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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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DEO3 said:
I just found out my Mom is no longer voting for McCain because of Palin.

Holy shit.

To add to the anecdotal evidence...

Some background: my mom is a single mom who came to the US in the 70's and 80's to study. She's well educated with a masters in sociology and a masters in math (I know, doesn't make sense to me either).

She was a die hard Hillary supporter and voted for her in the primaries. She was also very upset that Obama didn't pick Hillary; in her view, it was "insulting" not to pick her and she thought it was a very stupid mistake. Even up to the DNC, when I forced her to watch Obama's speech, she wasn't convinced. Prior to that, she was leaning McCain. She still would have preferred an Obama/Clinton ticket.

Fast forward: last night, my mom came over for dinner. It was the first chance that I had to talk to her about her feelings on the Palin pick. Wow. She went nuts. She was off the wall with fury. She was furious over the pick. Full out ranting and yelling like only a crazy Asian lady could (my wife could barely understand her :lol it would have made a hit Youtube video, but I didn't have a camera ready :lol). She was ranting about everything from her perception of arrogance on Palin's part to the fact that Hillary had to work for it, but Palin ended up stealing her spotlight. She was also upset that McCain was clearly simply trying to steal the female vote by picking her.

In conclusion: I think with a certain demographic of women (well educated, upper-middle class, working women like my mom), they can see through this and it's going to totally backfire on him.


has calmed down a bit.
reilo said:
Still doesn't change the fact that she is an awful pick and completely unqualified to become the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FUCKING STATES in case something horrible happens to McCain.

That case can be made without lying. Isn't Obama a community organizer in the south of Chicago? Oh wait, I missed the part where he became a FUCKING SENATOR?!?!? Isn't/wasn't, no bit deal right? You're so transparent.

To add to the anecdotal evidence...

So your mom was PUMA??
Zabka said:
"Change is coming! Change is coming! Change is coming!"

I heard McCain talking about Hope in an interview this morning too. He's trying to hijack Obama's message.

Wow. If McCain wins I'm going to throw up. I've kept expectations/hope below zero since this thing started but god damn. He's taking his campaign in such a horrible direction, especially after the ground he gained a few weeks ago.


Imm0rt4l said:
I like how Obama doesn't bother to say her name, refering to her as "McCain's pick'
Yup, I think that's the attack they'll make on Palin for now - basically make her as forgettable as ever so that people be in more doubt about Palin as VP since she's labeled as nothing.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
VanMardigan said:
That case can be made without lying. Isn't Obama a community organizer in the south of Chicago? Oh wait, I missed the part where he became a FUCKING SENATOR?!?!? Isn't/wasn't, no bit deal right? You're so transparent.

I'm transparent? :lol

And his mom brought up the Palin pick, AND his parents were already enraged about it before he even mentioned her time as a mayor. Meaning, they already knew she was a governor and a former mayor. Quit making shit out of an ant hill.


CharlieDigital said:
To add to the anecdotal evidence...

Some background: my mom is a single mom who came to the US in the 70's and 80's to study. She's well educated with a masters in sociology and a masters in math (I know, doesn't make sense to me either).

She was a die hard Hillary supporter and voted for her in the primaries. She was also very upset that Obama didn't pick Hillary; in her view, it was "insulting" not to pick her and she thought it was a very stupid mistake. Even up to the DNC, when I forced her to watch Obama's speech, she wasn't convinced. Prior to that, she was leaning McCain. She still would have preferred an Obama/Clinton ticket.

Fast forward: last night, my mom came over for dinner. It was the first chance that I had to talk to her about her feelings on the Palin pick. Wow. She went nuts. She was off the wall with fury. She was furious over the pick. Full out ranting and yelling like only a crazy Asian lady could (it would have made a hit Youtube video, but I didn't have a camera ready :lol). She was ranting about everything from her perception of arrogance on Palin's part to the fact that Hillary had to work for it, but Palin ended up stealing her spotlight. She was also upset that McCain was clearly simply trying to steal the female vote by picking her.

In conclusion: I think with a certain demographic of women (well educated, upper-middle class, working women like my mom), they can see through this and it's going to totally backfire on him.

