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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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PantherLotus said:
This would be the town she was mayor of 18 months ago.


MightyHedgehog said:
I think it seems likely that Palin is going to be pretty much destroyed in her VP debate(s)...if not by Biden's towering level of experience on all matters that should be of primary concern to a VP and potential President, then certainly by the questions of the moderator(s) themselves on the many things she has exhibited, so far, absolutely no indication of knowledge on. We'll see...

I'm sure Palin is in for one hell of a Republican cram session between here and the Vice Presidential debates.


DeaconKnowledge said:
I'm sure Palin is in for one hell of a Republican cram session between here and the Vice Presidential debates.

Agreed and it is said she is actually a pretty good debater so if she can cram enough she could come across competant enough.
MightyHedgehog said:
I think it seems likely that Palin is going to be pretty much destroyed in her VP debate(s)...if not by Biden's towering level of experience on all matters that should be of primary concern to a VP and potential President, then certainly by the questions of the moderator(s) themselves on the many things she has exhibited, so far, absolutely no indication of knowledge on. We'll see...

It's going to be some great TV. When are the debates again?
laserbeam said:
Agreed and it is said she is actually a pretty good debater so if she can cram enough she could come across competant enough.

Laserbeam, real talk. Doesn't the thought that she has to do this in the first place put you on edge even a little bit?
from politico

The legislative leadership of the Alaska Republican Party isn’t enamored with Palin’s selection, either, according to the Anchorage Daily News.

State Senate President Lyda Green said she thought it was a joke when someone called her at 6 a.m. to tell her the news.

"She's not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president?" said Green, a Republican from Palin's hometown of Wasilla. "Look at what she's done to this state. What would she do to the nation?"

Green, who has feuded with Palin, brought up the big oil tax increase Palin pushed through last year. She also pointed to the award of a $500 million state subsidy to a Canadian firm to pursue a natural gas pipeline that's far from guaranteed.

House Speaker John Harris, a Republican from Valdez, was also astonished at the news. He didn't want to get into the issue of her qualifications.

"She's old enough," Harris said. "She's a U.S. citizen."


DeaconKnowledge said:
Laserbeam, real talk. Doesn't the thought that she has to do this in the first place put you on edge even a little bit?

It does. I like Her but as I said earlier I think she would have been better off building her resume and maybe hitting the scene in 2012 with another candidate.
NullPointer said:
When McCain talks about cleaning up Washington, and moving past those who practice the politics of the past, and overcoming those who put themselves before their country...

Who is he talking about?

I always find it slightly humorous that he is running as a reformer when his party has been in charge. I can't wait for the George Bush speech at the RNC.
laserbeam said:
It does. I like Her but as I said earlier I think she would have been better off building her resume and maybe hitting the scene in 2012 with another candidate.

Yeah, giving her a little time to cook would have been great for her political career.
In a just world we'd get to see Tim Russert dissect her point by point on Meet the Press.

We wouldn't have enough popcorn for that smackdown.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
PantherLotus said:
you're right, there's a strip mall just behind that.
I've been to towns where there was 4 corners (a police station, gas station, grocery store, and something else) but i recall that place being deserted too. I don't imagine 6,000 people are living off a saloon and a strip mall.

I know some people are trying to tear down Palin (myself included) but summing up a city with a single picture of a saloon isn't totally fair to the people who live there.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Obama/Biden about to speak.

Tune in fools!
Tyrone Slothrop said:
they're saying biden should nerf his offensive in the VP debates but I say fuck that. show them fangs.

I don't understand that line of thinking either. We aren't supposed to challenge you on the issues because you're a woman (and new)? Why?


laserbeam said:
Agreed and it is said she is actually a pretty good debater so if she can cram enough she could come across competant enough.

Doesn't matter how good/bad of a debator she is... If a recent CNN debate on LKL is any indication... It seems that any question that has any trace whatsoever of "experience" targetted towards Palin will be answered with "Well she's more experienced than Barack Obama"
I'm kind of tired of the democrats taking the high road and not getting down and dirty. The republicans show no same and will talk trash about anything. They would have already put out multiple mud slinging press reports and put out commercials trashing her if she was a democrat.


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Idle Barack Obama is so entertaining to watch :lol


Biden is really highlighting his experience now.

"When I was a 29-year-old kid...who had been [in the Senate] for a few years already."


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"That's not a train I'd want to be on"

What a perfect line, considering who's delivering it.
BoboBrazil said:
I'm kind of tired of the democrats taking the high road and not getting down and dirty. The republicans show no same and will talk trash about anything. They would have already put out multiple mud slinging press reports and put out commercials trashing her if she was a democrat.

Democratic surrogates will have to do that job. Its been pretty clear for a long time now that Obama isn't going to throw the kitchen sink. That's not his style.


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Deus Ex Machina said:
link link
I got nothing :(

CNN doesn't seem to have it and I really don't know where else to look :(

Darth Sonik

we need more FPS games
rhfb said:
Willow is the names of a town in Alaska, Bristol is like Bristol Bay, and Piper is the name of a plane.

