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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Trakdown said:

Excited to actually vote, cautiously optimistic that it's going to work and well aware what happens if it doesn't.

It always works. It's just that sometimes your candidate doesn't win.


I've changed the area where I was registered to vote I hope nothing goes wrong. Also the Republican Convection will not get that much atttention due to the news of hurricane Gustav.


HolyStar said:
Also the Republican Convection will not get that much atttention due to the news of hurricane Gustav.

Don't believe they won't try and use this for political gains though. It's probably for the best (for them), considering who they would have there and how hastily their speeches have been rewritten.


Professional Schmuck
I'll never forget the american people being duped into voting on social issues in the most important election of our time. When every road sign pointed towards disaster, with Iraq a clusterfuck, our economy in shambles, with torture being justified, with our allies turning their backs on us, when our very future lies on the precipe of utter chaos,

Idiotic culturally backwards bumpkins turned out in d roves to vote against equal rights.

I will never forgive the American people for that.


AniHawk said:
Don't believe they won't try and use this for political gains though.

Oh, but of course.

Though, honestly, I could see Gustav playing more into the hands of Democrats than anything else.

All it would take is for some body to "conveniently" remember how "Bush abandoned New Orleans" or "Bush doesn't care about Black People!", and it could be a mess.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
laserbeam said:
Government regardless of which party or person in power is manipulating and exploiting people. Republicans and Democrats simply use different tactics to go after different crowds.

Mud throwing has been political practice since the Adams/Jefferson Election in 1800 and I doubt there is anyway to actually stop it. I would love to see clean let the issues speak for themselves Elections.

That just sounds like defeatist cynicism.

What americans need is a mandated civics duty class in school...

including among other things teaching them how to vote and how to use a little critical thinking in ignoring bullshit and to go after issues.


Trakdown said:
Hillary got on that boat as well. Granted, it's not headed anywhere, but she got on it.
She was a figurehead of it as well yes, but the issue and stance as a whole was the standard democratic position. The issue has all but died off but when it was a hot button issue Joe's stance was the stance of the Dems overall.


*drowns in jizz*
laserbeam said:
Government regardless of which party or person in power is manipulating and exploiting people. Republicans and Democrats simply use different tactics to go after different crowds.

Mud throwing has been political practice since the Adams/Jefferson Election in 1800 and I doubt there is anyway to actually stop it. I would love to see clean let the issues speak for themselves Elections.

If you haven't noticed the massive difference in how Obama has conducted his campaign Fs that of Hillary and mccains, in terms of cleanliness and smear, then I don't know what to say to you. One if the reasons I support Obama so strongly is because of the personal integrity he's revealed during his campaign, when in so many cases it would have been do easy to strike back in kind and score easy points, as his opponents have done. Your stance of 'all politicians are the same and always will be' is pretty lame. We have someone now who has differed from the norm, and against all odds managed to get this far. the least you can do is support such an individual.


Slurpy said:
If you haven't noticed the massive difference in how Obama has conducted his campaign Fs that of Hillary and mccains, in terms of cleanliness and smear, then I don't know what to say to you. One if the reasons I support Obama so strongly is because of the personal integrity he's revealed during his campaign, when in so many cases it would have been do easy to strike back in kind and score easy points, as his opponents have done. Your stance of 'all politicians are the same and always will be' is pretty lame. We have someone now who has differed from the norm, and against all odds managed to get this far. He deserves the vote of the cynics.

Perhaps he is an extremely skilled charlatan? I'm not saying he is, but it's naive to not assume the possibility. Maybe I'm too cynical... too far gone. Woe is me.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Slurpy said:
If you haven't noticed the massive difference in how Obama has conducted his campaign Fs that of Hillary and mccains, in terms of cleanliness and smear, then I don't know what to say to you. One if the reasons I support Obama so strongly is because of the personal integrity he's revealed during his campaign, when in so many cases it would have been do easy to strike back in kind and score easy points, as his opponents have done. Your stance of 'all politicians are the same and always will be' is pretty lame. We have someone now who has differed from the norm, and against all odds managed to get this far. the least you can do is support such an individual.

Yes that too.

So I challenge your assertions Laserbeam, what is it that Obama has done to diminish the political system?


Crayon Shinchan said:
Yes that too.

So I challenge your assertions Laserbeam, what is it that Obama has done to diminish the political system?
I think his position of trying to stay above the mudthrowing is to be commended. From what I can see of him he seems to be a good man.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
deadbeef said:
Perhaps he is an extremely skilled charlatan? I'm not saying he is, but it's naive to not assume the possibility. Maybe I'm too cynical... too far gone. Woe is me.

You see, that's just making shit up now.

And you know why? Because it allays you of your personality responsibility to consider otherwise.

It's easy to say all politicians are corrupt, its not worth voting for any of them.

And when one turns out to not be; when his integrity shines through like a clear beacon, then what?

Then you actually have to sit down and assess his positions he takes on issues. Not just assess it cursory, but actually figure if those points will help the country.

But then, that's too much work probably. Especially for just one measly vote out of 50-100 million.


