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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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mckmas8808 said:
This is really dangerous because how does the RNC respond to this? How do they attack Obama now that experience is off the table thanks to McCain?

What do the surrogates say on cable TV?

Celebrity still works.

Of course, Palin was almost Miss Alaska so maybe not.
UltimaKilo said:
Point well taken.

But let's say he is alive, and the special forces "work in the shadows" and somehow get him without collapsing the Pakistani government, what political implications would this have? It could actually help either candidate, but of course it would simply be a Bush victory.

To have a force small enough to "work in the shadows" would require massive coordination with the partner governments. You also need the ability to do deep insertion and deep extraction so that if the mission goes sideways you don't have a guy bleeding out because your extraction capability is sitting at max range.

Most importantly if Bin Laden is still alive I would suspect there would be around 1000 if not more friendly forces in his immediate area as well as allied villages in that area. It would be suicide if you went in with less than a Marine MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) even at that you would need specific and detailed information to where he is and if you had that kind of intelligence then a Tomahawk strike would be a more expected strike. I just couldn't see it if unless the Pakistani government was allowing the US in with open arms. Their political situation in Pakistan just doesn't make that feasible in the near (or even foreseeable) future.


mckmas8808 said:
This is really dangerous because how does the RNC respond to this? How do they attack Obama now that experience is off the table thanks to McCain?

What do the surrogates say on cable TV?
I think right now they're stuck with the whole POW shtick.
Of course, now they have something else.

POW plus a woman!!! a woman for a GOP VP!! Insane, right? Isn't it?
vote POW! and woman!
mckmas8808 said:
See RepubGAF!! This is why Palin was a bad choice. Now McCain has to trash all those commercials that they have of Obama about him not being ready to lead. :lol
Hmm... if this sticks, and McCain realized that picking her meant he would have to go in this direction, this has me really asking the question of what he really saw her bringing to the table. I understand that it was an attempt to energize his campaign, and I've read the hearsay about how last minute this was. Still, there had to be something resembling in-depth analysis as to how logistically sound this move was.

I don't want to get too carried away only to have people in support of her move go "see? This is why he picked here." However, I'm really starting to lean more and more in the direction of thinking that McCain made a colossal misstep here. What am I missing here? How does she help more than hurt his campaign?


Steve Youngblood said:
Hmm... if this sticks, and McCain realized that picking her meant he would have to go in this direction, this has me really asking the question of what he really saw her bringing to the table. I understand that it was an attempt to energize his campaign, and I've read the hearsay about how last minute this was. Still, there had to be something resembling in-depth analysis as to how logistically sound this move was.

I don't want to get too carried away only to have people in support of her move go "see? This is why he picked here." However, I'm really starting to lean more and more in the direction of thing that McCain made a colossal misstep here. What am I missing here? How does she help more than hurt his campaign?

It's pretty simple, if McCain had made this decision or even was considering this earlier, he would've at least changed the tone of the campaign beforehand so it's not as jarring.


Steve Youngblood said:
Hmm... if this sticks, and McCain realized that picking her meant he would have to go in this direction, this has me really asking the question of what he really saw her bringing to the table. I understand that it was an attempt to energize his campaign, and I've read the hearsay about how last minute this was. Still, there had to be something resembling in-depth analysis as to how logistically sound this move was.

I don't want to get too carried away only to have people in support of her move go "see? This is why he picked here." However, I'm really starting to lean more and more in the direction of thing that McCain made a colossal misstep here. What am I missing here? How does she help more than hurt his campaign?
I think that's what each of us in GAF and MSM are trying to find out, because so far she's so far away from being anything useful for McCain's camp.


Gold Member
mckmas8808 said:
See RepubGAF!! This is why Palin was a bad choice. Now McCain has to trash all those commercials that they have of Obama about him not being ready to lead. :lol

Some lady from NPR on Bill Maher had it right when she said that the McCain campaign has to argue that they have it right and the Obama ticket is upside down where the top of their ticket is the inexperienced one, but I'm sure they will continue with the "she does have experience" bit.
mckmas8808 said:
This is really dangerous because how does the RNC respond to this? How do they attack Obama now that experience is off the table thanks to McCain?

