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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Rawk Hawk said:
Forward looking to the future, isn't attacking John McCain's age going effectively hurt other nominee's chances for the Dem's later on?

What if Obama and Biden go back to back, can Biden run for Pres after? Can any Dem over 72 now every run for Pres?

72 is old, but lots of people live long lives, healthy or unhealthy at times.

I think I just find it can of rude and down right mean to talk as if McCain has basically 4 mroe days to live. A lot fo the feed back on Palin seems to start with something like "So when John McCain dies..." It's made out to be a given that in 4 years McCain is a goner, think about it 76? Does anyone even live that long anymore? I have 4 great aunts in the 90's and all my grandparents in their 80's (from 83-88), but I think they call skipped their 70's so that's how they tricked old father time.

And just before I get quoted with comments on Cancer, I (and you) know lots of people who have beaten cancer, although some close to me I know haven't, regardless of health issues I think John McCain has a more than 50% (I'd argue more like 80-90%) chance of making it to 76.

All of that may be true, but as they say, the only cure for political ambition is embalming fluid. I don't think McCain would quit after one term, although one could argue 4 years as being VP has made Palin more ready to lead should something happen.

And the fact remains, even at 80%, that's a 1 in 5 chance something does happen to him and she becomes president. I'd say the chance of the average candidate living through his term is close to 95-98%. So he's probably below the bell curve on this one.

Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, with Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, at a rally in O’Fallon, Mo.
Palin and her Pastors
During the 2008 campaign the beliefs of various candidates’ spiritual mentors has attracted a great deal of attention, especially those of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and to a lesser extent those of John Hagee, who endorsed John McCain. So now seems an opportune time to examine the viewpoints of Sarah Palin’s two most recent pastors, as expressed in their sermons.

Since becoming governor in 2006, Palin has attended the Juneau Christian Center, where Mike Rose serves as senior pastor. Her previous pastor was David Pepper of the Church on the Rock in Palin’s hometown of Wasilla — a church that “was kind of a foundation for her.”



Mike Rose, senior pastor at Juneau Christian Center

From an April 27, 2008 sermon: “If you really want to know where you came from and happen to believe the word of God that you are not a descendant of a chimpanzee, this is what the word of God says. I believe this version.”

From a July 8, 2007 sermon: “Those that die without Christ have a horrible, horrible surprise.”

From a July 28, 2007 sermon: “Do you believe we’re in the last days? After listening to Newt Gingrich and the prime minister of Israel and a number of others at our gathering, I became convinced, and I have been convinced for some time. We are living in the last days. These are incredible times to live in.”

David Pepper, senior pastor at Church on the Rock:

From an November 25, 2007 sermon: “The purpose for the United States is… to glorify God. This nation is a Christian nation.”

From an October 28, 2007 sermon: “God will not be mocked. I don’t care what the ACLU says. God will not be mocked. I don’t care what atheists say. God will not be mocked. I don’t care what’s going on in the nation today with so much horrific rebellion and sin and things that take place. God will not be mocked. Judgment Day is coming. Where do you stand?”

From an October 28, 2007 sermon: “Just giving in a little bit is a disastrous thing…You can’t serve both man and God. It is one or the other.”

This should really fire up the base...

Anyway, for those who want to do the vetting that the McCain campaign clearly didn't, Rose's sermons are here.

And Pepper's.

Happy digging!
Incognito said:
Palin and her Pastors



This should really fire up the base...

Anyway, for those who want to do the vetting that the McCain campaign clearly didn't, Rose's sermons are here.

And Pepper's.

Happy digging!
i disapprove as i explicitly disapproved of people getting all upset about rev wright and how much he 'hurt' obama. it sucked then, it sucks now, and i won't be a part of it. i dont care who her pastor is or what he/she said. i care about what the candidates themselves say and believe, and there is more than enough from Palin's mouth to not have to resort to her pastor to make me not want to vote for her.


Deus Ex Machina said:

Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, with Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, at a rally in O’Fallon, Mo.[/QUOTE]

you didn't really put much EFFORT into that pic post



Incognito said:
Palin and her Pastors



This should really fire up the base...

Anyway, for those who want to do the vetting that the McCain campaign clearly didn't, Rose's sermons are here.

And Pepper's.

Happy digging!

Those seem like relatively standard evangelical fair actually, not really my thing but I'm not sure how a politician would govern differently based on whether they believe we're in end times or not.

