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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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So here is what Giuliani and Palin didn't know: Obama was working for a group of churches that were concerned about their parishioners, many of whom had been laid off when the steel mills closed on the south side of Chicago. They hired Obama to help those stunned people recover and get the services they needed--job training, help with housing and so forth--from the local government. It was, dare I say it, the Lord's work--the sort of mission Jesus preached (as opposed to the war in Iraq, which Palin described as a "task from God.")

This is what Palin and Giuliani were mocking. They were making fun of a young man's decision "to serve a cause greater than himself," in the words of John McCain. They were, therefore, mocking one of their candidate's favorite messages. Obama served the poor for three years, then went to law school. To describe this service--the first thing he did out of college, the sort of service every college-educated American should perform, in some form or other--as anything other than noble is cheap and tawdry and cynical in the extreme.

Perhaps La Pasionaria of the Northern Slope didn't know this when she read the words they gave her. But Giuliani--a profoundly lapsed Catholic, who must have met more than a few religious folk toiling in the inner cities--should have known. ("I don't even know what that is," he sneered.") What a shameful performance.


Gaborn said:
Fight sure, but much of the argument is then reduced to just the word, and a lot more people will have trouble understanding why gay couples want, desire and need marriage.
Pretty much the same kind of people who convinced themselves that the Emancipation Proclamation got rid of racial inequality in the U.S. You have no point.


speculawyer said:
How to shame GOPers for mocking 'community organizers'.


Thomas and Michel Paul are an example of 'community organizers'. They have a Down Syndrome child and they created a web site and discussion for parents of children with Down Syndrome:

In other words, they have 'organized' a 'community' around a particular issue.

So . . . the GOPers mocked 'community organizers' last night. Do they hate Thomas and Michel Paul for organizing a group to discuss Down Syndrome children?

No, clearly not. The GOPers are just ignorant. Perhaps they can learn and not be so ignorant about a good thing.

Brilliant Post

GAF is on the ball today! Lovin' it!


GhaleonEB said:
Good. This needs to take off like a jet. They were mocking the entire idea of service - which was supposedly the theme of their convention from the day before.

Yup. I had a feeling that line would be really big fuck-up. Hope I'm right. It also dovetails nicely with that "Not about issues" line.


Kildace said:
I can't even donate :\ If this was happening in my country I'd probably already have given more than 500€ to Obama.
why, you dont trust a gaf'er enough to send them the money and let them donate it for you? :D
* Sarah Palin's speech generated 37.2 million viewers, just a 1.1 million viewers short of Barack Obama's record-breaking speech on Day 4 of the Democratic Convention. More impressive was that Palin's speech was carried on only six networks while the Obama speech was carried on ten (including BET, TV One, Univision and Telemundo).
* Palin attracted a very large female audience (19.5 million women, or 4.9 million more than Day 3 of the Democratic Convention).
* Ratings for viewers 55+ (25.2) continue to be about ten times higher than for teens (2.2)

Very, very impressive. She's been THE news story for the last week. Clearly she got her message out effectively - the question now is how will people react to it. Tomorrow's gallup could be epic


I'm not sure if anyone's counting contributions, but you can chalk up another $30 for the OT -- although, for the record, I didn't do it through the NeoGAF page.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
BenjaminBirdie said:

Slowly, slowly, I am recovering from the extremely effective bilge festival staged by the Republicans last night. And while there is much to discuss, there was one item, in particular, that has to be considered infuriating: the attack on Barack Obama's service as a community organizer by the odious Rudy Giuliani--he's come to look like a villain in a Frank Capra movie, hasn't he?--and Sarah Palin.

This morning, I received a press release from a group called Catholic Democrats about the work--the mission, the witness--that Obama performed after he got out of college. Here's the first paragraph:

Catholic Democrats is expressing surprise and shock that Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's acceptance speech tonight mocked her opponent's work in the 1980s for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. She belittled Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's experience as a community organizer in Catholic parishes on the South Side of Chicago, work he undertook instead of pursuing a lucrative career on Wall Street. In her acceptance speech, Ms. Palin said, "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." Community organizing is at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching to end poverty and promote social justice.

So here is what Giuliani and Palin didn't know: Obama was working for a group of churches that were concerned about their parishioners, many of whom had been laid off when the steel mills closed on the south side of Chicago. They hired Obama to help those stunned people recover and get the services they needed--job training, help with housing and so forth--from the local government. It was, dare I say it, the Lord's work--the sort of mission Jesus preached (as opposed to the war in Iraq, which Palin described as a "task from God.")

This is what Palin and Giuliani were mocking. They were making fun of a young man's decision "to serve a cause greater than himself," in the words of John McCain. They were, therefore, mocking one of their candidate's favorite messages. Obama served the poor for three years, then went to law school. To describe this service--the first thing he did out of college, the sort of service every college-educated American should perform, in some form or other--as anything other than noble is cheap and tawdry and cynical in the extreme.

