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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Rawk Hawk

Forward looking to the future, isn't attacking John McCain's age going effectively hurt other nominee's chances for the Dem's later on?

What if Obama and Biden go back to back, can Biden run for Pres after? Can any Dem over 72 now every run for Pres?

72 is old, but lots of people live long lives, healthy or unhealthy at times.

I think I just find it can of rude and down right mean to talk as if McCain has basically 4 mroe days to live. A lot fo the feed back on Palin seems to start with something like "So when John McCain dies..." It's made out to be a given that in 4 years McCain is a goner, think about it 76? Does anyone even live that long anymore? I have 4 great aunts in the 90's and all my grandparents in their 80's (from 83-88), but I think they call skipped their 70's so that's how they tricked old father time.

And just before I get quoted with comments on Cancer, I (and you) know lots of people who have beaten cancer, although some close to me I know haven't, regardless of health issues I think John McCain has a more than 50% (I'd argue more like 80-90%) chance of making it to 76.


LM4sure said:
But black people are being seduced to vote for Obama? What is it, something like 98% of African Americans polled plan on voting for Barak. Sure, John Kerry. Women won't vote for another woman. Whatever you say...
Sooo when republicans nominate black candidates against white democrat candidates why does the democrat still get 90%+ of the black vote?

Guess what, black people seem to vote on issues too! It's shocking to learn, I know.
Rawk Hawk said:
Forward looking to the future, isn't attacking John McCain's age going effectively hurt other nominee's chances for the Dem's later on?

What if Obama and Biden go back to back, can Biden run for Pres after? Can any Dem over 72 now every run for Pres?

72 is old, but lots of people live long lives, healthy or unhealthy at times.

People have short-term memories and each campaigns have their own themes and momentum. If an old Democrat runs against a younger Republican, age could be an issue again. But if both candidates are similarly old geezers than they'll attack each other on something else

Personally, I doubt Biden would run 8 years from now, particularly if an Obama administration doesn't end on a high note. Whatever the case, I'd prefer a new face on the Democratic ticket.


syllogism said:
Can't find a reliable source for this
I believe she stated it in one of those surveys you fill out when you run for local office based on what I saw in this thread. I haven't seen anything personally though, I am going on GAF for this.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
syllogism said:
Does she really oppose birth control pills and condoms?

heh. Wonder if JAYDUBYA and GABORN will comment about this... or pretend they didn't see it, while letting the cognitive dissonance grow in them.

Palin: Not only do I oppose personal liberties that would reduce unwanted preganancies, I also oppose without a shadow of a doubt the last step solution to it. Unwanted preganancies for some, minature american flags carried by toy soldiers with guns in the other hands for others!

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
JayDubya said:
No. She's anti-abortion but not anti-contraception. I would presume she would be against any contraception that could be proven to act an abortifacient.

Wait. can you confirm it? Or are you just hoping she's not anti-contraception?

JayDubya said:
I will comment on it by saying I am reasonably certain it is wrong as it is directly inconsistant with what I have read.

Where did you read it?

Because I gotta be telling you... what you're saying is also directly inconsistent with what I've read. ;p


Rawk Hawk said:
Forward looking to the future, isn't attacking John McCain's age going effectively hurt other nominee's chances for the Dem's later on?

What if Obama and Biden go back to back, can Biden run for Pres after? Can any Dem over 72 now every run for Pres?
I don't even think Biden will be VP in 2012. If Obama wins this year, they'll use the 2012 VP slot to prep their 2016 candidate.


Well I wasn't saving the articles or anything, but it's not like this is anything that was hard to find. I'll go scare it back up, or feel free yourself. Feminists for life is contraception neutral and includes people that feel both ways, so that's not going to give us an easy answer.

Incidentally, that's my view on the topic.


Zabka said:
I don't even think Biden will be VP in 2012. If Obama wins this year, they'll use the 2012 VP slot to prep their 2016 candidate.
That be pretty stupid. Bush didn't do that. I think Obama will let 2016 be an open election assuming he wins and let whatever dems at that time fight it out. Why would he care which dem wins?


