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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Another kick ass report from Time's The Page press pool.

As Obama was mixing with the crowd, Shelley Fort, 19, a sophomore in dance and drama at Kenyon College in Ohio, gushed several times over his speech to the convention in Denver. “It was beautiful, it was beautiful,” she said.
When it came time for her to have a moment with the senator she began tearing up as soon as she started speaking to the senator, telling him he had been an “inspiration” to her and that she had grown up mixed-race child of a black father and a white mother who died when she was in 7th grade.
“It’s been tough. It’s been tough figuring out where I fit in,” Fort said, overcome by emotion and starting to choke back tears. Obama reached over to her and hugged her with one arm, drawing her against his side. It was a scene that many of the photographers captured.
Speaking briefly to your pooler afterward, Fort, who grew up in Kearney, Neb., said, “Sen. Obama has been such an inspiration for me.”

Do they do these every day? There's already been two today, I think.


Press pool reports? Yeah generally at any appearance, although it's a different media outlet that does it each time basically.


Gold Member
laserbeam said:
Denver had secret jails setup in warehouses etc to detain potential trouble makers etc. Police really go beyond the law when it comes to these political conventions :-/

They were not "secret". There was a report that included this, I believe it was CNN. :D
Tamanon said:
Press pool reports? Yeah generally at any appearance, although it's a different media outlet that does it each time basically.

I mean them getting posted on The Page. Or are they just posted in other places? I like it. It's like liveblogging the whole campaign.


UltimaKilo said:
They were not "secret". There was a report that included this, I believe it was CNN. :D

they tried to keep them unknown but some people tracked records etc then Denver had to come out openly about them. They hoped to keep potential trouble makers put away a few days and no one would have any clue


Gold Member
laserbeam said:
they tried to keep them unknown but some people tracked records etc then Denver had to come out openly about them. They hoped to keep potential trouble makers put away a few days and no one would have any clue

Ah, gotcha. I wonder how many people had to be detained...


UltimaKilo said:
Ah, gotcha. I wonder how many people had to be detained...
The cover was blown a day or two prior to the convention after they denied it initially. Likely didnt get to use the facilities as that would have sparked a huge public outcry.

It's just sad the Police Forces get the go aheads from Local Government to do these things when they are clearly skirting legality.

A counter to the outpouring of pro-Palin people from Dem campaign sources in Ohio:

We've had multiple diehard Hillary supporters come into our office yesterday and today and say that HRC's speech didn't sway them and neither did Obama's, but they resent the Palin pick as trying to manipulate them and think it's insulting to compare her to Hillary, and they have gone from sitting this out to volunteering for Barack.

There is a backlash we're seeing among HRC supporters who are now coming over.
I'm wondering when we'll see the Clintons get in on the Obama/Biden advertising campaign already. That positive association will be something McCain cannot fight well if at all. Certainly, it could be attacked as seeming contrary to a platform of change, but I think the allusion to a better time and better Presidency as a positive association could override any meaningful attack when McCain's platform is the essentially the same as the George W. Bush one.


Gold Member
MightyHedgehog said:
I'm wondering when we'll see the Clintons get in on the Obama/Biden advertising campaign already. That positive association will be something McCain cannot fight well if at all.

I don't think so. Like Romney, the Clinton's will likely lay low.


Smiles and Cries said:
did McCain have plans to be in Mississippi on sunday before this Gus thing? Wont he and Palin be in the way tomorrow?

I thought they were going to Missouri on their rollout tour. And weren't all the Veep "contenders" supposed to be there?

And I can see a Clinton ad hitting in the week after the RNC.


Gold Member
MightyHedgehog said:
I doubt this. They have a legacy whose reinstatement as a positive one requires a successful Obama election, I think.

It seems as if the Clinton's went and gave their support for Obama. There is still a lot of bitterness at Obama, you could see that on their face and their lackadaisical claps every time Biden mentioned Obama. The best part was when President Clinton was caught mouthing "Smart, real smart" when Obama praised him on the last night he was there. I could be wrong, but I believe the Clinton's are prepping the "Hillary 2012" signs. :lol

Then again, Hillary wants access to Obama's fund raising book to help her pay off her campaign's debt.
Tamanon said:
I thought they were going to Missouri on their rollout tour. And weren't all the Veep "contenders" supposed to be there?

And I can see a Clinton ad hitting in the week after the RNC.
drudge has a news link saying McCain / Palin to be in storm zone MS on Sunday


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PhoenixDark said:

HOLY SHIT!!! :lol :lol :lol :lol

So that explains the following....

Among Democratic women — including those who may be disappointed that New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton did not win the Democratic nomination — 9% say Palin makes them more likely to support McCain, 15% less likely.



These numbers pretty much speak for themselves, but men have a favorable imperssion of Palin by a 35-point margin, whereas women have a favorable impression of her by an 18-point margin. Conversely, by a 23-point margin, women do not think Palin is ready to be President, whereas Palin lost this question among men by a considerably smaller 6-point magrin.

Why does this gap exist? Don't know, but it may simply be a matter of ideology. Men are generally a bit more conservative than women, and opinions of Palin are very strongly determined by ideology. Conservatives have a favorable impression of her by a 79-8 margin, but this falls to 43-35 among moderates and 26-46 among liberals. Likewise, by a 48-22 margin, conservatives think she's ready to be President, but she loses this question 23-54 among moderates and 9-67 among liberals.

That's 2 different polls that say the same thing. Women are harder on Palin so far than men. And Hillary supporters that are still pissed don't really like her and are less likely to vote against McCain now.