What do the surrogates say on cable TV?

She has more executive experience, while he was doing that hippy community organizer shit she was reforming and leading the inner workings of the pta. Or whatever bullshit, they'll easily find something. It will be stupid, but they'll run with it. They have already ran with it.
I generally don't think that VP's traits should be projected onto the president, but in choosing Palin, McCain is ceding a major argument against Obama, and for what, to pick up 50 disafected hilary voters and keep a couple of anti abortion nutjobs happy?

The surprise of the pick, and I hate to say it, her looks gave her such a positive start, that's not going to last very long.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
maximum360 said:

I think the RNC make bulk orders of stationary bikes for the GOP camp. They will surely put some serious practice time in with all the backpedaling they're doing this week. The experience argument is now a running joke. You know how bad the pick was when Republicans surrogates are spinning wildly, tv talking heads look bewildered, some republican strategists look confused, and journalists articles on the topic are over-the-top in mocking the choice.

This is way too funny now.


Gold Member
Byakuya769 said:
She has more executive experience, while he was doing that hippy community organizer shit she was reforming and leading the inner workings of the pta. Or whatever bullshit, they'll easily find something. It will be stupid, but they'll run with it. They have already ran with it.

Well she was a mayor 5 years before Obama was a state senator, that's what they need to push. But the campaign is run by people who don't think of this stuff...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
UltimaKilo said:
Rove is not there to defend his argument, so it's not embarrassing. It would be if Rove was there and did not have a counter, but knowing the political genius that is Rove, he would get out of it.

And Tim Kaine wasn't there to respond when Rove talked shit about him... so.

Kaine 1
Rove 0

UltimaKilo said:
Well she was a mayor 5 years before Obama was a state senator, that's what they need to push. But the campaign is run by people who don't think of this stuff...

Do they really want to push her time served as mayor of a village with less than 8,000 people living in it? Do they really want to trudge up that she left that town with $20mil in debt?
DopeyFish said:
that article is from april, duders [one mccain saying obama ready to be president]

The point is that McCain consistently undercuts his message and picking Palin now completely puts the issue to bed. I think it was a Joe Klein article that said that McCain consistently shoots from the hip. He never stays on message and is willing to make bizarre choices to prove a point.

Imagine McCain as president: "Things are getting too quiet over in Georgia. Let's send some troops to Russia and see what 'Putin and Meddie' do?
maximum360 said:
The point is that McCain consistently undercuts his message and picking Palin now completely puts the issue to bed. I think it was a Joe Klein article that said that McCain consistently shoots from the hip. He never stays on message and is willing to make bizarre choices to prove a point.

Imagine McCain as president: "Things are getting too quiet over in Georgia. Let's send some troops to Russia and see what 'Putin and Meddie' do?

As terrible a trait that is for a world leader, for some reason, this is a desirable trait. When McCain makes checks our ass can't cash in georgia, he's seen as being strong, not as making promises that he can't keep. It's part of the politics we are all trying to change here.


UltimaKilo said:
Well she was a mayor 5 years before Obama was a state senator, that's what they need to push. But the campaign is run by people who don't think of this stuff...
well that might be because she left the town racked in debt.


UltimaKilo said:
Well she was a mayor 5 years before Obama was a state senator, that's what they need to push. But the campaign is run by people who don't think of this stuff...

I've read that her job description as mayor was to only cast tie breaking votes for the city council. Can anyone else confirm if this is true? If so, it effectively makes the "executive experience" a nonstarter.
UltimaKilo said:
Well she was a mayor 5 years before Obama was a state senator, that's what they need to push. But the campaign is run by people who don't think of this stuff...

Yeah, that'll really go over well with the American voting public.

This selection is a flat-out insult to any sane individual.


Rugasuki said:
I've read that her job description as mayor was to only cast tie breaking votes for the city council. Can anyone else confirm if this is true? If so, it effectively makes the "executive experience" a nonstarter.