Crayon Shinchan said:
Where did you read it?
A bazillion different places cite her as "pro-contraception," whatever that means, though I suppose it just means you don't oppose the legality of non-abortifacient birth control. Supposedly it originates from one of those voter information forms you fill out to one of those various groups candidates get mail from.

The contrary information I've seen either has no source cited, or states information that is obviously false.
Cheebs said:
That be pretty stupid. Bush didn't do that. I think Obama will let 2016 be an open election assuming he wins and let whatever dems at that time fight it out. Why would he care which dem wins?

HE might not, but I'm certain the party doesn't want any long, drawn out, money burning primary fights like this year. the DNC will be prepping a candidate long before 2016 hits.


Her Time profile calls Feminists for Life a pro-contraception organization, which is probably what the bazillion sites are citing. Still, seems rather unlikely she is anti-contraception and even less likely she would take such a position during the election.


syllogism said:
Her Time profile calls Feminists for Life a pro-contraception organization,

Calling it either would be a misnomer, as the group apparently has members that disagree on that point, or its leaders did not feel that agreeing with them on that point was a requisite for membership - either way, the result is the same, the group at-large is neutral on contraception.


Uhhh, not really. The AIP has a lot of overlap with the LP.

AIP members vote for their guys locally and the LP nationally. Palin's fairly accepting towards them, but she's not a secessionist.
DEO3 said:
Uhhhhhhh, it turns out Palis is a Secessionist.

Isn't secession from the United States something you shouldn't be promoting if want to be vice president of.. the United States? Just sayin'.

Who loves America more now?



Manmademan said:
HE might not, but I'm certain the party doesn't want any long, drawn out, money burning primary fights like this year. the DNC will be prepping a candidate long before 2016 hits.
The DNC doesn't "prep" candidates. The party organization doesn't have that kind of control.
JayDubya said:
Uhhh, not really. The AIP has a lot of overlap with the LP.

AIP members vote for their guys locally and the LP nationally. Palin's fairly accepting towards them, but she's not a secessionist.
What are you even saying? This makes no sense. Sounds like a buttload of spin to me.

You ought to have just said:

"Uhhh, not really. Fruits grow on vines in the caribbean, but they transport those fruits to the U.S., Palin accepts this truth but she still maintains the fruits were grown in the caribbean."


TheKingsCrown said:
What are you even saying? This makes no sense. Sounds like a buttload of spin to me.

What are you even saying?

I'm familiar with the facts and I'm sharing with the group. No spin.

There's a political party called the Alaskan Independence Party. It's very similar to the Libertarian Party in a lot of respects, but also a bit more conservative and kind of halfsies between the LP and the Constitution Party. Palin is not a member. Palin is sympathetic to their members and shares many of their issues stances.

And actually, the main contention of the party is that the procedure to become a formal state wasn't done by the book and that they deserve the same opportunity Puerto Rico has gotten to choose from a variety of options on the ballot. Beats me on this last one, because I wasn't familiar with anything that specific until just now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
So what does the RNC plan on doing if a telethon is not necessary?

After all, it's weaker then Katrina


There is no need for this continued digging for a conspiracy with this woman. We have one.

We all should be doing the obvious, repeating ad nauseam the absolute truth that other than age and citizenship, this woman has no qualifications even remotely suited to potentially being President of the United States.
JayDubya said:
Good thing she's not running for it, then, huh?

The simple fact that you are trying to defend this pick tells me you have something out of line in your head. There is every reason to think that Mccain's judgment should be questioned on this pick, and yet you still defend it! There is no balance whatsoever to your considerations.


TheKingsCrown said:
The simple fact that you are trying to defend this pick tells me you have something out of line in your head. There is every reason to think that Mccain's judgment should be questioned on this pick, and yet you still defend it! There is no balance whatsoever to your considerations.

I think McCain's judgment should be thoroughly scrutinized for looking closely at the possibility of Lieberman or Mittens. Seriously, Obama's probably got this in the bag anyway, but if McCain picked someone that didn't bring excitement to his ticket, if not outright alienate the Republican base, he'd be dead in the water, and everyone here would delight in it. :lol


is now taking requests
adamsappel said:
She is going to have to learn to tone down her "Alaska First" tendencies, though.

