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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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CharlieDigital said:
So to Palin and the (R), I say: No thanks! I don't want your abstinence only programs for my kids in my school. Keep that backwards thinking out of NJ, please! No thanks! I don't want you to talk to me about morality and "family values"; you take care of your own, I'll take care of mine.

Palin isn't even for abstinence only. But then you're just trolling so I suppose you don't listen.


v1cious said:

That's yesterday's. Today is apparently 49-43 but no graph up yet.

There :
Gaborn said:
Palin isn't even for abstinence only. But then you're just trolling so I suppose you don't listen.

Doesn't matter. She aligns herself with the party and people who are.

HolyStar said:
Many Catholics are democrats as well.

The difference is that it's never been a prominent part of the Democratic platform (at least in recent times).



Palin/post-convention settling in. Should be dead even in a few more days again.

On the other hand, there's that 'whoever leads past Labor Day wins it' superstition thing, so hopefully that happens
for Obama


@ Fonebone: I already talked about Feminists for Life, I already stated their contraception neutral position, and I'd also like to point out that I don't really approve of their methods of using state resources for charity cases even if I agree with some of their goals.
Gaborn said:
Palin isn't even for abstinence only. But then you're just trolling so I suppose you don't listen.

Actually I'd like her to address the issue and say exactly where she stands. I read your post and while she does say she is pro-contraception, I couldn't really gather from that how she feels about sex education in schools or what her record is on it in Alaska. I'd like to see some links.


Gold Member
Amir0x said:
People don't defend the Christian Values as an end-all-be-all perfect methodology. I don't even think the far Christian right will believe it works all the time, or even close!

I disagree that the far right don't assume that Christian Values is a cure-all to every problem a society faces. The far right is where all the Christian Reconstructionists and Dominionists lie and those ideologies rest on the idea that every problem within (and even some without) America lies from its deviation from Christianity.

They don't merely believe that Creationism is true via the bible for instance, they believe that counter-arguments against it (and therefore Christianity) is what is responsible for societal breakdowns. Examining far-right propaganda shows that their arguments lie not in proving the biblical truth but trying to associate fallacious arguments against it.

Same goes for every other contentious issue the far-right has with reality.
v1cious said:
yeah i know, that's what happened for some reason when i copied the link. in any case, he only gained one point.:lol

From what? Eating breakfast and turning down coffee for orange juice? All bounces were already accounted for. This is much more problematic for McCain than it is for Obama. He Shanghai'd the newscycle and gained nothing more than a point.


Okay, so Ms. Palin thought she could dispel the rumors with this press release. It won't work. This answers almost none of the questions about her activity and decisions on April 17th, when she claimed her water broke while attending an "energy forum" in Texas. She is reported to have stayed for the forum, delivered a speech, taken a very long flight back to Alaska, then another hour's drive to Palmer where she gave birth at 6:30 the next morning. So, even if we don't run with the idea that this baby was Bristol's, there are serious questions about these actions. The baby is said to be a baby with Down Syndrome, which she knew, but never, ever mentioned prior to the birth. Did she deliberately handle this birth carelessly because she cared less for this child? Has anyone seen the child? The picture in the Anchorage paper doesn't show a child with any of the characteristic facial features of a baby with Down Syndrome. Is the child Down Syndrome, or did he suffer brain damage during this careless delivery? And what was this "energy forum" that was apparently so important that she put this child, herself, and the passengers and crew of the Alaska Airlines plane at risk?


Stoney Mason said:
Actually I'd like her to address the issue and say exactly where she stands. I read your post and while she does say she is pro-contraception, I couldn't really gather from that how she feels about sex education in schools or what her record is on it in Alaska. I'd like to see some links.

One would assume that based on her creationist education views she would be for educating all possibilities. I mean that's what all those proponents say!


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
koshunter said:
Also, I agree, that this is a non-issue but I was keeping up with this thread, refreshed once, and the thread jumped from 69 to 72 pages as soon as this hit.

