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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Gremmie4 said:
Hey man I like her too. She's cute, very charasmatic, and seems like a fun person to be around with a nice family. I still don't want her anywhere near the fucking White House though and neither should any sane American.

I agree with this. I have nothing against Palin. She's pretty, she seems like she has a decent set of ethics and seems fairly smart. However, the VP job just seems out of her league. What context DO you put a statement like, "What does a VP do from day to day?," in?

The fact that people like her is good, but that's not reason enough to vote for her. Guess what, people liked Bush too. One of the reasons he got some of the votes he did was because "people felt they could sit and have a beer with the guy."

Her 'executive experience' is propped up, but what about her experience dealing with foreign matters? What about her experience dealing with the economy. Didn't the town she ran get left with a 20 million dollar deficit? All experience isn't 'good experience.'
Krowley said:
I absolutley hate Romney. If he ever became president, he would immediatley become a tool of big buisness. His soul is sold and he has no integrity. He is everything to everybody. He's probably a good manager, but I don't want him in the oval office.

Pawlenty is a little different. I kind of like Pawlenty, but he just doesn't feel right as McCains VP pick. I just wasn't able to warm to him, and as a political move, it would have shown that McCain is just going through the motions. If McCain wants to become president, first he has to win, and he's not going to do that by playing it safe.

I like her because she seems to have Integrity and she's an outsider. Every republican in alaska hates her guts! When's the last time you saw somebody climb to the top without kissing a lot of ass? She clearly isn't inclined to do a lot of ass kissing, and I have to appreciate that. I voted for Ross Perot back in the day, and I don't mind the idea of regular citizens running for high office.

Well like I've always said I do believe presidential picks are partially personality and temperament picks however it's a bit baffling to me when people freely admit they don't want the guy who shows the best judgment or has the best plans but want the guy who they like in some sort of buddy way or personality manner. If this was 2000, i wouldn't be overly surprised with people picking Mccain but he is a long way from that guy in 2008. But that's just my personal take. I respect the political process and that people have different views on what they want from their leaders.


Krowley said:
It would concern me more if he deliberated and consulted everybody known to man, and ended up picking some party schill. McCain has his own way of doing things, and it may not be conventional, but if he makes the right decision, I'm cool with it.

I don't begrudge others for being pissed or outraged or whatever. It's certainly questionable, but I'm happy as long as the results are OK.

If this does turn out to be the right decision for his campaign and he wins, he (and we) may not always be so lucky. There is no-fucking-way someone who makes decisions like this should be running the highest office in the land. Especially when said person has a habit of sticking to his guns long after the clips are empty.


I'm trying to catch up to the last 24 hours of posts. Can anyone summarize what exactly about Palin is causing all the hoopla? Which closet and what kind of skeleton was found?


Setec Astronomer
kevm3: In the end, it's really not experience that matters as much as being prepared to tackle the necessary issues. By that I mean that specific skills and educational background matter more than a job title. Otherwise, few would ever get hired to high level positions.


Deku said:
I'm trying to catch up to the last 24 hours of posts. Can anyone summarize what exactly about Palin is causing all the hoopla? Which closet and what kind of skeleton was found?

I think this sums it up pretty nicely:

Amir0x said:
Apparently beating one of the biggest political machines of all time over the course of a harsh primary campaign, being elected Harvard Law Review president (an accomplishment far more distinguished and difficult to accomplish than anything Palin has done by a magnitude of fifty billion), being a community organizer in the south side of Chicago, being a State Senator of a RELEVANT state for over 3 years, being in the state legislature for six years is beaten by...

...being on the city council of a FUCKING WASILLA ALASKA, a population of 6000 people. Then she became mayor of this same bumfuck city in the middle of nowhere. She has a degree in journalism, where she wasn't even a distinguished student. She was involved in a middling whistleblowing campaign against some Republican leaders on the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission over a year, and has served as governor for... 20 months.

So the majority of her "political" life was spent being the mayor of a irrelevant town in the middle of a nothing state while eating moose burgers and mothering 23 children and an alien.

