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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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The republicans are freaking awesome.........they provide such entertainment:lol
From the RNC; inteviews from the The Young Turks

Rep. Heather Wilson (R) Says Obama in Favor of Killing Little Babies

Global Jihad Coming to Get Us!

Quote from video
"The greatest thing america ever did was drop a nuke on japanese civilians"

Rep. Hunter Defends Torture

Praise for Guantanomo
"Guantanomo is the only prison in the world that hasn't had a murder"

Comedic gold!!!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ZealousD said:
Cindy McCain's full outfit at the RNC has an estimated cost around $300,000


Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100

Seems the bulk of the cost comes from her diamond earrings.

The rocks on her ears cost as much as an average home in California.

She could feed five families with that much money for an entire year!

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
ZealousD said:
Cindy McCain's full outfit at the RNC has an estimated cost around $300,000


Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100

Seems the bulk of the cost comes from her diamond earrings.

The rocks on her ear cost as much as an average home in California.

you playa hatin son!!

Why u playa hatin

them North side grls b Ballin", U b Hattin"


ZealousD said:
Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100

I love how her outfit costs more than a freaking home where I live (RI)and yet they still say Obama is the elitist?
NLB2 said:
If oil companies want to drill in ANWR or elsewhere, how does this prevent us from focusing on renewable energy at the same time?

Until you can answer this question, your only reason not to support increased drilling is the environment.

Can I ask you what happened in the 70's/80's? We are at the exact same juncture, and driving down the price of oil with more oil will only continue a dependence on it(though it would fail anyway).. Though drill here drill now flopping could knock some sense into people.

that's it!!!

McCain 08!!!!!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hootie said:
I love how her outfit costs more than a freaking home where I live (RI)and yet they still say Obama is the elitist?

No kidding. My parents bought our current house for around $165K in 2004.
polyh3dron said:
Yeah, giving huge tax breaks to big oil and rich people while giving smaller tax breaks to the middle class than Obama does is really hands off.

While fighting two wars and threatening Iran and Russia.

"Country First" may be the most hypocritical motto I've heard in years.


Gaborn said:
So would you support opening up more refineries in the US? Since we haven't opened a new one in about 30 years?

Possibly yes... but with conditionals... both environmental and economic...

The states that are willing to do the refinement should be properly compensated. There is way too much iniquity to discuss here...

The refineries should use more efficient methods of cracking oil to gas, and also capture thermal output for steam power.

The intentional lack of building new refineries has artificially escalated prices. They could build new refineries in the same locations but choose not to...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Cooter said:
Listen, I think Obama is a good guy who means well. I don't think he's evil or anything like that. I thought the same about Kerry and Gore.
Kill him softly with faint praise. Nice.

That's all I'm saying. I'll vote for McCan mostly because of economic issues but that doesn't mean I'm irrational or evil.
Rationally speaking, what exactly has he said he'd save you at the pump over the next 4 years? I don't recall seeing a real, quantitative commitment from him on that.
Hootie said:
I love how her outfit costs more than a freaking home where I live (RI)and yet they still say Obama is the elitist?
When John McCain was a POW he only had ONE outfit and it was worth about a dollar.
Hootie said:
I love how her outfit costs more than a freaking home where I live (RI)and yet they still say Obama is the elitist?


And I'm starting to believe he doesn't drink BEER!

Sorry but that ain't America.


NullPointer said:
"Country First" may be the most hypocritical motto I've heard in years.

And yet it seems the American people are eating that shit up like it's going out of style,
though the idea of putting country first really does seem to be rare nowadays :lol


tanod said:
If you read part of the 40 pages, you'd also see that we're about $2500 poorer.

I did. I wasn't trying to diminish the impact of donating, but just suggesting that there's more that can be done than just donating if people have the time. Registering people to vote and getting them out to vote come Oct. 25th through Nov. 4th is what's ultimately going to decide things and the more people that help out, the better.

NLB2: The debate over offshore drilling may have been presented as a binary one by some, but it's not and most people even remotely educated on the issues knows it. The argument against offshore oil drilling is that it a short-term solution (albeit one that's a decade out at best) to a long-term problem, reduces the incentives to aggressively pursue alternatives, oil companies have plenty of available leased land to drill off of as is, and there are potential environmental impacts. That, and at least insofar as McCain is concerned, all his talk about renewable energy directly contradicts much of his legislative record for it.


ANNND Obama has said multiple times recently he only owns 3 suits and has owned them for a few years and refuses to buy any more.


tfur said:
The states that are willing to do the refinement should be properly compensated. There is way too much iniquity to discuss here...

No, they shouldn't be. Unless of course it was an advance that had to be paid back by the private company doing the refining.


As stupid as some of the stuff Palin said sounded, I think it is going to be very effective. My informal poll of the receptionists and secretaries at my office showed that they bought almost all of her crap.

They seemed to really buy the thing about Obama's experience as community organizer. They all thought that a degree from Harvard was a huge negative for Obama. A few mentioned that they wanted a former military man in charge of the country. Basically they bought all of their talking points.