It's almost as if people naturally gravitate towards melodramatic news that puts their political opponents in a bad light and helps them confirm their worldviews...but that can't be right. During the Rev. Wright kerfuffle, people expressed their amazement that anybody would ever possibly care about it and how ridiculous it was for the media to spend time on it. I'm stumped.


giga said:

Maybe because she generally agrees with their position? Why would a catholic be a Democrat, why would someone who is pro choice be a Republican? For that matter, why do the log cabin republicans exist? People can belong to an organization they don't 100% agree with.


AniHawk said:

Palin/post-convention settling in. Should be dead even in a few more days again.

On the other hand, there's that 'whoever leads past Labor Day wins it' superstition thing, so hopefully that happens
for Obama

What's this all about?

Has it always been that way?
Jason's Ultimatum said:
I seriously cannot believe this woman opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest.
You and me both. Though, is that confirmed or just assumed with her "anit-abortion" stance?


ninj4junpei said:
You and me both. Though, is that confirmed or just assumed with her "anit-abortion" stance?

It's confirmed, she's on record saying that she wouldn't even allow an abortion if her own daughter was raped.
The 17-year-old, a senior in high school, is about five months along, in her second trimester, according to the aide.

School started last week.

The kid got knocked up Junior year in HS, potentially while being 16.

The evangelicals may not bash Palin, but I cant see them going out to vote.

Also, if she gives birth in January, I cant see her graduating high school without alot of GOP help.


JCreasy said:
Okay, so Ms. Palin thought she could dispel the rumors with this press release. It won't work. This answers almost none of the questions about her activity and decisions on April 17th, when she claimed her water broke while attending an "energy forum" in Texas. She is reported to have stayed for the forum, delivered a speech, taken a very long flight back to Alaska, then another hour's drive to Palmer where she gave birth at 6:30 the next morning. So, even if we don't run with the idea that this baby was Bristol's, there are serious questions about these actions. The baby is said to be a baby with Down Syndrome, which she knew, but never, ever mentioned prior to the birth. Did she deliberately handle this birth carelessly because she cared less for this child? Has anyone seen the child? The picture in the Anchorage paper doesn't show a child with any of the characteristic facial features of a baby with Down Syndrome. Is the child Down Syndrome, or did he suffer brain damage during this careless delivery? And what was this "energy forum" that was apparently so important that she put this child, herself, and the passengers and crew of the Alaska Airlines plane at risk?
Are you suggesting that Down Syndrome can be faked?
Guileless said:
It's almost as if people naturally gravitate towards melodramatic news that puts their political opponents in a bad light and helps them confirm their worldviews...but that can't be right. During the Rev. Wright kerfuffle, people expressed their amazement that anybody would ever possibly care about it and how ridiculous it was for the media to spend time on it. I'm stumped.

Obama fans can be delusional on this board. News at 11. Now that that's out of the way you agree they are both legit issues then right?


Just read this on Yahoo:


Senior McCain campaign officials said McCain knew of the daughter's pregnancy when he selected Palin last week as his vice presidential running mate, deciding that it did not disqualify the 44-year-old governor in any way.

In the short period since she was announced last Friday, Palin has helped to energize the Republican Party's conservative base, giving the McCain camp fresh energy going into the campaign for the November 4 election against Democrat Barack Obama.

McCain officials said the news of the daughter's pregnancy was being released to rebut what one aide called "mud-slinging and lies" circulating on liberal blog sites.

According to these rumors, Sarah Palin had faked a pregnancy and pretended to have given birth in May to her fifth child, a son named Trig who has Down syndrome. The rumor was that Trig was actually Bristol Palin's child and that Sarah Palin was the grandmother.

A senior McCain campaign official said the McCain camp was appalled that these rumors had not only been spread around liberal blog sites and partisan Democrats, but also were the subject of heightened interest from mainstream news media.

"The despicable rumors that have been spread by liberal blogs, some even with Barack Obama's name in them, is a real anchor around the Democratic ticket, pulling them down in the mud in a way that certainly juxtaposes themselves against their 'campaign of change,"' a senior aide said.