Let's be sincere. I don't want to be a hypocrite. There is no experience on Earth that can prepare anyone to be president. The problem everyone has is that the experience attack was always bogus for Obama, and now suddenly it's off the table by this pick who is even less experienced. If you think McCain genuinely believes that Palin is in the best position to run this country if he isn't, you're a fucking liar and nobody will ever believe a single word you say for the rest of this thread.

Just like Biden was a transparent attempt to prop up Obama's foreign experience, Palin was a cynical hail mary to grab bitter Hillarytards and attach some form of relevant "history making" to his ticket. The fact that the symbolism of her selection is in abject opposition to the idea of feminism, the fact that she is not actually being chosen for her qualifications in the first place is besides the point.

So we've always known experience was off the table. That's why we've voted for Obama, because we think he has the judgment and pertinent positions that applies to what it means to be PRESIDENT. And he had to prove that shit, as he did over six months of brilliant political jockeying and triangulation. And he did that by his amazing grasp of the facts, being as ridiculously intelligent as he is. And of course if you believe in many of the things he believes in, that is the final reason many support him.

So we don't care who has more experience, because that has always been a retarded argument. And McCain agrees since he picked what is likely one of the top five least experienced vice presidential candidates in U.S. history.

But even factoring in the lack of experience, there are already far more horrific alarms:


1. The fact that McCain has only talked to Palin once, and met her once. What judgment is this shit? It's called a "rush to action."

2. The fact that Palin doesn't even know what exactly the VP does, which is the absolute biggest sign that this candidate is a horrible choice.

3. The fact that Palin doesn't even know what her parties platform on foreign policy is as late as a few weeks ago. How she outright admits that she knows not one thing about foreign policy, despite the fact that her son is going to Iraq. This is a lady who will have to fucking negotiate with the most dangerous countries in the world, if "worst case."

4. The fact that Palin legitimately believes that creationism should be taught alongside evolution in school, which is an egregious violation of anyone with intelligence.

5. The fact that Palin - who is trying to make a grab for these Hillarytards - believed only a few weeks ago that Hillary Clinton was a whiner. And she laughs as a radio host calls her colleague - who has a cancer, something McCain should be familiar with - a "bitch" and a "cancer." So she doesn't even have the dignity to act as a good surrogate for her ridiculous example of tokenism.

besada said:
That forum has less than 6000 registered users. I think GAF has them covered.

Yep. It's like me posting a link to Stormfront.org and wondering if they are the minority or not. It's the internet and a forum in a country of 300 million.


*drowns in jizz*
besada said:
That forum has less than 6000 registered users. I think GAF has them covered.

Wow. I just lost a good number of braincells skimming through that thread. Not ONE dissenting post about how she stands for almost everything Hillary stood against. Amazing concentration of stupidity.


sorry for bringing this up again but i find it so intriguing haha and i have been doing some digging


why isnt mummy holding the baby ? seriously does this girl ever let anyone else hold the baby?


this could be a bad shot but ONE of them is in pretty good shape.... ;)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I want to say to drop it, but her daughter looks like she gained 35lbs...

I'm going to bite my tongue on this one and call it bullshit because it is just too ridiculous to believe.

So, in other words: drop it.


Gold Member
qwertybob said:
sorry for bringing this up again but i find it so intriguing haha and i have been doing some digging


why isnt mummy holding the baby ? seriously does this girl ever let anyone else hold the baby?


this could be a bad shot but ONE of them is in pretty good shape.... ;)

Palin was breast feeding the baby before the shoot... :lol


She wants to teach Creationism at school?

Oh no...she better not end up as President or this country is going to head in a SCARY SCARY direction.


Slurpy said:
Wow. I just lost a good number of braincells skimming through that thread. Not ONE dissenting post about how she stands for almost everything Hillary stood against. Amazing concentration of stupidity.

Most of the ones who won't support McCain left after Hillary's speech at the DNC. There was a wave of "I'm out of here" posts. The ones still there decided to vote for anyone over Obama a long time ago.