Basically, aside from the ceremonial stuff like signing the legal stuff(no veto power) and such.


Agent Icebeezy said:
I wonder if they will replay that Karl Rove talk about Kaine and project it on Palin
Someone needs to dub it over so Rove says Palin instead of Kaine, Alaska instead of Virginia and four instead of 13 electoral votes. Bonus points for making the dub really obvious, like shouting "PALIN!" over Rove's voice.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
GhaleonEB said:
Someone needs to dub it over so Rove says Palin instead of Kaine, Alaska instead of Virginia and four instead of 13 electoral votes. Bonus points for making the dub really obvious, like shouting "PALIN!" over Rove's voice.

3 EV



Gold Member
reilo said:
And Tim Kaine wasn't there to respond when Rove talked shit about him... so.

Kaine 1
Rove 0

Still, Kaine was responding to something Rove said in that segment. I'm sure Rove had something witty to say himself, Rove is like a damn machine that always has an answer. I could have showed you this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4qEynSx19E and then comment "Karl Rove owned Kaine, the DNC is falling apart." Maybe Rove did have a response?

Do they really want to push her time served as mayor of a village with less than 8,000 people living in it? Do they really want to trudge up that she left that town with $20mil in debt?

I didn't know that she left her town in debt. I believe the town had 9,000 people!
Some network yesterday (I think CNN) went to the town where she was mayor and she was very popular there so she couldn't have been that bad! :D


Rugasuki said:
I've read that her job description as mayor was to only cast tie breaking votes for the city council. Can anyone else confirm if this is true? If so, it effectively makes the "executive experience" a nonstarter.

Thats what the VP does in congress so she has VP experiance :O
Bill Kristol as usual also displays some terrific spin here that makes no sense. Note Kristal attacking Pawlenty 5 days ago whom he questions as being perhaps not ready for commander in chief despite Pawlenty having been a governor since 2003 and despite having made trips to Bosnia, Kosovo, Poland, Iraq and the Czech Republic.

[W]ith Biden’s foreign policy experience as a contrast, could McCain assure voters that the young Pawlenty is ready to take over, if need be, as commander in chief? Also, Biden is a strong and experienced debater. Pawlenty is unproven. If he is the choice, there will be many anxious Republicans in the run-up to the vice presidential debate in St. Louis on Oct. 2. …

If not Pawlenty or Romney, how about a woman, whose selection would presumably appeal to the aforementioned anguished Hillary supporters? It’s awfully tempting for the McCain camp to revisit the possibility of tapping Meg Whitman, the former eBay C.E.O., Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, or Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska. But the first two have never run for office, and Palin has been governor for less than two years.

Now after the Palin Pick he says this.

Palin is potentially a huge asset to McCain. He took the gamble–wisely, we think–of putting her on the ticket. …

A key moment for Palin will be the vice presidential debate, to be held at Washington University in St. Louis on October 2. … And if Palin holds her own against Biden, as she is fully capable of doing? McCain will then have succeeded in combining with his own huge advantage in experience and judgment, a politician of great promise in his vice presidential slot who will make Joe Biden look like a tiresome relic.

You can't make that shit up.

And it gets even better....


LAT: Lots of no-shows expected at Republican National Convention

By Bob Drogin, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
August 31, 2008

DAYTON, OHIO -- As Sen. John McCain prepares to accept the Republican presidential nomination this week, his party's four-day convention will be notable in part for who isn't attending.

Compared with past GOP conventions, a surprising number of prominent lawmakers and candidates will stay away from the festivities Sept. 1 to 4 in St. Paul, Minn. -- chiefly citing tough reelection battles, previous commitments or other scheduling conflicts.

At least 10 incumbent senators, plus several Senate candidates, have sent their regrets. Only three incumbents in hotly contested races, including Kentucky's Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, will join the partygoers.

"It's probably easier to say who is attending," said Rebecca Fisher, spokeswoman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. But the list is "a moving target," she added.

Republican officials have encouraged candidates to focus first on winning their own elections. But an aide to a Republican senator, who spoke on condition of anonymity, offered another reason for the no-shows.

