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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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*drowns in jizz*
VanMardigan said:
That's my point. There is no way this thread had some sort of balance in the amount of blind party/religion/candidate bashing.

See? And a mere one page away from the warning, to boot. It's such a joke.

Excuse me? I was criticizing the INDIVIDUALS in that video for the hypocritical sacs of shit that they are. Where the hell did you see me criticize a group in that? Nobody in this thread can possibly disagree with the assessment of those liars in the Jon Stewart clip.


theBishop said:
Did any of the factcheckers cover Mitt Romney's speech?

This guy on AirAmerica took issue with the claim that Palin won more votes running for mayor than Biden won running for president. It turns out that ridiculous claim wasn't true. Palin won roughly 1500 votes in her two mayoral races.

Biden won 76,000 votes running for president despite dropping out after Iowa.

I believe that was Huckabee's speech, which in my eyes wasn't so bad up until he made the claim.
theBishop said:
Did any of the factcheckers cover Mitt Romney's speech?

This guy on AirAmerica took issue with the claim that Palin won more votes running for mayor than Biden won running for president. It turns out that ridiculous claim wasn't true. Palin won roughly 1500 votes in her two mayoral races.

Biden won 76,000 votes running for president despite dropping out after Iowa.


you mean somebody took that comment seriously?
More nerves getting struck:

Washington Monthly - In Defense of Community Organizers

Video blogger Jay Smooth was also spot-on: "This recurring theme of turning the phrase 'community organizer' into some sort of epithet like 'communist' or 'homo' or something, that's really despicable. The difference between a community organizer and a politician is that community organizers are the ones who take the responsibility upon themselves to help their fellow citizens without the benefit of a government budget behind them. And go out there every day doing the hard thankless work to make this country livable which is what allows you politicians to be able to go on TV and brag about how this is the greatest country in the world. And for you to go on that TV show and spit in those people's faces for the sake of a rhetorical flourish is disgusting."
chubigans said:
That was a very interesting line...I think it's hilarious and ridiculous at the same time. How could you not love a line like that. :lol

Hm, something about A Pledge of Alegia-something? I found it profoundly in opposition to what I consider the fundamental conceit of America.


Palin just made a public appearance, story on Yahoo:

Palin criticizes Obama again in solo appearance

By SARA KUGLER, Associated Press Writer 20 minutes ago

Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Thursday took an immediate swipe at Democratic nominee Barack Obama in her first solo campaign appearance since joining the GOP ticket. The Alaska governor also issued a fund-raising appeal that blamed the Democratic presidential ticket for spreading "misinformation and flat-out lies" about her family and her.

While the Obama campaign has raised questions about Palin's qualifications, Obama himself has said that her family should be off-limits.

Palin met with Republican governors Thursday and said afterward that leading a state means you have to make decisions and not just vote "present."

"We don't have a 'present' button as governor — we are expected to lead, we are expected to take action and not just vote 'present,'" said Palin, who is in her first term as Alaska's governor. "So there's a big difference, of course, between the executive and legislative branches and our experience."

Palin was referring to Obama's days in the Illinois Senate, when he voted "present" dozens of times among the thousands of votes he cast in his eight years there. The move is common among Illinois lawmakers, but has become a favorite Republican complaint about Obama.

The vice presidential candidate met with the governors on the morning after her speech to the Republican National Convention. In the days since her selection as John McCain's running mate was announced, questions have been raised about the 44-year-old governor's qualifications and experience, and it was revealed that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant.

In a fundraising letter issued Thursday, she wrote that "the Obama-Biden Democrats have been vicious in their attacks directed toward me, my family and John McCain. The misinformation and flat-out lies must be corrected."

Palin said Thursday that she has "a big job cut out in front of me running for vice president."

"I intend to give this campaign all that I have to give," she said. "And I look forward to these 60-plus days on the trail. My family looks forward to this, we're up for it, we're excited about it."

She did not take questions from reporters.
Are people on Wall Street OCD retards?

GODDAMN! Dow down almost 350.

With the Houseing/Banking issue being bad while being a fundamental area of the economy it is a surprise to them that things really are bad when more numbers come out?
Outside of Nintendo since Wii was sold out a year after release why would you want to be in the stock market?

Oil prices settle below $108
The last time crude settled below $108 a barrel was on April 4th when it fell to $106.23 a barrel.