I'm also guessing if Obama was asked he'd probably give pretty much the same answer (with maybe nicer rhetoric) about non-Christians after death, that's what they pretty much believe.


Gaborn said:
Those seem like relatively standard evangelical fair actually, not really my thing but I'm not sure how a politician would govern differently based on whether they believe we're in end times or not.

I'm also guessing if Obama was asked he'd probably give pretty much the same answer (with maybe nicer rhetoric) about non-Christians after death, that's what they pretty much believe.


Honestly those are pretty much ideological staples of churches, with the only really questionable quote being that one about the United States purpose being to serve God. But even then, how that's relevant to Palin is shaky at best. Trying to connect Jeremiah Wright's comments to Obama was always questionable as well, but the things he said were far more easily interpreted as attacks against the country itself and thus "unpatriotic." As Jeremiah Wright played a very important role in Obama's life, this was much easier to swallow as relevant.


Deus Ex Machina said:

Senator John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, with Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, at a rally in O’Fallon, Mo.[/QUOTE]

Might just be the angle but it looks like Huckabee is gaining back some of the weight he previously lost :lol
Why are they so angry? Especially against atheists. You think Jesus would have acted that way? Fuck no!

Also, where the fuck is Judgment Day? They must have been saying this shit for centuries now. I mean, do most Christians lack short term memory?

Pastor Guy, 1999: "Any day now! Judgment Day shall come! How will you be judged in the eyes of God?!?"

Pastor Guy, 2007: "Any day now!..."

Pastor Guy, the very next week: "Any day now!!1!..."

I don't get how it works man. If I were in church, I'd be like:

"So Rev. Pastor Guy, can you tell me when Judgment Day is coming? I want to put it into my Treo so I don't forget."
CharlieDigital said:
Why are they so angry? Especially against atheists. You think Jesus would have acted that way? Fuck no!

C'mon. Everybody knows how much power we atheists wield. Everywhere you go in society it's the atheists in control!


Crayon Shinchan said:
Ok, no, that's good. At least she isn't *that* crazy.

No, I didn't have a source other than what I posted; and it was posted more in; "is this really true" inqusitiveness. Still can't miss the chance to beat on you two if it looks promising :p

Well as far as I know neither of us are going to vote for McCain or Palin but that's fine :lol
methane47 said:

This is like saying OMG an Atheist doesn't believe in God... This will not fire up anything

I said it would fire up the base, dumbass.

I swear people cannot read on this forum.
Instigator said:
Wolfson is still admired in hardcore Clinton circles, I wonder if it is still the case now.

He didn't say anything especially damning of Clinton or their campaign. Just an insight into what it must be like to work on a campaign and then come back into the general population.


Gaborn said:
Well as far as I know neither of us are going to vote for McCain or Palin but that's fine :lol


Put it this way. My wife's fond of Palin and knew a lot about her well in advance of last Friday. She obviously doesn't agree with her on everything. Also, she doesn't really trust or like Barr and didn't support him for the LP nom.

Still, she said the only way she'd even remotely consider voting for McCain is because of Palin, and only if Texas's electoral votes were somehow in play, and only then because the more she hears from Obama, the less she likes. As for the "heartbeat" thing, well, you can guess what she said. :lol

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
JayDubya said:

Put it this way. My wife's fond of Palin and knew a lot about her well in advance of last Friday. She obviously doesn't agree with her on everything. Also, she doesn't really trust or like Barr and didn't support him for the LP nom.

Still, she said the only way she'd even remotely consider voting for McCain is because of Palin, and only if Texas's electoral votes were somehow in play, and only then because the more she hears from Obama, the less she likes.

what is it about palin that your wife likes? just curious. does she tend to lean towards republicans anyway?


quadriplegicjon said:
what is it about palin that your wife likes? just curious. does she tend to lean towards republicans anyway?

Not unless that Republican is named Ron Paul.

Hell, it's Labor Day. I'll just go ask her right now and tell you what she says.


Incognito said:
I said it would fire up the base, dumbass.

I swear people cannot read on this forum.

and I said it wont fire up anything... Those are the kind of things that are pretty much said all the time. Its pretty unremarkable. Except for America for the thing about America's purpose..

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
GhaleonEB said:

Didn't see it mentioned. Howard Wolfson is an Obama convert. It's a surprisingly honest piece.

It gives us an idea of why Hilary acted the way she did in the throes of her campaign... she was in an echo chamber with the hardest of the hardcore supporters.