"The party brand is in tatters," said the aide. "The president is highly unpopular. There doesn't seem to be much excitement around the candidate. And there's a real fear of being tagged with the Republican label and being seen with George Bush."



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Arde5643 said:
I think that's what each of us in GAF and MSM are trying to find out, because so far she's so far away from being anything useful for McCain's camp.

Yep. Here's what the newspaper media is saying about the pick.

The Denver Post:

“I served with Hillary Clinton. I know Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a friend of mine. You, Sarah Palin, are no Hillary Clinton.” Sorry to steal Joe Biden’s thunder, but we didn’t want to wait for the vice presidential candidates’ debate to say the obvious. Yes, John McCain, who argues with a straight face that Barack Obama’s 12 years in the Illinois legislature and U.S. Senate aren’t enough to qualify him to run for president, has picked a running mate who just two years ago was serving as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population 5,470. In short, the presumptive Republican nominee, an Old Soldier in all senses of that term, drafted the political equivalent of the Unknown Soldier as his co-pilot. McCain’s pick of Palin jettisons his attack that Obama isn’t ready to lead and looks more like a desperate “Hail Mary” campaign tactic aimed at female voters.

Detroit News:

…Palin, 44, with less than two years as governor and no foreign policy experience, can’t be sold as ready to step into the presidency if called upon. Arizona Sen. McCain, if he wins, will be 72 when he takes office, and the question of succession is likely to be a concern for voters.

Kansas City Star:

But as this newspaper noted earlier this week, the most important question in evaluating a vice-presidential pick is whether that person is prepared to step into the Oval Office. Palin, with no national political experience and only a couple years in the Alaska governor’s office, is a very tough sell for the Republicans on that score. McCain’s age — he turned 72 on Friday — certainly doesn’t help. The Republican presidential candidate has emphasized the importance of military and national security issues, and taken shots at Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama the Democratic presidential nominee for having only four years of experience in the U.S. Senate. Yet McCain now suggests that someone halfway through her first term as governor is “exactly who this country needs” only one step away from the presidency

Tampa Bay Tribune:

John McCain can forget about trying to make a campaign issue out of Barack Obama’s relatively thin foreign policy resume. In an effort to blunt Obama’s post convention momentum, McCain made history Friday by choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, the first woman to be nominated for vice president by the GOP. It is a risky move that stunned even some party leaders who fear that voters will have trouble imagining the former beauty queen as commander in chief, if it should ever come to that. The 44-year-old Palin, a former small-town mayor serving her first term as governor, has no experience in foreign policy.

Washington Post:

But the most important question Mr. McCain should have asked himself about Ms. Palin was not whether she could help him win the presidency. It was whether she is qualified and prepared to serve as president should anything prevent him from doing so. This would have been true for any presidential nominee, and it was especially crucial that Mr. McCain — who turns 72 today — get this choice right…In this regard, count us among the puzzled and the skeptical…Once the buzz over Ms. Palin’s nomination dies down, the hard questions about her will begin. The answers will reflect on her qualifications — and on Mr. McCain’s judgment as well.

New York Times:

Governor Palin’s lack of experience, especially in national security and foreign affairs, raises immediate questions about how prepared she is to potentially succeed to the presidency. That really is the only criteria for judging a candidate for vice president.

Los Angeles Times:

What happened to his insistence that a running mate be qualified to serve as commander in chief? …An even better example is George H.W. Bush’s choice of Dan Quayle in 1988. That selection, like McCain’s, was designed partly to placate restive Republican conservatives. Those are not persuasive precedents. In one respect, McCain is in even less of a position to gamble than were Mondale and Bush. His age makes it especially important that his running mate be prepared to assume the presidency at a moment’s notice.

Boston Globe:

In picking a first-term governor with no foreign-policy record, the Republican presidential candidate undermined his own central themes - experience and national security - and exposed the deep fault lines within his campaign…But the pick is hard to square with what Republicans have been saying all week: that Obama is too green to be president. Because Obama has bared his soul in a bestselling memoir and his decisions have been under a microscope for the last four years, voters can assess his judgment. Palin, in contrast, has next to no track record. Her ticketmate would be the oldest first-term president ever and has had health troubles in the past. McCain, meanwhile, is struggling to accommodate Palin within the logic of his campaign, which up to now stressed an existential threat from Islamic fundamentalism.

