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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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On the topic of nuc lear, here's Palin's take on an energy policy:


My opinion, she knows her energy, should try to hammer Biden on it during the debates because you could probably tie energy policy to middle easy policy and economy policy as well.

At least, it should be a nice wake up call to America about the need of an energy policy and what absolute failure Nancy Pelosi has been in congress.


Hitokage said:
Joy, my mother telling me how last night's speeches were "so inspiring". Yes, I can see how, but not in a good way.

It was inspiring the way Melanie Griffith's character was inspiring in "Working Girl":

For anyone who's ever won. For anyone who's ever lost. And for everyone who's still in there trying.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
King_Slender said:
I've lived in Chicago - I know what they do. There isn't a SINGLE community organizer who is not a Democrat, so why bother focussing on it? Oh that's right, it was MEAN - WAH!:lol

stop spewing bullshit please. btw, my cousin is a community organizer.. and he is a republican.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Fragamemnon said:
RNC Day 3: Rage We Can Believe In should be a bit less vomit-inducing until we get to McCain at the end.

Democratic surrogates really need to come out swinging today and talk about how angry and mean the Republicans seemed last night. Rudy and Palin both delievered exceptionally condescending and mocking speeches.

Romney's speach is classic

I watched her entire speech just now. And I have to say, I am actually pretty damn relieved with her speech. My number one fear was that Republicans would feed her some illuminating nuggets about foreign policy, but it was just all partisan mud slinging. So I'm relieved with how her speech turned out. The whole night actually felt like amateur hour. Barack should have no problem at all dealing with this. Hillary's campaign was a lot more slick and slippery as an opponent.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Huzah said:
On the topic of nuc lear, here's Palin's take on an energy policy:


My opinion, she knows her energy, should try to hammer Biden on it during the debates because you could probably tie energy policy to middle easy policy and economy policy as well.

At least, it should be a nice wake up call to America about the need of an energy policy and what absolute failure Nancy Pelosi has been in congress.



Honorary Canadian.
ZealousD said:
"NEW-CUE-LER" actually a common pronunciation in some regions. I'm certainly not a fan of Palin or Bush, but making fun of them for absorbing a very common pronunciation is pretty low.
Not like we'd want someone vying for the most important job in the world to be able to have polished communication skills or anything...
gkrykewy said:
LOL, I bet it was on the teleprompter that way so she could avoid sounding like a NEW CUE LAR retard.

In any case, I wish both sides would put down the pipe on this clean coal bullshit. It's as spurious as corn-based ethanol.

BenjaminBirdie said:



That works, though not the way Asay intended.


ZealousD said:
You know, Bill Clinton mangled the pronunciation too.

Man, they have to say the word a lot, so you'd think this wouldn't be a problem.

I mean, I used to say things like Jah-lohp-ehn-no and Ace-tam-eno-phin many, many years ago, but that was due to, respectively, not knowing Spanish phonics, and never having to actually say anything other than Tylenol out loud.


BotoxAgent said:
I watched her entire speech just now. And I have to say, I am actually pretty damn relieved with her speech. My number one fear was that Republicans would feed her some illuminating nuggets about foreign policy, but it was just all partisan mud slinging. So I'm relieved with how her speech turned out. The whole night actually felt like amateur hour. Barack should have no problem at all dealing with this. Hillary's campaign was a lot more slick and slippery as an opponent.
It did feel amateurish and barnlike.

Also not much diversity in McCain/Palin supporters.


MThanded said:

I bet you did not even watch the video fromt the original post.. She doesn't want people belittling her but she belittles his job and says he doesn't have actual responsibilities. Thats exactly what they said. Laugh it up....

You mad son? Like Get out of here. Wheres your buddy king slander.

It was a jab and a joke. It wasn't the broad sweeping statement people here are trying to make it. I guess Obama supporters lose their sense of humor when it is a shot at their candidate of choice.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Xenon said:
It was a jab and a joke. It wasn't the broad sweeping statement people here are trying to make it. I guess Obama supporters lose their sense of humor when it is a shot at their candidate of choice.
Oh thanks for clearing it up. She did say it. Just to make that clear.


I hope when Obama gets elected, he drops this corn ethanol bullshit. He's a smart guy & knows it's not working. I know why he says it (Iowa caucus voters supported him on that), but after getting elected, he should tell the corn lobby to fuck off.

