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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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AniHawk said:
With Fred Armisen as Obama?

Worst. Impression. Ever.

Will Smith. Has to be Will Smith.

Or hey, Robert Downey, Jr.

Though I'm strangely drawn to Jon Stewart. "Because Hope don't park your muthafuckin car!" Yeah, it's a bit more Samuel L. Jackson than it should be, but hey, why not?
EMBee99 said:
If anything, for the triumphant return of Tina Fey every week.

I'm almost positive she'll be the cold open for the Seaso Primo. People will go fucking nuts. McCain's numbers will drop like fifty points overnight.

BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm almost positive she'll be the cold open for the Seaso Primo. People will go fucking nuts. McCain's numbers will drop like fifty points overnight.

So I agree with you that Palin is a disaster, but how exactly are the democrats going to seize on her ridiculousness before the election? It seems unclear right now...
TheKingsCrown said:
So I agree with you that Palin is a disaster, but how exactly are the democrats going to seize on her ridiculousness before the election? It seems unclear right now...

By sitting back and drinking Mai Tais. They did nothing all weekend and McCain's choice alone brought so many negatives into play it's not even funny.

Okay, it's pretty funny.


Wow. I love how Pawlenty totally skipped over Obama's state senate experience, and said he went from law school to community organizer to state senate. Brokaw didn't even call him out on it. Russert would have.
The selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate "has electrified conservative activists, providing a boost of energy to the GOP nominee-in-waiting from a key constituency that had been previously had been lukewarm -- at best -- about him," according to Politico.

"By tapping the anti-abortion and pro-gun Alaska governor just ahead of his convention, which is set to start here Monday, McCain hasn't just won approval from a skeptical Republican base -- he's ignited a wave of elation and emotion that has led some grassroots activists to weep with joy."

David Brody: "I'm telling you folks. The Evangelical base is revved up about this pick. A McCain campaign source told me that there is so much excitement from the Evangelical community about this pick that it's making their head spin."

I wanna go on record saying the GOP should have a convention more or less as normal. They can't effect anything by not having it now. And they can plug causes that you can give money/supplies to to help the people.


TheKingsCrown said:
So I agree with you that Palin is a disaster, but how exactly are the democrats going to seize on her ridiculousness before the election? It seems unclear right now...

Apparently they're going to focus on her being far-right and that McCain made a political choice in choosing someone he had met only once before.


Man, sometimes it's hard watching Bill Maher.

"Man she has no experience whatsoever!"
"But that guy who was almost VP - Tim Kaine, has roughly the same amount of time as Palin and..."

I want Obama to win, but that kind of crapshoot is best left to Fox News.
PhoenixDark said:

More proof of the foolishness of Evangelicals.

It's not like the VP is going to change McCain's policies. More likely, she'll have to swing into line with his.

And yet they let themselves be willingly bought. Decades after Roe vs Wade, recent conservative Prez, congress and SCOTUS, and it still stands... why? Because as long as it does, it's a lever to get the evangelicals to vote conservative.



Well she sure has a lot of spunk in her pro-life platform! You can even see some of it dripping down her leg onto the floor from her pant suit! What a gutsy lady! She might be from Alaska but she sure as hell is no icequeen! And to think what she will bring to the White house! Imagine the lincoln bedroom being sanctified from Bill Clinton evil if Gov Palin became president and decided to have a live birth on it! Bringing life into the world would surely clean up the stench of those other guys that slept on it!

Also she has the best sort of experience as well. Her husband worked for british petroleum for a number of years! Thus he will be able to have some secret energy meetings just like Cheney had which led the way to our great energy infrastructure we have now! Speaking of infrasturcture she has that covered too! She understands we need better and more Bridges! Even bridges to uhhh places where only 50 people live at that would cost hundreds of millions of dollars. What a Maverick!

Biden has nothing on her in terms of experience. I mean how many babies has he pushed out of his vagina to help populate the USA with god fearing white christian americans? Thats right! HE HASNT! So unpatriotic of him!!!!


Diablos said:
Just what we fucking need. The fundies coming out in full force.
Fucking hell.


Ignatz Mouse said:
More proof of the foolishness of Evangelicals.

It's not like the VP is going to change McCain's policies. More likely, she'll have to swing into line with his.

And yet they let themselves be willingly bought. Decades after Roe vs Wade, recent conservative Prez, congress and SCOTUS, and it still stands... why? Because as long as it does, it's a lever to get the evangelicals to vote conservative.

While it is looking like Palin may not prove to be useful in attracting Hillary voters, she IS making progress with the evangelical base. You get them really excited, and they have a serious shot of turning the election in their favor as we saw in 2004. Once the evangelical polling numbers become more clear, and if they remain increasingly positive, Obama's campaign really needs to start talking about all the problems associated with Palin as a means to diminish her favoribility among not far-right loons, but independents. I sure hope they are paying attention.

Door2Dawn said:
Haha,did you guys really think that wasn't going to happen?
With Romney, Lieberman, or Ridge? It wouldn't have really happened.
With Pawlenty? A little.
DeaconKnowledge said:
I honestly believe Palin was a Rove idea from start to finish. I think he saw that McCain was all but fucked for the presidency, torpedoed Lieberman because he would be the clincher, and got McCain to go with the super conservative vagina having running mate to shave independent female votes and bolster the conservative base that hates McCain. Considering McCain's campaign measures and tactics leading up to the pick, I cannot say I buy this being his decision alone.
Is this the "New Coke" argument?


