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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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thekad said:
I wouldn't get your hopes up. It will get successfully delayed and/or tampered by McCain & Palin.

Apparently she's already refusing to answer the deposition unless the investigation is handed from the independent investigator over to her panel of 3 appointees. Woo! FOUR MORE YEARS! FOUR MORE YEARS!

I actually think that as this campaign goes on that Troopergate will be amalgated into "Scooter Libby" justice:p


I don't know if it's been posted or not, but the latest post on 538:

As Nate and I wrote late last night, Sarah Palin's speech released a tremendous burst of energy on each side. Democrats were angry. How angry? $10 million for Barack Obama from Palin's speech until the time McCain takes the stage tonight. Undoubtedly, we will soon see numbers from the McCain camp announcing high fundraising figures. She energized both bases.

As much as Palin fired up and got everyone on both sides ready to go, there is a heart-mind conflict we mentioned yesterday. Emotionally, the Republican base says: Yes! Give us more of this so we can work our guts out for you. Analytically, the Republican insiders know: In 2008, swing voters are the key to winning. While last night must have felt wonderful, I'd be soberly waking up worried about some of these independent focus groups like this one in Michigan and this one of former Clinton supporters in Nevada are saying about Palin's speech.

Therefore, what we should carefully watch for tonight is the tenor of McCain's speech. He's got to reach for independents, and to do that he's got to sound like he's full of practical solutions. Hitting Obama a few times will be expected, but if it's not a broadly-articulated vision of where the country needs to go, the race will continue to be "Obama" vs. "Nobama." (The latter being a big bumper sticker hit here in St. Paul). Obama vs. Nobama is a race McCain will lose, much the way Bush vs. Not Bush turned out in 2004.

24 hours is a lifetime in politics (during a convention especially), and as much as the Palin speech story dominated the mood last night and today, this time tomorrow it will seem like a fast-fading memory. Consider: the Reverend Wright controversy that felt huge as it unfolded now feels as if it occurred eight lifetimes ago. By the time we reach the debates in a few weeks these conventions will be historical footnotes. That's the way it works, and it's one reason Obama's approach has been to let these temporary buzzes slide off - Jay-Z style - while staying focused on the larger strategy.

I think this pretty much nails it. A week from now no one will be talking about any of the speeches from either convention.


McCainExcerpt said:
"The constant partisan rancor that stops us from solving these problems isn’t a cause, it’s a symptom... which is why I endorse Governor Palin's extreme partisan rancor last night.

Very enlightening stuff.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
As Nate and I wrote late last night, Sarah Palin's speech released a tremendous burst of energy on each side. Democrats were angry. How angry? $10 million for Barack Obama from Palin's speech until the time McCain takes the stage tonight. Undoubtedly, we will soon see numbers from the McCain camp announcing high fundraising figures. She energized both bases.

:lol :lol



It's the final day of the Republican Convention, and the polls have not moved an inch in John McCain's direction. Time for conservatives to get nervous? Probably not yet.

True, Barack Obama held steady in the Rasmuseen tracker, which reads 50-45 Obama today, just as it did yesterday. And Obama actually picked up a point in the Gallup tracker (more precisely, McCain lost a point), bringing his lead to 7 points.

These are three day tracking polls, however, and so all that's happened so far is that one-third of the interviews will reflect one-third of the convention speeches. That's Tuesday night, when Fred Thompson delivered a rousing speech and Joe Lieberman delivered a soporific one. But almost none of these interviews will reflect Sarah Palin's speech, which was delivered too late in the evening to register.


VanMardigan said:
So it wasn't just far left gaf? Personally, though, I'd think Guiliani was MUCH MORE of a trigger for the surge of donations than Palin was. His speech was epic in its divisiveness.

It was the Guiliani speech that personally influenced me to donate to Obama last night. What a fucking douchebag that guy is. He is literally a monster. And so is that audience.

Guiliani: "Barack Obama was a, lol, a community organizer. HAHAHAHAHA"


Guiliani: "Saying 'Islamic Terrorists' is an insult to terrorists."

GOP audience: "lol that's true. let's cheer our bigotry and xenophobia on. *ovation*"


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Tamanon said:
Apparently she's already refusing to answer the deposition unless the investigation is handed from the independent investigator over to her panel of 3 appointees.

I honestly don't see how anybody can see this for anything other than what it really is.


I tried to listen to the RNC so I have good idea of what both sides of the camp would be offering, but catching Guiliani in the middle of his speech really just left me at a loss for words as to what they were really going for, and Palin did no better.

Disappointing in a lot of respects how far they're willing to take their hypocrisy.

First donation I've ever made: +$50 for Obama.


Zeliard said:
It was the Guiliani speech that personally influenced me to donate to Obama last night. What a fucking douchebag that guy is. He is literally a monster. And so is that audience.

Guiliani: "Barack Obama was a, lol, a community organizer. HAHAHAHAHA"


Guiliani: "Saying 'Islamic Terrorists' is an insult to terrorists."

