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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Steve Youngblood said:
Mind you, a drop may be better than nothing, but there's so much hype out there that the liberals are downplaying what's going to happen. Okay, enlighten me. I would just love to see an argument for drilling that is more than an emotional appeal about how we need to act now.
If you're against drilling, you may as well be against America.


ronito said:



gkrykewy said:
No, except for ANWR. The reason not to drill is that it offers a false solution:

1. US oil companies are already sitting on large undrilled land holdings
2. Any oil would take ten years or more to enter the market
3. The amount of oil available is a pittance, particularly given the 10 year delay
4. Time spent focused on drilling is time that could be better spent getting up to speed on alternatives

That said, I'm all for a compromise that includes some limited drilling as well as major initiatives into alternatives. Which is a compromise that Obama supports.

Maybe you'd be more responsive if I included a lolface?

I'd have just replied with 3 LOLs.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
gkrykewy said:
No, except for ANWR. The reason not to drill is that it offers a false solution:

1. US oil companies are already sitting on large undrilled land holdings
2. Any oil would take ten years or more to enter the market
3. The amount of oil available is a pittance, particularly given the 10 year delay
4. Time spent focused on drilling is time that could be better spent getting up to speed on alternatives

That said, I'm all for a compromise that includes some limited drilling as well as major initiatives into alternatives. Which is a compromise that Obama supports.

I just don't get some Americans sometime. Our entire lifestyle is built on fossil fuels, we by far use more than anyone else, and many oppose drilling in our land but expect other countries to do it for us. No one is arguing we don't need alternatives but this 10 year argument is lame and from my understanding not factual. Who cares if it takes 20 years? We need to do something instead of nothing as usual. The vast majority of citizens understand this and Obama better cut ties with the envirnomentalist and support exploration or the GOP is going to hammer them for the next 2 months. Palin knows energy and is so convincing they have to do something. This next 2 months is going hostoric and still being discussed in 100 years. Very exciting time.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Xenon said:
Your contempt for the Republican Party is very obvious. If you think it doesn’t affect your perspective your kidding yourself.
You have it all wrong. My contempt for the party is due to my perspective.
Xenon said:
Your contempt for the Republican Party is very obvious. If you think it doesn’t affect your perspective your kidding yourself.
And why should any rational person have anything but contempt for the Republican party after these last eight years?


Cooter said:
I just don't get some Americans sometime. Our entire lifestyle is built on fossil fuels, we by far use more than anyone else, and many oppose drilling in our land but expect other countries to do it for us. No one is arguing we don't need alternatives but this 10 year argument is lame and from my understanding not factual. Who cares if it takes 20 years? We need to do something instead of nothing as usual. The vast majority of citizens understand this and Obama better cut ties with the envirnomentalist and support exploration or the GOP is going to hammer them for the next 2 months. Palin knows energy and is so convincing they have to do something. This next 2 months is going hostoric and still being discussed in 100 years. Very exciting time.

You have not even bothered to read what he has written.

The benefits of drilling there are fuck all.


ronito said:
I sort of have to agree. Dems are too smart in this. Intellectually there is every reason not to drill but sometimes you have to do stupid stuff to appease the masses.
During the DNC my mom actually said that she thinks the Republicans are the better party to make the US less dependent on foreign oil and eventually oil all together. She somehow based her belief on the lack of a mention for T. Boone Pickens.:lol

I'm not yet sure how she rectifies her belief that the Republicans are the party of new energy when they chant "Drill, baby, drill!!!" and frankly I don't know if I have the heart to pin her down on it. Some people just believe what they want to believe. :-/


Cooter said:
I just don't get some Americans sometime. Our entire lifestyle is built on fossil fuels, we by far use more than anyone else, and many oppose drilling in our land but expect other countries to do it for us. No one is arguing we don't need alternatives but this 10 year argument is lame and from my understanding not factual. Who cares if it takes 20 years? We need to do something instead of nothing as usual. The vast majority of citizens understand this and Obama better cut ties with the envirnomentalist and support exploration or the GOP is going to hammer them for the next 2 months. Palin knows energy and is so convincing they have to do something. This next 2 months is going hostoric and still being discussed in 100 years. Very exciting time.

Your understanding is completely wrong. The exploration to production cycle is incredibly long.
Mahadev said:
Wow. Daily Show once again doing better job than the MSM exposing the fucking hypocrites in the republican party. Imo he should have kept the lying sack of shit comment for Karl Rove though.

It's so easy. These guys say one thing one week and the exact opposite the next and the traditional media never calls them on it. Shameful. Thank God for the daily show.


NLB2 said:
Let's look at your post for reasons not to drill.

