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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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I agree with not perpetuating smears. I didn't like it with Obama and McCain, and I wouldn't want to spread smears about Palin. She seems like a nice person. I just don't think she's ready to be VP.

That said, is there any solid evidence from a mainstream source that verifies Palin's pregnancy? For example, with the Obama Muslim smears it wasn't too hard to find the actual truth if you were willing to look beyond e-mail chains and ultra-conservative blogs.

The DailyKos definitely seems to raise some interesting questions around Palin's pregnancy, but it's an ultra-liberal site. Is there a mainstream/legitimate source that basically puts the rumor to rest for most sane people?


Setec Astronomer
The Orange said:
The rumour won't die down, though. Everyone's searching for more proof, there's a couple of sites on digg that have done "research", this one isn't going away until they 100% prove it's wrong..
If internet conspiracy assholes have ever proven anything, it's that being resoundingly debunked means nothing to them.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
When America drums on about "Who is Obama?"

it's because they can't fit the guy to a stereotype. He defies them, just as he is bared open for all to see in his books. You read the books; you get a good sense of who this guy is and just how meritable he is.

On the otherhand, I know far less about McCain's particulars, other than having the notion that rich white guy is a far more well known stereotype than intelligent black man... that's not actually born from actual black americans.


besada said:
Yes, and it's sad to see Democrats focusing on her womb instead of her qualifications. This is every bit as sleazy as the Bush whisper campaign about McCain's "half-black" baby, Clinton's "rape baby", and Obama being a Muslim.

Makes me a little ashamed to share a side with these douchebags.
Oh hi, you must be very very very new here.


Shiggie said:
Oh hi, you must be very very very new here.

No, not really. I didn't like the misogyny surrounding Clinton, either. In both cases, there are real issues that are much more damning than talking about their wombs.

For Palin, the fact that her own Republican Senate and two major papers in her own state are saying she's unqualified should be plenty.


besada said:
No, not really. I didn't like the misogyny surrounding Clinton, either. In both cases, there are real issues that are much more damning that talking about their wombs.

For Palin, the fact that her own Republican Senate and two major papers in her own state are saying she's unqualified should be plenty.
All this drama already existed prior to her VP announcement. I don't think it is just because she is a woman but a Poorly vetted and chosen candidate. And its only natural for the MSM and others to see who our Possible VP is going to be.


Shiggie said:
All this drama already existed prior to her VP announcement. I don't think it is just because she is a woman but a Poorly vetted and chosen candidate. And its only natural for the MSM and others to see who our Possible VP is going to be.

Hey, I can't stop you and others from thinking this is a fair target, but don't ask me to not think the people doing so are scumbags. This is an attack against her entire family, including her sixteen year old daughter. It obnoxious and offensive. And whether it's true or not, it has very little bearing on her qualifications. Most importantly, it's not anyone's business but the Palin family's.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
mckmas8808 said:

This is just embarrassing. The GOP are falling apart. And it's happening way to fast.

Rove is right about Kaine. Yeah it's true about Virginia getting all those "awards", but Kaine had nothing to do with it. Mark Warner implemented all these education and government changes. Kaine is just riding the wave. He really didn't do shit for the city except raise meal taxes. Gilmore, who was governor before Warner, sent us in the hole bad. Warner fixed everything. Kaine already has us back in a deeper hole of debt than Gilmore left us.



besada said:
Hey, I can't stop you and others from thinking this is a fair target, but don't ask me to not think the people doing so are scumbags. This is an attack against her entire family, including her sixteen year old daughter. It obnoxious and offensive. And whether it's true or not, it has very little bearing on her qualifications. Most importantly, it's not anyone's business but the Palin family's.



besada said:
Hey, I can't stop you and others from thinking this is a fair target, but don't ask me to not think the people doing so are scumbags. This is an attack against her entire family, including her sixteen year old daughter. It obnoxious and offensive. And whether it's true or not, it has very little bearing on her qualifications. Most importantly, it's not anyone's business but the Palin family's.
As a GOP candidate openly running on 'Conservative Christian values' it is certainly fair if it is credible.
besada said:
Hey, I can't stop you and others from thinking this is a fair target, but don't ask me to not think the people doing so are scumbags. This is an attack against her entire family, including her sixteen year old daughter. It obnoxious and offensive. And whether it's true or not, it has very little bearing on her qualifications. Most importantly, it's not anyone's business but the Palin family's.

They're parading the baby around every campaign stop and are running on "Conservative" family values as Shiggie said. It's the same reason Edwards got roasted pretty bad because he made his family part of the campaign.