Be interesting to see what the poll numbers will look like tomorrow.
Gaborn said:
Excellent point, people want this issue to be binary, drill for oil or a comprehensive policy of alternative fuel. In reality you can do both.

Gaborn, I actually find it kind of funny that you support this position.

I know you're gonna want to skip over this, but hear me out okay? Follow the logic here:

1) You think that Obama would be bad for gay rights because he believes that civil unions are better than nothing. Thus you feel like a partial solution will slow the momentum of progress because it will satiate a part of the population.

2) You think that McCain is good for gay rights because he will keep the status quo or make the situation even worse for same sex couples, eventually, causing the whole of society to come to a head and demand same sex marriage outright. By not satisfying anyone in the gay rights movement, it will embolden them and make the movement stronger.

YET! (and I'm counting on you to make the connection here...)

3) You think that drilling for oil in ANWR is good even though it's only a partial solution to the energy problem. By doing so, it will result in marginal price decreases in fuel, which will satiate a part of the population and thus slow the momentum of progress towards an oil independent future.

4) But you think that keeping the status quo is BAD because we need oil now, even if it's a little bit. By NOT drilling for oil as a near useless stop gap (which is really only supported by those who will profit the most from it by selling it to China), we are enabling and forcing progression of technologies to eventually ween us off of oil.

Your mental model doesn't make sense here. How can a partial solution be fine in one scenario, but not good enough in another! TIME PARADOX!


Cheebs said:
ANNND Obama has said multiple times recently he only owns 3 suits and has owned them for a few years and refuses to buy any more.
Big government wants us all to have 3 suits and if you have more they'll take them away!


Hootie said:
I love how her outfit costs more than a freaking home where I live (RI)and yet they still say Obama is the elitist?

People, Obama wasn't labeled an elitist over money. He was labeled this way because his comments about small-town Pennsylvanians came off as condescending. The whole idea of elitism is believing you are better than others.


bionic77 said:
As stupid as some of the stuff Palin said sounded, I think it is going to be very effective. My informal poll of the receptionists and secretaries at my office showed that they bought almost all of her crap.

They seemed to really buy the thing about Obama's experience as community organizer. They all thought that a degree from Harvard was a huge negative for Obama. A few mentioned that they wanted a former military man in charge of the country. Basically they bought all of their talking points.

Be interesting to see what the poll numbers will look like tomorrow.

I hate people...


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Just donated 25$ to the Obama campaign first time I donated to a political candidate , probably the least I could do since my 18th birthday is Nov 15. :(


Gaborn said:
No, they shouldn't be. Unless of course it was an advance that had to be paid back by the private company doing the refining.

Why would you say that? Do you really know anything about this subject?


Shapingo said:
The republicans are freaking awesome.........they provide such entertainment:lol
From the RNC; inteviews from the The Young Turks

Rep. Heather Wilson (R) Says Obama in Favor of Killing Little Babies

Global Jihad Coming to Get Us!

Quote from video
"The greatest thing america ever did was drop a nuke on japanese civilians"

Rep. Hunter Defends Torture

Praise for Guantanomo
"Guantanomo is the only prison in the world that hasn't had a murder"

Comedic gold!!!
oh my god. not sure whether to laugh or cry. :lol


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
numble said:
Remember guys, Gallup includes Thompson/Lieberman but not yesterday's round of Rage We Can Believe In.

It does cover some of yesterday. I think they stop polling around 9 o clock at night.


ShOcKwAvE said:
People, Obama wasn't labeled an elitist over money. He was labeled this way because his comments about small-town Pennsylvanians came off as condescending. The whole idea of elitism is believing you are better than others.

And it's a fucking stupid contradiction to both try to knock Obama for elitism and mock his stint as community organizer. "Cognitive dissonance" has sort of become meme-ish around here, but holy shit does it fit the Republican party to a tee.
bionic77 said:
As stupid as some of the stuff Palin said sounded, I think it is going to be very effective. My informal poll of the receptionists and secretaries at my office showed that they bought almost all of her crap.

They seemed to really buy the thing about Obama's experience as community organizer. They all thought that a degree from Harvard was a huge negative for Obama. A few mentioned that they wanted a former military man in charge of the country. Basically they bought all of their talking points.

Be interesting to see what the poll numbers will look like tomorrow.
Note to future presidential hopefuls: AVOID UNIVERSITY LIKE THE PLAGUE
Fragamemnon said:
Obama holds steady at 50 in Ras and 49 in Gallup. Another good day of polling.

I'd like to note that these tracking polls do contain the selection and nomination of the Great Pork Queen of the Arctic , there's no bounce in for Jonny Weak Arms them because in large part the GOP had fallen behind McCain in July and August. There was never a lot of votes to gain from the Palin pick, only enthusiasm levels.
Dude. Come on.


numble said:
Xenon said:
ODF to the rescue. I never challenged his credentials, read my posts.

Originally Posted by Xenon:
She did not show any signs of despising community leaders and the lack of respect was only in context of her being belittled for her mayoral experience while Obama has gotten a pass with a much smaller resume.