That was torture. Lesson learned, the mods do watch for ToS violations, don't get cynical and break them right back yourself.

Anyway, how about that Palin? :lol


JayDubya said:
That was torture. Lesson learned, the mods do watch for ToS violations, don't get cynical and break them right back yourself.

Anyway, how about that Palin? :lol

Welcome back! Palin's certainly a unique choice, isn't she?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
That was torture. Lesson learned, the mods do watch for ToS violations, don't get cynical and break them right back yourself.

Anyway, how about that Palin? :lol

Yay! Seriously, after Sega Sammy and 140.cognitive dissonance, I for one am super psyched to have you back.
bishoptl said:
I've read that article before, and while that's all very nice, it still doesn't side-step the fact that he's using a racial slur that applies to all Vietnamese, not just the one's he's supposedly targeting. A small part of me wants to cut him some slack because of the atrocities he suffered, but still...

"I hate most niggers. But not y'all niggers, because y'all good niggers. But not those niggers."

Michael Scott - "See there's two kinds of black people...."


*drowns in jizz*
deadbeef said:
Perhaps he is an extremely skilled charlatan? I'm not saying he is, but it's naive to not assume the possibility. Maybe I'm too cynical... too far gone. Woe is me.

Naive? I'm the most cynical person you can meet when it comes to politics and politicians.
But I at least give people a chance before I right them off. I honestly believe Obama is genuine, and is truly a different breed of individual. His life and his conduct thus far support my theory. I have no clue what kind of person laserbeam is waiting for. And I suspect, neither does he.
JayDubya said:
That was torture. Lesson learned, the mods do watch for ToS violations, don't get cynical and break them right back yourself.

Anyway, how about that Palin? :lol
Welcome back. Hit that Libertarian thread, stat!


Crayon Shinchan said:
You see, that's just making shit up now.

And you know why? Because it allays you of your personality responsibility to consider otherwise.

It's easy to say all politicians are corrupt, its not worth voting for any of them.

And when one turns out to not be; when his integrity shines through like a clear beacon, then what?

Then you actually have to sit down and assess his positions he takes on issues. Not just assess it cursory, but actually figure if those points will help the country.

But then, that's too much work probably. Especially for just one measly vote out of 50-100 million.

Lol, how am I making shit up. If you take politicians for face value, at their word, then I think you may be a tad bit gullible. It's nice to think that a person with completely pure intentions and a flawless record could make it to the highest office in the land, but I don't think it's realistic. And hell, I'm not necessarily holding against them. I was just saying that ignoring that possibility is kind of foolish.

Also, personal integrity shining "like a clear beacon" is one thing and positions on the issues is yet another. And I've voted in every presidential election that I've been able to, for a 3rd party candidate, even though it was just one measly vote.


adamsappel said:
Welcome back. Hit that Libertarian thread, stat!

Naw, I hope he continues my boycott personally. Why feed the trolls in there since they've already reached their decision?
Gaborn said:
Here's an article from the 2000 campaign on the subject.

I'll let you judge it for yourself, but to me he's understandably referring only to one segment of the Vietnamese population - his prison guards. Beyond that it's not fair to say he's particularly racist towards Vietnamese as a whole.

That's the equivalent of saying "I have black friends". You can't use a racist epithet and then excuse it away by saying you're only talking about certain individuals.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Yay! Seriously, after Sega Sammy and 142.cognitive dissonance, I for one am super psyched to have you back.

:lol I thought you hated me.

Anyway, I'm mixed on Palin, but I don't think she was a bad choice for McCain. I've been reading this thread and I have about a bazillion responses to a bazillion different points.

I'd like to start off by saying that I don't think she negates the "experience" angle.

Note: I'm not voting for McCain or Obama. I don't think the "experience" angle is worth a damn. I'd personally rather have someone I agree with on the issues than someone very experienced. I saw that Cheebs would rather have Dick Cheney running the show for perpetuity rather than have an inexperienced candidate. I :lol'd. I have to hope that's not really true.

Anyhoo, Palin complements McCain in the opposite way that Biden complements Obama.

Which is not to say "in a good way" vs. "in a bad way," like so many of you seem to think.

But I mean, with Obama, whether he does it intentionally or not, you've got racial identity politics out the wazoo, not to mention having a young, considered attractive, charismatic family man who energizes the Democratic voter. He takes as his running mate Biden, which shores him up against future McCain attacks against "experience" which Hillary also lobbed at him for months and months.

McCain has "experience," but he doesn't excite Republicans. The only Republican nominee that genuinely excited the Republicans, and certainly not always in a good way, was Ron Paul. So the other options that got passed over to get to McCain are not good choices. And Paul himself is certainly right out because he disagrees with the modern conservative sensibilities to a very large degree. So what does he need to balance out his ticket... hrm?

ALSO, I have to point out that many of you were ready to crucify the "most likely choices" and I believe the Obama camp was also quite ready to do the same. The Palin choice is a risky gambit, but I do not think Obama quite knows what to do with it yet, and that gives McCain time and the opening that a Romney pick would absolutely not have given him. A ho-hum pick after that speech would have been disasterous for McCain. A controversial choice like Mittens or Lieberman would have lost the base's faith in McCain. So Palin makes sense, despite being a risky move, as also being kind of a smart move.