I'm so glad the McCain camp fell for the MSM's take on Hillary's supporters and made this possible. Most of them aren't pissed about a woman not winning, it's about the new kid being chosen over her. Picking a younger, less experienced person than Obama isn't going to help matters.


I like how Palin acts out her words. :lol

And lulz at McCain clapping for a windfall profits tax. Does he even remember his own positions?
VanMardigan said:
That case can be made without lying. Isn't Obama a community organizer in the south of Chicago? Oh wait, I missed the part where he became a FUCKING SENATOR?!?!? Isn't/wasn't, no bit deal right? You're so transparent.

I don't understand even a quarter of this.


has calmed down a bit.
reilo said:
I'm transparent? :lol

And his mom brought up the Palin pick, AND his parents were already enraged about it before he even mentioned her time as a mayor. Meaning, they already knew she was a governor and a former mayor. Quit making shit out of an ant hill.

Yeah it's silly, but unless it was a typo (isn't/wasn't), it seemed extremely deceptive when I read it, like that sentence I typed out above about Obama. It's like HE didn't know Palin is Governor and chose to highlight her previous gig. Carry on.

I don't understand even a quarter of this.

Um, not that hard, but I'll explain: I was pointing out how interchanging the words "isn't/wasn't" can change everything. The line with Obama is supposed to say "wasn't" and instead I used "isn't", which makes everything deceptive and false, like the original post I quoted.
PhoenixDark said:
Wow. If McCain wins I'm going to throw up. I've kept expectations/hope below zero since this thing started but god damn. He's taking his campaign in such a horrible direction, especially after the ground he gained a few weeks ago.

I actually made a donation to the Obama campaign and am waffling my (always crazy) work schedule to see if I have time for volunteer work for his campaign based off the VP pick. I mean, I agree with the previous poster that the nation's reponse mostly is "ok, we are waiting on the punchline", but I think that the Palin pick drastically ups the ante for secular humanists, believers in science, and people that believe that contraception is a Really Good Thing to have around.

This is coming from someone that before really was only going to vote for Obama because I'm a liberal and a democrat. I'm actually not a fan of Obama as a candidate at all-I was a hardcore male Hillary supporter.


reilo said:
Still doesn't change the fact that she is an awful pick and completely unqualified to become the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED FUCKING STATES in case something horrible happens to McCain.
Yeah uh, is it just me or does everyone seem to forget that's one of the main reasons why we even have VP? Seriously, once everyone really considers this, THAT is when it hits everyone that a Palin presidency is plausible.

If anything should happen to Obama (Hopefully nothing), Biden comes off a competent enough to handle serving out the rest of the term. Palin? The chances for McCain to kick the bucket throughout a term is also there, and the thought of this woman as president is terrifying.

She'd be more incompetent than Bush. That's saying quite a bit. And no, not trying to be sexist here.


Cloudy said:
She can't pronounce "nuclear" either. Sounds just like Bush..
Not everyone pronounces the same. Shit coming from new york the way I say coffee is totally different then 99% of the nation does as well as words like water,quarter, roof etc
I find it kind of ironic that Focus on the Family urged viewers to pray for rain of "biblical proportions" at the DNC convention and here is McCain about to cancel the RNC convention because of an impending HURRICANE!!!!!


TheKingsCrown said:
OMG did he have to have the camera spinning like that!?
:lol :lol :lol

I really want to see some footage of Diddy circling around himself with that camera repeating "DIDDY OBAMA BLOG DIDDY OBAMA BLOG DIDDY OBAMA BLOG"


has calmed down a bit.
laserbeam said:
Not everyone pronounces the same. Shit coming from new york the way I say coffee is totally different then 99% of the nation does as well as words like water,quarter, roof etc

No, she's stupid just like Bush is and she doesn't know what nuclear is and she doesn't know anything about anything and will never learn anything about anything. Unlike Obama, who's background in community service and constitutional law provided the knowledge in economics, healthcare, energy, and foreign policy that a President must have.

I find it kind of ironic that Focus on the Family urged viewers to pray for rain of "biblical proportions" at the DNC convention and here is McCain about to cancel the RNC convention because of an impending HURRICANE!!!!!

