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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Setec Astronomer
lawblob said:
Why in God's name to Repubnicks equate Ivy League schools with libruls? Some of the most prominent conservative thinkers, business leaders, and intellectuals have attended or teach at Ivy League Schools!

My favorite undergrad professor who taught many of my foreign policy courses was a Harvard man, and a fucking member of the Reagan Administration!
Because the era of William Buckley-style intellectual conservatism is dead, having been replaced with evangelical anti-intellectual conservatism.


bionic77 said:
As stupid as some of the stuff Palin said sounded, I think it is going to be very effective. My informal poll of the receptionists and secretaries at my office showed that they bought almost all of her crap.

They seemed to really buy the thing about Obama's experience as community organizer. They all thought that a degree from Harvard was a huge negative for Obama. A few mentioned that they wanted a former military man in charge of the country. Basically they bought all of their talking points.

Be interesting to see what the poll numbers will look like tomorrow.

Do they know that McCain OPPOSED the equal pay for equal work bill?


See how they do with that morsel of info. Tell them what the issues are.


New Onion bit:



bionic77 said:
As stupid as some of the stuff Palin said sounded, I think it is going to be very effective. My informal poll of the receptionists and secretaries at my office showed that they bought almost all of her crap.

Like I mentioned to Hito, it's "Working Girl" the sequel.


CharlieDigital said:
I knew it, you don't even see the contradiction in your own argument. Civil unions are a partial solution because you can continue to fight for "marriage" rights and full equality just like offshore + ANWR + whatever the fuck you want to drill is a partial solution because you can still find non-petroleum based alternatives.

Fight sure, but much of the argument is then reduced to just the word, and a lot more people will have trouble understanding why gay couples want, desire and need marriage. Civil Unions are designed to undercut and stop the gay marriage argument much like DOMA was meant to prevent the discussion at the federal level.

In the gay rights case, a partial solution is not okay because it will impede progress. But in the energy case, a partial solution okay because it's better than the all or nothing solution.

Dude, admit it. You're in a paradox and it's clear as day.

Well, again, I don't believe that civil unions are a partial solution, but setting that aside since it's been hashed to death and you refuse to listen, in my view not including drilling in ANWR is akin to leaving out wind or solar energy from your energy plan. It may be a plan, and it may even be a "partial" solution, but it's not the ideal solution.


Tamanon said:
Although it is kinda funny that the whole neoconservatism philosophy is based on the theory that America is better than everyone else and knows how to run things better.

FYI, Hilldawg is stumping in Florida on Monday, should be an interesting day.

I wonder if she'll cancel since Ike is a'coming.


Obama graduated from Columbia University & then Harvard law School. Was president of Harvard Law Review. Taught constitutional law @ Univ. of Chicago law school.

That sounds awesome to me, but I know... there are people who don't like his schoolin'. Just don't like that he's so smart. Being smart = above them = uppity = elite = snob.

He earned everything he got though. No rich uncle to give him millions, or something. Some people just don't want to give the man his due.


bionic77 said:
As stupid as some of the stuff Palin said sounded, I think it is going to be very effective. My informal poll of the receptionists and secretaries at my office showed that they bought almost all of her crap.

They seemed to really buy the thing about Obama's experience as community organizer. They all thought that a degree from Harvard was a huge negative for Obama. A few mentioned that they wanted a former military man in charge of the country. Basically they bought all of their talking points.

Be interesting to see what the poll numbers will look like tomorrow.

That's inconsistent with all the spot polling and focus groups I've seen today. Were these women already McCain supporters?


testicles on a cold fall morning
MaddenNFL64 said:
He earned everything he got though. No rich uncle to give him millions, or something. Some people just don't want to give the man his due.
no no, he's still an elite with an unknown, inscrutable background.

now Sarah Palin on the other hand - she's definitely living the American Dream.
AniHawk said:
I knew the neocons wouldn't go down without a fight, but this is different. They crossed the line.
But you crossed the line first, sir. You hammered them to the point of desperation, and in their desperation they turned to a woman they didn't fully understand.
Cooter said:
I don't suscribe to the theory that Bush's policies have been an economic failure. The president has little to do with an economy. I believe the tax cuts in 2001 saved us from a recession and all I want my president to do is keep taxes low and stay out of the way. That IMO is sound economic policy. When you start trying to regulate and tax it is a burden on any economy. How can higher taxes on the people creating the jobs be a good thing? If you take capital out of the market the economy will shrink. It's that simlpe. I would rather give it all the chance we can to grow.

