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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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I agree it would be a mistake to go after the daughter they will have to attack Palin on the issues and let the media fill in the blanks


Stoney Mason said:
The flood of hypocritical Republican moral quotes over the years on this issue that are going to be brought up should be hilarious.

Absolutely fucking hilarious

True to a point, Dan Quayle on Murphy Brown almost fits (though Palin's daughter is apparently planning to marry the guy that impregnated her)

Cyan - there's no evidence she was taught abstinence only.
So this photo makes sense now...




This is not the way to shed the best light on your candidate 3 days after the announcement. Did anyone from the campaign even talk to her let alone vet her?!

omg rite said:
Palin was smart to do it today. The hurricane is going to completely overshadow it.

Today, sure, but this is not going to disappear because of Gustav. That's amazing, almost unheard of drama.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
So judging by the reaction i'm assuming Palin was running with Abstinence values?

Nope, she's on the record as being pro contraception, though I'm not sure she specifically commented on abstinence to be honest.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
gkrykewy said:
So I guess it's pretty apparent that Palin was not vetted even a little bit. What a desperate, shoestring campaign.
What does vet mean anyways? It keeps getting thrown around and I feel left out :X


Door2Dawn said:
Wait what just happened?
The abstinence education the GOP supports just failed for it's own VP candidate?

If Palin supported abstinence education, this is a low blow. If she didn't, she'll probably be able to shrug it off except from the most hardcore christian voters.
The sad (and somewhat humorous thing) is that these people, time and again, fail to realize their own hypocrisy and failed ideals of "family values".

Premarital sex? Check.
Unmarried daughter who's pregnant? Check.
Failure of "Christian" and so called "family" values? Check.



"Sweetie, this nomination means that we're going to go through a lot of media scrutiny. Fact that you're teenaged pregnant will have to be made known not only the church and school, but everyone in the United States. A lot of people will be mocking you and calling your immoral and others will just laugh. I'll be busy and wont be able to help you during this time of need. So after carefully considering the facts I've decided. I'm going to run. Love ya, Bye!"


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Your kids getting knocked up is what happens when you are an absentee mom who chooses career over staying at home to raise the family.

that's what right-wing pundits would be saying if she were a dem

(post edited)

This ^


Man, I wonder how much baby daddy is getting from the GOP slush fund to agree to the shotgun wedding. Possibly the first irresponsible teenager ever to bank a 6-7 figure paycheck from his mistakes?


Jenga said:
The abstinence education the GOP supports just failed for it's own VP candidate?

If Palin supported abstinence education, this is a low blow. If she didn't, she'll probably be able to shrug it off except from the most hardcore christian voters.

In 2002, when she was running for lieutenant governor, Palin sent an e-mail to the anti-abortion Alaska Right to Life Board saying she was as "pro-life as any candidate can be" and has "adamantly supported our cause since I first understood, as a child, the atrocity of abortion."

Palin said last month that no woman should have to choose between her career, education and her child. She is pro-contraception and said she's a member of a pro-woman but anti-abortion group called Feminists for Life.

"I believe in the strength and the power of women, and the potential of every human life," she said.

Story Here

Cyan - Ass/u/me


Well now we know, hopefully that kills the baby conspiracy forEVER.

The actual conclusion is nothing special. As a parent, you can only do so much to prevent your child from doing this sort of thing no matter what you preach. That difficulty was probably compounded by the fact that Palin was a hard working mother who was obviously not able to be there all the time.

I don't think many Americans will give a shit, or if they do it'd be in the form of minor sympathy. Millions of Americans have teenagers who get pregnant, unfortunately.


force push the doodoo rock
Just thinking about back when I was in HS, I think if the Governors daughter was pregnant, it'd be some fucked up shit.

Who is the father?


I can't believe that the same PoliGAFers who spent weeks ranting about how Rev. Wright was a non-issue, who talked about how what really mattered was the candidates, not who the candidates knew, who just yesterday were complaining about people getting all wrapped up in little issues that hardly matter while ignoring big issues that really matter, spent the last several days speculating about Palin's youngest child actually belonging to her daughter, and are now laughing and celebrating about Palin's daughter being pregnant.

Hypocrisy FTW.


ronito said:
"Sweetie, this nomination means that we're going to go through a lot of media scrutiny. Fact that you're teenaged pregnant will have to be made known not only the church and school, but everyone in the United States. A lot of people will be mocking you and calling your immoral and others will just laugh. I'll be busy and wont be able to help you during this time of need. So after carefully considering the facts I've decided. I'm going to run. Love ya, Bye!"