This is a great time for it. McCain speech tonight and he has to touch on the economic issues after none have been mentioned in Prime time so far.


speculawyer said:
Please . . . call him out on any bullshit. All politicians deserve to be mocked when they lie.

But you really are not gonna see much on Biden. He is so old hat . . . every one knows his good points and his bad points.

It has just been a feeding frenzy on Palin because outside of Alaska, everyone was like "Who?"

Including McCain it would seem.
I understand what you are saying. There are too many people that are in denial in this thread. Yes, Palin is new to many here. Not to me, however, as I know the nephew of the old democrat governor Knowles (who she beat in the general election).

It is just depressing how, and mostly because this forum is so young, that people have yet to hear about Biden because it is has been to the media. I don't think digging up old stuff would be all that useful but people should know that Biden is like any other politician and isn't as clean as people believe.


When the convention is over, I'd like to see a comparison of how many times each candidate was mentioned at each convention. Did the Republicans really talk about Obama more than they did McCain? Sure seems that way.

Republicans bitch and moan about media coverage of Obama, but you know why he gets so many stories about him? Because most of the time that Republicans open their mouths they say something about Obama. Democratic news = stories about Obama. Republican news = stories about Obama. They do this shit to themselves by making the campaign about him rather than policy.


ViperVisor said:
Are people on Wall Street OCD retards?

GODDAMN! Dow down almost 350.

With the Houseing/Banking issue being bad while being a fundamental area of the economy it is a surprise to them that things really are bad when more numbers come out?
Outside of Nintendo since Wii was sold out a year after release why would you want to be in the stock market?
Lower tax rates than actually working!


GhaleonEB said:
I don't think they could have said anything to fire up Obama's supporters any more. He built the campaign on grass roots organizing. It was a shot at the very foundation of Obama's values and the basis for his campaign.

Big. Mistake.

Drill, baby, drill.
GhaleonEB said:
I don't think they could have said anything to fire up Obama's supporters any more. He built the campaign on grass roots organizing. It was a shot at the very foundation of Obama's values and the basis for his campaign.

Big. Mistake.

yeah you're right. Community organizers weren't already 110% behind Obama. Palin really pushed them over the edge.


Gold Member

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's highly anticipated speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night nearly matched the record-setting numbers of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

Palin pulled in 37.2 million viewers across broadcast and cable networks, according to Nielsen Media Research.

That's 55% higher than Day 3 of the DNC, when her Democratic counterpart, Joe Biden, and President Clinton took the stage (24 million).

It's also up a sharp 99% from the Republican convention's third day in 2004 (18.7 million). In fact, it came close to upsetting Obama's historic address on Thursday -- the most-watched convention speech in history (38.4 million viewers).

Palin's viewership is up 73% from Tuesday's RNC tally, when 21.5 million tuned in to see President Bush and independent Sen. Joe Lieberman endorse nominee John McCain.

Palin has been beset by controversy since McCain shocked Beltway insiders by appointing the relatively little-known governor as his vice presidential pick. Her Wednesday night speech was presented as an opportunity to address her skeptics.

Reaction to Palin's speech was very positive: "Sarah Palin's perfect premiere" ... "connects with people in a way few politicians can" ... "Palin was stunning" ... "Palin sets high bar for McCain" ... as some have noted, the AP says some lines in the speech didn't pass their fact check. Here's the speech and video.

Network-by-network breakdown and more comparisons to come ...

37,244,000 watched Palin 24,029,000 Biden; 38,379,000 Obama


VanMardigan said:
Specific group? Which one?

Attack specific persons rather than groups (evangelicals, republicans, etc.)

The dipshits at Fox News and McCain's advisor (or whatever she is)


VanMardigan said:
You take away the blind and you're now allowing the type of attacks and posts amirox was ostensibly warning about. Now, it's justifiable.

What are you going on about? People are angry and frustrated, and there are more people here that lean left than right. Do we have to pretend this is CNN, where every question, no matter how clear the answer, has to have both sides presented "fairly"?