It's a waste of food, takes too much energy to turn into ethanol. Just plain wasteful.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016

This is truly despicable too. Keep laughing... Calling others elitists and saying crap like this. Like I am going to tell you this with a straight face. When I was watching that I was truly offended. Comments like this make it difficult for me to try to make it the engineering/business world. I am an african american male about to graduate with a degree in engineering 3.67 GPA and people still look at me like im here because of my color. Its this stupid elitist bs and making jokes like this that help support these beliefs. What he said there was so of base I have no idea what else to say about it. Defend that shit. He was laughing too so don't say oh the opportunities. No hes saying it in a demeaning way. Ive felt the racial tension and bigotry in the world have you. I doubt it. Keep supporting your little false idols. I don't care any more I am tired of you out of touch republicans. Spin this how you want. Im sure in the end I will be the one who mounted the attack. To say something like this to your bigot buddies at home is one thing but to put it on the tv for everyone to see and laugh at it another. Keep supporting stereotypes. I am sure your gonna say I am missing the point. If I missed the bus then you guys must be at the wrong damn bus stop because I am not crazy and I have what you guys can call "experience" in this area.

Defend this shit Xenon. Another joke. If these are the jokes you make then I have run into your type many time before. Its nice to watch from the other side of the fence isnt it. Just because it was a joke that doesnt make it any less idiotic and it really shows you are out of touch. I posted this last night and I think its time another one of the right wing cronies address it.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
I mean, I used to say things like Jah-lohp-ehn-no and Ace-tam-eno-phin many, many years ago, but that was due to, respectively, not knowing Spanish phonics, and never having to actually say anything other than Tylenol out loud.
Completely off-topic, but while checking the pronunciation of Acetaminophen (I say something along the lines of A-see-tah-meh-no-phen), I learned that the drug is also called "Paracetamol", a word I had only seen in a song title until now.


MaddenNFL64 said:
I hope when Obama gets elected, he drops this corn ethanol bullshit. He's a smart guy & knows it's not working. I know why he says it (Iowa caucus voters supported him on that), but after getting elected, he should tell the corn lobby to fuck off.

It's a waste of food, takes too much energy to turn into ethanol. Just plain wasteful.

He did actually say he wants to raise the biofuel mandate in his DNC acceptance speech, so I don't know how much it is pandering for Iowa Caucaus or how much it's just what he believes in. I mean, he still hasn't come around on nuclear, given how important global warming is, nuclear should be a no brainer.


Huzah said:
He did actually say he wants to raise the biofuel mandate in his DNC acceptance speech, so I don't know how much it is pandering for Iowa Caucaus or how much it's just what he believes in. I mean, he still hasn't come around on nuclear, given how important global warming is, nuclear should be a no brainer.

Agreed actually.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Huzah said:
It be funny if not sad how ignorant america is of the looming energy crisis. Doesn't it comfort everyone that China is basically buying up every damn 2nd, 3rd wold oil/gas reserve in the world?
not sure where the outrage is - they're a developing country that has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty and need natural resources to do it. this country, meanwhile, needs to stress efficiency and think of alternative sources. off shore drilling is not the answer, unless the goal is to funnel more real estate to oil companies to sit on.
bionic77 said:
It did feel amateurish and barnlike.

Also not much diversity in McCain/Palin supporters.

Yeah, not much diversity on both fronts, speakers or the audience....everyone was boring and offered nothing of substance. To me, Palin's praise is an anxious reaction from Republicans who desperately clinging to anything with a pulse. But since this is occurring on a purely cynical level, I really don't think it will work this time. It almost reeked of parody.

btw, add $25 from me to your totals for BO

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
MThanded said:
This is truly despicable too. Keep laughing... Calling others elitists and saying crap like this. Like I am going to tell you this with a straight face. When I was watching that I was truly offended. Comments like this make it difficult for me to try to make it the engineering/business world. I am an african american male about to graduate with a degree in engineering 3.67 GPA and people still look at me like im here because of my color. Its this stupid elitist bs and making jokes like this that help support these beliefs. What he said there was so of base I have no idea what else to say about it. Defend that shit. He was laughing too so don't say oh the opportunities. No hes saying it in a demeaning way. Ive felt the racial tension and bigotry in the world have you. I doubt it. Keep supporting your little false idols. I don't care any more I am tired of you out of touch republicans. Spin this how you want. Im sure in the end I will be the one who mounted the attack. To say something like this to your bigot buddies at home is one thing but to put it on the tv for everyone to see and laugh at it another. Keep supporting stereotypes. I am sure your gonna say I am missing the point. If I missed the bus then you guys must be at the wrong damn bus stop because I am not crazy and I have what you guys can call "experience" in this area.