Based on what? The daughter would face scrutiny regardless. And this issue is going to come up and Palin is going to defend her and most likely provide finacial support for the child. So she should't run to be the VP because her daugher had sex. Get over yourself.


CharlieDigital said:
Good thing she passed down those pro-contraception views to her daughter.


Yeah, keep defending her. First, she was for contraception, except when it came to her own daughter.

Are you serious Gaborn?

Again, a large number of people don't use contraception correctly or don't use it one or two times when having sex. You have 0 evidence that she did not teach her daughter about safe sex.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Alright guys, back on point.

Sarah Palin is a desperate pandering pick of a VP, that hasn't been vetted in the least and is extremely poorly qualified in merits (combination of achievements and executive experience) that shows how poor McCain's judgement skills are.

Remember when they thought W. Bush's maverickness was cute too? When he routinely ignored his advisors in favour of his gut instincts?

A good leader doesn't ignore his advisors; he takes on board what he has to say and carefully considers the outcome and weighs it against his own judgement.

In this case, it shows McCains judgement is poor; he went for the surprise factor and the pandering... neither of which will last. The only leg that palin has left to stand on is her ultra-conservatism... and if that's what McCain wanted, there would've been many more qualified candidates to choose from.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Your kids getting knocked up is what happens when you are an absentee mom who chooses career over staying at home to raise the family.

that's what right-wing pundits would be saying if she were a dem

(post edited)
Funny thing is, the GOP would be sticking it to a Democrat candidate if this happened. Mostly because the whole family values thing matters more to the hardcore right of the Republicans than any Democrats. I really wonder what the GOP will do. Announcing it during Hurricane coverage is probably the smartest thing done about it thus far.


*drowns in jizz*
GhaleonEB said:

Didn't see it mentioned. Howard Wolfson is an Obama convert. It's a surprisingly honest piece.

That was a good read, but at the same time it truly frustrated me, as it confirmed what I always believe. That pretty much everything he was spouting to the public was bullshit, that he never once actually LISTENED to a speech by Obama (in 1.5 years of Obama campaigning), that he was only an enemy to be destroyed at any measure and by all means. Yes, I know in his position its obviously his job, but maybe if he had the mental fortitude to try acknowledge reality near the end, he could have had influence in easing down the rhetoric and not burning as many bridges as the campaign did, and perhaps skip the desperate final throes by the campaign where it got particularly divisive. This contributed to and fed the irrational staunch hatred of Obama that many Clinton supporters developed.

These people always come back and repent after all the damage is done.


omg rite said:
... You're joking, right?

...no I'm not maybe it is against christian family values but good family values are loving your children even when they are in unfavorable circumstances. And her daugher getting pregnant makes Palin a bad mom now? thoughts like these are why teen girls face scrutiny for getting pregnant.
Amir0x said:
As a parent, you can only do so much to prevent your child from doing this sort of thing no matter what you preach.

But you can still provide contraception and proper education on the usage of contraception. If she's for contraception -- and we can only assume she practices what she preaches (not!) -- then how does this happen?


Amir0x said:
Well now we know, hopefully that kills the baby conspiracy forEVER.

The actual conclusion is nothing special. As a parent, you can only do so much to prevent your child from doing this sort of thing no matter what you preach. That difficulty was probably compounded by the fact that Palin was a hard working mother who was obviously not able to be there all the time.

I don't think many Americans will give a shit, or if they do it'd be in the form of minor sympathy. Millions of Americans have teenagers who get pregnant, unfortunately.

Are you saying that abstinence only teaching might not work? BLASPHEMY!:p


It would have been over for the Dems if the shoe had been on the other foot, I'm talking 24/7 news coverage. Forget Gustav this would have been story #1.
TDG said:
I can't believe that the same PoliGAFers who spent weeks ranting about how Rev. Wright was a non-issue, who talked about how what really mattered was the candidates, not who the candidates knew, who just yesterday were complaining about people getting all wrapped up in little issues that hardly matter while ignoring big issues that really matter, spent the last several days speculating about Palin's youngest child actually belonging to her daughter, and are now laughing and celebrating about Palin's daughter being pregnant.

Hypocrisy FTW.