So she named her kids after where they were conceived, like wat celebs do. :lol


Gold Member
The McCain camp needs to get on the ball. Every time they point out that since 2005 McCain "voted 90% of the time with George Bush" they should bring up that Obama voted 97% of the time with the Democrats, the same ones with 9% approval rating. Only once did McCain say "If I'm George Bush's 3rd term, Obama must be Jimmy Carter's 2nd!"


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Tamanon said:
:lol Biden is so good.
It appears as though he's winging this entire thing. Almost positive he's doesn't have a teleprompter.

This guy is natural awesome.


Junior Member
When was the last time a VP really stood out in a presidential race?

I don't think Lieberman or Cheney did in 2000, or even Edwards did in 2004.

Maybe it might matter this time, but just going on past elections the VP seems to ussually disapear and not get heard from much.
UltimaKilo said:
The McCain camp needs to get on the ball. Every time they point out that since 2005 McCain "voted 90% of the time with George Bush" they should bring up that Obama voted 97% of the time with the Democrats, the same ones with 9% approval rating. Only once did McCain say "If I'm George Bush's 3rd term, Obama must be Jimmy Carter's 2nd!"
Why should they do that? Republicans don't deserve to be in office.


Professional Schmuck
Ok, let's talk convention strategy. I know what they should do, and it would work.

Convention: Do the exact opposite of the Stadium Obama. If I were running the show, I would produce a week of live, low key events with no stadium seating, maximum crowds of 100 people. I would film these at low angles and looking out at the crowd. I would present this in sepia tone.


Vision: This would give that small-town feel that republicans love, and provide a stark contrast to the worldly and "imperially thin" Obama. I would make it like a farmhouse, a collection of people to fight for what is right, what is better.

Message: The absolute worst thing they could do is take up the "change you can believe in" message, but I would take up the "change you can TRUST" message. Drive the wedge issues, highlighting his pro-gay, pro-celebrity, pro-black stance. Casually mention him and Osama in the same sentence at every moment possible. If they can paint a picture of Obama as somebody that you're not sure you can trust, they'll have something they can run with.

Of course, all of the above would disgust me and make me want to bathe, but its a short version of what I would do if I was running the show. I have other ideas that I'm afraid are going to happen.


Gold Member
TheKingsCrown said:
Why should they do that? Republicans don't deserve to be in office.

And the least productive congress in the history of the U.S. do? People dislike Bush, but they dislike the congress far more.


UltimaKilo said:
The McCain camp needs to get on the ball. Every time they point out that since 2005 McCain "voted 90% of the time with George Bush" they should bring up that Obama voted 97% of the time with the Democrats, the same ones with 9% approval rating. Only once did McCain say "If I'm George Bush's 3rd term, Obama must be Jimmy Carter's 2nd!"

The Democratic party does not have a 9% approval rating.

"According to the July 1 survey of 1,000 likely voters, only 9 percent of respondents said Congress is doing a good or excellent job, while 52 percent surveyed said Congress was doing a poor job, which ties the record high in that category.

Republicans, eager to portray Democratic leaders as running the Congress into the ground, pounced on the numbers. But the negative perceptions of Congress as a whole do not seem to be greatly affecting views of the majority party.

Democrats still enjoy a 12 percentage point lead on Rasumssen’s generic congressional ballot, despite the negative views of Congress as a whole. "


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UltimaKilo said:
The McCain camp needs to get on the ball. Every time they point out that since 2005 McCain "voted 90% of the time with George Bush" they should bring up that Obama voted 97% of the time with the Democrats, the same ones with 9% approval rating. Only once did McCain say "If I'm George Bush's 3rd term, Obama must be Jimmy Carter's 2nd!"
Oh shit you have a point! Oh snap that would absolutely slaugh-


Oh... nevermind. Everyone is equally hated.


UltimaKilo said:
And the least productive congress in the history of the U.S. do? People dislike Bush, but they dislike the congress far more.

You realize that there's a good reason the congress isn't productive right?:p Just because you have the majority doesn't mean you can actually pass bills.
Hamfam said:
When was the last time a VP really stood out in a presidential race?

I don't think Lieberman or Cheney did in 2000, or even Edwards did in 2004.

Maybe it might matter this time, but just going on past elections the VP seems to ussually disapear and not get heard from much.

They almost never stand out or make a different which is why all the Palin talk is silly. Palin nor Biden will swing this election.

Hillary might have made a difference on the Dem side. Some other big time loved Repbulican might have on the other side (can't think of one at the moment).


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DMczaf said:
Hey, what happened in late 200.....oh.

What about early 2003?
...what does that have to do with anything?


Gold Member
Tamanon said:
You realize that there's a good reason the congress isn't productive right?:p Just because you have the majority doesn't mean you can actually pass bills.

Well Pelosi didn't have an answer for the question on why when Tom Brokaw pressed her on it during MTP. I'm just saying that at this point, republicans or democrats don't "deserve" power.
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