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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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pxleyes said:
was the careless delivery (the large image posted a number of pages back) ever confirmed?

I dunno. David Gregory called it "cool" on Meet the Press.

No, David. Getting shot and giving a speech is "cool." Breaking water and going into labor and continuing to give a speech is careless.


For someone who knows next to nothing about the particulars of childbirth, is it really bad to wait to go to the hospital after your water breaks?


Xisiqomelir said:
Yeah, there's no way out of this for him.

1) Did Know = Approval of moral degeneracy

2) Didn't Know = No vetting, flying by seat of pants

The daughter is not the VP nominee.


Whoever started the baby shit is a tard. There's so much legitimate shit to call her out on, but now the story is going to be about mean liberal bloggers being mean. OWN GOAL
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Alaska is above average re: keeping teen pregnancy low is and gets a "neutral" rating on education (state seems pretty hands-off, so it's going to vary from district to district).


Well as a practical matter Alaska is the least densely populated state. They literally have about 1 person per square mile.

So forget about abstinence vs. contraception, kudos to the father for overcoming the logistics of getting someone pregnant in Alaska :p
Revolver said:
Just read this on Yahoo:

Looks they're going to try to accuse the Obama camp of smearing Palin and her family.

If they actually do have the gumption to accuse Obama of spreading those rumors, Obama should simply say that "We haven't spread rumors about Bristol Palin's pregnancy any more than the McCain campaign spread rumors about me being a Muslim". I think the fact that they have yet to attack McCain or Palin in regard to their personal lives is a good sign. Heck, if they want to really throw people for a loop, they should praise Bristol for choosing to keep the baby. That helps take a bit of the edge off of the baby-killer label he's been given.


AniHawk said:
And Reverend Wright isn't running for president, but people will go nuts for the stupid stuff.

True except that your pastor who advises you consistently and has a rather public record is a little different than your daughter, you only have so much control over a 17 year old.
this is all even more hilarious when watching that 60 minutes interview last night with Obama and Biden seeming like the best friends in the world, while McCain seems to barely know who the hell Palin is.
Gaborn said:
The daughter is not the VP nominee.

It's about values and judgment isn't it? Aren't I allowed to judge her based on what I assume is how she has raised her family and not following the values that I think are appropriate within her family or for America?

I think this is bullshit of course (that line of thinking) but this is constantly the argument brought up by social conservatives on a whole list of issues. If I can vote for somebody because they are a Christian why can't I condemn them for not following Christian values that I value?


Gaborn said:
True except that your pastor who advises you consistently and has a rather public record is a little different than your daughter, you only have so much control over a 17 year old.
wow Gaborn, usually I don't agree with you but see your point. But this....just wow. Surely you have more control over a KID THAT YOU RAISED FOR SEVENTEEN YEARS than an adult pastor.


Gaborn said:
True except that your pastor who advises you consistently and has a rather public record is a little different than your daughter, you only have so much control over a 17 year old.

Yeah, your own daughter of seventeen has only lived in your house all her life. Who knows where she could have picked up her values from.


syllogism said:

Wright was Obama's spiritual advisor for years.

Anihawk/ronito - As Amir0x said earlier children don't always listen to their parents and Palin is pro-contraception.



3. Will you support funding for abstinence-until-marriage education instead of for explicit sex-education programs, school-based clinics, and the distribution of contraceptives in schools?
JB: We should not exclude abstinence-until-marriage education programs.
SP: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.

That's where the anti-contraceptive accusation against her comes from. She only supports abstinence education.


Gaborn said:
Wright was Obama's spiritual advisor for years.

And Bristol is an example of Palin's ABILITY TO LEAD...as a mother.

ho ho ho

seriously I, like you, think this is just bullshit irrelevant to the campaign. Just like I believe the Jeremiah Wright thing was.


Stoney Mason said:
They will and they will aggressively defend her and laud the kid for getting married and still cling to every position they've ever held. It's all about sides instead of consistency.
yeah. The Freepers, for instance, mostly seem to be getting behind her and using all this as an excuse to attack Obama -- never mind their usual attacks on teen mothers as sluts who have been brainwashed by depraved liberal values.
1st let me say that i found out she was pregnant in this thread. You guys are really on the ball!

Anyways, how does everyone feel about her & McCain hiding this news for 3 days?
I never thought she was qualified to be VP but the "all american family" image seemed to be a BIG talking point for everybody on this board as well as on the tv and internet.


Amir0x said:
And Bristol is an example of Palin's ABILITY TO LEAD...as a mother.

ho ho ho

seriously I, like you, think this is just bullshit irrelevant to the campaign. Just like I believe the Jeremiah Wright thing was.

Yep, I'm not saying the Wright thing has weight, though I do think it has marginally more weight than this.


Amir0x said:
And Bristol is an example of Palin's ABILITY TO LEAD...as a mother.

ho ho ho

seriously I, like you, think this is just bullshit irrelevant to the campaign. Just like I believe the Jeremiah Wright thing was.

Please tell me you just pulled a random Santa quote...
v1cious said:
HOLY SHIT! so it's true? i hope the media really blows this story up. this will kill him with evangelicals.

