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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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I got this feeling that Hilary is going to rip her to shreds on EVERY single flaw about her publically because shes in the best position to do so. Perfect. Hilary just needs to play the part for the next 2 months.
scorcho said:
how does her experience leave her ready to lead this country? what direction will she take the country in? what are her policies on national security, education, health care, the economy? what type of role would she play in a McCain administration?



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
domokunrox said:
I got this feeling that Hilary is going to rip her to shreds on EVERY single flaw about her publically because shes in the best position to do so. Perfect. Hilary just needs to play the part for the next 2 months.

She has the advantage of actually having a Foreign Policy
HocusPocus said:
No matter what you say about the woman, she has just as much (actually more) experience to be President (let alone Vice President) than Obama. Great pick, and for Republicans it was a needed selection. Had Liberman been picked, I wouldn't have voted. Why would I (as a conservative) vote for a Liberman / McCain ticket?

Just quoting for hilarity:lol


domokunrox said:
I got this feeling that Hilary is going to rip her to shreds on EVERY single flaw about her publically because shes in the best position to do so. Perfect. Hilary just needs to play the part for the next 2 months.

It will be delightful.


syllogism said:
She has a degree in journalism and has been a governor of a small state for 20 months, that's the extent of her "experience".

Apparently beating one of the biggest political machines of all time over the course of a harsh primary campaign, being elected Harvard Law Review president (an accomplishment far more distinguished and difficult to accomplish than anything Palin has done by a magnitude of fifty billion), being a community organizer in the south side of Chicago, being a State Senator of a RELEVANT state for over 3 years, being in the state legislature for six years is beaten by...

...being on the city council of a FUCKING WASILLA ALASKA, a population of 6000 people. Then she became mayor of this same bumfuck city in the middle of nowhere. She has a degree in journalism, where she wasn't even a distinguished student. She was involved in a middling whistleblowing campaign against some Republican leaders on the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission over a year, and has served as governor for... 20 months.

So the majority of her "political" life was spent being the mayor of a irrelevant town in the middle of a nothing state while eating moose burgers and mothering 23 children and an alien.

HocusPocus said:

Let's be sincere. I don't want to be a hypocrite. There is no experience on Earth that can prepare anyone to be president. The problem everyone has is that the experience attack was always bogus for Obama, and now suddenly it's off the table by this pick who is even less experienced. If you think McCain genuinely believes that Palin is in the best position to run this country if he isn't, you're a fucking liar and nobody will ever believe a single word you say for the rest of this thread.

Just like Biden was a transparent attempt to prop up Obama's foreign experience, Palin was a cynical hail mary to grab bitter Hillarytards and attach some form of relevant "history making" to his ticket. The fact that the symbolism of her selection is in abject opposition to the idea of feminism, the fact that she is not actually being chosen for her qualifications in the first place is besides the point.

So we've always known experience was off the table. That's why we've voted for Obama, because we think he has the judgment and pertinent positions that applies to what it means to be PRESIDENT. And he had to prove that shit, as he did over six months of brilliant political jockeying and triangulation. And he did that by his amazing grasp of the facts, being as ridiculously intelligent as he is. And of course if you believe in many of the things he believes in, that is the final reason many support him.

So we don't care who has more experience, because that has always been a retarded argument. And McCain agrees since he picked what is likely one of the top five least experienced vice presidential candidates in U.S. history.

But even factoring in the lack of experience, there are already far more horrific alarms:


1. The fact that McCain has only talked to Palin once, and met her once. What judgment is this shit? It's called a "rush to action."

2. The fact that Palin doesn't even know what exactly the VP does, which is the absolute biggest sign that this candidate is a horrible choice.

3. The fact that Palin doesn't even know what her parties platform on foreign policy is as late as a few weeks ago. How she outright admits that she knows not one thing about foreign policy, despite the fact that her son is going to Iraq. This is a lady who will have to fucking negotiate with the most dangerous countries in the world, if "worst case."

4. The fact that Palin legitimately believes that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in school, which is an egregious violation of anyone with intelligence.

5. The fact that Palin - who is trying to make a grab for these Hillarytards - believed only a few weeks ago that Hillary Clinton was a whiner. And she laughs as a radio host calls her colleague - who has a cancer, something McCain should be familiar with - a "bitch" and a "cancer." So she doesn't even have the dignity to act as a good surrogate for her ridiculous example of tokenism.