I'm perfectly willing to toss this in the nutty-conspiracy bin as soon as one credible source debunks the rumor. I also have no intentions of spreading this rumor. I'll just discuss it with people who are already aware of it.

But I think it's somewhat relevant because it's a character issue, not just a personal family issue. It tells us if something embarrassing or politically damaging occurs, will she face the truth head on and be upfront with the public or will she conceal it and worse create a lie. This is actually why she's under investigation with Trooper-Gate because she wasn't straight-up from the very beginning until there were audio tapes produced.


I know it's been mentioned, but holy shit Karl Rove ripping on Tim Kaine, and McCain's VP fits the bill perfectly. Except it's one less year, in a really small populous state & 3 electoral votes.
The Chosen One said:
They're parading the baby around every campaign stop and are running on "Conservative" family values as Shiggie said. It's the same reason Edwards got roasted pretty bad because he made his family part of the campaign.

I'm perfectly willing to toss this in the nutty-conspiracy bin as soon as one credible source debunks the rumor. I also have no intentions of spreading this rumor. I'll just discuss it with people who are already aware of it.

But I think it's somewhat relevant because it's a character issue, not just a personal family issue. It tells us if something embarrassing or politically damaging occurs, will she face the truth head on and be upfront with the public or will she conceal it and worse create a lie. This is actually why she's under investigation with Trooper-Gate because she wasn't straight-up from the very beginning until there were audio tapes produced.

Just get off it. There's really no difference. Everyone has secrets and it's between them and God. You think she's the first politician to try and cover up something "immoral" (if true, which it probably isn't)? I hope you all were crucifying Clinton 10 years ago then. Because you're all using the EXACT same arguments republicans used against him. And this is all unsubstantiated speculation!

Moving on. I don't know if this has been brought up yet but another thing this pick does for McCain is help him sidestep the whole "the next Dick Cheney" attack line Obama and co. were warming up. She's no Cheney, that is for sure.
*Desperately tries not to make "next Dan Quayle" joke*


besada said:
Hey, I can't stop you and others from thinking this is a fair target, but don't ask me to not think the people doing so are scumbags. This is an attack against her entire family, including her sixteen year old daughter. It obnoxious and offensive. And whether it's true or not, it has very little bearing on her qualifications. Most importantly, it's not anyone's business but the Palin family's.

Not to mention the rumor itself holds about as much water as a fishing net.


This hurricane is going to be an absolute disaster. I presume they've reconstructed the levees properly?

If new orleans gets swamped again, we may be witnessing the permanent death of a major american city.


gkrykewy said:
This hurricane is going to be an absolute disaster. I presume they've reconstructed the levees properly?

If new orleans gets swamped again, we may be witnessing the permanent death of a major american city.

That's a bad presumption. Levee reconstruction has never finished, which doesn't really matter as it would be insufficient anyway. Putting the levees back to 100% of they were when they got obliterated was never going to be much help.



Guys we should drop the baby accusations.

She lacks the experience, the judgement (due to her right wing views), the intelligence (not knowing whats going on in Iraq), and educational background to be VP. Period.

We don't need to find other national enquirer-esque reasons. We already have plenty that don't deal with he sex or her children.


MaddenNFL64 said:
I know it's been mentioned, but holy shit Karl Rove ripping on Tim Kaine, and McCain's VP fits the bill perfectly. Except it's one less year, in a really small populous state & 3 electoral votes.
And Kaine was lieutenant governor for four years

Gustav hasn't been impressive at all today and it doesn't seem like it will be a direct hit. Levees should hold.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Ventrue said:
Apart from the fact that is the same category of malicious rumour sent at McCain in 2000, may I point out that a 45 year-old woman is far more likely to have a child with Down's Syndrome than a younger woman, and thus the child's condition is strong evidence that this rumour is bullshit?

This, plus, if I don't like smears about Obama, then I certainly can't support them for Palin.


syllogism said:
And Kaine was lieutenant governor for four years

Gustav hasn't been impressive at all today and it doesn't seem like it will be a direct hit. Levees should hold.
And mayor of Richmond for 10 years, which is not a small town by any means
Interesting McCain interview on Chris Wallace's show. Wallace called McCain on quite a few things and he was just flailing wildly. I just don't think he can think on his feet. He rarely answers tough questions and instead gives generic stump speech answers.


maximum360 said:
Interesting McCain interview on Chris Wallace's show. Wallace called McCain on quite a few things and he was just flailing wildly. I just don't think he can think on his feet. He rarely answers tough questions and instead gives generic stump speech answers.
Wallace is a very good journalist, one of the few on Fox News. Chris Wallace went on Fox News's morning show a few months back and said Fox News was biased against Obama and had to be more fair to him.
worldrunover said:
Just get off it. There's really no difference. Everyone has secrets and it's between them and God. You think she's the first politician to try and cover up something "immoral" (if true, which it probably isn't)? I hope you all were crucifying Clinton 10 years ago then. Because you're all using the EXACT same arguments republicans used against him. And this is all unsubstantiated speculation!