Perhaps La Pasionaria of the Northern Slope didn't know this when she read the words they gave her. But Giuliani--a profoundly lapsed Catholic, who must have met more than a few religious folk toiling in the inner cities--should have known. ("I don't even know what that is," he sneered.") What a shameful performance.


distantmantra said:
So, what's Obama saying? I'm at work.

sum up

-Is being a community organizer not a noble thing to do? Helping people get jobs etc?

-Republicans on the attack and ignoring the issues of health care, education, poverty etc.

-Palin will be treated like any other political opponent woman or not, and scrutinized.

-on Obama bashing , "I've heard worse on the basketball court"
distantmantra said:
So, what's Obama saying? I'm at work.
I just caught the end of it and he was answering a question regarding the attacks: "What did you expect? They don't have a platform to run on." and also said "I've been called worse on the basketball court."


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
PhoenixDark said:

Very, very impressive. She's been THE news story for the last week. Clearly she got her message out effectively - the question now is how will people react to it. Tomorrow's gallup could be epic
Good to see you here.!?!.. Also im hoping not too epic.


"La Pasionaria of the Northern Slope"

That's good, very good, but I still prefer Dolores Umbridge.

McCain/Umbridge '08! Ministry First! Ministry Always!


GhaleonEB said:
Good. This needs to take off like a jet. They were mocking the entire idea of service - which was supposedly the theme of their convention from the day before.
b..b...but she sold the jet on eBay no less!


FiveThirtyEight just updated their charts/graphs and Obama is continuing to grow his lead, though the RNC bump should go into effect soon enough:




Savor this moment, fellow Obamites, because I don't really expect him to hold such a lead for much longer.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Shiggie said:
Die in hell!

Neither did I. I would have, but I didn't even know such a page existed. I recall earlier in the thread one person asking about such a page, but no one responded.


gkrykewy said:
I thought I'd covered it, but once again you cut right to the heart of the matter.

I saw your post afterwards, it was just an instinctive reaction. I've had a bad day at work today so I'm a little jumpy.


jmdajr said:
sum up

-Is being a community organizer not a noble thing to do? Helping people get jobs etc?

-Republicans on the attack and ignoring the issues of health care, education, poverty etc.

-Palin will be treated like any other political opponent woman or not, and scrutinized.

-on Obama bashing , "I've heard worse on the basketball court"

Fucking awesome. :lol :lol GOP ain't ready. They just ain't ready.


speculawyer said:
If that is the way people think, this country really deserves to go down the shitter. Seriously . . . a good education is a bad thing? WTF?

They'll take any opportunity to try and paint the opposition as liberal elites and not in touch with "common folk", even if it flies entirely in the face of logic and basic common sense. It must be rather painful for them to know that the vast majority of college professors are liberal, and that percentage is even greater when you just look at Ivy League schools.
MThanded said:
Slowly, slowly, I am recovering from the extremely effective bilge festival staged by the Republicans last night. And while there is much to discuss, there was one item, in particular, that has to be considered infuriating: the attack on Barack Obama's service as a community organizer by the odious Rudy Giuliani--he's come to look like a villain in a Frank Capra movie, hasn't he?--and Sarah Palin.

This morning, I received a press release from a group called Catholic Democrats about the work--the mission, the witness--that Obama performed after he got out of college. Here's the first paragraph:

Catholic Democrats is expressing surprise and shock that Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's acceptance speech tonight mocked her opponent's work in the 1980s for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. She belittled Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama's experience as a community organizer in Catholic parishes on the South Side of Chicago, work he undertook instead of pursuing a lucrative career on Wall Street. In her acceptance speech, Ms. Palin said, "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except that you have actual responsibilities." Community organizing is at the heart of Catholic Social Teaching to end poverty and promote social justice.

So here is what Giuliani and Palin didn't know: Obama was working for a group of churches that were concerned about their parishioners, many of whom had been laid off when the steel mills closed on the south side of Chicago. They hired Obama to help those stunned people recover and get the services they needed--job training, help with housing and so forth--from the local government. It was, dare I say it, the Lord's work--the sort of mission Jesus preached (as opposed to the war in Iraq, which Palin described as a "task from God.")

This is what Palin and Giuliani were mocking. They were making fun of a young man's decision "to serve a cause greater than himself," in the words of John McCain. They were, therefore, mocking one of their candidate's favorite messages. Obama served the poor for three years, then went to law school. To describe this service--the first thing he did out of college, the sort of service every college-educated American should perform, in some form or other--as anything other than noble is cheap and tawdry and cynical in the extreme.

Perhaps La Pasionaria of the Northern Slope didn't know this when she read the words they gave her. But Giuliani--a profoundly lapsed Catholic, who must have met more than a few religious folk toiling in the inner cities--should have known. ("I don't even know what that is," he sneered.") What a shameful performance.


I e-mailed about this.

Digg this shit too!



Huge ratings for Palin. I expected them to be high, but I was thinking ~30m. Very impressive.

We'll get the first sign about how people reacted tomorrow. Though regardless, the gap is going to drop for Obama in the Rasmussen tracker; he had a three point jump in one day, and that day drops off tomorrow. Expect a 2-3 point drop in that one.
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