Smiles and Cries said:
drudge has a news link saying McCain / Palin to be in storm zone MS on Sunday

Ah, yeah, they changed plans, nothing like going down to campaign in a possible disaster area:p And maybe even give his acceptance speech there....that's even odder.
ryutaro's mama said:
If McCain skips the RNC, then he was truly sabotaging himself and wants out.

It's a less dumb decision than Palin. He wants to distance himself from the party that so many people see responsible for the Katrina tragedy and also link his service to the current crisis.

Iraq signs $3 billion oil deal with China

Story Highlights
Iraq signs $3 billion oil deal with Chinese national oil company
Deal is first major contract with foreign company since fall of Saddam Hussein
China National Petroleum Corporation to develop oil field in southern Wasit province
Oil field expected to produce 125,000 barrels a day within three years

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Iraq has signed its first major oil deal with a foreign company since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, a spokesman for the Iraqi Oil Ministry said Saturday.

It was the first time in more than 35 years that Iraq has allowed foreign oil companies to do business inside its borders.

The contract with the China National Petroleum Corporation could be worth up to $3 billion. It would allow the CNPC to develop an oil field in southern Iraq's Wasit province for about 20 years, Oil Ministry spokesman Assim Jihad said.

Iraq's Cabinet must still approve the contract, but Jihad said that would happen soon and work could start within a few months.

The Chinese company will provide technical advisers, oil workers and equipment to develop al-Ahdab oil field, providing fuel for al-Zubaidiya power plant in Wasit, southeast of Baghdad, bordering Iran, Jihad said.

Once development begins, the field is expected to start producing a preliminary amount of 25,000 barrels of oil a day and an estimated constant daily amount of 125,000 barrels after three years, he said.

It looks like Iraq is giving the Bush and Company the finger...


ryutaro's mama said:
If McCain skips the RNC, then he was truly sabotaging himself and wants out.

They're already having to change up everyone's speeches there since many of them were really attacks on Obama's readiness to lead. He'll still show up as long as Louisiana isn't getting destroyed.


ryutaro's mama said:
If McCain skips the RNC, then he was truly sabotaging himself and wants out.

They are discussing turning the RNC into a Telethon to raise funds for areas effected by the storm. There may very well be no Political Convention for the Republicans.
Tamanon said:
They're already having to change up everyone's speeches there since many of them were really attacks on Obama's readiness to lead. He'll still show up as long as Louisiana isn't getting destroyed.
So because of the hurricane, they are changing their speeches?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Tamanon said:
They're already having to change up everyone's speeches there since many of them were really attacks on Obama's readiness to lead. He'll still show up as long as Louisiana isn't getting destroyed.

But Louisiana will get destroyed. I don't know why so many people are acting like they don't know what's about to happen. It's not like the hurricane will fall to pieces.
laserbeam said:
They are discussing turning the RNC into a Telethon to raise funds for areas effected by the storm. There may very well be no Political Convention for the Republicans.

please do this... just to be owned a few hours later when barackobama.com raises twice the amount for storm relief :D


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
laserbeam said:
They are discussing turning the RNC into a Telethon to raise funds for areas effected by the storm. There may very well be no Political Convention for the Republicans.

This could be either a good thing or be a total failure.


Smiles and Cries said:
please do this... just to be owned a few hours later when barackobama.com raises twice the amount for storm relief :D

If it gets money to those who need it, I don't care who does it.
RNC would be better off doing business as planned. The whole lets pay major attention the the Hurricanes seems to set up a major backfire. People are not fooled they don't have tp play FEMA or Red Cross roles here, just say some kind words of support and move along
Smiles and Cries said:
drudgereport has a link saying those two may skip the RNC
chrck politico.com
cannot post links on wii

No way will Mccain skip imo. As far as Bush I doubt they really even want him there as a reminder of that 30% approval rating.


Smiles and Cries said:
RNC would be better off doing business as planned. The whole lets pay major attention the the Hurricanes seems to set up a major backfire. People are not fooled they don't have tp play FEMA or Red Cross roles here, just say some kind words of support and move along

They would be eaten alive if they did business as usual . The Democrats would be like see they are out of touch etc etc. While the nations damaged areas try to recover they are partying etc
Tamanon said:
No, because of the running-mate they are. i'm just pointing out that the whole convention is in chaos.

I wonder how the GOP feels about this fuck up. The RNC was already at a disadvantage by going second, but now...good lord. I'm sure they're revamping a lot of stuff but there's no way the convention will be free of fear mongering and 911 shout outs (Rudyyyy). So no matter what they will be reminding voters of how inexperienced Palin is.

Plus I doubt they'll be able to convince anyone that McCain is some reformer/agent of change


Tyrone Slothrop said:
please god let bush find a way to make it there. the moneyshot: him and mccain embracing, cheney myopically visible in the background, clapping.

They won't be in the same frame ever again. Just like how Carter wasn't near Obama at all.
Re: Palin polls

Jus throwing it out there, but some women can be really catty towards other women, especially if they are the attractive kind. Could also explain the more favourable rating from men.
Tamanon said:
If it gets money to those who need it, I don't care who does it.
this is all well and good but what are they really doing here? Are they going to hold a fundraiser every Hurricane season? Or is this really just for election season every 4 years or so?

Seriously, they need to stick to the leadership roles and get all the agencies to work perfectly on managing the crisis. Allow the public to fundraise instead of pandering votes using a major crisis like this

too fishy after Katrina, just too fishy
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