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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Diablos said:
Where exactly did I imply a omgonoz effect? Besides, ever since Rudy started giving his speech this entire thread has been "omgonoz" and "fuck off Republicans". I am simply stating that Palin, as a VP nominee that the country knew absolutely nothing about as of just a few days ago, is helping McCain this much is QUITE interesting, don't you think? She had about as many viewers as Obama did -- and she's the vice presidential nominee. That's unbelievable. VP's are supposed to matter, yes, but not this much.

There's a huge difference between omgmonz and realizing that in some ways Palin is proving herself to be a game changer and having a bigger key role in the campaign than anyone initially imagined, love it or hate it.
I doubt this is a game changer. Sure everyone is excited as nobody knows her. So a lot of people tuned in last night. But once you get past herself personally you see she's just another party hack and I don't think the country wants that right now.


I read this elsewhere. Can anyone honestly debunk it?

Disgracefull, in a time of soaring revenues for Alaska due to high oil prices paid for by Americans she takes your hard earned money twice. And leaves you with a deficit of cartoony proportions.
It sure does make her popular back home though!
But she still managed to leave her town of 6000 people, a $5 million budget and NO debt with a $22 million debt. She fired city employees for not 'supporting her' tried to censor the library and fire the librarian when she did not comply, supported the bridge to nowhere before it became a national joke but still took the earmark money, ran a 527 for Ted Stevens and her husband used to be a member of the Alaska secessionist party which she attended and she is under investigation for the firing of a state trooper for doing his job.


Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
kevm3 said:
I really don't understand why Obama is playing so nice with the opposition when they are assassinating his character. It's tiring. No more of that good friend and war hero McCain nonsense. HIT THESE GUYS. And Ireally don't understand Obama coming out on Fox news talking about the surge was successful beyond our wildest dreams. Awesome way to give the republicans ammo and to give them something to back up "McCain's judgment."

The American people aren't going to care about your claims about what you can dofor the country if the Republicans successfully paint you as some sort of elitist, secret muslim terrorist, antichrist... You have to hit the republicans back... not laugh, act like it didn't happen and then give them some ammo. I mean Bush won two elections in a row using the same tactics and the Dems may lose again if they play soft again and let Obama be some kind of sacrificial lamb. You don't have to go assassinate their character, but hit them back! Attack their hypocrisy and lack of serious policy hard

Their convention isn't even over. It will get drowned. Next week. The Dems, for this election, have hit back harder than any other Dem campaign I've ever seen. Give it time.


speculawyer said:
Yeah, there is a lot of work that needs to be done there. Right now, we (the USA) are paying all these Sunnis. And we are trying to get the Iraqi government (with their many billions surplus) to start paying them. They have been saying "No". They had damn well better wise up.

If we leave and those payments stop, civil war is sure to follow. And honestly, I won't really feel too sorry for that government if they refuse to work out some deal to de-fuse the situation.

It's already getting tenser over there with that whole refusal of the Iraqi government to transition the SOI to government workers like originally promised in the agreements.....

And kevm: You don't go too much on the attack DURING the convention, you don't get any airplay or traction, although they've been adopting a harsher tone lately, more of an anger-fueled campaign aimed at what's ruining politics.


kevm3 said:
I really don't understand why Obama is playing so nice with the opposition when they are assassinating his character. It's tiring. No more of that good friend and war hero McCain nonsense. HIT THESE GUYS. And Ireally don't understand Obama coming out on Fox news talking about the surge was successful beyond our wildest dreams. Awesome way to give the republicans ammo and to give them something to back up "McCain's judgment."

The American people aren't going to care about your claims about what you can dofor the country if the Republicans successfully paint you as some sort of elitist, secret muslim terrorist, antichrist... You have to hit the republicans back... not laugh, act like it didn't happen and then give them some ammo. I mean Bush won two elections in a row using the same tactics and the Dems may lose again if they play soft again and let Obama be some kind of sacrificial lamb. You don't have to go assassinate their character, but hit them back! Attack their hypocrisy and lack of serious policy hard
I think the upcoming polls will determine if Obama flips the aggressive switch or not. I do agree that he and Biden have been especially nice to Palin. I'm not necessarily saying they have to smear her, but they really should start hitting back; there are a lot of perfectly legitimate things to bring up that make for much better discussion than what has basically been "omg Palin's daughter is a slutty high school girl who got knocked up." The high road is nicer than the low road, but going somewhere in between to avoid all the slime the Republicans are slinging at this point may not be the worst idea.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
Helps that Sadr has his followers on lockdown at the moment. He can flip that switch at any time, though.
Yep. Fortunately, he seems reasonably satisfied for the moment though. And as long as the new SOFA makes it clear that US troops are leaving, I don't think he'll fire up his militia.