GOP audience: "lol that's true. let's cheer our bigotry and xenophobia on. *ovation*"

Even the Department of Homeland Security and American intelligence organizations have realized that using that terminology only LEGITIMIZES terrorist organizations. It's like referring to Abortion Doctor killers as "Crusaders".

Nevermind that, it comes on the heels of the Council of American Islamic Relations asking the GOP to steer clear from divisive and prejudiced rhetoric.


Something from that article that is interesting to note:

While this year’s Republican gathering is chock-a-block with self-described Christians, there are no visibly Muslim attendees: there isn’t a headscarf or skullcap to be seen inside the Xcel Energy Center.

There was at least one possible exception, however. A man with the traditionally Islamic name Jamal handed out fliers inside the Center on Tuesday that highlighted Democratic candidate Barack Obama’s middle name, Hussein. “Please make the people of USA understand the social, cultural and religious background of the names mentioned in the following verse,” the flier read. “Barack Hussain [sic] Obama. Saddam Hussain [sic] Osama.”

If it’s inclusivity the civil-rights group is after, the convention isn’t off to a good start.


NomarTyme said:
Same here. Rachel Maddow did good though. :D

I wonder if that's going to hurt her career. On the one hand, she's got facts on her side (which should count for everything), on the other hand she's singlehandedly representing the "liberal" viewpoint when she's about to get her own show.

Funky Papa

Is this new?

Video footage of Sarah Palin's church

This is reportedly video footage from the Pentecostal church Sarah Palin belongs to, clearly showing dozens of members of the congregation speaking in tongues and wandering zombie-like through the aisles, also occasionally thrashing on the floor in front of the pulpit. I've seen barely anyone online mention this video so far, or even Palin's connection in general to this church (including a pastor who preaches that God put George W. Bush into office), so thought I'd bring it to your attention.


BenjaminBirdie said:

Seriously. What a joke.

I mean just compare the type of attacks, even vice president to vice president. The distinction is clear. Policy attacks from Biden were hurled with respect to the candidate. The contrast was made as adults, not as bickering children.

John McCain is my friend. We've known each other for three decades. We've traveled the world together. It's a friendship that goes beyond politics. And the personal courage and heroism John demonstrated still amaze me.

But I profoundly disagree with the direction that John wants to take the country.

All the barbs were not dripping with sarcasm and malicious intent. He directs against policy distinction, while respecting the individual. Palin comes off as bitter and cynical, and even worse: insincere. The second she has a positive thing to say about Obama - like when she mentions "there's much to admire about him" - it's followed up by critically deconstructing his character traits. He deconstructs his lofty POSITIVE rhetoric with lines like "after he parts the water and heals the world." This is what we want? Somebody who believes that thinking our future should be filled with hope is a negative? That community organizers have no responsibility (and therefore no place)?

The distinction is now clear. The American public will have to choose what type of future they want.
Yikes, 10 hours ago I posted at 11,700 or so.

reilo said:
:lol :lol


As it noted those are tracking polls and so far no interviews have been done after Palin's speech. It'll be 4 days before the full effect, if any, of the convention will be seen (similar to what happened with the dems convention). Also CBS has the race tied in the convention while CNN has Obama up 1 and hotline has him up 9. Reading the methodology as usual it's almost all in the weighting.

As for the donations, I'm not surprised donations are up for Obama, he's going to need all the money he can get now and dems know it now. However, McCain brought in $7 million after announcing Palin and according to the campaign can't count the money fast enough right now. Also since McCain didn't break his promise to stay in the public financing system, he doesn't need as much money as Obama (who needs $100 million a month according to his campaign and isn't close to it so far).

Anyways, this thread has been fun but it's also obvious that a forum that can't understand the Wii's historic success is not the best source to understand Palin's.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
Anyways, this thread has been fun but it's also obvious that a forum that can't understand the Wii's historic success is not the best source to understand Palin's.

Now this is funny on all kinds of levels. A few of which I'm pretty sure you didn't intend.

FightyF said:
Don't know if this was posted yet, but Palin considered the United States "on a task that is from God," in regards to the Invasion of Iraq.


McCain/Palin will lead us into World War 3 semi-confirmed. :p

This stuff never gets under my skin. I figure if you truly believe the hand of god is behind all things. Then, well, you believe the hand of god is behind all things. Good, bad, ugly, etc. Shouldn't really come as a surprise.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
this thread has been fun but it's also obvious that a forum that can't understand the Wii's historic success is not the best source to understand Palin's.

Wait wat :lol


Bending_Unit_22 said:
Anyways, this thread has been fun but it's also obvious that a forum that can't understand the Wii's historic success is not the best source to understand Palin's.
I know. She TOTALLY read that speech she didn't write. And boy oh boy did she EVER read it.