Point taken. This is only day 3? I'm sure this will get debunked in a few days anyway. I'll drop it.

On a side note my opinion on politician's personal lives is that as long as they're not using their family as a political tool then they should be off limits. This is why no one brings out the pitch-forks against McCain because he never uses his family as the perfect example of "conservative family values".

Everybody has secrets. But if I make public statements about how I'm extremely against prostitution and try to enact laws to increase jail time and fines on prostitutes and johns, then you better believe I'll get roasted if it turns out I'm seeing $5,000 hookers every weekend. It's not wise to run on things, which you or your family have personal struggles against unless you're upfront with it. These things have a way of biting you in the ass and creating a huge distraction. John Edward's staff isn't mad at him because he's a "sinner" in the eyes of God. They're mad at him because he risked destroying the Democratic party and turning the country upside down if he became the nominee or actually got elected. If you have certain skeleton's in your closet, you have to know when to fold. Otherwise you're being reckless.
Cheebs said:
Wallace is a very good journalist, one of the few on Fox News. Chris Wallace went on Fox News's morning show a few months back and said Fox News was biased against Obama and had to be more fair to him.

I like Wallace too (son of Mike Wallace, dochaknow). Is this interview online or is it happening today?
syllogism said:
Haven't seen Lieberman in over a week. Has he been present at Mccain/Palin rallies? I wonder what he thinks about the pick.

Wasn't Lieberman supposed to be in Ohio for the initial VP announcement? Did he end up being a no-show?


Today’s numbers show a one-point improvement for McCain, but Obama still leads 47% to 44%. When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 49%, McCain 46% (see recent daily results). Obama is now viewed favorably by 57% of the nation’s voters, McCain by 56%. Tracking Polls are released at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time each day and a FREE daily e-mail update. is available.
There have been significant changes in perception of John McCain in the two days of polling since he named Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Since then, 49% of Republicans voice a Very Favorable opinion of McCain. That’s up six percentage points from 43% just before the announcement. Also, 64% of unaffiliated voters now give positive reviews to McCain, up ten points since naming his running mate.
There has been little change in perceptions of Obama since his Thursday night speech and the Palin announcement (see trends and other recent demographic observations).
Palin herself made a good first impression and is now viewed favorably by 53% of voters nationwide. Her counterpart, Joe Biden, is viewed favorably by 48%. While Palin has made a good first impression, the more significant numbers will come a week from now after the nation has a chance to learn more about her.
Cheebs said:
You've got to be kidding me. People think that was a good decision? ...

If I looked at the idea of someone like Sarah Palin being a stone's throw away from being in one of the highest political positions in the United States objectively I would have to think that's a bizarre fucked up planet, but yet... we're living in such a world.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
SpeedingUptoStop said:
I don't recall there being any sort of dirt being drug up on Biden when he was nominated - is it just PoliGAF's way, or do Biden's follies really not measure up to hers in anyway?

biden has been in the political spotlight for many many years. any dirt has already been brought up. but who is palin? what exactly do we know about her?


I think the absolute worst pick for McCain would have been Lieberman. It's now very clear that Palin energizes the conservative base, and has moderate appeal as well. Lieberman is universally hated by all liberals, most moderates and pretty much all conservatives, so he would have been a disastrous pick.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Ventrue said:
Apart from the fact that is the same category of malicious rumour sent at McCain in 2000, may I point out that a 45 year-old woman is far more likely to have a child with Down's Syndrome than a younger woman, and thus the child's condition is strong evidence that this rumour is bullshit?

the only comment i will make on this issue is that this fact is completely irrelevant. just because older women are more likely to have a child with down's syndrome, doesn't mean that a 16 year old can't have one. not saying i believe these rumors though.
I think it's really too early to tell. Some of the polls suggest Palin was a wash (Rasmussen's prior poll actually), this one shows some net gains.

Probably best to wait a week and see where the polls settle. I know some women were excited initially but have become much more skeptical as they had time to think about it.


It's far too early to tell. Everything is in a holding pattern until the debates happen.

Man, Biden-Palin debates should be a massacre. We'll see.
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