speculawyer said:
Yep. Fortunately, he seems reasonably satisfied for the moment though. And as long as the new SOFA makes it clear that US troops are leaving, I don't think he'll fire up his militia.

I don't know what you guys are talking about but did you see Sarah Palin's daughter's boyfriend's tattoo last night?! oh my GOD!


Again, here's the only poll you need. Iowa Election Market - unchanged for a week at ~60/40 Obama.

The reason he isn't hitting back now is because he has a 7 point cushion according to Gallup, a 5% cushion with Rasussen (Whateva), and a significant lead in the electoral college right now. He only goes on the attack when he needs to, which is smart.
'Surge worked.' is such bullshit.

Only thing of substance they have tried to chalk up to the surge was the Anbar Awakening. Horse shit.

It is a joke that the difference was 15% more troops. Like it is a NUKE-U-LER reaction that was just before critical mass.
It is about a number of things: Ethnic cleansing is a tactic that is not a marketing campaign and most certainly works, having burnt through the tinder leading to more boldly divided areas.
US killed a lot of the bad dudes. They kill a few thousand or our guys WTF do you think we did to them?
The agreements within Iraq that got made. Muqtada al-Sadr doing a cease-fire.

Don't pretend that people can't be against more troops if they wanted to adapt the war policy in Iraq.
The surge was only Bush hoping to crawl to 2009 at the expense of 10s of billions more in cash and wearing down the army to the point of resembling the Texas Air National Guard.


Yaweee said:
Not too closely, but I appreciate what they do. Any sort of well-organized collation of data earns my respect. They cite their sources, link to a ton of stories about voter statistics and tendencies, and represent many different interpretations and combination of data. I'm a huge fan of detailed statistics, and what that site does (alongside the Poll of Polls) is far, far, faaaaaar more tolerable than a single cable news channel perpetually shitting a break as their internal polling makes six-point swings every three days.

It's pretty sad -- and amazing -- that a free website is providing better poll analysis than news networks :lol


Diablos said:

It's pretty sad -- and amazing -- that a free website is providing better poll analysis than news networks :lol

Eh, makes sense, poll analysis isn't sexy. The networks are more about just finding the sections of a poll that can support a narrative.


*drowns in jizz*
Pathetic CNN, pathetic. What the fuck were those softballs you kept lobbing at Guliani? I mean, damn, ask some real questions, and follow up with his obviously bullshit talking points. He states the most important things he agrees on with Sarah Palin is Economy and national security- then they dont bother asking him what the fuck experience she has on those issues. Then they let him peddle the 'I think she's ready to be president while hes only known her for 5 days. Why didnt they ask him why he mocks community organizing?


Tamanon said:
Eh, makes sense, poll analysis isn't sexy. The networks are more about just finding the sections of a poll that can support a narrative.
Are you done calling me an omgonoz, btw? :D

sevenchaos said:
I doubt this is a game changer. Sure everyone is excited as nobody knows her. So a lot of people tuned in last night. But once you get past herself personally you see she's just another party hack and I don't think the country wants that right now.
Sorry, missed your post.

Of course it isn't a COMPLETE game changer, hence being the reason why I said in some ways. Nobody knew or cared about Sarah Palin until a few days ago, and she's off to an amazing start with her base. I don't think Pawlenty or Romney would have done this much good for McCain, and I KNOW Lieberman or Ridge wouldn't have.

That said, some of the things that are being reported about Palin (that are actually legitimate and not stupid teen pregnancy stories) could catch up to her -- regardless, the fact that a VP nominee got about as many ratings as Obama during her speech is nothing to scoff at.
Whenever I get worried about Obama's chances, I just think of one thing:

Colorado. That's all he needs to win.