Also she doesn't seem intellectually curious. Considering our nation has been at war for the last 7 years why does she have so little knowledge or interest in foreign policy? After the furious debate that's been going on between Obama and McCain on the Iraq strategy, why was she completely ignorant of McCain's Iraq plan until very recently? Her head is completely in the frozen tundra of just Alaskan politics. If it doesn't involve Alaska somehow, it doesn't seem she takes much interest in it.

That's great she's having a son go to Iraq. But so do 130,000 other fathers and mothers. They doesn't make them qualified to run the war. Would you want Cindy Shenan being our Commander in Chief?


And as usual, Ami brings down the fuckin law, upends the fucking creaking tea table, and absolutely kills all and any argument.

Well, gee, thanks, Ami.

No, seriously, thanks - I can't stand any more idiot spewing blathering mouth breathers
ComputerNerd said:
Wealth distribution is bad.

And his raising of the capital gains tax will actually hurt.... everybody who owns a house... stocks... anything that shows up as capital gains.

I'm middle class, and Obama's plan would raise my taxes.

Do you make over $250,000? If not, then you're getting a tax cut.

Also, capital gains was taxed at 20% during the Clinton years. Didn't hurt NOBODY.

Geez, GAF. What's going on with the right-wing talking points lately in this thread? It's like logic is being thrown out the window.
The Chosen One said:
Also she doesn't seem intellectually curious. Considering our nation has been at war for the last 7 years why does she have so little knowledge or interest in foreign policy? After the furious debate that's been going on between Obama and McCain on the Iraq strategy, why was she completely ignorant of McCain's Iraq plan until very recently? Her had is completely in the frozen tundra of just Alaskan politics. If it doesn't involve Alaska somehow, it doesn't seem she takes much interest in it.

That's great she's having a son go to Iraq. But so do 130,000 other fathers and mothers. They doesn't make them qualified to run the war. Would you want Cindy Shenan being our Commander in Chief?

It's simply another sign of how out of touch the Republicans in power are with regards to the American people and the world as a whole. It seems as if they're all isolated from reality and so consumed with the need to be the 100% polar opposite of whatever the Democrats are doing to actually be effective at anything logical or reasonable.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Do you make over $250,000? If not, then you're getting a tax cut.

You kids actually believe what politicians tell you? You're even more naive than I thought you all were.

Despite all the crap this thread can dredge up, Obama has a whole bunch he has to contend with as well. There is no discussion of the issues to be had here either. It's all a bunch of name calling and school ground behavior.

School's almost back kiddies! Thank God.
Dr_Cogent said:
You kids actually believe what politicians tell you? You're even more naive than I thought you all were.

Despite all the crap they can dredge up, Obama has a whole bunch he has to contend with as well. There is no discussion of the issues to be had here. It's all a bunch of name calling and school ground behavior.

Hi. I'm earth. Have we met?


Dr_Cogent said:
You kids actually believe what politicians tell you? You're even more naive than I thought you all were.

Despite all the crap this thread can dredge up, Obama has a whole bunch he has to contend with as well. There is no discussion of the issues to be had here either. It's all a bunch of name calling and school ground behavior.

School's almost back kiddies! Thank God.



Dr_Cogent said:
You kids actually believe what politicians tell you? You're even more naive than I thought you all were.

Despite all the crap this thread can dredge up, Obama has a whole bunch he has to contend with as well. There is no discussion of the issues to be had here either. It's all a bunch of name calling and school ground behavior.

School's almost back kiddies! Thank God.

Wow, lovely contradictions there.


Apparently the majority of America were impressed with her. WTF?

Sarah Palin made a good first impression. She was unknown nationally before being introduced as the GOP Vice-Presidential pick but is now viewed favorably by 53% of voters nationwide.


Dr_Cogent said:
You kids actually believe what politicians tell you? You're even more naive than I thought you all were.

Despite all the crap this thread can dredge up, Obama has a whole bunch he has to contend with as well. There is no discussion of the issues to be had here either. It's all a bunch of name calling and school ground behavior.

School's almost back kiddies! Thank God.

I'm so glad Dr_Cogent is always available to sneer at his lessers from his OT pedestal. And always with such substantively-backed viewpoints too. Arguing from a position of strength - that's Dr_Cogent.


gkrykewy said:
This will truly be a referendum on how stupid the American public actually is. Despite this, I am hopeful.
Pretty much! I can't believe this race is supposedly close after what Bush has done to the country in the last couple years. A party who fucked up the economy to such a degree would have difficulties to stay in the running in any sane environment.

