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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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AniHawk said:
thanks you're awesome
CharlieDigital said:
Holy shit. The kicker is that he's playing with his ring while he does it. What does this mean!?!

We need some psychologists in here NOW!
I've read that he rubs his fingers like that a lot because his hands are in constant pain.


FightyF said:
After seeing Obama's acceptance speech, and a decent amount of the Democratic Convention, I don't see how anyone who considers themselves an intelligent person not vote for him.

Because intelligent voters are going for Barr?


Gaborn said:
Aside from the fact it'd be an unwise line of questioning by Obama for obvious reasons, the context of his comments are not exactly what you seem to think they are. Keep in mind McCain worked with the Vietnamese for decades after the war regarding recovering soldiers bodies.

See, I wish he would've brought this up. All I've ever heard on the subject is "I will never forgive the gooks". And this is in 20+ years of being in the state he's from.

Oh, and I wouldn't DREAM of having Obama ask that. I was just saying there's a difference between someone's pastor saying racist stuff and the person actually saying it.


140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.

OMG a Fox News watcher. Kill it! KILL IT WITH FIRE!


Born just last April, Trig Palin is already the cutest little poster-child for the pro-life cause that ever popped out of a governor. Sarah found out four months into her pregnancy that baby Trig would be born with Down's Syndrome, but she publicly declared that because she's pro-life, she has no choice but to carry the lifelong burden to term (we're paraphrasing). The baby was named after the math class he'll never take in high school, and he's just so adorable that we've got no choice but to give this one a perfect 4 out of 4 juice boxes full of warm piss, stupid name and all!

I feel horrible for laughing at that line. :lol
worldrunover said:
This woman [Palin] has achieved NOTHING.
Well, she was elected governor. Of Alaska, yes, and seemingly on an "anyone but the incumbent" ticket, but still.

What is your contribution to society?


Trakdown said:
See, I wish he would've brought this up. All I've ever heard on the subject is "I will never forgive the gooks". And this is in 20+ years of being in the state he's from.

Oh, and I wouldn't DREAM of having Obama ask that. I was just saying there's a difference between someone's pastor saying racist stuff and the person actually saying it.

Here's an article from the 2000 campaign on the subject.

I'll let you judge it for yourself, but to me he's understandably referring only to one segment of the Vietnamese population - his prison guards. Beyond that it's not fair to say he's particularly racist towards Vietnamese as a whole.
adamsappel said:
Well, she was elected governor. Of Alaska, yes, and seemingly on an "anyone but the incumbent" ticket, but still.

What is your contribution to society?

careful about asking that question on gaf...especially if you are some kind of VP of Corporate Communications


*drowns in jizz*
Mahadev said:
OMG a Fox News watcher. Kill it! KILL IT WITH FIRE!

The funny thing is, the youtube video he linked to is an overall positive piece on Obama. Seems he couldn't even bother watching more than the first few seconds.


Mahadev said:
OMG a Fox News watcher. Kill it! KILL IT WITH FIRE!

Half of poligaf seems to watch Fox news sometimes, if only to laugh at them. Personally I haven't watched that shitfest in... 6 months or so.
FightyF said:
After seeing Obama's acceptance speech, and a decent amount of the Democratic Convention, I don't see how anyone who considers themselves an intelligent person not vote for him.
I can't see how anyone who considers themselves to be intelligent to vote for Obama or McCain for that matter. Both horrible candidates.
140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.

Welcome to the discourse from spring 2008...
Illuminati said:
I can't see how anyone who considers themselves to be intelligent to vote for Obama or McCain for that matter. Both horrible candidates.

I can't see how anyone who considers themselves to be intelligent could be so close-minded as to try to assume politics is a field where you could pretend to take an intellectual high ground.

An intelligent person should be able to justify his vote, Democratic, Republican, or throw-away.


Gaborn said:
Here's an article from the 2000 campaign on the subject.

I'll let you judge it for yourself, but to me he's understandably referring only to one segment of the Vietnamese population - his prison guards. Beyond that it's not fair to say he's particularly racist towards Vietnamese as a whole.

It might have been better if he had just flat out said "I will never forgive those fuckers that tortured me." This is where my misunderstanding comes from, since racial terms are almost always generalizations (hence, "racial").

I understand what he's trying to convey, he's just going about conveying it in a bad manner. Besides, it's not like people were saying "when Rev. Wright was talking about white people, he only meant certain white people."

Anywho, it's not worth arguing about. This is honestly my smallest problem with him.


RiskyChris said:
I can't see how anyone who considers themselves to be intelligent could be so close-minded as to try to assume politics is a field where you could pretend to take an intellectual high ground.

An intelligent person should be able to justify his vote, Democratic, Republican, or throw-away.

