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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Bulla564 said:
Only in the land of American Idol and Britney Spears, can people be so gullible for this drill, baby drill crap.

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the republican base.


Hitokage said:
It's amusing how Palin has been described as a "breath of fresh air" when all she does is say the same damn thing all the movement conservatives are saying. If Republicans wanted "fresh air", they should look to somebody like Huckabee or Paul.

It really is bizarre, I think to a lot of folks "breath of fresh air" means not a white guy. She's basically a female Santorum I'd say.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Listen, I think Obama is a good guy who means well. I don't think he's evil or anything like that. I thought the same about Kerry and Gore. Can't you disagree without calling the party that half the country supports evil and stupid?

That's all I'm saying. I'll vote for McCan mostly because of economic issues but that doesn't mean I'm irrational or evil.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much because this place is one big democratic cirlce jerk and there is that nothing 2 or 3 people who lean right can say that is going to have any impact on the way we treat each other.

What's funny is that until we get a viable third party not much is going to change. Our two party system of Republicrats is the problem.






fin said:
I completely agree. Increasing the production of oil isn't going to cause the price of gas to decrease, ever. Price per barrel is around $108, down from $140 last month. I'm not seeing the savings at the pumps.

Where drilling is going to help is in the economy. It'll take more than just the ANWR for that, hopefully there are sites that are more central so that people don't have to migrate up north. It'll create jobs and increase cash flow so that paying such high prices for gas is do-able. Where I'm from, kids graduating from high school can go and work on the rigs starting at over $20/hr. Hell, 7-11 pays like $14 starting wage.

Harvesting natural resources can have a huge impact on a cultures economy, load up CIV:REV and find out :). That's IF there is enough natural resources in the US.

You're not seeing any savings from the fall from 147 to 108.02 as it is on my reuters screen right now because everyone expects the price to go past 150 in the next couple of months.

I think your point about the economy would be valid if it were a noticeable gain and nothing more than a transient boost. Unfortunately it wouldn't be and the boost to any economy local would be a flash in the pan.


scorcho said:
so far Gallup isn't showing any movement after Tuesday's RNC speeches.


I don't know why they would, the entire evening was pure red-meat for the base, the same bullshit they have been selling for years. I cannot fathom how any independent / moderate viewers would be swayed by that. If anything, last night was more angry & offensive that Cheney & Co. back in 2004.


Byakuya769 said:
"Guahahaha, save mother earth!!!"

Not only that, but any oil we produce here will be subject to the world market. Those companies are international conglomerate, they don't separate their oil by "made in america" and "made elsewhere" and then fix prices accordingly. The oil produced will go to the market and its demand. All you "rah rah capitalism" guys should KNOW this...
I'm pretty sure we're acknowledging this.

The call for domestic drilling is two parts:
1. It will lower oil costs by increasing production.
2. In case of an emergency, such as a war with major oil producing power, OPEC embargo, or a blockade of the Straights of Hormuz, American domestic production will be increased and can then be forced via high export tariffs, etc. into the domestic economy.
Cooter said:
Listen, I think Obama is a good guy who means well. I don't think he's evil or anything like that. I thought the same about Kerry and Gore. Can't you disagree without calling the party that half the country supports evil and stupid?
If the party's actions are aggressively and consistently evil and stupid, what can you expect?


lawblob said:
Why bother? Most Americans are such idiots that they now support off-shore drilling, despite the government's own projections that it would only reduce prices by 6 pennies per-gallon.... in 5 years when the wells are operational...

I think the best Obama can do regarding energy policy is put together four or five bullet point sentences about energy policy and just repeat them over and over..

It's more than 5 years for off shore drilling...

It is really a 7-10 year cycle... and don't forget that you have to refine for gas...

seismic collection
lease bidding
cooperative legal agreements to share in construction and production(most deep water production is split between companies on single well sites)
spar/well construction

This is an incredibly long process, especially in the deep water gulf...

This "drill now" thing really has nothing to do with helping the consumer.

1) It appeases those that are ignorant of the process, price and results of "drill now"... but they believe "my gas will be cheeeper"...
2) It is really to appease the oil special interests and lobbyists who will in turn put pressure to keep themselves doing what they do... this is an incredibly powerful group, and has influence over a large portion of the corporate world.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Cooter said:
Listen, I think Obama is a good guy who means well. I don't think he's evil or anything like that. I thought the same about Kerry and Gore. Can't you disagree without calling the party that half the country supports evil and stupid?

That's all I'm saying. I'll vote for McCan mostly because of economic issues but that doesn't mean I'm irrational or evil.

go Talk to him

Cooter said:
Listen, I think Obama is a good guy who means well. I don't think he's evil or anything like that. I thought the same about Kerry and Gore. Can't you disagree without calling the party that half the country supports evil and stupid?

That's all I'm saying. I'll vote for McCan mostly because of economic issues but that doesn't mean I'm irrational or evil.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much because this place is one big democratic cirlce jerk and there is that nothing 2 or 3 people who lean right can say that is going to have any impact on the way we treat each other.

