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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
This is a catastrophe. Perhaps the reason he chose a Palin was their sheer numbers. They might end up being the swing vote in the state.


OuterWorldVoice said:
This does huge damage at the organization level. There are people in the GOP right now FUMING because they think this bizarre pick was inadequately vetted already. Obama and Co. can just sit back and let America be befuddled by all this weirdness and concentrate on the issues. Palin is a mess. It's like Little House on the Prairie meets The Hills.

I'm just not sure her daughter's pregnancy is going to be a big deal. So far as I've seen, the Republican base loves her and has been circling the wagons with every new wave of attack.

In a couple of days we'll know if it was a big deal, and I'll gladly eat an "I told you so" if it is. I'd be blissfully happy if this derailed McCain's campaign, but I'm not counting on it.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Well if they'd passed that, her daughter wouldn't be knocked up now, would she?

She would have had an open conversation with her daughter about premarital sex and how she was against it, but if Bristol chose to do it anyways, she would take her to the doctor to get on the pill and provide barrier contraceptives (male/female condoms) to her even if Bristol was going to do it against her wishes.

Anecdotal evidence: before I had sex with my girlfriend (now wife) in high school, I discussed contraceptives with her extensively (we both intended to go to college and there was no fucking way we wanted to deal with a pregnancy) and she discussed it with her mother. Her mother took her to the OBGYN to get her started on contraceptives. She was on the pill for a good 3 months before we had intercourse.


OuterWorldVoice said:
This is a catastrophe. Perhaps the reason he chose a Palin was their sheer numbers. They might end up being the swing vote in the state.
Apparently he made the pick Wednesday night after Bill's speech. Remember, his entire convention strategy was to play off the (imaginary) tensions between Clinton and Obama supporters. With the party rallying together, he doubled down on that same strategy.

Without doing a single days homework.


besada said:
I'm just not sure her daughter's pregnancy is going to be a big deal. So far as I've seen, the Republican base loves her and has been circling the wagons with every new wave of attack.

In a couple of days we'll know if it was a big deal, and I'll gladly eat an "I told you so" if it is. I'd be blissfully happy if this derailed McCain's campaign, but I'm not counting on it.

Although I'd actually like to see what the base would say if the father was a black guy. That's about the only way this whole thing could get more bizarre.:lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
besada said:
I'm just not sure her daughter's pregnancy is going to be a big deal. So far as I've seen, the Republican base loves her and has been circling the wagons with every new wave of attack.

In a couple of days we'll know if it was a big deal, and I'll gladly eat an "I told you so" if it is. I'd be blissfully happy if this derailed McCain's campaign, but I'm not counting on it.

It's a triple-whammy. Gustav is a non event, their conference is ruined and now Juno-Gate (Juneau-Gate?). The only good news was a valid excuse for not having Bush and Cheney there.
besada said:
I'm just not sure her daughter's pregnancy is going to be a big deal. So far as I've seen, the Republican base loves her and has been circling the wagons with every new wave of attack.

In a couple of days we'll know if it was a big deal, and I'll gladly eat an "I told you so" if it is. I'd be blissfully happy if this derailed McCain's campaign, but I'm not counting on it.

Politically it won't be a huge deal imo. The story is too personal and involves a minor which means the political press will only dabble with it. Although I'll flat out admit I believe if the tables were reversed and it was Barack Obama's teenage daughter (if she was of the same age) it would have a chance of ending his entire campaign but that's America.

It will provide some spur hopefully to the discussion of abstinence only education in our schools and a counter balance to Republicans suckling at the teat of the family values cow in public discourse.


Gaborn said:
:lol :lol :lol I'm sure you did everything your parents told you at 17.

So what's the use of the abstinense programs if they don't work then (by your own admission)? Isn't sex education infinately better?



""But you tried really hard to reach these people,'' Kroft pressed. "You went and sipped beer, which I know you don't particularly like - I mean you even...

"Steve, I had a beer last night,'' Obama interjected. "I mean, where do these stories come from, man?"

"I'm the one... [that] doesn't drink," Biden added.

"Where does the story come from that...I don't like beer? '' Obama asked. "C'mon, man,"

"You even tried bowling," Kroft said.

"Time out there," Obama said.

"I've got to defend my bowling honor here," Obama said, laughing. "It is true that my bowling score left something to be desired. The reason I bowled though, wasn't to try to get votes. If I had been tryin' to get votes, I promise you I would have been avoiding a bowling alley. The reason I was there was to campaign. And we had great fun."

:lol :lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Gift that keeps on giving.

Palin's husband has DWI arrest
Posted: 02:30 PM ET

McCain and Sarah and Todd Palin campaigning in Washington, Pennsylvania.

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) — A senior adviser to the McCain campaign confirmed Monday that Todd Palin, husband to Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, was arrested for driving while intoxicated in 1984.

"Yes, 24 years ago he had a DWI," senior McCain adviser Steve Schmidt told reporters in St. Paul.

Schmidt was asked if he was worried about the news, and replied, “I was not.”

The story was first reported by David Brody, a CNN contributor and Christian Broadcasting Network News Senior National Correspondent.



At a press availability in Monroe, Mich., Barack Obama said: "Back off these kinds of stories."

"I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor and/or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics."

On charges that his campaign has stoked the story via liberal blogs:

"I am offended by that statement. There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us," he said. "Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I thought there was somebody in my campaign who was involved in something like that, they would be fired."


Stoney Mason said:
Although I'll flat out admit I believe if the tables were reversed and it was Barack Obama's teenage daughter (is she was of the same age) it would have a chance of ending his entire campaign but that's America.

Agreed, totally. But that's the Republicans for you. Perfectly willing to forgive everything, so long as you have the right ideology. They aren't as fond of the circular firing squad as the Dems.