But I digress.

I swear, if you guys fuck this up again, you've deserved the scorn and ridicule of the rest of the world. Again.

edit: and to stay on the Palin topic, someone else in here said it best - this is not a decision with governing in mind, this is a decision guided by electioneering, and nothing else. smh


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Cheebs said:
Apparently the majority of America were impressed with her. WTF?

Kind of a loaded question. What do you think of Sarah Palin?

Me: Seems like a nice lady, devoted to her family. I don't agree with her on anything.

Should have asked, "What do you think of Sarah Palin as Vice President?"


Cheebs said:
Apparently the majority of America were impressed with her. WTF?

She is likeable, of course they will have a favorable first impression. No one knows her and thus they can't know about her qualifications or positions either.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
Amir0x said:
Apparently beating one of the biggest political machines of all time over the course of a harsh primary campaign, being elected Harvard Law Review president (an accomplishment far more distinguished and difficult to accomplish than anything Palin has done by a magnitude of fifty billion), being a community organizer in the south side of Chicago, being a State Senator of a RELEVANT state for over 3 years, being in the state legislature for six years is beaten by...

...being on the city council of a FUCKING WASILLA ALASKA, a population of 6000 people. Then she became mayor of this same bumfuck city in the middle of nowhere. She has a degree in journalism, where she wasn't even a distinguished student. She was involved in a middling whistleblowing campaign against some Republican leaders on the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission over a year, and has served as governor for... 20 months.

So the majority of her "political" life was spent being the mayor of a irrelevant town in the middle of a nothing state while eating moose burgers and mothering 23 children and an alien.

Let's be sincere. I don't want to be a hypocrite. There is no experience on Earth that can prepare anyone to be president. The problem everyone has is that the experience attack was always bogus for Obama, and now suddenly it's off the table by this pick who is even less experienced. If you think McCain genuinely believes that Palin is in the best position to run this country if he isn't, you're a fucking liar and nobody will ever believe a single word you say for the rest of this thread.

Just like Biden was a transparent attempt to prop up Obama's foreign experience, Palin was a cynical hail mary to grab bitter Hillarytards and attach some form of relevant "history making" to his ticket. The fact that the symbolism of her selection is in abject opposition to the idea of feminism, the fact that she is not actually being chosen for her qualifications in the first place is besides the point.

So we've always known experience was off the table. That's why we've voted for Obama, because we think he has the judgment and pertinent positions that applies to what it means to be PRESIDENT. And he had to prove that shit, as he did over six months of brilliant political jockeying and triangulation. And he did that by his amazing grasp of the facts, being as ridiculously intelligent as he is. And of course if you believe in many of the things he believes in, that is the final reason many support him.

So we don't care who has more experience, because that has always been a retarded argument. And McCain agrees since he picked what is likely one of the top five least experienced vice presidential candidates in U.S. history.

But even factoring in the lack of experience, there are already far more horrific alarms:


1. The fact that McCain has only talked to Palin once, and met her once. What judgment is this shit? It's called a "rush to action."

2. The fact that Palin doesn't even know what exactly the VP does, which is the absolute biggest sign that this candidate is a horrible choice.

3. The fact that Palin doesn't even know what her parties platform on foreign policy is as late as a few weeks ago. How she outright admits that she knows not one thing about foreign policy, despite the fact that her son is going to Iraq. This is a lady who will have to fucking negotiate with the most dangerous countries in the world, if "worst case."

4. The fact that Palin legitimately believes that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in school, which is an egregious violation of anyone with intelligence.

5. The fact that Palin - who is trying to make a grab for these Hillarytards - believed only a few weeks ago that Hillary Clinton was a whiner. And she laughs as a radio host calls her colleague - who has a cancer, something McCain should be familiar with - a "bitch" and a "cancer." So she doesn't even have the dignity to act as a good surrogate for her ridiculous example of tokenism.


Well, all be damned...
If this is true, which it seems, then the judgement of McCain is.. well, he does not seem to have any. But I don´t mind, he is making this easier for the Obama-camp to shred his campaign to pieces..

.... we here in "yurop" support Obama anyways.. :)


Dr_Cogent said:
You kids actually believe what politicians tell you? You're even more naive than I thought you all were.