If perhaps she had managed to distance herself from her own rhetoric for a moment and saw Obama for who he was, like the rest of us, before it was too late... we may have all been baying for a Obama/Hilary ticket.

Certainly a lot of us were before the beginning of this year, fantasising about a Hilary/Obama (VP) ticket... their political issues align closely... simply Obama was the better player by a long shot, and he exemplified change by always keeping it above the belt, no matter how much Hilary's campaign devolved.

A damn shame, but oh well! Lets see how it plays out. I say landslide.


Instigator said:
Why doesn't she post here anymore? We never treated her bad.

Yeah, she never plays anything anymore, so I'm not sure GAMING Age Forum was a good fit for her. I also don't even know for absolute certain if it's really okay for us to both have accounts.

I remember one of our first "dates" was her inviting me over to hook up her new speakers for her (she could have done it herself, she just wanted me to come over) to her PS2 so she could play Metal Gear Solid 2. Well, I guess tabletop counts, we still tabletop with friends regularly. She was a really good Discipline Priest in WoW and with my Protection Warrior we made a great team while it lasted, but we eventually had to cut that expense because we weren't using it. What I miss most is the guild politics, actually. I was good at

* * *

@ QJ: her answers were thus, paraphrased...

Palin's a small government, states' rights, budget cutting feminist that supports the 2nd Amendment and opposes abortion, and she practices what she preaches, which goes a long way to her. She's amenable to third parties like our own. She also said that she finds her bio kind of compelling, small town citizen sees something she doesn't like, decides to get involved at the local level, attacks corruption, etc.

She also cited some things she didn't like, but you didn't ask about those.


Zabka said:
Of course they do. Why do you think Obama was given the speaking slot at the 2004 convention?

Besides, Obama is the party now. It's in his interest to find a suitable successor.
Uh...Kerry personally picked Obama for the 2004 speech not the party.


GhaleonEB said:

Didn't see it mentioned. Howard Wolfson is an Obama convert. It's a surprisingly honest piece.

Thanks for the link. I love the end:

Howard Wolfson said:
For me, the presidential campaign began in a crowded Iowa hall, where I saw a man my age lift up a daughter around my daughter's age and tell her that one day she could be president. Last week things came nearly full circle, when I saw another man my age lift up another child and say the very same thing.


EricM85 said:

Someone just showed me this picture, I think it pretty much kills the baby conspiracy.

I'm sick to death of hearing about this. This election is too important to worry about stupid shit like this. The woman is woefully inadequate to hold the office of Vice President. That should be the story.


You guys got anything significant to go on here, or is it just going to turn into the debate that I saw a few pages back where Macam said something about hoping I wasn't coming back anytime soon?

I mean, if you want to, great, I'm always up for that conversation. Better bring your A-game though.


Palin raised taxes and was for the "Bridge to Nowhere" so it's a bit generous to call her "small government" and a "budget cutter". She certainly wasn't against earmarks either.


Setec Astronomer
Regardless of whether she is or isn't, acquiescing to McCain's opposition to Equal Pay for Equal Work legislation makes her lose a lot of feminist cred on a fundamental level, but we'll see how that plays out.

Candidate McCain has more to reveal, I'm sure.
Gaborn said:
Those seem like relatively standard evangelical fair actually, not really my thing but I'm not sure how a politician would govern differently based on whether they believe we're in end times or not.

I'm also guessing if Obama was asked he'd probably give pretty much the same answer (with maybe nicer rhetoric) about non-Christians after death, that's what they pretty much believe.

Pretty much. You won't find anything in those sermons that'll interest anyone but the left.


EricM85 said:
Someone just showed me this picture, I think it pretty much kills the baby conspiracy.

OR could have been Willow's Pregnancy. That wasn't too long ago... Is there a date attached to this picture?
Hitokage said:
Regardless of whether she is or isn't, acquiescing to McCain's opposition to Equal Pay for Equal Work legislation makes her lose a lot of feminist cred on a fundamental level, but we'll see how that plays out.

Candidate McCain has more to reveal, I'm sure.

I'm serious though. I know feminism has a broad range of meaning and different waves but I'm curious about what typifies a feminist. Jaydub is normally very strict with definitions and won't allow conservatism or libertarianism to be "corrupted" definition-wise so I'm curious as to what constitutes a feminist via his definition. Is it simply a women having a job or a good job or a political job?


McCain's taped video, talking about the hurricane, made me cringe.

"Take off our Republican hats and put on our American hats."

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