Just heard on FOX that Obama said anyone on his campaign who touches this issue will be fired. Not surprising, and one more reason I like Obama.
So lets compile a list of excuses:

-Palin's daughter being pregnant isn't her fault as a parent because "shit happens"
-Palin's being a corrupt director doesn't matter because she wasn't there when it was revealed
-Palin saying she doesn't know what a vp does is okay because....?
-Palin's belief that abortion can't happen even in rape / incest will still win her women votes because...?
-Palin flip flopped on the bridge to nowhere but its okay because Kerry did it?
-Palin is under investigation for corruption but that shouldn't get brought up because it will look like a woman is being attacked by a man?

what am I missing?

edit: oops! since I posted this 10 seconds ago, another story broke, and her husband has a DWI! what's the excuse on this one? and how exactly does she represent family values?


has this been posted?

And on the eve of the Republican Convention, what does CBS's venerable '60 Minutes' have on tap? A closer look at John McCain? An exclusive interview with Gov. Palin, perhaps? A feature on how a relatively small city like St. Paul is preparing for the huge event?

No, '60 Minutes' is interviewing Senators Obama and Biden. Classic liberal media bias. Maybe '60 Minutes' will get around to profiling Gov. Palin after Nov. 4th.

Nothing like terrifying liberals in the media and in the Democrat Party with a gun-toting, nature-loving, pro-life woman as the vice-presidential candidate.

They're scared, all right. Big time

:lol :lol :lol

I'm beginning to think that perhaps the McCain campaign should have outsourced their vetting of Sarah Palin to bloggers and other internet newsites. They've certainly been more fruitful in their searches than the McCain campaign....
numble said:

At a press availability in Monroe, Mich., Barack Obama said: "Back off these kinds of stories."

"I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor and/or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics."

On charges that his campaign has stoked the story via liberal blogs:

"I am offended by that statement. There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us," he said. "Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I thought there was somebody in my campaign who was involved in something like that, they would be fired."

This is why this man is full of win. Us GAFfers on the other hand... :lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Tamanon said:
Eh, 24 years ago. It doesn't matter at all.

I don't really give a shit, but I do think a DWI is significantly worse than smoking pot and not inhaling (similar time frame, haunted Clinton's entire campaign) although not as bad as doing coke (was presented as a rumor and haunted Dubya's campaign).

Anyway, it just keeps piling on is the point.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Gaborn said:
:lol :lol :lol I'm sure you did everything your parents told you at 17.
They certainly didn't let me get away with anything as life-changing as this. Not everyone's 17 yr old child ends up pregnant or as the expecting father of child, in case you hadn't noticed.

Just to be clear, I don't think there's anything wrong with this. If the daughter has a good relationship with the father, marriage shouldn't matter and mom Palin being supportive is a better representation of solid, down-to-earth family values than anything represented in the "traditional" set up.

But let's not make excuses for the woman on the basis of how hard it is to control a teenager because not everyone fails to restrict the actions of their teenagers with reference to "traditional" family values, if that's what they truly hold dear.


Setec Astronomer
OuterWorldVoice said:
I don't really give a shit, but I do think a DWI is significantly worse than smoking pot and not inhaling (similar time frame, haunted Clinton's entire campaign) and although not as bad as doing coke (was presented as a rumor and haunted Dubya's campaign).
What about smoking pot AND inhaling in your early years? :p


besada said:
Just heard on FOX that Obama said anyone on his campaign who touches this issue will be fired. Not surprising, and one more reason I like Obama.

But Fox still says this is his fault because...?


OuterWorldVoice said:
I don't really give a shit, but I do think a DWI is significantly worse than smoking pot and not inhaling (similar time frame, haunted Clinton's entire campaign) although not as bad as doing coke (was presented as a rumor and haunted Dubya's campaign).

Anyway, it just keeps piling on is the point.

Cheney and Bush both had multiple DWIs. And Bush was totally a cokehead.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hitokage said:
What about smoking pot AND inhaling in your early years? :p

In my book that gets a pass. Lying about inhaling is what gets you. She lied about liking it. I don't know how I feel about that.
numble said:

At a press availability in Monroe, Mich., Barack Obama said: "Back off these kinds of stories."

"I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor and/or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics."

On charges that his campaign has stoked the story via liberal blogs:

"I am offended by that statement. There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us," he said. "Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I thought there was somebody in my campaign who was involved in something like that, they would be fired."



OuterWorldVoice said:
In my book that gets a pass. Lying about inhaling is what gets you. She lied about liking it. I don't know how I feel about that.

I dunno, I've smoked pot and didn't like it. It's not everyone's tastes.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Gift that keeps on giving.

So this is what happens when you choose a VP without vetting?
With Gustav not doing much and no RNC I guess the cable news now have something to discuss all day.


Hitokage said:
Wow, twenty-four years ago, and it's not even her, but her husband.


Guys, I know you have plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike Palin. I do too! But for the love of God, really? Obama did drugs when he was young, I guess that means he shouldn't be president. Clinton "didn't inhale", I guess that means he shouldn't be president.

And this shit isn't even RELATED to Palin! This happened 24 years ago, BEFORE they were even married.

If you want to lose the election, this is exactly the way to do it. By being like the Republicans. And what's worse is these past half a year most of you were totally crying about how unfair similar attacks were on Obama.


Setec Astronomer
numble said:

At a press availability in Monroe, Mich., Barack Obama said: "Back off these kinds of stories."

"I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor and/or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics."

On charges that his campaign has stoked the story via liberal blogs:

"I am offended by that statement. There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us," he said. "Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I thought there was somebody in my campaign who was involved in something like that, they would be fired."
If only some of Obama's supporters actually agreed with him.
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