My favorite was an older lady, who flat out said she didn't care about roe v Wade anymore, because she wasn't having babies. Told the younger girls it was their turn to fight for that.


qwertybob said:
sorry for bringing this up again but i find it so intriguing haha and i have been doing some digging

[IMG ]http://www.mccainblogette.com/postings/083008_0928/57.jpg[/IMG]

why isnt mummy holding the baby ? seriously does this girl ever let anyone else hold the baby?

[IMG ]http://www.mccainblogette.com/postings/083008_0928/55.jpg[/IMG]

this could be a bad shot but ONE of them is in pretty good shape.... ;)
Babies spit up. Notoriously bad for photoshoots.


Hitokage said:
kevm3: In the end, it's really not experience that matters as much as being prepared to tackle the necessary issues. By that I mean that specific skills and educational background matter more than a job title. Otherwise, few would ever get hired to high level positions.
I would say that is one of my biggest problems with Palin near the white house. Despite pumping up her 'executive' experience, there isn't much to suggest that she's a seasoned veteran at dealing with the issues that really matter like the economy or the war in Iraq. That takes the critical argument of experience that the Republicans have been making off the table. Now, if you don't have experience, judgment is necessary. I've seen little from her that demonstrates that she has a firm understanding of the critical issues. Her intellectual pedigree is fairly mediocre and she hasn't demonstrated from what little she's said about any in depth knowledge of either the economy or Iraq.

So there is a twofold litmus test, and a candidate should at least pass one... Significant experience? She has none. Signs of good judgment? This is arguably more important than experience, because making good decisions is what ultimately counts. I've not seen the level of intellectualism from here that indicates she will make good decisions on the complex varieties of issues that will present themselves should she get in the White House. Intellectual pedigree, in and of itself, is not necessarily indicative of the smarts necessary to be in the whitehouse. There are many people who are geniuses who simply have humble backgrounds in formal education. After observing some of her responses to questions, I simply don't see that in her. She is, by no means, a ditz or some complete idiot... However, I've not seen her exhibiting a level of rationale suitable for possible presidency should McCain pass.

I do admire her push for ethics. She honestly seems like a good woman that has an ability to be a solid governor for a state like Alaska. However, as possible VP, and even president, I haven't seen much that shows she is capable... She passes neither the litmus test of experience, nor consistently solid judgment. With the position that our nation is in, we really can't afford to make a mistake for 4 years.

If the Democrats were smart, they would be concocting a series of ads that doesn't necessarily pound the daylights out of her, but rather questions the judgment of John McCain for making this pick. "John McCain said experience is important. Then, he picks one of the most inexperienced candidates. Is this judgment you can believe in?" Attacks on McCain for this pick would be better than directly attacking Palin.


Dax01 said:
Wait... where did you hear that?

Apparently she was quoted as saying that Evolution and Creationism should be taught side by side (which I don't agree with but then VPs don't make policy so that's ok...). From this GAFers have been claiming that makes her a creationist. Does it? I don't think so, I think she's wrong but was trying to appeal to her conservative base with a statement that ultimately she has little control over.


kevm3 said:
I would say that is one of my biggest problems with Palin near the white house. Despite pumping up her 'executive' experience, there isn't much to suggest that she's a seasoned veteran at dealing with the issues that really matter like the economy or the war in Iraq. That takes the critical argument of experience that the Republicans have been making off the table. Now, if you don't have experience, judgment is necessary. I've seen little from her that demonstrates that she has a firm understanding of the critical issues. Her intellectual pedigree is fairly mediocre and she hasn't demonstrated from what little she's said about any in depth knowledge of either the economy or Iraq.

How dare you look down on her PTA knowledge.

Gaborn: I don't think it's that much of a stretch to say she's a creationist.:p
Gaborn said:
Apparently she was quoted as saying that Evolution and Creationism should be taught side by side (which I don't agree with but then VPs don't make policy so that's ok...). From this GAFers have been claiming that makes her a creationist. Does it? I don't think so, I think she's wrong but was trying to appeal to her conservative base with a statement that ultimately she has little control over.
I would really appreciate it if this quote can be found. Even if VPs don't make policy, if McCain kicks the bucket in office...