God knows who the real church-going, Christian Presidential candidate is. And despite the pandering, it certainly isn't McCain.


laserbeam said:
Not everyone pronounces the same. Shit coming from new york the way I say coffee is totally different then 99% of the nation does as well as words like water,quarter, roof etc

It's not a big deal, she just reminds me of Bush that way. She actually seems smart...


She's really not that good of a speaker. Bad grammar, gets lost in her sentence structure sometimes. They need to get her a speechwriter.
More grist for the Eagleton-comparison mill?

The McCain campaign has gone to great lengths to present the selection of Sarah Palin as one made after a careful, meticulous vetting process. But evidence continues to suggest that the Arizona Republican made his VP choice with surprising haste.

On Saturday, a Democrat tasked with opposition research contacted the Huffington Post with this piece of information: as of this weekend, the McCain campaign had not gone through old newspaper articles from the Valley Frontiersman, Palin's hometown newspaper.

How does he know? The paper's (massive) archives are not online. And when he went to research past content, he was told he was the first to inquire.

"No one else had requested access before," said the source. "It's unbelievable. We were the only people to do that, which means the McCain camp didn't."

The Frontiersman did not immediately confirm the revelation. And there is no indication from the Democratic source that anything nefarious or problematic will be found in the archives. But officials with the paper did not recall inquiries by the McCain campaign.

"I cannot confirm that information at this time," said publisher Kari Sleight. "I am not aware of the McCain campaign researching our archives, but archive requests do not usually go through me."

If true, the failure of the Arizona Republican to access the newspaper clippings becomes another in a growing list of revelations that calls into question just how and why he made his decision to choose Palin. A rudimentary clip search, such as this, is presidential politics 101 as campaigns not only look for the majority of background information on any high-level appointee, but also try to prepare themselves from future attacks.

It has been previously reported that the McCain campaign did not contact Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan, who Palin pushed to have fired after he refused to remove her sister's former husband from the state's police force. That controversy, an investigation of which will be made public in late October, could cause major headaches for Palin in the days leading up to the election.
besada said:
She's really not that good of a speaker. Bad grammar, gets lost in her sentence structure sometimes. They need to get her a speechwriter.

That never bothered my boy W. Take your elitist talk back to the university where it belongs!
Regarding that Pledge/Founding Fathers thing-earlier in this thread I mentioned that she was going to have a debate performance even worse than that of Admiral Stockdale in '92-I still stand behind that, because he just isn't a very smart person. I can't really go into it very much because it would get me banned in all likelyhood, but I really believe she's really not that bright of a person.

It's a shame you can't attack a politican in this country for being dumb as a fucking rock, but can attack someone who is intelligent and articulate.


It's a shame you can't attack a politican in this country for being dumb as a fucking rock, but can attack someone who is intelligent and articulate.

For some reason, superior intellect makes you an "elitist" in this country...


has calmed down a bit.
Fragamemnon said:
It's a shame you can't attack a politican in this country for being dumb as a fucking rock, but can attack someone who is intelligent and articulate.

Where in the hell have you been the past eight years? Do you live outside the US?


besada said:
She's really not that good of a speaker. Bad grammar, gets lost in her sentence structure sometimes. They need to get her a speechwriter.

Biden is going to flat-out eviscerate the woman if she doesn't improve, quick. We're basically two months and a week out from the election, and if she doesn't get it now, she's definitely not going to be ready for the debate in October.


uh-oooooooh!!!! new contriversy stirring, Palin actually faked having a child that was actually her daughters kid who was 16 at the time!! I'll edit with a link when i find it, this should be hitting the blogs pretty soon.


Touchdown said:
uh-oooooooh!!!! new contriversy stirring, Palin actually faked having a child that was actually her daughters kid who was 16 at the time!! I'll edit with a link when i find it, this should be hitting the blogs pretty soon.
was mentioned a looong time ago in this thread. and discussion of it is banned because there is no concrete proof yet


Touchdown said:
uh-oooooooh!!!! new contriversy stirring, Palin actually faked having a child that was actually her daughters kid who was 16 at the time!! I'll edit with a link when i find it, this should be hitting the blogs pretty soon.
Already has. Don't post anything until it's fully substantiated.
Touchdown said:
uh-oooooooh!!!! new contriversy stirring, Palin actually faked having a child that was actually her daughters kid who was 16 at the time!! I'll edit with a link when i find it, this should be hitting the blogs pretty soon.