There's a difference between laughing and celebrating about the girl herself being pregnant and laughing and celebrating over the complete dysfunction of the McCain camp when it comes to vetting re: one of the most important decisions they will ever make.


If she's so pro-contraception then why is she running with a man with a record like:
Voted NO on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education and contraceptives. Vote to adopt an amendment to the Senate's 2006 Fiscal Year Budget that allocates $100 million for the prevention of unintended pregnancies.
Voted YES on $75M for abstinence education. Vote to retain a provision of the Budget Act that funds abstinence education to help reduce teenage pregnancy, using $75 million of the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program.
voted to end the Title X family planning program, credited with helping prevent over 9 million abortions, and quite a bit of teen pregnancy as well.

-- found himself ranked among the 25 worst senators for children by the Children's Defense Fund.

-- voted against making abstinence-only education medically accurate.

-- supported taking $75 million from the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant for an abstinence-only program.

It's like Charlton Heston running with Michael Moore. Sure they might agree on other issues, but a big one, one that she keeps defining herself as they're opposed, or secretly in agreement.
HolyStar said:
...no I'm not maybe it is against christian family values but good family values are loving your children even when they are in unfavorable circumstances. And how does it reflect on Palin as a mom?

1) She failed to teach her daughter about contraception
2) She failed as a candidate to live by her ideals and so called "Christian family values" (no premarital sex, no children out of wedlock)
3) She failed to consider her child's mental and emotional well being before accepting the nomination.


Setec Astronomer
CharlieDigital: Ok, let's not read too much into that and draw automatic conclusions. Yes, it's an example of where contraception would have helped and it would have been an important lesson, but there's no way as of yet to PROVE Sarah Palin didn't teach her about it. Suspect, sure, but nothing definitively. Regardless, children don't always follow their parents.


For the record, I don't care about Palin's daughter's baby. I didn't care about Edward's possible baby. I didn't care about Bill getting a blowjob. I didn't care about Bush Senior's supposed affair. I didn't care about Reagan's estranged family. I didn't care about Carter's "lust in his heart".

I care about the issues. I care about what they're going to do in office. I don't care where they put their genitals, or what they do with them.


ronito said:
lessee just off the top of my head:

1. Opposes woman's right to choose what to do with her body even in the case of rape and incest. I mean even MORMONS will make these exceptions.

Then "even MORMONS" are logically inconsistant and irrational on this point.

Apparently you do want to have this conversation. Fine.

Fundamentally, feminism is a belief in the rights and equality of women, gender equity.

Susan B. Anthony was unquestionably a women's rights advocate. She was also strongly opposed to abortion. Does she not count?

I understand that abortion proponents have decided to frame the issue in that context. I wholly disagree. All this whining about controlling bodies and sexism when that's the furthest thing from the minds of their adversaries.

Also, I'm sure you realize that your support for abortion is completely against the position of your church, you're an extreme minority, and I'm sure some of your peers would decry you as not really being a supporter of the church no matter what other values you may share with them, which sounds kind of familiar and relevant to what we're talking about.

Edit: woah, there's been a bazillion posts since I started writing this.


HolyStar said:
...no I'm not maybe it is against christian family values but good family values are loving your children even when they are in unfavorable circumstances. And her daugher getting pregnant makes Palin a bad mom now? thoughts like these are why teen girls face scrutiny for getting pregnant.

... Because her daughter is seventeen.


HolyStar said:
Based on what? The daughter would face scrutiny regardless. And this issue is going to come up and Palin is going to defend her and most likely provide finacial support for the child. So she should't run to be the VP because her daugher had sex. Get over yourself.
Humor is lost on you I see. Must be that challenge you're a part of.


CharlieDigital said:
But you can still provide contraception and proper education on the usage of contraception. If she's for contraception -- and we can only assume she practices what she preaches (not!) -- then how does this happen?

How does this happen? Is this a joke?

Do you know how many parents across the country PREACH to their kids to use condoms if they must have sex? How many parents PREACH to their kids to stay away from drugs?

How does this happen?

It's the real world. Kids don't listen to parents.


CharlieDigital said:
But you can still provide contraception and proper education on the usage of contraception. If she's for contraception -- and we can only assume she practices what she preaches (not!) -- then how does this happen?

So the parent controls the child completely? Why didn't the guy she had sex with wear a condom infact we dont know if he wore one or not one can only assume condoms do fail or he may have but it on incorrectly.
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