What's funny is that until we get a viable third party not much is going to change. Our two party system of Republicrats is the problem.
And I never said you were.

The party you support though? They are evil, ruthless people, that expect an olive branch when they spit out acid.


Cooter said:
Listen, I think Obama is a good guy who means well. I don't think he's evil or anything like that. I thought the same about Kerry and Gore. Can't you disagree without calling the party that half the country supports evil and stupid?

That's all I'm saying. I'll vote for McCan mostly because of economic issues but that doesn't mean I'm irrational or evil.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much because this place is one big democratic cirlce jerk and there is that nothing 2 or 3 people who lean right can say that is going to have any impact on the way we treat each other.

What's funny is that until we get a viable third party not much is going to change. Our two party system of Republicrats is the problem.

It is how its is around here. And I'm sure in some other forum they are talking about so called "godless, immoral, political correct, wimpy, tree hugging liberals", which is complete bullshit as well. But I agree. I wish we had a viable third party.
Tamanon said:
It really is bizarre, I think to a lot of folks "breath of fresh air" means not a white guy. She's basically a female Santorum I'd say.

Breath of fresh air basically means they've got their own well known women now so they can more easily be hypocritical about women's issues and have cover. It's the same phenomenon exhibited when they try to prop up well known black republicans.


Cooter said:
Jesus, can we have some sort of respectful discussion? Enough already.
Cooter, perhaps, just perhaps, there's lack of civility because for going on 8 years now Democrats have been called elitists, dreamers disconnected from reality, unpatriotic, treasonous, irresponsible, incompetent, terrrist lovers, and I kid you not, baby killers. We have had our love for country, family, God and justice mocked. All with half truths sometimes and flat out lies most of the time eaten up by people that are willfully ignorant.

The DNC sought to make up the divide to appeal to the better part of us to come together and build up the country to reach across the divide. the RNC showed last night that they have no interest in bipartisanship, they have no interest in mending the divide. They say "You're with us or against us" again. Enough already indeed. We are the angry left and we have a damn good reason to be.
Cooter said:
That's all I'm saying. I'll vote for McCan mostly because of economic issues but that doesn't mean I'm irrational or evil..
It certainly can be mean you are irrational.

Why vote McCain on economic issues. The guy has admitted he knows nothing about economics. His big advisor on economics was Phil Gramm . . . the guy who wrote some of the laws that created the housing disaster. McCain's economic policies have basically been to continue the Bush economic policies that have proven to have failed spectacularly.

So, can you please explain why you vote McCain on economic issues? I just don't see the rationality in it.


Hitokage said:
Um, what's exactly keeping him from telling Bush how to do it?
Are you suggesting that he's putting politics over country? I'm sure you know he formulated this plan over a five-and-a-half year period.


Small balls, big fun!
Cooter said:
Can't you disagree without calling the party that half the country supports evil and stupid?

If a policy is evil and/or stupid then being supported by a lot of people won't change that.

What kind of bastardized moral relativism are you trying to push here anyway?


NLB2 said:
I'm pretty sure we're acknowledging this.

The call for domestic drilling is two parts:
1. It will lower oil costs by increasing production.
2. In case of an emergency, such as a war with major oil producing power, OPEC embargo, or a blockade of the Straights of Hormuz, American domestic production will be increased and can then be forced via high export tariffs, etc. into the domestic economy.

3. Pander to the ignorant.

To be fair, talk of drilling probably has a far bigger depreciating effect on prices in the short term than actual drilling ever will (through the market pricing in a smaller chance of any widespread switch to alternatives in the nearish future).
Hitokage said:
It's amusing how Palin has been described as a "breath of fresh air" when all she does is say the same damn thing all the movement conservatives are saying. If Republicans wanted "fresh air", they should look to somebody like Huckabee or Paul.
Agreed.. Until Huckabee went into Palin Defense Force Mode and the subsequent "Pointless wars give us school desks" rant I would have said he had the best speech of the convention.


Cooter said:
Listen, I think Obama is a good guy who means well. I don't think he's evil or anything like that. I thought the same about Kerry and Gore. Can't you disagree without calling the party that half the country supports evil and stupid?

That's all I'm saying. I'll vote for McCan mostly because of economic issues but that doesn't mean I'm irrational or evil.

Anyway, it doesn't matter much because this place is one big democratic cirlce jerk and there is that nothing 2 or 3 people who lean right can say that is going to have any impact on the way we treat each other.

What's funny is that until we get a viable third party not much is going to change. Our two party system of Republicrats is the problem.

Your problem, Cooter, is that your party has yet again decided to go so horribly negative in their message that THEY DON'T WANT TO HAVE A CIVIL DISCUSSION. That's the point, Republicans have departed so far from their 'morning in America' mantra of 1980, they plan on winning by doing little more than smearing their opponents.