Gold Member
Bebpo said:
She wants to teach Creationism at school?

Oh no...she better not end up as President or this country is going to head in a SCARY SCARY direction.

If McCain and Palin get elected, they will be kept in check by the democratic congress. If Obama gets elected, he will have complete power, even more then the Republicans had until 2006. So it's not like she will just instill martial law and make everyone go to church...


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
UltimaKilo said:
If McCain and Palin get elected, they will be kept in check by the democratic congress. If Obama gets elected, he will have complete power, even more then the Republicans had until 2006. So it's not like she will just instill martial law and make everyone go to church...
Yes, the legislative branch is a check and balance on the executive branch. Does that mean that we can just pick whoever the hell we want because "well...if they fuck it up, we're covered."?

Worst line of thinking, man.

Ryan Seacrest '12!


Bebpo said:
She wants to teach Creationism at school?

Oh no...she better not end up as President or this country is going to head in a SCARY SCARY direction.

The sitting President wanted to teach creationism is school, too. Luckily, school curricula are set at a state, not federal level and the President has dick all to say about the contents.

Hell, Shrub couldn't even get that shit going at the state level in Texas (although that's as much because Texas has an interesting history with teaching evolution as anything else -- thank you, Ross Perot!).


Gold Member
RubxQub said:
Yes, the legislative branch is a check and balance on the executive branch. Does that mean that we can just pick whoever the hell we want because "well...if they fuck it up, we're covered."?

Worst line of thinking, man.

Ryan Seacrest '12!

Ha! That's not what I meant! I'm saying that if the Republicans get the executive branch, the Senate and congress with likely be overwhelmingly run by the Democrats. Again, I'm just speculating but I doubt the Republicans will gain many seats.


besada said:
The sitting President wanted to teach creationism is school, too. Luckily, school curricula are set at a state, not federal level and the President has dick all to say about the contents.

Hell, Shrub couldn't even get that shit going at the state level in Texas (although that's as much because Texas has an interesting history with teaching evolution as anything else -- thank you, Ross Perot!).

Again, the issue is not so much that she might actually accomplish getting creationism taught in schools. It's that the very notion demonstrates a willful ignorance on her part that will also negatively influence her thinking on all manner of policy. As you said, W is similarly willfully ignorant, and just look at the record.


gkrykewy said:
Again, the issue is not so much that she might actually accomplish getting creationism taught in schools. It's that the very notion demonstrates a willful ignorance on her part that will also negatively influence her thinking on all manner of policy. As you said, W is similarly willfully ignorant, and just look at the record.

My thoughts on the matter too. I guess that's what we get for being "the reality based community" GASP!


CharlieDigital said:
What's the story behind this?

In the 80's, Perot was appointed to a committee to overhaul the Texas school systems, which were near the bottom of the barrel. Perot's two big changes (among many) were the removal of the teaching of evolution on the grounds it made us look like idiots to the rest of the country, and the "no pass, no play" rule regarding scholastics and extracurricular activities.

At the time, Perot was basically the hero of Texas, because he had funded an assault to retrieve EDS employees being held by the Iranians as part of the hostage crisis. Where the government stood around and waited, Ross hired mercs and got his guys back.

I'm not sure if anyone else could have gotten the changes made so easily. I remember (I was only 13) that most people thought if Perot thought it was a good idea, then, hell, it must be a good idea.

I remember watching the report he released in a class where the teacher actually had Jack Chick pamphlets available for students optional reading time. So I've always been fairly impressed that people took his recommendations.


gkrykewy said:
Again, the issue is not so much that she might actually accomplish getting creationism taught in schools. It's that the very notion demonstrates a willful ignorance on her part that will also negatively influence her thinking on all manner of policy. As you said, W is similarly willfully ignorant, and just look at the record.

I don't disagree. I'm just pointing out that her wishes don't somehow magically translate into action. Bunch of guys upthread seemed to think the President had the power to set state curricula.
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