I don't really think there are enough swing state fundies to result in a net electoral gain for McCain, whereas picking a conservative nutjob (who happens to also undercut the experience argument) should steer more folks from the middle toward Obama.
M3wThr33 said:
Just doing some quick searches, I have yet to see a picture of her pregnant. Nothing. Not even a fake pillow. Pregnant women do not look like that.

AND a few months prior to the announcement she was on the cover of Vogue. How do you do that and not announce then? I'm calling bullshit.
If Palin is covering up her daughter's pregnancy I have no problem with that

It happens all the time, and its a very admirable thing for a mother to do for ehr daughter. I say we should leave this thing alone and attack her for her wacko religious/poltical views and her lie about teh Bridge to Nowhere.

What's alleged against her regarding the baby is (at worst) nothing more than a family sticking together. And there's nothing wrong with that.

If we persist in this "scandal," we are going to create so much sympathy for her that we won't be able to attack her on legitimate issues.


AniHawk said:
McCain/Palin is more like 5024 because Republicans have God on their side.

Good point, but I thought the universe (aka earth and the heaven bubble) were only 3,000 years old? Or was that 3,000 at time of publication?
deadatom said:
Biden has nothing on her in terms of experience. I mean how many babies has he pushed out of his vagina to help populate the USA with god fearing white christian americans?

Actually, Palin's husband is Inuit/of Inuit descent. So...Christian, yeah. American, most definitely. White? Not so much.


so umm... does this get Hillary energized to become that much more vocal a supporter of Obama now?

Going from doing enough to keep the legacy alive to doing all she can to crush republican chances?
The pregnancy rumor isn't true. Here's a picture of Palin in March, a month before the baby is born.


That is a pregnant woman. She just bounced back really, really well.


Mrs. Manky said:
Actually, Palin's husband is Inuit/of Inuit descent. So...Christian, yeah. American, most definitely. White? Not so much.

Thats terrible for McCain! How will he get the racist vote now? A lot of racist might sit this one out if this is true!
maynerd said:
BREAKING NEWS: White House: Bush, Cheney to skip GOP convention due to Hurricane Gustav
:lol Maybe, just maybe, he is preparing to help out with the destruction that will be created in Gustav's wake. You know... in order to make-up for Katrina.


adamsappel said:
The pregnancy rumor isn't true. Here's a picture of Palin in March, a month before the baby is born.


That is a pregnant woman. She just bounced back really, really well.
...I cant see, is there a better picture?
Despite a heavily energized conservative base in 2004 they only won by 60,000 votes or so (Ohio). The map favors Obama more than it favored Kerry imo: Obama is cruising in NM, the ground game could switch Nevada, Colorado and Virginia are toss ups but they seem to lean Obama. If anything an energized evangelical crowd would make it very hard to flip some of the red states Obama wants, ie NC and Georgia. If Obama can greatly increase black and youth turnout in Ohio (lots of cities, colleges) he could squeak out a win there, but I'm not confident about that state.

Of course things can go the opposite way: Virginia and Colorado are close enough to be narrowly won by McCain thanks to this newfound evangelical energy.

In the meantime I can't wait to see how this pick plays out in the coming days and weeks.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Rlan said:
Man, sometimes it's hard watching Bill Maher.

"Man she has no experience whatsoever!"
"But that guy who was almost VP - Tim Kaine, has roughly the same amount of time as Palin and..."

I want Obama to win, but that kind of crapshoot is best left to Fox News.

But Tim Kaine ultimately wasn't picked. So what's the problem with it? He was almost VP. Not VP nom.


PhoenixDark said:
Of course things can go the opposite way: Virginia and Colorado are close enough to be narrowly won by McCain thanks to this newfound evangelical energy.

Yeah, that I think is the key potential benefit. McCain essentially gave up on PA (Biden), but may be able to cling to CO and VA. If he wins Ohio, the election could come down to... Michigan?


Y2Kev said:
But Tim Kaine ultimately wasn't picked. So what's the problem with it? He was almost VP. Not VP nom.

exactly, who gives a shit about comparing a vp candidate and the actual vp... Bill Mahr was 100% right there, it was a stupid discussion point by the person bringing it up


gkrykewy said:
Yeah, that I think is the key potential benefit. McCain essentially gave up on PA (Biden), but may be able to cling to CO and VA. If he wins Ohio, the election could come down to... Michigan?

If Obama can't get CO, VA, or OH, he loses.

But, if he does something like lose CO, VA, and OH, but switches NV for some reason, he'll tie.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I fucking hate this pregnancy shit. To me, this is a big issue if it is true, despite all the blowhards in this thread saying people are scumbags for putting any stock into this story.

Well guess what, if it's true, it completely destroys her credibility with all these pro-lifers that are praising Palin's heroic choice to live her beliefs, and not terminate the child. This is a big deal, despite what you think.

Obama's Muslim thing was complete bullshit, and there was all the evidence in the world to prove that it was bullshit the moment it came up.

Until this is proven bullshit, then it's something that needs to be investigated in order to have the truth come out.

I'm not going to constantly be bringing up this pregnancy thing as we've all agreed to stop the speculation, but I'm a bit pissed that people in this thread are getting all high and mighty like this is something that should just be completely ignored.

I agree that she has plenty of other things to worry about, namely how she takes the experience argument off the table and her potential abuse of power investigation, but this pregnancy thing would be a big deal among the voters who care the most: the pro-lifers and the Christians.


"Do You Feel Ready To Be A Heartbeat Away From The Presidency?"
Palin: "Absolutely. Yup, Yup..."

I want a dignified, experienced vice president alongside our next commander-in-chief. Not Ducky from "The Land Before Time."

EDIT: Ducky. Sorry. My mind has been focused on other things lately...
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