Despite all the crap this thread can dredge up, Obama has a whole bunch he has to contend with as well. There is no discussion of the issues to be had here either. It's all a bunch of name calling and school ground behavior.

School's almost back kiddies! Thank God.
Amazingly enough your OT posts manage to be more obnoxious and devoid of content than on the gaming forum.


Y2Kev said:
Kind of a loaded question. What do you think of Sarah Palin?

Me: Seems like a nice lady, devoted to her family. I don't agree with her on anything.

Should have asked, "What do you think of Sarah Palin as Vice President?"
That doesn't explain that now a net 9% advantage of independents are more likely to vote for him now. I really hope this is just some random first impression that doesn't stick. Cause it blows my mind to be honest. Democrats are doing a lot to try to define her, lets hope that works out.

As for voters not affiliated with either major party, 37% are more likely to vote for McCain and 28% less likely to do so. Those numbers are a bit more positive than initial reaction to Biden.


Cheebs said:
That doesn't explain that now a net 9% advantage of independents are more likely to vote for him now. I really hope this is just some random first impression that doesn't stick. Cause it blows my mind to be honest.
Mccain gets about half of independents on his own and many of those "independents" will of course say this makes it even more likely that they'll vote for him. Many of these "independents" are also actually very conservative and think the republican party isn't conservative enough. Palin is very popular among conservative activists.


Wow, I can see this thread won't be the place for me for a while... not until we see more of what Palin is about, hear more about what she can do. Watch her in the veep debate.

You know, I get that there are a lot of Obama supporters in here, and while I'm not yet one of them, I did take the time to carefully watch all of the DNC last week and stay up to date on what's going on.

I'm going to give Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin equal consideration because until you give somebody the chance, you just really can't know enough about them to make a decent judgement.

I saw Palin on a CNBC interview last night about oil drilling in Alaska (taped last Monday, I understand) and she appeared bright and charming. I think John McCain was right when he said, "but when you get to know her, you'll be just as impressed as I am."

An open mind. Yes, that's the ticket.


Cheebs said:
That doesn't explain that now a net 9% advantage of independents are more likely to vote for him now. I really hope this is just some random first impression that doesn't stick. Cause it blows my mind to be honest. Democrats are doing a lot to try to define her, lets hope that works out.

As for voters not affiliated with either major party, 37% are more likely to vote for McCain and 28% less likely to do so. Those numbers are a bit more positive than initial reaction to Biden.

Biden is a not very attractive man with hairplugs who only becomes likable/respectable after you hear him speak a lot. Palin is pretty much the polar opposite. Beautiful, but is there much else to her?


syllogism said:
Mccain gets about half of independents on his own and quite a bit of those "independents" will of course say this makes it even more likely that they'll vote for him. Many of these "independents" are also actually very conservative and think the republican party isn't conservative enough. Palin is very popular among conservative activists.
That is true but I still worry because I actually fear Palin taking over more than I do Dick Cheney if Bush croaked. Cheney may be Darth Vader but he well educated and knows national politics. Palin? Eek.

Kolgar said:
I saw Palin on a CNBC interview last night about oil drilling in Alaska (taped last Monday, I understand) and she appeared bright and charming. I think John McCain was right when he said, "but when you get to know her, you'll be just as impressed as I am."
Someone with a mere journalism bachleor's degree and who admits to not knowing what is going on in Iraq is unqualified to lead this country. Period.

I know more about Iraq and foreign policy than someone who could be a heartbeat away from being president. There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with that. I don't want to know more than the next potential VP, that scares me!


gkrykewy said:
I'm so glad Dr_Cogent is always available to sneer at his lessers from his OT pedestal. And always with such substantively-backed viewpoints too. Arguing from a position of strength - that's Dr_Cogent.

Wait...:lol Is there an argument to be made? You people can't have a civil discussion and stick to the facts, as in a formal debate. If someone has an opposing viewpoint here (i.e. if you aren't an Obamaite), you are basically ridiculed, called names and dismissed as an idiot. I am a grown adult now and I try to keep from behaving like my 5 year old does as much as possible.

I certainly hope Obama does lose, because that will be so fucking funny to watch on this forum. The meltdowns would be priceless.

Oh, see the red mark next to my name? That means I don't roll with all the yes men on here. I will most likely get banned as well for this, or it will contribute to a future banning as well and I am sure plenty will celebrate.

Saying anything out of line with the hive minded OT leads to that you see.