Looks they're going to try to accuse the Obama camp of smearing Palin and her family.


syllogism said:
Can you elaborate a bit

after all the hype about Palin, he gained no significant bounce. not only that, but Gustav is controlling the airwaves this week, and there may not be a convention.
jamesinclair said:
The evangelicals may not bash Palin, but I cant see them going out to vote.

They will and they will aggressively defend her and laud the kid for getting married and still cling to every position they've ever held. It's all about sides instead of consistency.


omg rite said:
What's this all about?

Has it always been that way?

Eh, someone mentioned it in the previous thread, and I'm not sure it really exists, hence the superstition part of that.

Bush led in a Gallup poll in early September in 04 though.


Revolver said:
Looks they're going to try to accuse the Obama camp of smearing Palin and her family.

How many statements has the Obama campaign even made about Palin, 2? These "smears" (Teen Pregnant-gate, Under 9000-gate, What does a VP do exactly?-gate) are mostly facts the media and blogosphere discovered on their own.


Revolver said:
Just read this on Yahoo:

Looks they're going to try to accuse the Obama camp of smearing Palin and her family.

LOL at "some even with Barack Obama's name in them" as if that denotes anything.
v1cious said:
after all the hype about Palin, he gained no significant bounce. not only that, but Gustav is controlling the airwaves this week, and there may not be a convention.


I apologize for my previous response. I thought you were talking about Obama's number.


jamesinclair said:
The 17-year-old, a senior in high school, is about five months along, in her second trimester, according to the aide.

School started last week.

The kid got knocked up Junior year in HS, potentially while being 16.

The evangelicals may not bash Palin, but I cant see them going out to vote.

Also, if she gives birth in January, I cant see her graduating high school without alot of GOP help.
Junior prom, yo.


PhoenixDark said:
I'm really getting the feeling liberal blogs/this site are scared of this pick. All the hooplah over this pregnancy is only going to make women gravitate toward Palin. I guess people didn't learn the lesson after New Hampshire.

Is it hypocritical that someone so intent on parenting the country's children (and adults) can't even keep her own daughter from getting pregnant? Of course. But considering the religious right has been successfully winning elections and growing for two decades - fueled solely on prejudices and cognitive dissonance - I doubt another bout of hypocrisy will do any damage.

Yeah, what the liberal blogs should be saying is that it's hugely irresponsible to mother a child after 40, because the odds it has Down syndrome goes through the roof.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Stoney Mason said:
Obama fans can be delusional on this board. News at 11. Now that that's out of the way you agree they are both legit issues then right?

I don't believe in separating legitimate from illegitimate. It's possible to pretend to do this, but people make decisions instinctively before they come up with arguments about legitimacy. Just talk about anything and the best arguments will surface.


Let me put on my "coy so as to illustrate a larger point" hat:

Why didn't Palin mention this in her introductory speech as a one-line note that her daughter is living up to the family's pro-life values?

Also, notice Bristol was the one carrying Trig at the event and the People photo op. She was in the background in the picture.

What do they have to hide?


Seems dishonest to me.


Revolver said:
Just read this on Yahoo:

Looks they're going to try to accuse the Obama camp of smearing Palin and her family.

HOLY SHIT! so it's true? i hope the media really blows this story up. this will kill him with evangelicals.
Guileless said:
I don't believe in separating legitimate from illegitimate. It's possible to pretend to do this, but people make decisions instinctively before they come up with arguments about legitimacy. Just talk about anything and the best arguments will surface.

Agreed which is why I wanted to move away from the "he said she said" tit for tat Obama Pastor angle.


JCreasy said:
Is the child Down Syndrome, or did he suffer brain damage during this careless delivery?
was the careless delivery (the large image posted a number of pages back) ever confirmed?


v1cious said:
HOLY SHIT! so it's true? i hope the media really blows this story up. this will kill him with evangelicals.

Yeah, there's no way out of this for him.

1) Did Know = Approval of moral degeneracy

2) Didn't Know = No vetting, flying by seat of pants
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