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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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soul creator said:
random note: the fact that Obama knew Reverend Wright actually makes me want to vote for him even more.

I wonder how many other people feel that way? :lol

He is a fiery dude, I can like him when he's not out trying to sabotage:p


You guys are pretty freaking harsh :lol Palin's daughter having a teen pregnancy does not make her any less of a viable* candidate, a lot of other shit does, but attacking her character based on her daughter's actions is petty bullshit. The greatest of parents can still raise a child that constantly fucks up...
A new New York Times/CBS poll finds that nearly nine in 10 Republican delegates support Sen. John McCain.

"The delegates' unanimity comes in spite of their description of themselves as more conservative than Mr. McCain, whose maverick image has long made him controversial in his party. The delegates' confidence -- fewer than 2 in 10 fear Mr. McCain may lose -- belies the election-year climate for the party and its other candidates."

Another example of them viewing the world differently: While 90% of the Democratic delegates at their convention said the American economy was in a recession, a whopping 72% of the Republican delegates say it is not.
NY Times


theviolenthero said:
Agreed 100% but her two biggest talking points were energy and family values.

Do you think she'll still push the "family values card" in light of this development?
I think it's highly likely that she'll have to tone down that aspect of her speeches which has been the #1 talking point for GOP supporters since friday.
What else can she talk about besides energy?

She can't talk about energy. Drill Drill Drill! is not a strength. T. Boone Pickens knows this.
She's corrupt, since she appeared in a commercial supporting Ted Stevens. Bridge to Nowhere etc.
harSon said:
You guys are pretty freaking harsh :lol Palin's daughter having a teen pregnancy does not make her any less of a viable* candidate, a lot of other shit does, but attacking her character based on her daughter's actions is petty bullshit. The greatest of parents can still raise a child that constantly fucks up...

Like George W Bush?


theviolenthero said:
Do you think she'll still push the "family values card" in light of this development?

Sure they will. Talk about the sanctity of marriage and all that bullshit. Tone it down a little, sure, but they'll still talk about it, because they need it to win, and I doubt the media will blow this out of proportion.
theviolenthero said:
Do you think she'll still push the "family values card" in light of this development?


theviolenthero said:
I think it's highly likely that she'll have to tone down that aspect of her speeches which has been the #1 talking point for GOP supporters since friday.


The rule of politics is keep repeating a lie long enough and it becomes fact.


Q: Are you offended by the phrase "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?

PALIN: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance


And Stoney's got the right of it, they'll keep hammering family values, keep on saying she's a reformer who hates the Bridge to Nowhere and earmarks(both lies) and so forth.


Heh, I was reading some of the posts at HCF and the PUMA's seem convinced the Obama campaign is behind spreading the Palin rumors. Hell, the other day when Palin mentioned Hillary in her speech and drew a few boos they claimed it was Obama opperatives in the crowd. They really can't let go.


CharlieDigital said:
It's because the Republicans has more monies, of course $4.50 gas doesn't mean much when you're bankrolling 7 figures.
That and technically the economy is not in a recession. We have not had negative GDP growth.


*drowns in jizz*
soul creator said:
random note: the fact that Obama knew Reverend Wright actually makes me want to vote for him even more.

I wonder how many other people feel that way? :lol

If people actualy listened to some of Wright's FULL sermons (I have), instead of the cherry-picked and collaged 10 second soundbites from over 30 years of preaching, than they may also feel that way.


Revolver said:
Heh, I was reading some of the posts at HCF and the PUMA's seem convinced the Obama campaign is behind spreading the Palin rumors. Hell, the other day when Palin mentioned Hillary in her speech and drew a few boos they claimed it was Obama opperatives in the crowd. They really can't let go.

From 18 million cracks comes 180 some-odd crackpots.


Door2Dawn said:
How can they not think that the economy is in a recession?

By the definition of a recession it's not, because it's based off a mass model of wealth. So, the financial analysts and such will say the economy is still growing, and that is technically true, but it doesn't mean that the economy is good for most people, in fact it's just another measure of wealth inequality and the effects of inflation on those who spend more wages on essentials.


