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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
"How many people really think it's in the best interest of young people to be sexually active outside of marriage? Does anything positive ever come from that?'
Well, you get laid. That's a positive in my book.
Yea well she shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place

Who the fuck cares if she keeps the kid, she got pregnant at fucking SEVEN-TEEN

Oh its ok because shes from a wealthy family


reilo said:
So, she is not a:

Former mayor of a town of less than 8,000 which she left in $20mil debt and with less than 18 months of governor's experience in the smallest state in the nation with a population less than Obama's district, while simultaneously fiercely pro-Choice, pro-Creationist, pro-Abstinence-only, and under an investigation for possibly illegally firing someone akin to something from the Bush administration that could get her impeached 5 days before the election?

She's none of that, huh?

Well, she's pro life but I'll assume you meant pro-life, she said that ID should be taught along side evolution, that's not exactly Creationism and she hasn't exactly said that, and she's not anti abstinence only but IS on the record as being pro contraception. So yeah, some of what you said was basically right and some was twisted by your interpretation.

As I said, the Democrats are frothing to get at her, and some of the things they're reaching on.



Another week, another Frank Luntz/AARP focus group of undecided voters--this one in Minneapolis and with some bad news for John McCain: they don't like the choice of Sarah Palin for vice president. Only one person said Palin made him more likely to vote for McCain; about half the 25-member group raised their hands when asked if Palin made them less likely to vote for McCain. They had a negative impression of Palin by a 2-1 margin...a fact that was reinforced when they were given hand-dials and asked to react to Palin's speech at her first appearance with McCain on Friday---the dials remained totally neutral as Palin went through her heart-warming(?) biography, and only blipped upwards when she said she opposed the Bridge to Nowhere--which wasn't quite the truth, as we now know.

Then there was this, from a woman named Teresa, who went to the Democratic Convention as a Hillary delegate and is leaning toward voting for McCain--obviously the target audience for the Palin pick: "His age didn't really bother me until he picked Palin. What if he dies in office and leaves us with her as President? Also she leans toward the rigid right, and I always thought he was a moderate...You know, I change my mind almost every day, but right now I"m wondering where the John McCain I really liked in 2000 went, what happened to the moderate? This John McCain has the look of someone who is being manipulated--probably by Karl Rove."

Teresa still wasn't willing to vote for Obama, whom she considers too inexperienced, but she was clearly wavering. Afterwards Luntz, good Republican that he is, made the case that Palin could win all these people back with a good convention speech, but that seemed far-fetched to me. They really saw this pick as a gimmick--and one that reflected badly on John McCain's judgment.



Tamanon said:
It's alright, there was no oversight needed, McCain took a trip down there yesterday made sure everything was tightened up and good to go.

Could you guys tighten up those controls?
Gaborn said:
Considering the daily kos speculator lied about the date of the photo they used to "prove" the daughter was pregnant it's a coincidence.
That photo is from the March 9, 2008 story about Palin being a possible VP pick after attending the National Governor's Association in DC.


You sure are quick to bandy about the "lie" accusation when it's from a Dem, but you're all "let's wait and see" when it's from a Rep.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Well, the gamble is starting to look like a failure


Gary Whitta said:
Statement from Obama:

At a press availability in Monroe, Mich., Barack Obama said: "Back off these kinds of stories."

"I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn't be a topic of our politics."

That's unusually strong language from a politician. He says it louder and he'll win some brownie points, as there is no way this story is slowing down.

Next up, John McCain's wandering eyes:



Here's the gold from that article:

Sarah Palin said:
"I recognize that any of the buzz surrounds the fact that I happen to fit a demographic that is appealing to the ticket right now," Palin said. "That's the reality. Again, I happen to fit a demographic at a time that the Republican Party needs to get with it and change and progress and allow others to be a part of public service. It's gender, it's age, it's kind of the maverick being from the outside. It's a combination of things."

The VP debate will be like this

So why do you think you'd do well with foreign policy?

SP - Well I live beside the Ruskies, we can't let them use uhhh communism!


adamsappel said:
That photo is from the March 9, 2008 story about Palin being a possible VP pick after attending the National Governor's Association in DC.


You sure are quick to bandy about the "lie" accusation when it's from a Dem, but you're all "let's wait and see" when it's from a Rep.

laserbeam said:
An Update on the "Baby Scandal"

Anchorage Daily News Media gallery
That Picture of the supposed "baby bump"
It was taken, and published, by the Anchorage Daily News in 2006. Baby Trig, a child with Down's Syndrome, was born on April 18, 2008. That's a long time for a teen girl to be carrying a "bump" which looks nothing more than the curve of a tight sweater.