Funny I could have sworn Palin said that and that is in regards to his experience anyway.
Zeliard said:
And it's a fucking stupid contradiction to both try to knock Obama for elitism and mock his stint as community organizer. "Cognitive dissonance" has sort of become meme-ish around here, but holy shit does it fit the Republican party to a tee.
It's like a bizzaro E305 (or was it 06?) where Sony says shit like "Rumble is last gen" and "Riiiiiidge Racer" and gamers eat it up.


polyh3dron said:
Note to future presidential hopefuls: AVOID UNIVERSITY LIKE THE PLAGUE

Why in God's name to Repubnicks equate Ivy League schools with libruls? Some of the most prominent conservative thinkers, business leaders, and intellectuals have attended or teach at Ivy League Schools!

My favorite undergrad professor who taught many of my foreign policy courses was a Harvard man, and a fucking member of the Reagan Administration!

Why are Repubnicks so god damn stupid? I need a drink....


CharlieDigital said:
Gaborn, I actually find it kind of funny that you support this position.

I know you're gonna want to skip over this, but hear me out okay? Follow the logic here:

1) You think that Obama would be bad for gay rights because he believes that civil unions are better than nothing. Thus you feel like a partial solution will slow the momentum of progress because it will satiate a part of the population.

More specifically, because Obama believes civil unions ends the gay rights debate with "equality" which... it doesn't.

2) You think that McCain is good for gay rights because he will keep the status quo or make the situation even worse for same sex couples, eventually, causing the whole of society to come to a head and demand same sex marriage outright. By not satisfying anyone in the gay rights movement, it will embolden them and make the movement stronger.

It's seemed to work pretty well with Bush in office, yes.

YET! (and I'm counting on you to make the connection here...)

3) You think that drilling for oil in ANWR is good even though it's only a partial solution to the energy problem. By doing so, it will result in marginal price decreases in fuel, which will satiate a part of the population and thus slow the momentum of progress towards an oil independent future.

I think that not including ANWR among other aspects to a full energy policy is a mistake, yes.

4) But you think that keeping the status quo is BAD because we need oil now, even if it's a little bit. By NOT drilling for oil as a near useless stop gap (which is really only supported by those who will profit the most from it by selling it to China), we are enabling and forcing progression of technologies to eventually ween us off of oil.

I don't understand why you're afraid of drilling there as a part of an energy policy (not the whole energy policy). Let's say you're right and they find only a minimal amount of oil. That's not going to be enough to be profitable to drill anyway and so they won't bother with it. I hope you don't think they want to drill just to drill, it's an expensive proposition. They want to because they believe there's enough oil there to make a substantial profit. I want to because I believe they can do it with a minimal intrusion into the wildlife refuge.

Your mental model doesn't make sense here. How can a partial solution be fine in one scenario, but not good enough in another! TIME PARADOX!

Since you brought it up (much to the groans of other people I'm sure) I'll point out that civil unions are not a "partial" solution. They're presented as a direct, wholly inclusive alternative to marriage equality. That's very different than supporting drilling as part of a whole energy policy rather than not.
Wait... how can you call Obama an elitist if he was raised by a middle class family and recieved his education by scholarships while the other guy is drowning in money and owns 7 houses. why do you need that many?
ShOcKwAvE said:
People, Obama wasn't labeled an elitist over money. He was labeled this way because his comments about small-town Pennsylvanians came off as condescending. The whole idea of elitism is believing you are better than others.

He was labeled as elitist before that. And how is the standard republican line of demonizing big city, latte drinking, "San Franciso" values line of attack any different.

Guy Legend

Can someone say where this chart comes from?


~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Hootie said:
I love how her outfit costs more than a freaking home where I live (RI)and yet they still say Obama is the elitist?

a black guy from a single parent family, who've just payed off his college loans. Hell yea he's elitist


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Hellsing321 said:
Donated $50 dollars to the Obama campaign. I haven't donated since the primaries ended, but that shit last night pushed me over the edge.
This crazyness is really gonna backfire for the republicans. I cant wait to see the amount of money raised.


Although it is kinda funny that the whole neoconservatism philosophy is based on the theory that America is better than everyone else and knows how to run things better.

FYI, Hilldawg is stumping in Florida on Monday, should be an interesting day.
Gaborn said:
Since you brought it up (much to the groans of other people I'm sure) I'll point out that civil unions are not a "partial" solution. They're presented as a direct, wholly inclusive alternative to marriage equality. That's very different than supporting drilling as part of a whole energy policy rather than not.

I knew it, you don't even see the contradiction in your own argument. Civil unions are a partial solution because you can continue to fight for "marriage" rights and full equality just like offshore + ANWR + whatever the fuck you want to drill is a partial solution because you can still find non-petroleum based alternatives.

In the gay rights case, a partial solution is not okay because it will impede progress. But in the energy case, a partial solution okay because it's better than the all or nothing solution.

Dude, admit it. You're in a paradox and it's clear as day.
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