Frankly, I find your "far left gaf" moniker to be bullshit. Most posters here aren't socialists, communists, or anything of the sort. Most left-leaning people here, as far as I've seen, are actually pretty reasonable, and willing to engage in debate on fiscal conservatism, DRILLING, etc. And most people here do NOT engage in the sorts of blind religion bashing you refer to. Complaining about the influence of fundamentalists in the republican party is no different than evangelicals complaining about radical islamists.
Why on earth are they trying to make Palin an attack dog style VP pick. Sorry, that's just retarded. She's way better off as a fresh face, talking fresh ideas and telling stories of the kind of fresh leadership a McCain/Palin team will bring for the country.

Instead they have her smearing and taking pot shots. It totally ruins her reformer credibility completely and gives the Obama campaign and the media an excuse to steamroll her.



ALeperMessiah said:
yeah you're right. Community organizers weren't already 110% behind Obama. Palin really pushed them over the edge.

:lol What the hell? Was there some sort of "Community Organizer" demographic I've failed to be versed on?


syllogism said:


“I think that the surge has succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated,” Obama said while refusing to retract his initial opposition to the surge. “I’ve already said it’s succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”

However, he added, the country has not had enough “political reconciliation” and Iraqis still have not taken responsibility for their country.

Speaking on other national security matters, Obama said he would not take military action off the table in dealing with Iran, but diplomacy and sanctions can’t be overlooked.

The Islamic republic is a “major threat” and it would be “unacceptable” for the rogue nation to develop a nuclear weapon, he said.

“It is unacceptable for Iran to possess a nuclear weapon, it would be a game changer,” Obama said. “It’s sufficient to say I would not take military action off the table and that I will never hesitate to use our military force in order to protect the homeland and the United States’ interests.”

But Obama also warned against the current U.S. administration lumping radical Islamic groups together.

“They have fueled a whole host of terrorist organizations,” Obama said of Iran, but “we have to have the ability to distinguish between groups. … They may not all be part and parcel of the same ideology.”

Obama sat down with O’Reilly in York, Pa., after holding a discussion on the economy with voters nearby. The Illinois senator has been campaigning in battleground states since accepting the Democratic presidential nomination last Thursday at his party’s convention in Denver.

Obama repeated his campaign’s foreign policy position that Afghanistan must become the “central front” in the War on Terror.

Excerpts from the interview, nothing too shocking.


grandjedi6 said:
Why do you have to bring abortion into every discussion :/
I'll gladly stop bringing it up when people stop acting like Democrats are heroic paladins who wouldn't harm a fly.

ryutaro's mama said:
Neither do Dems.

They just give the power for YOU to choose for YOU.

Abortion is no one's business but the Aborters, Doctors and God.

Let them explain on Judgment Day.
Torture is no one's business but the torturers, terrorists, and God.

Let them explain on judgment day.


syllogism said:
I really think this is going to be rather docile. Bill gets star struck at times and does respectfully discuss with big time government leaders. I kind of link this to the whole Letterman-Oprah thing.


Fragamemnon said:
Why on earth are they trying to make Palin an attack dog style VP pick. Sorry, that's just retarded. She's way better off as a fresh face, talking fresh ideas and telling stories of the kind of fresh leadership a McCain/Palin team will bring for the country.

Instead they have her smearing and taking pot shots. It totally ruins her reformer credibility completely and gives the Obama campaign and the media an excuse to steamroll her.


I agree completely. And anecdotally, they appear to have already squandered any goodwill the pick could have bought them. Spiteful is not playing very well.
Branduil said:
I'll gladly stop bringing it up when people stop acting like Democrats are heroic paladins who wouldn't harm a fly.

Torture is no one's business but the torturers, terrorists, and God.

Let them explain on judgment day.

:lol :lol :lol

Yep, just like abortion.

Excellent counterpoint.


Frank the Great said:
Obama should really focus on CO. If he wins that, he wins the election and it seems it is the easiest swing state for him to win.

Anyway, does anyone know when Obama will be on Fox tonight?

I just moved to Denver and there is a huge amount of support for Obama out here. I've seen hundreds and hundreds of obama shirts, bumper stickers, and signs, and literally 2 or 3 McCain signs / stickers. I know metropolitan areas tend to vote democratic, but I live in a part of town that is known for being white and wealthy. I would have figured if any part of Denver would have more support for McCain, this would be it. It will be interesting to see how Palin changes things here. I will say that the Obama campaign has a lot of people out there registering people to vote.
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