I think that effectively ends it



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Shiggie said:
Just got a text from Obama to give $5 to Red Cross.

I'm sure the Red Cross could always use the money, but thankfully it looks like Gustav did not do much damage or flood New Orleans.


Shiggie said:
Just got a text from Obama to give $5 to Red Cross.

Yeah he sent out the email this morning and changed the website. It's amazing the uses for a political campaign, and thus far, I've only gotten texts/emails about the campaign and about disasters, nothing about the DNC or other candidates. I like it.
BigJonsson said:

The VP debate will be like this

So why do you think you'd do well with foreign policy?

SP - Well I live beside the Ruskies, we can't let them use uhhh communism!
The VP debate is going to be embarrassing for Palin.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
Well, she's pro life but I'll assume you meant pro-life, she said that ID should be taught along side evolution, that's not exactly Creationism and she hasn't exactly said that, and she's not anti abstinence only but IS on the record as being pro contraception. So yeah, some of what you said was basically right and some was twisted by your interpretation.

As I said, the Democrats are frothing to get at her, and some of the things they're reaching on.

Err yeah, meant pro-Life.

So, if you're teaching ID next to Creationism, don't you have to start teaching other religious theories, too? Are we going to start teaching the Qoran? Hinduism?

She ran on an abstinence-only platform for Governor.

I can play that last sentence, too!

As I said, the Republicans are spinning so fast to make her look qualified to be president if something terrible were to happen to McCain.

Question: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be the President of the United States if something were to happen to McCain?
BigJonsson said:

The VP debate will be like this

So why do you think you'd do well with foreign policy?

SP - Well I live beside the Ruskies, we can't let them use uhhh communism!
She's going to be doing a lot of cramming between now and the debate and will be thoroughly prepped and briefed by GOP foreign policy experts. So she won't be a train wreck. The key will be if Biden can catch her on the spot by asking direct questions or turning the debate to address areas she hasn't been briefed on. Then she'll look like a fool. For this reason I suspect the GOP will do everything possible to ensure that the VP debate has as closed a format as possible.


SpeedingUptoStop said:
But no text message/e-mail thing to alert his voters of this kind of deal, right?

Nope, McCain's spending has been focused almost exclusively on advertising, as opposed to networking and outreach.
reilo said:
Err yeah, meant pro-Life.

So, if you're teaching ID next to Creationism, don't you have to start teaching other religious theories, too? Are we going to start teaching the Qoran? Hinduism?

She ran on an abstinence-only platform for Governor.

I can play that last sentence, too!

As I said, the Republicans are spinning so fast to make her look qualified to be president if something terrible were to happen to McCain.

Question: Is Sarah Palin qualified to be the President of the United States if something were to happen to McCain?

Err no

She might actually be more lol-worthy than Bush and that's quite an accomplishment


Republicans walking everyone through sending money to Red Cross.

Lots of shots of earnest Republicans giving money to the Red Cross.


Shiggie said:
Just got a text from Obama to give $5 to Red Cross.
Yup, I wanted to give anyway, but this just made it so easy. Charges right to my cell phone bill, which is already auto-paid anyway.


reilo said:
So, if you're teaching ID next to Creationism, don't you have to start teaching other religious theories, too? Are we going to start teaching the Qoran? Hinduism?

Don't do creationism the service of using the "ID" brand its medieval advocates have crafted for it. If you want to use an acronym, go with GDI - God Did It.


Are their teleprompters set up poorly, or does this guy just like spinning in circles?

Looks like the teleprompters are set too wide part.


gkrykewy said:
Don't do creationism the service of using the "ID" brand its medieval advocates have crafted for it. If you want to use an acronym, go with GDI - God Did It.

And of course, its antithesis, NOD- Nobody Originally Did.
Deus Ex Machina said:
Cindy McCain Claims Palin Has National Security Experience


What the hell is Cindy McCain talking about?

If you think that's bad, see Laura Bush's comments: http://www.cnn.com/video/savp/evp/?.../2008/09/01/am.intv.laura.bush.convention.cnn

Start around 3:15. Palin has a different type of experience that is better than all three other candidates.

I have nothing against these women but they need to stop talking.
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