Well, anyway, that's my $0.02.

I think that Palin needs to do a lot of interviews and demonstrate that she's not a token. And I think she needs to be able to stand up to Joe Biden. If she can do that, then this pick could pay off pretty well for McCain.


RobotChant said:
That's the equivalent of saying "I have black friends". You can't use a racist epithet and then excuse it away by saying you're only talking about certain individuals.

Whether you can or you can't, he is so you should make your own determination how much weight you give to his explanation.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
:lol I thought you hated me.

I think that Palin needs to do a lot of interviews and demonstrate that she's not a token. And I think she needs to be able to stand up to Joe Biden. If she can do that, then this pick could pay off pretty well for McCain.

Wat? I dislike uncontrolled gun sales and the idea of an objectivist Libertarian society - and I enjoy well stated, researched and reasoned arguments. The only thing in life I hate is celery*.

And Palin won't be getting that much face or stage time, I suspect, because she's not very good at it. She's just better than you'd expect - like the time Bush didn't fall over during the debate.

And Harkonnens

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
deadbeef said:
Lol, how am I making shit up. If you take politicians for face value, at their word, then I think you may be a tad bit gullible. It's nice to think that a person with completely pure intentions and a flawless record could make it to the highest office in the land, but I don't think it's realistic.

Of course you don't have to take them at face value. So you do a little digging on the persons character; most importantly, how likely is this guy to keep his word after he gets in?

Well Obama has laid to bare his positions and his motivations (in books, on interviews, through actions)... so you know, that's a pretty assured thing.

Of course, he could be a muslim sympathiser that's been operating incognito for 20+ years.

But then that would make you a gullible conspiracist.


Gaborn said:
Welcome back! Palin's certainly a unique choice, isn't she?

Actually, I've seen quite a few people and places reacting fairly positively towards her within, well, our unique circles, say Reason.com and LewRockwell, and some lady on MSNBC calling her a libertarian conservative. I'm not entirely sure where that comes from, but I certainly approve of many issue stances she has.

Stories about her absolutely attacking the state budget and people of both parties whining at her for it certainly make me predisposed to approving nods her direction.


JayDubya said:
Actually, I've seen quite a few people and places reacting fairly positively towards her within, well, our unique circles, say Reason.com and LewRockwell, and some lady on MSNBC calling her a libertarian conservative. I'm not entirely sure where that comes from, but I certainly approve of many issue stances she has.

Absolutely, of the 4 of them (McCain, Palin, Biden, Obama) she's probably the most palatable on many different issues. I'm rather surprised McCain did it because she has much more apparently libertarian impulses in some areas than he does. At the same time she's not nearly enough to make me want to vote for McCain (or even her if she was at the top of the ticket) but she's a lot better than a Romney would've been for example.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Stories about her absolutely attacking the state budget and people of both parties whining at her for it certainly make me predisposed to approving nods her direction.

You might be interested in what she did to the Wasilla city budget and what her real reason for canning the bridge to nowhere was.


Yeah, that's just the second book. Not even a major Dune fan and I've read the first three.

Correction, yes, yes I am. If we're talking about the first book. And pretty much only the book.


This is where Palin governed:


Lol, it's small, hicks, lol, fly-over country, lol, mooseburgers... something like that?

Yeah, don't find that argument too compelling. Can't imagine that line of attack being too effective at doing anything other than making your camp look like dicks.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JayDubya said:
Lol, it's small, hicks, lol, fly-over country, lol, mooseburgers... something like that?

Yeah, don't find that argument too compelling.

< 8000 people, and allegedly she ran up $20 million in debt in two years.


Gaborn said:
Because intelligent voters are going for Barr?

Why would any intelligent voter vote for Barr? It's quite obvious that with the massively low campaign funds he would have in comparison to the Ds and Rs, that he stands little chance.

Illuminati said:
I can't see how anyone who considers themselves to be intelligent to vote for Obama or McCain for that matter. Both horrible candidates.

I can't see how any intelligent person could say this without joking. Who would you rather have instead, just wondering?

RiskyChris said:
An intelligent person should be able to justify his vote, Democratic, Republican, or throw-away.

So you're telling me that people are voting for McCain for intelligent, and not emotional reasons? I'd like to get another perspective so do please share.

Gaborn said:
Not that the Democrats wouldn't do the same.

Well, have they done the same so far? The Republicans already have politicized it...I just saw it on BBC news. I didn't see anything on the Democrats doing the same.

OuterWorldVoice said:
< 8000 people, and allegedly she ran up $20 million in debt in two years.

:lol :lol :lol


:lol :lol :lol


OuterWorldVoice said:
< 8000 people, and allegedly she ran up $20 million in debt in two years.

Yeah, I'd like some hard data on this. Other accounts show her taking on wasteful spending, cutting her own salary, switching out how local taxes were handled, etc.

Example: what was the debt before she took over?
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