Funky Papa

Anyways, this thread has been fun but it's also obvious that a forum that can't understand the Wii's historic success is not the best source to understand Palin's.
Are you comparing Palin to Wii? It works in more ways than one...


Amir0x said:
I mean just compare the type of attacks, even vice president to vice president. The distinction is clear. Policy attacks from Biden were hurled with respect to the candidate. The contrast was made as adults, not as bickering children.

All the barbs were not dripping with sarcasm and malicious intent. He directs against policy distinction, while respecting the individual. Palin comes off as bitter and cynical, and even worse: insincere. The second she has a positive thing to say about Obama - like when she mentions "there's much to admire about him" - it's followed up by critically deconstructing his character traits. He deconstructs his lofty POSITIVE rhetoric with lines like "after he parts the water and heals the world." This is what we want? Somebody who believes that thinking our future should be filled with hope is a negative? That community organizers have no responsibility (and therefore no place)?

The distinction is now clear. The American public will have to choose what type of future they want.

Obama also said this:

CNN said:
"Let me be as clear as possible," Obama said. "I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as governor or her potential performance as a vice president."

Obama said reporters should "back off these kinds of stories" and noted that he was born to an 18-year-old mother.

"How a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn't be the topic of our politics, and I hope that anybody who is supporting me understands that's off-limits."

He single-handedly helped defuse that whole controversy surrounding Bristol Palin's pregnancy, and what do the Republicans do? They drag him through the mud and mock his community service. There's something to be said for class.
Amir0x said:
I mean just compare the type of attacks, even vice president to vice president. The distinction is clear. Policy attacks from Biden were hurled with respect to the candidate. The contrast was made as adults, not as bickering children.

All the barbs were not dripping with sarcasm and malicious intent. He directs against policy distinction, while respecting the individual. Palin comes off as bitter and cynical, and even worse: insincere. The second she has a positive thing to say about Obama - like when she mentions "there's much to admire about him" - it's followed up by critically deconstructing his character traits. He deconstructs his lofty POSITIVE rhetoric with lines like "after he parts the water and heals the world." This is what we want? Somebody who believes that thinking our future should be filled with hope is a negative? That community organizers have no responsibility (and therefore no place)?

The distinction is now clear. The American public will have to choose what type of future they want.

Couldn't agree more. I think it's absolutely fair to hold conservative and Republican views and hold true to them but, in all honesty, I think one has to draw a line somewhere.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
Anyways, this thread has been fun but it's also obvious that a forum that can't understand the Wii's historic success is not the best source to understand Palin's.

The Wii is successful because it is easily accessible and it appeals to people other than traditional gamers.

Palin is successful because she is just like any politician who takes the focus off of real issues, and transfers it to trivial nonsense. The Republican base eats it up. Independents on the other hand, are insulted.


Funky Papa said:

I posted this earlier:

Me said:
Sam Harris - Average Isn't Good Enough

Holy shit.. fast forward the video to 2:30 (where Palin speaks) and read the article while the video plays. Eeerie.

Its a much longer video. No christspasms, but a full bottle of crazy nevertheless. My personal favorite:
I believe Alaska is one of the refuge states ... in the last days. Hundreds of thousands of people are going to come to this state to seek refuge and the church has to be ready to minister to them. Amen?

Ho-ly Shit.

Talk about double standards, this shit had better be national news after Reverend Wright.


New e-mail I just received from Barack:

Why would the Republicans spend a whole night of their convention attacking ordinary people?

With the nation watching, the Republicans mocked, dismissed, and actually laughed out loud at Americans who engage in community service and organizing.

Our convention was different. We gave the stage to everyday Americans who hunger for change and stepped up to make phone calls, knock on doors, and raise money in small amounts in their communities.

You may have missed it, but we also showed the country a video with the faces and voices of those organizers, volunteers, and donors from every corner of the country.

What you didn't hear from the Republicans at their convention is a single new idea about how to make the healthcare system work, get our economy moving for the middle class, or improve education.

Just attacks -- on me, and on you.

But what the McCain attack squad doesn't understand is that people like you -- who devote part of their busy lives to organizing and building their communities -- have the power to change this country.

With your help, that's exactly what we're going to do.

Thank you,



DSWii60 said:
You guys probably missed my post last time, so I'll ask again, at what time does McCain speak tonight?

Around 10. Obama is also appearing on the O'Reilly Factor tonight, which should be entertaining television.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
Anyways, this thread has been fun but it's also obvious that a forum that can't understand the Wii's historic success is not the best source to understand Palin's.

How can you write this and not feel like a total putz? I mean really.
Alright one more, man is this thread moving fast.
ronito said:
I know. She TOTALLY read that speech she didn't write. And boy oh boy did she EVER read it.
Yeah I know, like every politician including Obama, McCain, Clinton, Bush,... Yeap Palin is the first bumpkin to run for office that used a speechwriter. At least her speechwriter didn't just recycle his previous speeches for other candidates.
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