*drowns in jizz*
Revolver said:
Heh, I was reading some of the posts at HCF and the PUMA's seem convinced the Obama campaign is behind spreading the Palin rumors. Hell, the other day when Palin mentioned Hillary in her speech and drew a few boos they claimed it was Obama opperatives in the crowd. They really can't let go.

I believe the current stated mission statement of both the PUMAs and Hillary44 is to 'destroy and punish the democratic party'. Take this as a context to whatever vomit they spout.


Slurpy said:
If people actualy listened to some of Wright's FULL sermons (I have), instead of the cherry-picked and collaged 10 second soundbites from over 30 years of preaching, than they may also feel that way.

I defended him as well, a lot (Not all) of his material was taken out of context and he was in the right to defend himself. Unfortunately, he's an arrogant attention whore and defended himself in a way that was hurtful to Obama's campaign.
AniHawk said:
Sure they will. Talk about the sanctity of marriage and all that bullshit. Tone it down a little, sure, but they'll still talk about it, because they need it to win, and I doubt the media will blow this out of proportion.

This WILL be a top story,trust me!!!!
This is just the type of story that the media loves & anyone who watches the news can co-sign that.


lexdysia said:
People don't care about the technical definition of recession given the state of the housing market and gas prices.

Facts are hard for both sides. Recession sounds scary so democrats want to use it. Republicans tend to use the definition of the word to claim the economic situation is better than it actually is.
laserbeam said:
That and technically the economy is not in a recession. We have not had negative GDP growth.

I take Warren Buffet's words over yours any day (unless you want to flash you billion dollar empire as proof that you know what you're talking about).


Tamanon said:
That's where the anti-contraceptive accusation against her comes from. She only supports abstinence education.
I hope Biden eats her lunch in the debates. The point should be made that she strongly supports a plan that she can't even make work in her own home. It should weaken the credibility of any other initiatives she might bring up, especially if they continue to cling to far-right fundy crap. PEACE.


Attacking a mother and her child. Classy and effective.

Oh, wait, it's not? It's already blowing up in people's faces? People are already noting this is the second run through of sexist comments coming from Obama supporters? You know, the guy who believes in a more civil discourse?

It's like people want to vote for him, and yet ignore the central tenet of his campaign.

I'm shocked, shocked that this has been turned around on Obama and supporters so quickly.


theviolenthero said:
This WILL be a top story,trust me!!!!
This is just the type of story that the media loves & anyone who watches the news can co-sign that.

There's still a hurricane bearing down on New Orleans, so I doubt it.
besada said:
Attacking a mother and her child. Classy and effective.

Oh, wait, it's not? It's already blowing up in people's faces? People are already noting this is the second run through of sexist comments coming from Obama supporters? You know, the guy who believes in a more civil discourse?

It's like people want to vote for him, and yet ignore the central tenet of his campaign.

I'm shocked, shocked that this has been turned around on Obama and supporters so quickly.



besada said:
Attacking a mother and her child. Classy and effective.

Oh, wait, it's not? It's already blowing up in people's faces? People are already noting this is the second run through of sexist comments coming from Obama supporters? You know, the guy who believes in a more civil discourse?

It's like people want to vote for him, and yet ignore the central tenet of his campaign.

I'm shocked, shocked that this has been turned around on Obama and supporters so quickly.

What in the hell are you babbling on about?


CharlieDigital said:
I take Warren Buffet's words over yours any day (unless you want to flash you billion dollar empire as proof that you know what you're talking about).

Plus, being in a recession sounds loads better than "our economy's in the shitter."
besada said:
Attacking a mother and her child. Classy and effective.

Oh, wait, it's not? It's already blowing up in people's faces? People are already noting this is the second run through of sexist comments coming from Obama supporters? You know, the guy who believes in a more civil discourse?

It's like people want to vote for him, and yet ignore the central tenet of his campaign.

I'm shocked, shocked that this has been turned around on Obama and supporters so quickly.