Miami Herald:

Political strategists say Clinton’s rank-and-file supporters will be tough for McCain and Palin to win. The ticket’s strong anti-abortion positions make them anathema to liberal Democrats concentrated in places such as South Florida…On Friday, she may have made her first official flip flop, saying that she opposed the so-called ”bridge to nowhere” that became a symbol of pork-barrel Washington spending. Yet in 2006, her spokesman told the Associated Press that she supported the project.

Philadelphia Daily News:

Franklin & Marshall College pollster Terry Madonna said that Palin’s personal story is an asset but that he would describe McCain’s pick in three words. “Risky, risky and risky,” Madonna said. “We just don’t know how she’ll handle the next nine weeks of campaigning, dealing with all these complicated national and international issues, debating [Obama's running mate] Joe Biden, and having every word scrutinized by an aggressive press corps.” The greatest unanswered question is whether putting Palin on the ticket will bring many Clinton Democrats into the McCain column. The Daily News reached five women who were Clinton primary-election supporters in a March poll, and none said Palin’s candidacy would change their vote.

Chicago Tribune:

John McCain has described national security, defense, the war in Iraq and the war on terror as “the transcendent issues, the most important issues of our day.” So who did he choose for his running mate? Someone who has zero acquaintance with those issues. The first and last question to be asked about a potential vice president is: Is he or she prepared to take over immediately as president? Barack Obama’s choice of Joe Biden gave that matter the priority it deserves. The question is even more important for McCain because he’s 72 years old and has had serious health problems. The chances are considerably higher than usual that his vice president would have to step into the Oval Office without notice…this decision mocks McCain’s seriousness on the issues that are supposed to be his strength. It tells us that he puts his own political fortunes above the safety of the nation. McCain has done a lot of things for his country. He should have done one more and picked a running mate who makes a plausible commander-in-chief.

New York Times (Gail Collins):

He was looking for someone who was well prepared to fight against international Islamic extremism, the transcendent issue of our time. And in the end he decided that in good conscience, he was not going to settle for anyone who had not been commander of a state national guard for at least a year and a half. He put down his foot!…I do feel kind of ticked off at the assumptions that the Republicans seem to be making about female voters…The idea that women are going to race off to vote for any candidate with the same internal plumbing is both offensive and historically wrong.

TIME (Amy Sullivan):

It appears Sarah Palin was picked not just for her appeal to women voters but also to please social conservatives. If so, this could be Harriet Miers redux. And that didn’t work out so well the first time.

TIME (Mike Murphy):

McCain’s mighty and oft-swung Obama swatting hammer of experience has been instantly changed from steel to rubber. VP examination stakes are a little higher for McCain, will she pass the ready on Day One test with less than two years in a (small) statehouse? Former full Colonel in the Pat Buchanan brigades...

ABC News (Jake Tapper - yes, THAT Jake Tapper!):

Palin doesn’t exactly scream “experience,” which is McCain’s main argument against Obama. For a decade she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, which has a population of approximately 8,471, which the Obama campaign says is less than 1/20th the size of his former state senate district. Palin has been governor for two years. Some might argue that in terms of experience she makes Obama look like Robert Byrd. In July, Palin told CNBC’s Larry Kudlow that “as for that VP talk all the time, I tell ya, I still can’t answer that question until, until somebody answers for me ‘What it is exactly that the vice president does every day?”

Chicago Tribune (Mark Silva):

When Obama was looking at Democratic Gov. Tim Kaine of Virginia as a possible running mate, Karl Rove, the “architect” of President Bush’s election campaigns, dismissed his experience - a governor for three years and mayor of 103rd largest Richmond. We’re not sure where Wasilla ranks.


I said WOW! This goes to show that this pick by McCain hasn't been received to well.