Indeed. I dont understand people who cut her "i would like to know what a VP does"-quote in half and presented it as she was clueless about it, when the real quote was even worse - that she'd only be interested in the job if it meant she could use it to push specifically Alaskan agendas... (at least that is how i interpreted the quote, i'm sure someone will correct me before long =)


That girl in the bunny hat
JayDubya said:
I think McCain's judgment should be thoroughly scrutinized for looking closely at the possibility of Lieberman or Mittens.

Apologies if I'm out of the loop but who the hell is Mittens? I thought it was a cat or something, and that was getting thrown on the end of every McCain VP list as a joke.


Charron said:
Apologies if I'm out of the loop but who the hell is Mittens? I thought it was a cat or something, and that was getting thrown on the end of every McCain VP list as a joke.

Mitt Romney. He has some obvious strengths ($$$$$$$ + business acumen), but everyone and their sister could already hear the "out of touch rich people" attack brewing from the Obama camp.

Also, the abortion flip and the slick car salesman appearance doesn't go over well with people that might be skeptical as to his genuineness on anything other than wanting more executive power.

And lastly, evangelicals and mormons aren't exactly super lovey lovey even if they vote the same.
Charron said:
Apologies if I'm out of the loop but who the hell is Mittens? I thought it was a cat or something, and that was getting thrown on the end of every McCain VP list as a joke.

It's a kitten with a son in Iraq. Don't be such an uninformed liberal.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
laserbeam said:
An Update on the "Baby Scandal"

Anchorage Daily News Media gallery
That Picture of the supposed "baby bump"
It was taken, and published, by the Anchorage Daily News in 2006. Baby Trig, a child with Down's Syndrome, was born on April 18, 2008. That's a long time for a teen girl to be carrying a "bump" which looks nothing more than the curve of a tight sweater.

I think that effectively ends it

not unless there are images of her during palin's pregnancy that show no signs of a (real) bump/belly. *NOT SAYING THIS IS TRUE, just saying it wont die so easily*
please dont ban me :(


is it 100% certain she is a former AIP member? that could be spun into some great attacks if the dems wanted to go down that road


just to expand a bit on Triumph's explosion.

I don't want to moderate this thread overly tough, but you guys have to start responding to each other instead of hurling insults at those you disagree with. If someone is trolling, that person will eventually be dealt with. But all you do by throwing insults is ensure you as well get banned.

Politics will make people angry I know it's a very personal thing. But implying JayDubya is insane or "has a few screws loose" - instead of critically responding to his points - simply leads to bad discourse.

I don't really need to explain why the Palin rumour is banned, that's self-explanatory.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Rawk Hawk said:
Forward looking to the future, isn't attacking John McCain's age going effectively hurt other nominee's chances for the Dem's later on?

What if Obama and Biden go back to back, can Biden run for Pres after? Can any Dem over 72 now every run for Pres?

72 is old, but lots of people live long lives, healthy or unhealthy at times.

I think I just find it can of rude and down right mean to talk as if McCain has basically 4 mroe days to live. A lot fo the feed back on Palin seems to start with something like "So when John McCain dies..." It's made out to be a given that in 4 years McCain is a goner, think about it 76? Does anyone even live that long anymore? I have 4 great aunts in the 90's and all my grandparents in their 80's (from 83-88), but I think they call skipped their 70's so that's how they tricked old father time.

And just before I get quoted with comments on Cancer, I (and you) know lots of people who have beaten cancer, although some close to me I know haven't, regardless of health issues I think John McCain has a more than 50% (I'd argue more like 80-90%) chance of making it to 76.

attacking kerry's war record has not hurt mccain's ability to use his to his advantage.


Cheebs said:
The DNC doesn't "prep" candidates. The party organization doesn't have that kind of control.
Of course they do. Why do you think Obama was given the speaking slot at the 2004 convention?

Besides, Obama is the party now. It's in his interest to find a suitable successor.
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