Once again, you're defending an indefensible standpoint because her view on sex-ed (and the outcome of said practice within her own family) could affect national policy.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
soul creator said:
random note: the fact that Obama knew Reverend Wright actually makes me want to vote for him even more.

I wonder how many other people feel that way? :lol

Judging by the results of presidential elections since hippies took charge of the Democratic party from LBJ, probably well less than 50% of likely voters.


harSon said:
You guys are pretty freaking harsh :lol Palin's daughter having a teen pregnancy does not make her any less of a viable* candidate, a lot of other shit does, but attacking her character based on her daughter's actions is petty bullshit. The greatest of parents can still raise a child that constantly fucks up...

you're missing the point.

1. this further cements the idea that Palin was a desperation move.

2. James Dobson endorsed her. something this embarrassing will force him come out and denounce Mccain again, causing a huge clusterfuck with the religious sect.


besada said:
Exceptional refutation. Are you in third grade?

How about handling his supporters in an individual basis instead of lumping them together as if they're some sort of hive minded creature.


CharlieDigital said:
Once again, you're defending an indefensible standpoint because her view on sex-ed (and the outcome of said practice within her own family) could affect national policy.

There's a huge difference between attacking her stances on conception, and suggesting her baby doesn't have Downs, or that she's irresponsible for giving birth past forty.
Guileless said:
Judging by the results of presidential elections since hippies took charge of the Democratic party from LBJ, probably well less than 50% of likely voters.

And to balance the ledger you are probably right since religious fundamentalists and moralists also gained control of the Republican party since Gerald Ford.


harSon said:
How about handling his supporters in an individual basis instead of lumping them together as if they're some sort of hive minded creature.

I'm one of his supporters. You're welcome to try and make the press follow that rule, though. The actions of supporters reflect on the candidate. May not be fair, but that's the reality. If you're not engaged in obnoxious smears, then I obviously wasn't talking about you.


Setec Astronomer
Guileless said:
Judging by the results of presidential elections since hippies took charge of the Democratic party from LBJ, probably well less than 50% of likely voters.
Um, more like Nixon breaking up the old coalition that made up the Democratic Party.

...then again, it probably would have happened regardless. Southern democrats were getting fairly disaffected with people claiming their rights, much like how moderates are becoming in the Republican party now with hardliners running the show.
v1cious said:
you're missing the point.

Here's the point:

Religious Nutjob: See all the sin? Premarital sex. Pregnancy out of wedlock. It's because of the liberals. We need more Christian values in America to make the world right! They want to teach sex-ed in schools? Heck, that'll only encourage them to have sex. They want to teach "safe sex"? Heck, how about we teach "no sex"!

Sensible Person: Wait, your daughter had premarital sex and she's pregnant to boot. You also live in one of the reddest states in the country...

RN: Do as I say, not as I do!


besada said:
There's a huge difference between attacking her stances on conception, and suggesting her baby doesn't have Downs, or that she's irresponsible for giving birth past forty.

Um...that's why we made that shit bannable, since it doesn't have any proof. The news we're talking about is that her daughter, Bristol, is pregnant at 17.

Reading is fundamental


CharlieDigital said:
Here's the point:

Religious Nutjob: See all the sin? Premarital sex. Pregnancy out of wedlock. It's because of the liberals. We need more Christian values in America to make the world right! They want to teach sex-ed in schools? Heck, that'll only encourage them to have sex. They want to teach "safe sex"? Heck, how about we teach "no sex"!

Sensible Person: Wait, your daughter had premarital sex and she's pregnant to boot.

RN: Do as I say, not as I do!

I thought that was Obama's position on drugs?


CharlieDigital said:
Here's the point:

Religious Nutjob: See all the sin? Premarital sex. Pregnancy out of wedlock. It's because of the liberals. We need more Christian values in America to make the world right! They want to teach sex-ed in schools? Heck, that'll only encourage them to have sex. They want to teach "safe sex"? Heck, how about we teach "no sex"!

Sensible Person: Wait, your daughter had premarital sex and she's pregnant to boot. You also live in one of the reddest states in the country...

RN: Do as I say, not as I do!

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