Honestly, you simply don't know what your talking about.

Here are some simple facts that hopefully you'll finally understand:

We have a record debt right now which is larger than every other president in history, COMBINED!
Tax & Debt are the same thing. When it's all said and done, WE have to pay for it!!!

Bush made the decision to go to war with Iraq. If you don't think that's had a HUGE impact on our economy your a fool.

The biggest investment most americas make is on their home. Foreclosures are at a all-time high.

As i've stated earlier, the cost of living has skyrocketed.

Right now inflation is at a all-time high.

The dollar is at a all-time low vs the euro.

Oil and gas are at all-time highs.

Bush & McCain both want to put oil rigs off the coast of Florida aka "Hurricane Alley", a oil speculators dream!!


With the downward spiral this country has taken over the past 8 years, it's hard to believe that anyone would support someone (McCain) who has voted with Bush 90% of the time.

How can you vote with someone 90% of the time and at the same time claim you're different? I would love to hear somebody explain that to me.


I wonder how that O Riley interview will go.

After that, he has a 20+ series about Obama for like two weeks.

I can imagine the anger here already.


Hellsing321 said:
But you crossed the line first, sir. You hammered them to the point of desperation, and in their desperation they turned to a woman they didn't fully understand.

:lol :lol :lol
Gaborn said:
Well, again, I don't believe that civil unions are a partial solution, but setting that aside since it's been hashed to death and you refuse to listen, in my view not including drilling in ANWR is akin to leaving out wind or solar energy from your energy plan. It may be a plan, and it may even be a "partial" solution, but it's not the ideal solution.

Dude, civil unions are as much a partial solution as is domestic oil because it doesn't stop progress or impede it in any way.

You are surely in a paradox.

If you feel that the partial solution - domestic oil - to our energy issue is a good solution and it won't negatively impact progression of alternative energy development, then how can you think that the partial solution - civil unions - to our gay rights issue is a bad solution and it will negatively impact progression of gay rights?

So which is it? Is the partial solution acceptable or not?

You can't define civil union as NOT being a partial solution because the fact that civil unions between same sex couples are honored DOES NOT mean that the gay rights movement immediately dies and no one fights for same sex marriage equality. It is a partial solution because it confers some rights now while allowing for the continual progression of the gay rights movement just like domestic oil is a partial solution because it meets a small amount of demand while allowing for continual progress of alternative energy development.

It's a complete logical paradox to support one position and not the other.

You can make all the excuses you and and redefine "partial". Go ahead. But you need to seriously think about this. The way that you view gay rights is the same way that many view the energy issue. Drilling is not acceptable - just as civil unions are not acceptable to you - because it skirts the issue; it masks the true solution: equal same sex marriage | fossil fuel free energy.


gkrykewy said:
That's inconsistent with all the spot polling and focus groups I've seen today. Were these women already McCain supporters?
It was only 4 women. Two of which said they were formerly Hillary supporters. The others did not say who they supported before the speech, but I believe they both voted for Bush in 2004.

JCreasy said:
Do they know that McCain OPPOSED the equal pay for equal work bill?


See how they do with that morsel of info. Tell them what the issues are.
They really didn't know much about anything to be honest with you.

But at the same one time, one receptionist told me that she didn't think it mattered who was elected as she would still be struggling to pay her bills. So I am hopeful that these people just stay at home in November, which won't surprise me.


jmdajr said:
I wonder how that O Riley interview will go.

After that, he has a 20+ series about Obama for like two weeks.

I can imagine the anger here already.

It'll be a cakewalk. O'Reilly is a softy when the Dem big boys come on, I mean look at his Hillary interview.


Hellsing321 said:
But you crossed the line first, sir. You hammered them to the point of desperation, and in their desperation they turned to a woman they didn't fully understand.
Neocons aren't complicated, Hellsing. Just have to figure out what she's after.
How shame GOPers for mocking 'community organizers'.


Thomas and Michel Paul are an example of 'community organizers'. They have a Down Syndrome child and they created a web site and discussion for parents of children with Down Syndrome:

In other words, they have 'organized' a 'community' around a particular issue.

So . . . the GOPers mocked 'community organizers' last night. Do they hate Thomas and Michel Paul for organizing a group to discuss Down Syndrome children?

No, clearly not. The GOPers are just ignorant. Perhaps they can learn and not be so ignorant about a good thing.
Hellsing321 said:
But you crossed the line first, sir. You hammered them to the point of desperation, and in their desperation they turned to a woman they didn't fully understand.
Republicans are lying, Alfred, what would you have me do?


jmdajr said:
I wonder how that O Riley interview will go.

