot down. he doesnt have "i got shot down" stories. he has POW stories. there is a big difference. Many men are shot down and many are recovered to fly more sorties others arent as fortunate. are you saying that line was not harsh and belittling his experience?

In B-school we actually studied the character of POWs in an organizational behaviour class. Ordinary men dont make it through that.
Nobody is making fun of that experience. He was fucking tortured. He can't raise his arms above his fucking head. He will always be a hero because of what he went through.

We mock his excessive reliance on that sad portion of his history. We mock his use of that status to both further his political ambitions, and shield him from scrutiny.

The hero loses his shining armor when his heroism is used to the detriment of others.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
devilhawk said:
The funny thing is that in '04 Democrats were the ones defending a candidate with a war record. It just shows how disgusting partisan politics is and how quickly people change their tune when it supports their views. Both sides are guilty and this thread is the personification of it. Too many people are closed minded and can't even listen to opposing viewpoints. It really is a scary time to be someone who doesn't fit the tight mold of either party 100%. All that happens is you are attacked for not being a drone for one side of the other.
in 04 i never claimed that
DY_nasty said:
I wouldn't mind McCain if he weren't acting so pathetic as of late. I still can't think of one reason why Palin should be on this ticket other than the fact that she's a woman and they make her say whatever they need.

Going through the rest of that transcript without nitpicking at things such as her sons actual deployment or little things like that, I have a problem with her attacking the community organizer thing. (Also, if people don't know the purpose of the private jet makes a ton of sense when you live in Alaska where going from city to city is more difficult than anywhere else in the US. Even going from Juno to Anchorage is a bitch, if you want to go from Anchorage to Barrow you will pressed for luck to get there in any kind of reasonable time... ). The over the top "Take our money" thing, her ordeals with the lobbyists, power abuse (even in the smallest arenas), "our opponent is against making us independent", "he wants to reduce our military strength"

and most of all, Victoly in Iraq is in sight
Hell no it aint

This is a better analysis then "what a bunch of lies", or the nitpicking every line approach. I can agree with most of this. However, the community leader thing was funny in light of all the belittling that has been done about her job as mayor in this thread and in the media. Though it shouldn't have been directed at Obama since I don't believe he has brought it up.
Link648099 said:
I don't care if I get banned for this.

Dude...please tell me where you live. I am going to shit on your face. And then I'll have a different group of my friends hold you down and shit on it again. Do you want to know why?

Because you are ridiculous. You are taking points out of your ass, and I feel like it deserves some more shit. In your mouth, nose, and eyes. Because this is the United States of America. This is my country, OUR country. And I won't have it continuously ruined by a sugar daddy and his lying, thieving, backstabbing buffoon of a woman. No way, no how, no Mccain.

So please, tell me where and when I can feed my feces into your throat!

All that really wasn't necessary.

And just know this, if you are banned, minus won.

And will be laughing at you.

Where's the payoff?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Link648099 said:
I don't care if I get banned for this.

Dude...please tell me where you live. I am going to shit on your face. And then I'll have a different group of my friends hold you down and shit on it again. Do you want to know why?

Because you are ridiculous. You are taking points out of your ass, and I feel like it deserves some more shit. In your mouth, nose, and eyes. Because this is the United States of America. This is my country, OUR country. And I won't have it continuously ruined by a sugar daddy and his lying, thieving, backstabbing buffoon of a woman. No way, no how, no Mccain.

So please, tell me where and when I can feed my feces into your throat!

If this is what passes for flirting these days, count me glad I'm not on the MySpace.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Weren't we in Iraq for the WMDs and Hussein? And it turns out there were no WMDs? Because, last time I checked with my local republican, it was somehow about 9/11 & getting those damned turrurists.
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