Hopefully this method will prevent any meltdowns when the polls come out next week. Remember this.


Frank the Great said:
Whenever I get worried about Obama's chances, I just think of one thing:

Colorado. That's all he needs to win.

Hopefully this method will prevent any meltdowns when the polls come out next week. Remember this.
I've been building a file tracking voter registrations on swing states this year, and comparing it to 2004.

Things are looking goooooooood.
Frank the Great said:
Whenever I get worried about Obama's chances, I just think of one thing:

Colorado. That's all he needs to win.

Things will look better when the debates start and the neocons have to talk about issues for once.


GhaleonEB said:
I've been building a file tracking voter registrations on swing states this year, and comparing it to 2004.

Things are looking goooooooood.

As long as the damn youth vote actually turns up en masse.


Hootie said:
As long as the damn youth vote actually turns up en masse.

they just need to get the youth vote motivated... last night was a good job at getting the Dem youth vote motivated. We shall see if they follow through


I'm with youguys. Obama definitely needs to stay away from the sleaze like the daughter scandal, but the McCain campaign has too many quotes out there from the mouths of their candidates that he can hit hard on.

Hypocrisy of the McCain Campaign:
"It's hard to believe that the McCain campaign have been calling for country first, and here on TV, wehave Sarah Palin ridiculing what I did with community service. Isn't it this notion of serving the American people that embodies putting America first? Instead of taking several lucrative job offers, I hit the streets of Chicago to help make lives better for several Americans, and this is what I am planning on doing with this election. What is so funny about serving our community? Oh I get it, McCain and Palin think it would be better to serve the interests of the wealthiest Americans, not everyday folk. And I'm the elitist? How can these guys say they are the party for change and reform when McCain voted with Bush 90 percent of the time?


BTW, CBS huge shift makes total sense now:p

Previous CBS poll

874 Respondents
228 R = 26.2%
308 D = 35.24%
337 I = 38.55%

The NEW CBS Poll

691 Respondents

215 R = 31.11%
241 D = 34.07%
235 I = 34.00%

5 points higher republicans, 1 less dem, 4 less independent.


gcubed said:
they just need to get the youth vote motivated... last night was a good job at getting the Dem youth vote motivated. We shall see if they follow through


"Vote or die, motherfuckers."
Cloudy said:
Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin attended five colleges in six years before graduating from the University of Idaho in 1987.

DAMN. Ashlynn Brooke is still only up to Ashlynn Goes to College 4.
Mark Shields of PBS was just commenting on McCain's appearance on stage with the Palin family after her speech, "he looked like a guy who wandered into someone else's family picnic."


McCain excerpts!

"I’m very proud to have introduced our next Vice President to the country. But I can’t wait until I introduce her to Washington. And let me offer an advance warning to the old, big spending, do nothing, me first, country second Washington crowd: change is coming."

"The constant partisan rancor that stops us from solving these problems isn’t a cause, it’s a symptom. It’s what happens when people go to Washington to work for themselves and not you. Again and again, I’ve worked with members of both parties to fix problems that need to be fixed. That’s how I will govern as President. I will reach out my hand to anyone to help me get this country moving again. I have that record and the scars to prove it. Senator Obama does not."

"I fell in love with my country when I was a prisoner in someone else’s. I loved it not just for the many comforts of life here. I loved it for its decency; for its faith in the wisdom, justice and goodness of its people. I loved it because it was not just a place, but an idea, a cause worth fighting for. I was never the same again. I wasn’t my own man anymore. I was my country’s.”

I am absolutely shocked that POW comes up.
ronito said:
meh....easily covered up for Teflon John's campaign. If it were a democrat? They'd be called baby killers by now.

oh come now, they're calling us baby killers already.

Interesting blip with that pool that McCain still has a hard time breaking 42% with the much higher GOP sampling. I wonder if the news that the base is electrified is missing the very possible point that a smaller, different part of the base (moderate Republicans, social libertarians id'ing themselves as republicans) is horrified by the pick.
Lucky Forward said:
Mark Shields of PBS was just commenting on McCain's appearance on stage with the Palin family after her speech, "he looked like a guy who wandered into someone else's family picnic."
:lol That mental image is hilarious
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