And Obama, his message is pretty fucking vague. I have yet to see him in a tough venue answering hard questions in an interview. It's all, Hope Change blah blah blah - pull the troops out - free health care for all (even though there is no real plan defined for it). Blah blah blah. McCain isn't really any better. It's politics as usual, but the blind fanboyism here for your (as someone else recently put it well) messiah is insane.

I don't have 1/1000 the faith in McCain or any politician for that matter that those here have for Obama.


Kolgar said:
Wow, I can see this thread won't be the place for me for a while... not until we see more of what Palin is about, hear more about what she can do. Watch her in the veep debate.

You know, I get that there are a lot of Obama supporters in here, and while I'm not yet one of them, I did take the time to carefully watch all of the DNC last week and stay up to date on what's going on.

I'm going to give Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin equal consideration because until you give somebody the chance, you just really can't know enough about them to make a decent judgement.

I saw Palin on a CNBC interview last night about oil drilling in Alaska (taped last Monday, I understand) and she appeared bright and charming. I think John McCain was right when he said, "but when you get to know her, you'll be just as impressed as I am."

An open mind. Yes, that's the ticket.
Have you seen this?


That should tell you quite a bit what kind of person she can be in an important debate concerning US and its citizens.

I know we should be open-minded, but nothing in there suggests someone who has compassion to other people.


Arde5643 said:
I know we should be open-minded, but nothing in there suggests someone who has compassion to other people.
I still think the worst point is that nearly everyone in this thread knows more about foreign policy than her. That's absurd.


HolyStar said:

Wow, it's in a graph. So it must be true, right? I'm glad to know that graphs now predict the future.

Presidents of past have told us we wouldn't be getting new taxes. Then they went back on their word. Republican and Democrat alike.


Dr_Cogent said:
And Obama, his message is pretty fucking vague. I have yet to see him in a tough venue answering hard questions in an interview. It's all, Hope Change blah blah blah - pull the troops out - free health care for all (even though there is no real plan defined for it). Blah blah blah. McCain isn't really any better. It's politics as usual, but the blind fanboyism here for your (as someone else recently put it well) messiah is insane.

I don't have 1/1000 the faith in McCain or any politician for that matter that those here have for Obama.

Obama's plan isn't universal. It's outlined here:


includes an even more indepth PDF of the plan

I'm sure you'll read it and adapt your view afterwards if need be. You seem like a smart, open-minded guy.


Dr_Cogent said:
Wow, it's in a graph. So it must be true, right? I'm glad to know that graphs now predict the future.
You claim McCain will cut taxes for the middle class more than Obama? Based on what?
Cheebs said:
Apparently the majority of America were impressed with her. WTF?


Of course they "like" her. She's very likable: she has 5 kids, she's a young female governor, she appeals to heartland voters, etc. The more important question is whether she's a good vice president choice, and whether she is ready to be president. As the media cycle comes back around on monday expect lots of the stuff we're talking about to be parroted.


PhoenixDark said:
Of course they "like" her. She's very likable: she has 5 kids, she's a young female governor, she appeals to heartland voters, etc. The more important question is whether she's a good vice president choice, and whether she is ready to be president. As the media cycle comes back around on monday expect lots of the stuff we're talking about to be parroted.
I hope so. It wasn't till this morning that it really hit me that I personally know more about the Iraq War than someone with a 50-50 shot at being VP. That really freaks me out. I feel way worse about this than last night now that this fact really hit me.


Cheebs said:
You claim McCain will cut taxes for the middle class more than Obama? Based on what?

I don't claim shit! That's the difference between me and many here. They actually believe these pin heads.

Do I believe either of them? No.

Are Obama's ideas more in line with mine than McCains? No

Lesser of two evils for me. I don't like either of them, but the dems are far too socialist for my tastes as well as other issues. That's not respected here though. If you vote Republican, you are branded and idiot. There is no meeting of the minds for a debate here. It's just a mud slinging fest.

It's pretty laughable that people who are so pro Obama act like they are somehow such enlightened and intellectual and everyone else is a dunce.


Dr_Cogent said:
Wow, it's in a graph. So it must be true, right? I'm glad to know that graphs now predict the future.

Presidents of past have told us we wouldn't be getting new taxes. Then they went back on their word. Republican and Democrat alike.


You seem to be like Solaris claiming logic and the importance of the use of logical debate while using none yourself. While history does show us that presidents go back on their word the argument in question was comparing McCain's plan vs. Obama's plan.
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