Well said for except for the last two words and the lack of mention of non-voters (I know a few people that refuse to vote on principle)

Trakdown - I don't disagree with you, but I also understand where he was coming from and Obama is smart to not go anywhere near it as well.


Gaborn said:
Half of poligaf seems to watch Fox news sometimes, if only to laugh at them. Personally I haven't watched that shitfest in... 6 months or so.

But he's a real Fox News watcher the kind that believes in and repeats their talking points. I rarely meet these people on the internet. Maybe it's because most of their watchers don't know how to use computers.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Illuminati said:
I can't see how anyone who considers themselves to be intelligent to vote for Obama or McCain for that matter. Both horrible candidates.

Given that the two parties in this two party system have very different policies and that statistically, you must favor one over the other, an intelligent person would try to steer it to the lesser of two evils.
Gaborn said:
Well said for except for the last two words and the lack of mention of non-voters (I know a few people that refuse to vote on principle)

Trakdown - I don't disagree with you, but I also understand where he was coming from and Obama is smart to not go anywhere near it as well.

I have no problem with non-voters. As long as they don't flap in my ears with their complaints on a regular basis.
RiskyChris said:
An intelligent person should be able to justify his vote, Democratic, Republican, or throw-away.
This is GAF, obviously not.

OuterWorldVoice said:
you must favor one over the other, an intelligent person would try to steer it to the lesser of two evils.
Or just abstain from voting.


Mahadev said:
But he's a real Fox News watcher the kind that believes in and repeats their talking points. I rarely meet these people on the internet. Maybe it's because most of their watchers don't know how to use computers.

It's probably more because you don't frequent areas where they tend to congregate. Still though, yeah, it's rare to find someone who accepts everything from them or any one source really.


Stoney Mason said:
I have no problem with non-voters. As long as they don't flap in my ears with their complaints on a regular basis.

I wish no one would vote but me. Then I would write-in Prince, and we'd party like it was 1999.
Jak140 said:
:lol Seriously, I've seen about 5 minutes of that douche bag's show about three or four times in the last couple months and heard him parrot that same tired garbage at least a dozen times every time. The man could be a drinking game.

Ever listen to his radio show?

I had to drive from LA to San Jose and back three times last week. Right through Central CA and through such fine cities as Fresno and Bakersfield. That bastard was everywhere on the AM dial.

For some reason, I kept listening, but it was like he just kept playing the same rerun over and over again.


Hitokage said:
All this talk about literacy tests and poll taxes misses the fucking point. If you have a problem with the people voting, then work to improve them, not exclude them.



Illuminati said:
I can't see how anyone who considers themselves to be intelligent to vote for Obama or McCain for that matter. Both horrible candidates.

There's only 2 candidates. If one candidate has a greater number of issues which agree with you vote for him. It's like a shopping list. Too bad there's no return policy. :(
OuterWorldVoice said:
But then you would not be influencing it in the direction you favor, however little, however incrementally.
There is no direction I favor, I do not like either candidate at all. I've voted democratic every election since I was 18 and this will probably be the first time I am not voting. I'm not going to pick someone I don't stand by just for the hell of voting for the lesser of two evils or whatever motivate people to vote when they are unable to decide.


PS2 KID said:
There's only 2 candidates. If one candidate has a greater number of issues which agree with you vote for him. It's like a shopping list. Too bad there's no return policy. :(

There's impeachment, but that's only for if you spy on the other party and get caught or get a BJ while in office.


Gold Member
Well since I was looking to find Foxnews Sunday, the idiots don't have a video podcast. So now I'm watching the Jerry Lewis Telethon... I can't believe this guy is still kicking! God bless him!


PS2 KID said:
There's only 2 candidates. If one candidate has a greater number of issues which agree with you vote for him. It's like a shopping list. Too bad there's no return policy. :(



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Gary Whitta said:
There's only two viable candidates. It's thanks to the idiots who thought there was a third eight years ago that we got stuck with Bush.

I fully support Nader's right to run, but I don't support his subsequent acting like a spoiled douchebag about it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
140.85 said:
And a junior senator with zero executive experience who votes "present" 130 times and who does do-over press releases to finally arrive at a position should be closer to those nuclear launch codes? Oh right - he has "judgement". The same judgment that has manifested itself in choosing a racist pastor and running an education program with an unrepentant terrorist.

:lol holy fuck dude. are you for real?


Setec Astronomer
Gary Whitta said:
There's only two viable candidates. It's thanks to the idiots who thought there was a third eight years ago that we got stuck with Bush.
To be fair, we'd have been stuck with Lieberman.


Gary Whitta said:
There's only two viable candidates. It's thanks to the idiots who thought there was a third eight years ago that we got stuck with Bush.

True, two viable parties at present but people who support a third party today are investing in a hope that the party in question may become viable at some point. Plus, they may align more nearly with their political views.
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