This is old news and a not a good story to post here. Let the national enquirer take care of it.


Touchdown said:
uh-oooooooh!!!! new contriversy stirring, Palin actually faked having a child that was actually her daughters kid who was 16 at the time!! I'll edit with a link when i find it, this should be hitting the blogs pretty soon.
it's all over blogs, and don't bother posting it unless it's a reputable source with new information. we're just going to treat it as the smears against Obama until then.


Trakdown said:
Biden is going to flat-out eviscerate the woman if she doesn't improve, quick. We're basically two months and a week out from the election, and if she doesn't get it now, she's definitely not going to be ready for the debate in October.

But he'll probably be soft cos he doesn't want to be seen as "bullying" her.

Feminists can't have their cake and eat it too. Either she's qualified enough to be treated like a man would or she's not and should have expectations lowered for her...


CharlieDigital said:
To add to the anecdotal evidence...

Some background: my mom is a single mom who came to the US in the 70's and 80's to study. She's well educated with a masters in sociology and a masters in math (I know, doesn't make sense to me either).

She was a die hard Hillary supporter and voted for her in the primaries. She was also very upset that Obama didn't pick Hillary; in her view, it was "insulting" not to pick her and she thought it was a very stupid mistake. Even up to the DNC, when I forced her to watch Obama's speech, she wasn't convinced. Prior to that, she was leaning McCain. She still would have preferred an Obama/Clinton ticket.

So what you were saying is that because Hillary didn't get pick, she was willing to throw all her ideals out the window just to vote for the other side out of spite? I don't get this logic. It's all driven by emotions and not fore-thought.


Touchdown said:
uh-oooooooh!!!! new contriversy stirring, Palin actually faked having a child that was actually her daughters kid who was 16 at the time!! I'll edit with a link when i find it, this should be hitting the blogs pretty soon.

jesus fucking christ enough already


has calmed down a bit.
Fragamemnon said:
It was an observation made out of weary sadness, not suprise.

If you could get banned for calling a politician dumb as a rock, this thread wouldn't exist, since 90% of the posters wouldn't be here (Hello Bush). Feel free to call Palin dumb so long as you have actual content to back it up with rather than a difference of policy/issues opinion. Though many posters here confuse differing with someone on policy/issues and just figure the other person must be stupid. Why else would they disagree with you, amirite?


*drowns in jizz*
BenjaminBirdie said:
Man, watching Pawlenty parrot the talking points and swallowing uncomfortably on Meet The Press shows just how calamitously fucked the GOP is. I think he answered like one question the whole time.

I don't know what people here see in Pawlenty or why they like him, anyway. I got the feeling from this board he was something special or different from the norm. But everything I've heard from him makes him look like typical slime, mindlessly parrotting disingenuous talking points and smearing no matter much much he has to lie through his teeth or look like a hypocrite. It's fucking embarrassing.




has calmed down a bit.
Cloudy said:
Feminists can't have their cake and eat it too. Either she's qualified enough to be treated like a man would or she's not and should have expectations lowered for her...

There was a cartoon for the Democratic primary that showed Hillary whining about the boys ganging up on her, except they replaced Edwards/Obama with Iran's President and Putin. So yeah, I agree, you're either up to the task or you aren't, regardless of gender.


VanMardigan said:
Feel free to call Palin dumb so long as you have actual content to back it up with rather than a difference of policy/issues opinion.
Okey dokey.

Here is Palin's response to a candidate questionnaire for the Alaska 2006 gubernatorial race:

11. Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

SP: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its [sic] good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.


VanMardigan said:
If you could get banned for calling a politician dumb as a rock, this thread wouldn't exist, since 90% of the posters wouldn't be here (Hello Bush). Feel free to call Palin dumb so long as you have actual content to back it up with rather than a difference of policy/issues opinion. Though many posters here confuse differing with someone on policy/issues and just figure the other person must be stupid. Why else would they disagree with you, amirite?
I think we're talking about the MSM and GOP in general, who tries to equate intellectual as being elitist.
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