Defend this shit Xenon. Another joke. If these are the jokes you make then I have run into your type many time before. Its nice to watch from the other side of the fence isnt it. Just because it was a joke that doesnt make it any less idiotic and it really shows you are out of touch. I posted this last night and I think its time another one of the right wing cronies address it.

i know. my jaw dropped when i heard that comment and the subsequent laughs. i couldnt believe he said it, and i cant believe no one has called him on it.. but damn, that was quite racist.


Since I'm from Canada, I've been lurking here keeping my mouth shut. I'm not too familiar with Palins history, but after her speach I did get a little respect for her.

Vetoing and saving 1/2 Billion dollars in 'wasteful' spending. Good? This is probably related to the oil-tycoon problem Alaska has had. 'Standing up' to the big oil companies probably took alot of balls. In Canada, the oil-sands are the blood, sweat and tears of Alberta. The provincial government has completely raped the land for what it's worth. If you're a enviormentalist, I'd be worried about the plans to drill more in the US. No matter what, it'll have a negative effect.

But if you're wanting a boom in the economy, drilling in the US will improve the situation. Oil-sands, Diamond, Uranium and Potash production in western Canada has got us out of our 1990's recession. It should do the same for you guys too. Oil companies have created so many jobs. People travel from all accross the country to work in the Oil-Sands. All the work has kinda created a fake inflation and rise in crime. For example, the prices of realistate in Saskatchewan, Alberta's nest-door-neighbor, is considered 50% over priced. Drug and weapon trafficing has also been a problem after the boom. If you have the money and live in the US, buy realistate now when it's low. You'll be glad you did in the next 5 years.

An alternate energy source is what the western world, Canada included, needs.
Hitokage said:
Yeah, the meaning of that comic is fairly ambiguous.

Asay is a right-wing hack, so the intended meaning was that Democrats are having a frivolous, elitist party at their convention while Republicans are gravely and heroically helping the Gustav victims at theirs. Of course, the alternate interpretation of the second panel is fairly obvious.


Huzah said:
It be funny if not sad how ignorant america is of the looming energy crisis. Doesn't it comfort everyone that China is basically buying up every damn 2nd, 3rd wold oil/gas reserve in the world?

If anyone is interested in energy issues we face check out


Yuppers. We seem screwed no matter who wins. But I'm hoping that a non-scary Supreme Court will make things less worse in the future.

/returns to tending to his "victory garden"..


Setec Astronomer
Father_Brain said:
Asay is a right-wing hack, so the intended meaning was that Democrats are having a frivolous, elitist party at their convention while Republicans are gravely and heroically helping the Gustav victims at theirs. Of course, the alternate interpretation of the second panel is fairly obvious.
I agree, it just works both ways.

BTW, speaking of hurricane aid, there have been news reports of mini-superdome situations in shelters with no bathing facilities and only one toilet.
Hitokage said:
I agree, it just works both ways.

BTW, speaking of hurricane aid, there have been news reports of mini-superdome situations in shelters with no bathing facilities and only one toilet.

I heard a terrible interview with a dude stuck in a converted Sams Club in Shreveport, with no showers, 6 sinks, and a row of outdoor porta-potties for over 2,000 people.


Setec Astronomer
Fragamemnon said:
I heard a terrible interview with a dude stuck in a converted Sams Club in Shreveport, with no showers, 6 sinks, and a row of outdoor porta-potties for over 2,000 people.
Was that before or after they had to truck in more porta-potties?


lexdysia said:
I saw Ben Stein speak in person a few years ago and he struck me as a very nice person. I disagree with him on a great many things ideologically, but he is genuine with the way he presents himself.

Ben Stein is a bad-ass, and a rarity in today's Conservative politics. He is highly educated, highly principled, and says what he means. Also, his game show kicked ass.


Setec Astronomer
lawblob said:
Ben Stein is a bad-ass, and a rarity in today's Conservative politics. He is highly educated, highly principled, and says what he means. Also, his game show kicked ass.
Just don't let him talk about Nixon or biology.
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