Gold Member
You know, I'm surprised Bob Dole has been so quiet. Didn't he slam McCain earlier this year calling him a liberal? Then defended him against Limbaugh?
mckmas8808 said:
Yep. Here's what the newspaper media is saying about the pick.

I said WOW! This goes to show that this pick by McCain hasn't been received to well.
It really isn't looking too great for him, is it? I still think I'm entrenched in the "I'm going to wait and see how this plays" for a week or two before I fully give in to the notion that McCain has made his worst mistake yet. Still, it's really not looking that great as far as I can tell, even when I try to be non-partisan and look at both the pros and the cons.

I'm still just scratching my head about this pick.
Stoney Mason said:
Bill Kristol as usual also displays some terrific spin here that makes no sense. Note Kristal attacking Pawlenty 5 days ago whom he questions as being perhaps not ready for commander in chief despite Pawlenty having been a governor since 2003 and despite having made trips to Bosnia, Kosovo, Poland, Iraq and the Czech Republic.

[W]ith Biden’s foreign policy experience as a contrast, could McCain assure voters that the young Pawlenty is ready to take over, if need be, as commander in chief? Also, Biden is a strong and experienced debater. Pawlenty is unproven. If he is the choice, there will be many anxious Republicans in the run-up to the vice presidential debate in St. Louis on Oct. 2. …

If not Pawlenty or Romney, how about a woman, whose selection would presumably appeal to the aforementioned anguished Hillary supporters? It’s awfully tempting for the McCain camp to revisit the possibility of tapping Meg Whitman, the former eBay C.E.O., Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, or Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska. But the first two have never run for office, and Palin has been governor for less than two years.

Now after the Palin Pick he says this.

Palin is potentially a huge asset to McCain. He took the gamble–wisely, we think–of putting her on the ticket. …

A key moment for Palin will be the vice presidential debate, to be held at Washington University in St. Louis on October 2. … And if Palin holds her own against Biden, as she is fully capable of doing? McCain will then have succeeded in combining with his own huge advantage in experience and judgment, a politician of great promise in his vice presidential slot who will make Joe Biden look like a tiresome relic.

You can't make that shit up.


The GOP must have paid Kristol overtime that one. With all the backtracking, backpedaling, and flipflopping in the GOP camp they'll all be Ironmaster worthy athletes in no time. :lol


mckmas8808 said:
Yep. Here's what the newspaper media is saying about the pick.

I said WOW! This goes to show that this pick by McCain hasn't been received to well.

Yeah, and even the local news was overall negative on the choice.


Propagandhim said:
It takes him 8 hours to fly home. It takes him 8 hours to fly home.
It takes him 8 hours to fly home. It takes him 8 hours to fly home.
It takes him 8 hours to fly home. It takes him 8 hours to fly home.
It takes him 8 hours to fly home. It takes him 8 hours to fly home.

To be fair, that's leagues above this: “I am sick of the Palestinian-Israeli issue,” President George Bush apparently told Jordan’s King Abdullah in June 2004, in front of Mr Muasher.


Gold Member
maximum360 said:
The GOP must have paid Kristol overtime that one. With all the backtracking, backpedaling, and flipflopping in the GOP camp they'll all be Ironmaster worthy athletes in no time. :lol

Kristol boggles me, he was one of the first to say McCain would pick Palin months ago...


rite? RITE?!
Steve Youngblood said:
It really isn't looking too great for him, is it? I still think I'm entrenched in the "I'm going to wait and see how this plays" for a week or two before I fully give in to the notion that McCain has made his worst mistake yet. Still, it's really not looking that great as far as I can tell, even when I try to be non-partisan and look at both the pros and the cons.

I'm still just scratching my head about this pick.

It's like we're all waiting for the punchline.
i think many of you are underestimating how stupid people can be.

i think it's a brilliant pick, politically. seriously, people are idiots. they'll see her with those 7 kids and her strong christian values and put that above any petulant thing such as foreign relations and economy and what have you
in some weird way, I kinda feel sorry for Palin. She seems like a nice enough woman...but...her? Is McCain going for the pity vote or something? :lol
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