After that he has a 20+ series about Obama for like two weeks.

I can imagine the anger here already.
I bet he'll go easy on Obama, actually. I can't see Bill yelling at people who draw in huge ratings and who could also fight back. He saves that for no-name people and left wing commentators.


CharlieDigital said:
Dude, civil unions are as much a partial solution as is domestic oil because it doesn't stop progress or impede it in any way.

You're completely naive if you really believe that.

You are surely in a paradox.

If you feel that the partial solution - domestic oil - to our energy issue is a good solution and it won't negatively impact progression of alternative energy development, then how can you think that the partial solution - civil unions - to our gay rights issue is a bad solution and it will negatively impact progression of gay rights?

So which is it? Is the partial solution acceptable or not?

You can't define civil union as NOT being a partial solution because the fact that civil unions between same sex couples are honored DOES NOT mean that the gay rights movement immediately dies and no one fights for same sex marriage equality. It is a partial solution because it confers some rights now while allowing for the continual progression of the gay rights movement just like domestic oil is a partial solution because it meets a small amount of demand while allowing for continual progress of alternative energy development.

It's a complete logical paradox to support one position and not the other.

Even if it was (which it isn't) the issues aren't exactly identical either so that in itself is a ridiculous claim.


Tamanon said:
It'll be a cakewalk. O'Reilly is a softy when the Dem big boys come on, I mean look at his Hillary interview.
I dunno about that. That was back when they were stoking the flames of the Democralypse.
Gaborn said:
Well, again, I don't believe that civil unions are a partial solution, but setting that aside since it's been hashed to death and you refuse to listen, in my view not including drilling in ANWR is akin to leaving out wind or solar energy from your energy plan. It may be a plan, and it may even be a "partial" solution, but it's not the ideal solution.
And again, I think some Democrats and Democratic supporters alike might be willing to bend to the notion that there's a place in a comprehensive plan for drilling. The opposition is based more about partisan politics, and less about pure pragmatism. I don't think more domestic drilling is pure, unadulterated evil and the antithesis of what we should be doing, but I vehemently disagree with the packaging of it from the right as being a focal point for an energy plan.

To summarize, I can kind of bend and concede that there is some merit to, say, the Pickens plan (although I'm not 100% on board with it). However, I find the "Drill here, drill now, pay less" rhetoric to be disingenuous nonsense.


Kildace said:
Except that she said "explicit sex-ed programs". This is just a smear as far as I am concerned. There are many other, more relevant things to hit Palin on.

Or it could be a joke? I see you are new to this thing called "internet."


speculawyer said:
How shame GOPers for mocking 'community organizers'.


Thomas and Michel Paul are an example of 'community organizers'. They have a Down Syndrome child and they created a web site and discussion for parents of children with Down Syndrome:

In other words, they have 'organized' a 'community' around a particular issue.

So . . . the GOPers mocked 'community organizers' last night. Do they hate Thomas and Michel Paul for organizing a group to discuss Down Syndrome children?

No, clearly not. The GOPers are just ignorant. Perhaps they can learn and not be so ignorant about a good thing.

This would make such a perfect ad.


Kildace said:
Except that she said "explicit sex-ed programs". This is just a smear as far as I am concerned. There are many other, more relevant things to hit Palin on.
Jon Stewart probably said the first thing I've heard that wasn't a stupid smear about the pregnancy thing. They said it was Bristol's decision to keep the kid, and if Palin has her way, she'd remove that decision from anyone else.

She tried banning books from the Wasilla library. She reminds me of the mom-teacher/PTA member from Donnie Darko.
speculawyer said:
How shame GOPers for mocking 'community organizers'.


Thomas and Michel Paul are an example of 'community organizers'. They have a Down Syndrome child and they created a web site and discussion for parents of children with Down Syndrome:

In other words, they have 'organized' a 'community' around a particular issue.

So . . . the GOPers mocked 'community organizers' last night. Do they hate Thomas and Michel Paul for organizing a group to discuss Down Syndrome children?

No, clearly not. The GOPers are just ignorant. Perhaps they can learn and not be so ignorant about a good thing.
You always have to remember. Grass roots conservative/religious activists=Good.
Community organizer=bad


ronito said:
Is it Thursday already?

I'm still trying to figure out how opposing civil unions (because I want equality not stigmatization) is related at all to my support for companies being allowed to drill in ANWR. Logically they seem like different issues to me.
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