1. US oil companies are already sitting on large undrilled land holdings - Not reason not to drill

2. Any oil would take ten years or more to enter the market - Not a reason not to drill

3. The amount of oil available is a pittance, particularly given the 10 year delay - Not a reason not to drill

4. Time spent focused on drilling is time that could be better spent getting up to speed on alternatives - Not a reason not to drill

:lol :lol :lol
It's not completely fuck all. They'll allow the big petrolcorps to report larger tappable reserves on their balance sheets, even if they don't plan on actually getting any oil out of the ground (which is in keeping with the M.O. they have established with hundreds of other untapped claims on federal lands). Higher listed reserves = bigger stock values, with zero benefit to American consumers.
Xenon said:
She did not show any signs of despising community leaders and the lack of respect was only in context of her being belittled for her mayoral experience while Obama has gotten a pass with a much smaller resume. It was not a crack against community leaders. It was just stating that Obama being one was not a qualification for president.

yes, I laughed as well. But I was laughing at the fact that she called people out for their hypocrisy.

Seriously? Graduating form Harvard Law at the top of his class and serving as a state senator always seem to get conveniently forgotten when people want to be jack asses and try and distort his resume..


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Mercury Fred said:
And why should any rational person have anything but contempt for the Republican party after these last eight years?
This shows specifically that Xenon does not think for himself. He believes that I have a perspective because I dislike the party first. You should figure out what you believe and then decide your affiliation.
Cooter said:
I just don't get some Americans sometime. Our entire lifestyle is built on fossil fuels, we by far use more than anyone else, and many oppose drilling in our land but expect other countries to do it for us. No one is arguing we don't need alternatives but this 10 year argument is lame and from my understanding not factual. Who cares if it takes 20 years? We need to do something instead of nothing as usual. The vast majority of citizens understand this and Obama better cut ties with the envirnomentalist and support exploration or the GOP is going to hammer them for the next 2 months. Palin knows energy and is so convincing they have to do something. This next 2 months is going hostoric and still being discussed in 100 years. Very exciting time.
If it's factually wrong, enlighten me.

Furthermore, I don't think the problem is so much "to drill or not to drill" as much as it is the partisan nature that surrounds it. Obama has already caved and said he would give in to some drilling if it meant a comprehensive energy package. This is a wise position. Yet, we still see the rhetoric out there that drilling is the best damn short term solution out there, and the Democrats are to blame for high gas prices RIGHT NOW because they oppose cheap domestic oil. I'm not saying that Democrats are the heroes here, but since I'm an Obama supporter, disingenuous, Republican nonsense is always going to grate me a little more than disingenuous Democratic nonsense.
Why did nobody yell BULLSHIT when Newt brought up Obama and infanticide on The Daily Show? It was the end and I wouldn't give a fuck to get tossed out of the studio.
Offshore drilling will not bring a visible drop in our reliance on foreign oil, because it's only a drop in the bucket.

John McCain said himself that the effects of offshore drilling would be mostly psychological in his true-to-form "let the truth slip out before being briefed on the talking points and getting on message" style.

Of course then he championed it as the answer to all of our problems. He is SUCH a fake.


Call me a pessimist, but if we don't begin to move towards alternatives in a huge way - and I mean yesterday - we're going to get so incredibly desperate for oil in the future that we will end-up drilling in Alaska, among other places.

It'll be kinda like a junkie tearing-up his apartment to shreds while looking for that now-empty ziplock bag so that he can tear it apart and lick the residue off of the inside. We'll be that desperate.


avaya said:
You have not even bothered to read what he has written.

The benefits of drilling there are fuck all.

Ironically, the one way drilling "here" might help is if the US government did the drilling. As long as Cheveron is drilling, the oil won't be staying.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Mercury Fred said:
And why should any rational person have anything but contempt for the Republican party after these last eight years?

Bush does not equal all Republicans and this type of language does nothing but divide and anger. You are basically calling all people voting republican irrational. Hurray for class and respect for your opponets.
Obama holds steady at 50 in Ras and 49 in Gallup. Another good day of polling.

I'd like to note that these tracking polls do contain the selection and nomination of the Great Pork Queen of the Arctic , there's no bounce in for Jonny Weak Arms them because in large part the GOP had fallen behind McCain in July and August. There was never a lot of votes to gain from the Palin pick, only enthusiasm levels.


Steve Youngblood said:
I'll admit that some liberals can get kind of carried away in the argument that drilling is the worst energy idea ever since, at face value, I can see some merit to it.

However, the key word there is 'some'. I think my opposition to it extends from me not understanding why it deserves to be a hot button issue. They can argue all they want about how comprehensive their overall plan is, but clearly, their biggest talking point is arguing in favor of drilling. I just don't understand why I'm supposed to get on board when very little effort has gone into quantifying the benefit we're going to see from it. My cynicism suggests that drilling will amount to a drop in the bucket towards saving us from an energy crisis.

Mind you, a drop may be better than nothing, but there's so much hype out there that the liberals are downplaying what's going to happen. Okay, enlighten me. I would just love to see an argument for drilling that is more than an emotional appeal about how we need to act now.

http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2002/05/020517075502.htm said:
The 2002 re-assessment shows that between 1.3 and 5.6 BBO are estimated to be economically recoverable, at market prices of between $22 and $30 per barrel respectively. Estimates of technically recoverable oil on federal lands are between 5.9 and 13.2 BBO, with a mean value of 9.3 BBO. A large proportion of the undiscovered oil resources are estimated to occur in the northern third of the NPRA in moderate size accumulations.

