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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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JCreasy said:
it begins . . .



Geez... this is going to get way worse before it's over.

Someone over at Intrade should start a prediction bet for the first political figure to call Obama a "nigger" on the record.
lopaz said:
OK I'm seeing the Daily Show late,but goddamn Republicans are greasy two-faced lying scumbags and they got owned.

Why are so many people in this thread assholes?

It's like you have a cucumber shoved up your ass.


Hootie said:
Whoa, Obama/Biden now want to pursue criminal charges against the Bush administration? I thought Obama said he wouldn't. That'd be awesome if he did, though.


This has probably been posted already but I had a shit-ton of HW last night and I missed out on dozens of pages.

Oh and LOL @ McCain's speech occuring during the NFL opening game :lol

Obama never said it was off the table, one of his advisers said that you shouldn't look for it. I think they're starting a pivot to a real populist message, and including as part of that, a reckoning for those that abuse power.


Dugg the Klein column.

I just read at MSNBC that Palin is the only candidate not having any interviews or public apperances this weekend. Obama, McCain and Biden are on the news programs and campaigning. Her speech when she was selected and the speech last night were her only public speaking since she was selected - no interviews, no stumping, nada. Palin is being kept in a complete bubble.


ComputerNerd said:
Why are so many people in this thread assholes?

It's like you have a cucumber shoved up your ass.

Oh I don't know, something about LUNATIC FANATICAL MORONS RUNNING THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY ON EARTH gets me a little edgy


GhaleonEB said:
Dugg the Klein column.

I just read at MSNBC that Palin is the only candidate not having any interviews or public apperances this weekend. Obama, McCain and Biden are on the news programs and campaigning. Her speech when she was selected and the speech last night were her only public speaking since she was selected - no interviews, no stumping, nada. Palin is being kept in a complete bubble.

Well technically she gave the exact same intro speech at two other events this past weekend, but no press avails.


Per Drudge: Obama Supporters Raise $10 Million in 24 Hours (donors respond to Palin speech)

It's Drudge, sure, but.. :lol

Obama's gonna bury McCain on the ground and in the airwaves for the next two months..:D
GhaleonEB said:
Dugg the Klein column.

I just read at MSNBC that Palin is the only candidate not having any interviews or public apperances this weekend. Obama, McCain and Biden are on the news programs and campaigning. Her speech when she was selected and the speech last night were her only public speaking since she was selected - no interviews, no stumping, nada. Palin is being kept in a complete bubble.

The campaign is giving her the Quayle Treatment smh.

538's poll update is up


Tamanon said:
Well technically she gave the exact same intro speech at two other events this past weekend, but no press avails.
Ah, I didn't know that. Still, the lack of media availability is striking.


has calmed down a bit.
adamsappel said:
The whole "God" angle is all that keeps him in the Republican good graces. He doesn't hate poor people enough, otherwise.

:lol I keep saying, he just needs to re-phrase some of his stuff so it doesn't scare the far left. Good thing he wasn't named VP nominee so he didn't have to drag himself through their awful campaign.


HylianTom said:
Per Drudge: Obama Supporters Raise $10 Million in 24 Hours (donors respond to Palin speech)

It's Drudge, sure, but.. :lol

Obama's gonna bury McCain on the ground and in the airwaves for the next two months..:D

I buy it, although I find it funny since the McCain camp was just touting that they raised $1 million off the speech.
GhaleonEB said:
Dugg the Klein column.

I just read at MSNBC that Palin is the only candidate not having any interviews or public apperances this weekend. Obama, McCain and Biden are on the news programs and campaigning. Her speech when she was selected and the speech last night were her only public speaking since she was selected - no interviews, no stumping, nada. Palin is being kept in a complete bubble.


HylianTom said:
Per Drudge: Obama Supporters Raise $10 Million in 24 Hours (donors respond to Palin speech)

It's Drudge, sure, but.. :lol

Obama's gonna bury McCain on the ground and in the airwaves for the next two months..:D

I gave $15 in response to the Rudy/Palin combo, even though I'm extremely poor. And I've never donated to a political campaign before.
HylianTom said:
Per Drudge: Obama Supporters Raise $10 Million in 24 Hours (donors respond to Palin speech)

It's Drudge, sure, but.. :lol

Obama's gonna bury McCain on the ground and in the airwaves for the next two months..:D

This could bring the Community O stuff into play, as they'll probably look to Plouffe's email as impetus. Oh, pretty please...


HylianTom said:
Per Drudge: Obama Supporters Raise $10 Million in 24 Hours (donors respond to Palin speech)

It's Drudge, sure, but.. :lol

Obama's gonna bury McCain on the ground and in the airwaves for the next two months..:D


I miss the Drudge siren.


Tamanon said:
Well technically she gave the exact same intro speech at two other events this past weekend, but no press avails.
I hope she gets beyond name calling and talking about her family during the debates.

And for the record, how old is her pregnant daughter?
HylianTom said:
Per Drudge: Obama Supporters Raise $10 Million in 24 Hours (donors respond to Palin speech)

It's Drudge, sure, but.. :lol

Obama's gonna bury McCain on the ground and in the airwaves for the next two months..:D

Well, every time I get pissed off I send Obama $75.

That community organizer derision put me over the edge. At that moment I ceased to see anything whatsoever that I had in common with that crowd. I question their very humanity.

Keep it coming Repubs. Keep it coming. Karma is a real bitch.


Just a little floaty moderation: be careful the way you handle your barbs, please. If you say all Republicans are greasy, two-faced liars... expect that the response will be a bitter one. Let's not resort to childish insulting in order to get our points across, it's simply going to make everyone angry at each other.

There are plenty of reasonable Republicans and plenty of reasonable Democrats. While it is my belief that the McCain-Palin campaign is run by cynicism and casual disregard for voters, this is not necessarily a symptom of all Republicans. It is also completely logical and perfectly sane to believe we need less government, instead of more. We can dispute these positions without automatically condemning the entire fucking party.

I keep getting these PMs from individuals saying to ban this person or that, but when I inspect the act it's usually both sides in the wrong. I don't want to have to keep banning everyone, we should be able to have calm discussions without questioning ones intelligence.

I thought Sarah Palin's specific speech was filled with lies, and we've had many posts cataloging the various reasons why. These are good, pointed questions that lead to flourishing debates. But let's try to shy from direct attacked meant at generalizing all people within a group.

Obama should really focus on CO. If he wins that, he wins the election and it seems it is the easiest swing state for him to win.

Anyway, does anyone know when Obama will be on Fox tonight?
Tamanon said:

Holy shit, it really is Cheney running the campaign!

Oh shit.

Though oddly enough...this all fits into my theory that the Democratic party is Batman. The Democrats have rules. They adhere to those moral codes because if they break them, then they are no better than the criminal slime they're fighting against.

Thankfully, that catty bitch, Palin, isn't going to have nine political lives. She might have one or two, but in that case, we'll just have to throw her out of a higher window.
Snaku said:
I really hope the Obama campaign does an ad about this. Pissed me off so much last night.
I think the most upsetting thing is how she fucking delivered the line. It's one thing to read the bullshit line, it's quite another to see her wrinkle up her nose and just fly with it. It's incredibly tempting to use some derogatory remarks right now to describe her. Attack "dog" indeed.
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