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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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speculawyer said:
How shame GOPers for mocking 'community organizers'.


Thomas and Michel Paul are an example of 'community organizers'. They have a Down Syndrome child and they created a web site and discussion for parents of children with Down Syndrome:

In other words, they have 'organized' a 'community' around a particular issue.

So . . . the GOPers mocked 'community organizers' last night. Do they hate Thomas and Michel Paul for organizing a group to discuss Down Syndrome children?

No, clearly not. The GOPers are just ignorant. Perhaps they can learn and not be so ignorant about a good thing.

See, the thing is, community organizers are all radical liberals, and that's where the thought process MUST end.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
syllogism said:
If I'm reading drudge right, rnc day 3 almost matched dnc day 4 ratings.
I could understand Palin drawing huge crowds. I want to see what McCain draws.


AniHawk said:
And considering the generally negative reactions, this is probably a good thing.

Yup, I think the effort was really hurt by them cutting the mushy intro video for her, it really meant that many people's first impression was "who is this and why is she so angry?"
Tamanon said:
Yup, I think the effort was really hurt by them cutting the mushy intro video for her, it really meant that many people's first impression was "who is this and why is she so angry?"

Hmmm, now that i think about they usually do show video's of people before they speak.
Anybody know why they didn't show her's?


Tamanon said:
Yup, I think the effort was really hurt by them cutting the mushy intro video for her, it really meant that many people's first impression was "who is this and why is she so angry?"

And the entire convention was like that. They pretend to spout change and reform in Washington (the fuck?) but then they go on and say the same shit they've said for the last eight years without offering any plans for the future.

theviolenthero said:
Hmmm, now that i think about they usually do show video's of people before they speak.
Anybody know why they didn't show her's?

Giulianus spoke too long.
Gaborn said:
I'm still trying to figure out how opposing civil unions (because I want equality not stigmatization) is related at all to my support for companies being allowed to drill in ANWR. Logically they seem like different issues to me.
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lawblob said:
Holy shit at that article. But honestly, fuck whoever wrote that. Equating bot-generated popup ads with political intent on the part of GAF ownership, give me a break. Not to mention the free speech aspect.

:lol nice. Im suprised this guy isn't already posting in this thread. He fits right in.
AniHawk said:
Neocons aren't complicated, Hellsing. Just have to figure out what she's after.
With all due respect Master Anihawk, perhaps this is someone you don't understand. When I was stationed in Iraq, my platoon was out looking for WMDs the President said where in Iraq but in 5 years we never found anyone who knew anything about them. Then one day we happen upon a paper that said there were never any WMDs. The President was making it all up.


bionic77 said:
As stupid as some of the stuff Palin said sounded, I think it is going to be very effective. My informal poll of the receptionists and secretaries at my office showed that they bought almost all of her crap.

They seemed to really buy the thing about Obama's experience as community organizer. They all thought that a degree from Harvard was a huge negative for Obama. A few mentioned that they wanted a former military man in charge of the country. Basically they bought all of their talking points.

Be interesting to see what the poll numbers will look like tomorrow.

Who was defending these people as non-retards, again?


Gaborn said:
I'm still trying to figure out how opposing civil unions (because I want equality not stigmatization) is related at all to my support for companies being allowed to drill in ANWR. Logically they seem like different issues to me.

Not my problem


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Would be hilarious if McCain's ratings are lower than Palin's when it comes to ratings. :lol

McCain gets the dubious task of being after the first NFL game of the season. He might find an unreceptive audience for boring old man talking.:lol
They all thought that a degree from Harvard was a huge negative for Obama.

If that is the way people think, this country really deserves to go down the shitter. Seriously . . . a good education is a bad thing? WTF?
AniHawk said:
My sister and I did too. Then he went on television and thanked us kids, IIRC. It was awesome.
I must have been too young because I don't remember that.

Oh, and MSNBC is talking about sexism from the news media. lulz.
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