In essence, thats the real problem. The RNC doesnt' care about generating any dialogue across parties, they are going back to Rove Strategy 101; smear the other side and hope you get 50.5% of the vote on election day.
Republican candidate John McCain said on Wednesday that if elected president, he will capture al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

"President Clinton had opportunities to get Osama bin Laden. President Bush had opportunities to get Osama bin Laden. I know how to do it and I'll do it," he told ABC's "World News" in an interview.

So he has been hiding the secret on how to capture Osama for the last 16 years? What kind of asshole is this McCain guy? :lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
NLB2 said:
I'm pretty sure we're acknowledging this.

The call for domestic drilling is two parts:
1. It will lower oil costs by increasing production.
2. In case of an emergency, such as a war with major oil producing power, OPEC embargo, or a blockade of the Straights of Hormuz, American domestic production will be increased and can then be forced via high export tariffs, etc. into the domestic economy.
1. the EIA has estimated it will only negatively impact the cost of oil by tenths of a cent, which will be grossly mitigated by the rise in consumption/demand from both China and India.
2. that we're in a global market and don't have enough recoverable oil along our coasts really makes your argument stupid. in the abstract it all sounds nice but it doesn't and won't play out in the real world like the fantasy you're stating.


Byakuya769 said:
Seriously? Graduating form Harvard Law at the top of his class and serving as a state senator always seem to get conveniently forgotten when people want to be jack asses and try and distort his resume..

ODF to the rescue. I never challenged his credentials, read my posts.
speculawyer said:
So he has been hiding the secret on how to capture Osama for the last 16 years? What kind of asshole is this McCain guy? :lol

He keeps mouthing that line along with the "gates of hell" line like he's got secret knowledge on where Bin Laden exactly is and he isn't sharing it with anybody else. Seems damn unpatriotic to me ;)


fin said:
Harvesting natural resources can have a huge impact on a cultures economy, load up CIV:REV and find out :). That's IF there is enough natural resources in the US.

gkrykewy said:
Again, the Canada analogy is bogus. There aren't nearly the resources ANYWHERE being discussed; direct economic impact in terms of oil jobs would be essentially zero. There are no tar sands here.



has calmed down a bit.
polyh3dron said:
Agreed.. Until Huckabee went into Palin Defense Force Mode and the subsequent "Pointless wars give us school desks" rant I would have said he had the best speech of the convention.

Another chance for me to say that Huck is awesome. If he could learn to phrase some of his policies so that they don't scare off the far left, he'd be so damn popular. Obama should give him pointers on putting out his opinion on issues without using the word "God" or "Bible"


NLB2 said:
I'm pretty sure we're acknowledging this.

The call for domestic drilling is two parts:
1. It will lower oil costs by increasing production.
2. In case of an emergency, such as a war with major oil producing power, OPEC embargo, or a blockade of the Straights of Hormuz, American domestic production will be increased and can then be forced via high export tariffs, etc. into the domestic economy.

Actually a 1-2% change in product will have very little effect on price.

Price has more to do with refinement than anything else... or lack of available refineries...


NLB2 said:
I'm pretty sure we're acknowledging this.

The call for domestic drilling is two parts:
1. It will lower oil costs by increasing production.
2. In case of an emergency, such as a war with major oil producing power, OPEC embargo, or a blockade of the Straights of Hormuz, American domestic production will be increased and can then be forced via high export tariffs, etc. into the domestic economy.

2. You obviously don't know anything about how the market works. Unless capitalism collapses or there's a World War 3 your little scenario doesn't make any sense.
I bet McCain has a letter from God on how to catch Bin Laden, with the strict instructions "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL PRESIDENT." Can't you see why we have to elect him?


Xenon said:
ODF to the rescue. I never challenged his credentials, read my posts.

Xenon said:
She did not show any signs of despising community leaders and the lack of respect was only in context of her being belittled for her mayoral experience while Obama has gotten a pass with a much smaller resume.

NullPointer said:
That wouldn't be prudent... at this juncture.
Yeah, he could have even told Bush 1 how to get Osama.

Oh wait . . . Bush 1 and McCain were supporting Osama back then out of craven political convenience. I forgot.


AniHawk said:

Through early Wednesday, before Palin's speech.

But included Thompson's and Lieberman's speeches. I'm going to put a side-by-side together of the two tracking polls as they moved day by day through both conventions. After Michelle Obama's speech, IIRC, Obama got a bump when the day after hit the trackers. No bump from the first two days of the GOP convention.

Tomorrow is going to be really interesting.


Good lord, GAF. I step out for half a day and 40 some odd pages get tacked on to this thread.

Cooter: I'd be inclined to agree, but lawblob perhaps said it best.

Oh, and if all ye GAFers are so outraged and motivated, volunteer for the campaign. This is the last month to register voters and there are some tight races in states where Obama stands a slim margin of winning, but you can help try to win some of those down ticket seats. *cough* Rick Noriega *cough*
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