You are assuming that evangelicals aren't hypocrites. The majority of them don't care what really happens in a politician's household as long as they keep using the right code words.
and yeah, the reason why this "matters" more is because the entire reason for Palin being selected is because of "family values". It obviously wasn't because of her amazing foreign policy or economic experience.

There's a reason why they keep using "PTA hockey mom of 5" as a measure of her "experience". I don't think Obama was running on a platform of bringing non-controversial pastors to America, so it seems weird to pretend this is the same as the Wright stuff. Never mind the fact that Wright didn't really say anything wrong in the first place. Well, except maybe the AIDS thing.

And I've mentioned this before, but I wonder if I'm the only one that noticed that Obama basically repeated Wright's position when he was at that Saddleback forum thing...


I think the key difference Gaborn is effect of actions vs. influence on actions.

Bristol's life is affected by the effects of Sarah Palin's actions. In other words, she is a direct result of what her mother has taught and done. A child's actions speak some things about who that parent is directly.

Jeremiah Wright is an example of influence. The question here is whether what he has taught will or has influenced Obama's actions. This can call into question a candidate's judgment, and also whether or not he really believes those things. It is not, however, a 'proof.'

I think the argument can be made that both are more important. However, I think this is stupid bullshit meant to distract from the issues. None of them have a role in how these people will run the country
soul creator said:
and yeah, the reason why this "matters" more is because the entire reason for Palin being selected is because of "family values".

That's the key and while no Democrat can ever say it in public I am certainly free to. The whole reason she was selected was based on perceptions. She's not the most qualified. She was picked because she is a women with strong social conservative credentials. It was a Clarence Thomas style pick(Note conservatives are supposed to hate affirmative action but I could make a pretty good case the VP pick was indeed that). The fact that her family is just like everybody's family in America is the ironic part.
Amir0x said:
I think the argument can be made that both are more important. However, I think this is stupid bullshit meant to distract from the issues. None of them have a role in how these people will run the country

Disagree because her -- and the right's -- stance on funding for proper comprehensive sexual education directly affects me.


SP: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.



Amir0x said:
And Bristol is an example of Palin's ABILITY TO LEAD...as a mother.

ho ho ho

seriously I, like you, think this is just bullshit irrelevant to the campaign. Just like I believe the Jeremiah Wright thing was.
Except we are smart enough to be able to see Obama in a different light than Rev. Wright. Crazy fundamentalist evangelicals who swear by no sex until you are actually married may not like this news, on the other hand.


It will combat the experience argument, since grandparents are old and wise. It will negate the appeal of Joe Biden's grandfatherliness.


Diablos said:
Except we are smart enough to be able to see Obama in a different light than Rev. Wright. Crazy fundamentalist evangelicals who swear by no sex until you are actually married may not like this news, on the other hand.

Snce when have facts been that important to fundies?:p

Funky Papa

Obama is celebrating on the Wikipedia.



Amir0x said:
I think the key difference Gaborn is effect of actions vs. influence on actions.

Bristol's life is affected by the effects of Sarah Palin's actions. In other words, she is a direct result of what her mother has taught and done. A child's actions speak some things about who that parent is directly.

Jeremiah Wright is an example of influence. The question here is whether what he has taught will or has influenced Obama's actions. This can call into question a candidate's judgment, and also whether or not he really believes those things. It is not, however, a 'proof.'

I think the argument can be made that both are more important. However, I think this is stupid bullshit meant to distract from the issues. None of them have a role in how these people will run the country

I don't disagree with you, but I think it's also worth mentioning a voluntary connection vs a biological and mostly involuntary connection. You choose your pastor (or none), but you don't choose your family. The reason that Wright calls into question Obama's judgment is he stayed in his congregation for so many years and it kind of is remarkable if he didn't hear some of those controversial views.

At the same time parents have a strong innate connection to their children (even setting aside that you generally aren't going to kick your children out under penalty of law), though they don't always listen to them.

I agree though, both comparisons are ultimately ridiculous and really not worth all that much discussion.
Amir0x said:
That's perfectly ok. You're disagreeing with a specific issue. Bristol having a baby does not impact that issue one way or the other.

You're absolutely right.

But I can't help it. The sheer idiocy of the right's policies just boggles my mind. I can only hope that such a situation helps her to reassess her stance on comprehensive sex-ed. And maybe -- just maybe -- such a level of massive fail is the only way to force them to change their views.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
You are assuming that evangelicals aren't hypocrites. The majority of them don't care what really happens in a politician's household as long as they keep using the right code words.

This sums up my thoughts on the evangelicals.
Amir0x said:
Bristol's life is affected by the effects of Sarah Palin's actions. In other words, she is a direct result of what her mother has taught and done. A child's actions speak some things about who that parent is directly.

Agreed 100% but her two biggest talking points were energy and family values.

Do you think she'll still push the "family values card" in light of this development?
I think it's highly likely that she'll have to tone down that aspect of her speeches which has been the #1 talking point for GOP supporters since friday.
What else can she talk about besides energy?
random note: the fact that Obama knew Reverend Wright actually makes me want to vote for him even more.

I wonder how many other people feel that way? :lol
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