New estimates of technically recoverable undiscovered natural gas resources on federal lands in the NPRA range between 39.1 and 83.2 trillion cubic feet (TCF), with a mean value of 59.7 TCF. The economic viability of the natural gas resources depends on the availability of a pipeline to transport the product to market in the lower 48 States. Presently, no natural gas pipeline exists. The bulk of the natural gas resources are thought to occur in the central and southern NPRA.

US oil consumption is about 20.7 million barrels a day or (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/ene_oil_con-energy-oil-consumption) about 7.5 billion barrels annually.

The US Imports 10 million barrels a day, six million of which come from OPEC nations (http://www.eia.doe.gov/basics/quickoil.html). This means the use imports about 3.6 billion barrels a year, including 2.2 billion a year from OPEC.

Drilling in Alaska, when you get rid of the partisan rhetoric and just look at the numbers, drilling in Alaska (not to mention off shore) will indeed help the energy situation.
Cooter said:
Bush does not equal all Republicans and this type of language does nothing but divide and anger. You are basically calling all people voting republican irrational. Hurray for class and respect for your opponets.

How is Mccain radically different from his party on the major issues? Especially since he's shifted nearly everyone of them to be in line with Bush orthodoxy for this run.
Cooter said:
Bush does not equal all Republicans and this type of language does nothing but divide and anger.
They DID re-elect him.
Cooter said:
You are basically calling all people voting republican irrational.
cooter said:
Hurray for class and respect for your opponets.
lol yah because Republicans have SO much class and respect for their opponents amirite? Willie Horton, Swift Boat, Ayers, LAST NIGHT'S CIRCUS FOR CHRISSAKE


Stoney Mason said:
How is Mccain radically different from his party on the major issues? Especially since he's shifted nearly everyone of them to be in line with Bush orthodoxy for this run.

It sucks. He has to play the game and pander the ultra conservative base. I guess he thinks he can't win as a moderate.


Setec Astronomer
WHOA, full stop.
The 2002 re-assessment shows that between 1.3 and 5.6 BBO [Billions of Barrels of Oil] are estimated to be economically recoverable, at market prices of between $22 and $30 per barrel respectively. Estimates of technically recoverable oil on federal lands are between 5.9 and 13.2 BBO, with a mean value of 9.3 BBO. A large proportion of the undiscovered oil resources are estimated to occur in the northern third of the NPRA in moderate size accumulations.
US oil consumption is about 20.7 million barrels a day or (http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/en...il-consumption) about 7.5 billion barrels annually.
jmdajr said:
It sucks. He has to play the game and pander the ultra conservative base. I guess he thinks he can't win as a moderate.
So he's compromising his integrity to base his campaign on lies, and therefore we should vote for him because he's doing all this lying to put his Country First.
BTW, that Gallup poll really shows what complete madness it is for Steve Schmidt to be trying to steer this campaign into a base turnout affair. It's insanity and David Plouffe and David Axelrod must be extremely excited about this turn the McCain campaign has made.


polyh3dron said:
So he's compromising his integrity to base his campaign on lies, and therefore we should vote for him because he's doing all this lying to put his Country First.
and Obama isnt? :lol

its the same shit on both sides
Cooter said:
Bush does not equal all Republicans and this type of language does nothing but divide and anger. You are basically calling all people voting republican irrational. Hurray for class and respect for your opponets.
Republicans are irrational.

Why play the good guy when the bad guy wins every time, and destroys more and more of the country in the process? I'm about sick and fucking tired of it.

The simple truth is, to believe the bullshit spun by the RNC, you have to lack a certain amount of brainpower. Am I calling them stupid? Not explicitly, but at the heart of it yeah.

To fall for the same bullshit lies time and time again, hoping for a different outcome is pure baseless stupidity.

Republicans are the party of the rich and the dumb.


Setec Astronomer
Thing is though, since ANWR is way the fuck up north, oil companies aren't even all that interested in the area. The people who stand to benefit the most are those who own pipelines in Alaska because it'll allow them to continue using existing pipes for even more money.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Besides, wouldn't we want to save that oil for use other then burning?


gkrykewy said:
Any oil would take ten years or more to enter the market

What makes you say that? If the location of the produciton sites have been made. It'll take 4 years, tops, for the engineering and construction. You could pretty much cut that in half for a fast-tracked job that uses the cookie-cutter mentality. I know, I'm finishing up a major site right now. What's fishy about all this drill, drill, drill stuff. Is that the government shouldn't be needed to push it. The price of oil should be enough insentive to the private companies to start drilling. As it stands, it may not be cost effective to drill in the US, I don't know. There could be alot of red tape preventing oil companies from making worth-while money in the US.

What is the limiting factor for the oil companies from using US soil? Quantity?

avaya said:
The benefits of drilling there are fuck all.



pxleyes said:
Obama is lying? News to me.

Yeah Obama is Mother Teresa around here.
I like the guy, I'm not gonna bitch if he's president, but he's not 100% clean. He tells you exactly what you want to hear.
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