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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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I hate all this Palin talk. Everyone here knows she was a terrible pick, no need to beat it into the ground over and over again.

Ever since she was announced, the level of discuss in this thread in general has gone way down the shitter :-(


Whoever designed their stage setup seems to not understand that this was going to be broadcast. To see either teleprompter, they're having to turn 45 degrees away from the camera. Not only aren't they looking at the televised audience, they're making 90 degree turns multiple times during the speech.

I guess hiring Brittany Spears's set designer isn't so funny now.

But i'd love to play PJM on that screen. Or surf porn. Fifty foot vaginas.


besada said:
Whoever designed their stage setup seems to not understand that this was going to be broadcast. To see either teleprompter, they're having to turn 45 degrees away from the camera. Not only aren't they looking at the televised audience, they're making 90 degree turns multiple times during the speech.

I guess hiring Brittany Spears's set designer isn't so funny now.

That might also explain why McCain might not give his speech there since he makes sure to carefully control how it looks, so that his left side doesn't get any airtime.
i saw the palin's ass video yesterday. check out the end where he tries to embrace her and she's like "eww no." i wonder what that's about. maybe he's kind of creeping her out on the trail.

this draws such contrast. i see obama and biden hitting up bars, they seem like two buddies on a roadtrip, sincerely having a great time. and here's mccain and miss alaska, you cant deny the aesthetic but it seems so awkward and forced if you take a second glance.


Gary Whitta said:
Statement from Obama:

At a press availability in Monroe, Mich., Barack Obama said: "Back off these kinds of stories."

"I have said before and I will repeat again: People's families are off limits," Obama said. "And people's children are especially off-limits. This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories. You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn't be a topic of our politics."
Good. That's exactly what he should be saying.


OuterWorldVoice said:
Look, reasonable people on gaf don't give a shit about the pregnancy, the DWI, the airplane water-breaking fiasco, any of that shit. The point is not sin here - the point is hypocrisy and poor vetting.

If this stuff had happened to Obama, the Republicans would roll out frothing attack dogs like Dobson's Focus on the Family, etc.

Because the democrats don't run their campaign on bullshit strawmen like FAMBLY VALUEZ they are weak on the attack in this kind of scenario. Bluntly, and sadly, that is one of the reasons why I identify with democrats and not republicans.

There will be plenty more Palin fail. Plenty. Let's just sit back and watch it gather.
<3 <3


If he loses, hopefully the Palin pick gets enough of the blame that it enters our vernacular, for instance:

Ugh, this Volcano Taco isn't hot at all. That was the worst pick since Sarah Palin.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Juice said:
If he loses, hopefully the Palin pick gets enough of the blame that it enters our vernacular, for instance:

Ugh, this Volcano Taco isn't hot at all. That was the worst pick since Sarah Palin.

I actually prefer: "This Palin comparison."


Juice said:
If he loses, hopefully the Palin pick gets enough of the blame that it enters our vernacular, for instance:

Ugh, this Volcano Taco isn't hot at all. That was the worst pick since Sarah Palin.

"I just vetted a Palin"

Trakdown said:
Get real. It's asking you to donate to save hurricane victims, not promising to make your dick bigger.

Obama's from Hawaii, remember. It's a bad joke.


LM4sure said:
Obama sending spam. HAHA, that's just wrong.
He also urged delegates and those watching the opening on TV to help victims of the hurricane.

"Through a simple text message, you can give help to your countrymen," Duncan said, urging people to text "GUSTAV" to help relief efforts.
- RNC chairman Mike Duncan


Trakdown said:
Get real. It's asking you to donate to save hurricane victims, not promising to make your dick bigger.

Yeah, whatever. You shouldn't have to be reminded to give! It's kind of like when I receive recorded phone calls from the Red Cross to give blood, when I already give every three months! Leave me the hell alone.


I'm glad the pregnancy stuff is settled (for the most part), because the Alaska Independence Party story will be far more entertaining and relevant. Picking a former secessionist as VP is just hilarious.


LM4sure said:
Yeah, whatever. You shouldn't have to be reminded to give! It's kind of like when I receive recorded phone calls from the Red Cross to give blood, when I already give every three months! Leave me the hell alone.

I agree, you shouldn't have to be. Some people do. And if I'm not mistaken, this is a voluntary service that you can opt out of, not like a telemarketer thing.


Juice said:
If he loses, hopefully the Palin pick gets enough of the blame that it enters our vernacular, for instance:

Ugh, this Volcano Taco isn't hot at all. That was the worst pick since Sarah Palin.

I was gonna get one of these later at Taco Bell. Are they any good?


Setec Astronomer
Trakdown said:
I agree, you shouldn't have to be. Some people do. And if I'm not mistaken, this is a voluntary service that you can opt out of, not like a telemarketer thing.
Yeah, you sign up to receive messages.


Gaborn said:
Perhaps you honestly believe that the Democrats and Republicans are not much different on the issues you care about and it really doesn't matter which of the two idiots gets elected? Perhaps you also believe that supporting a third party is a better method of sending that message than not voting at all, your other primary alternative?

If one honestly believes that, then I submit that they are unintelligent.

The differences between the two candidate's platforms are as clear as night and day.

This is the way I view things...the United States are in a critical junction in their history, and Americans have a good amount of control over what's happening here. I've come to parallel it with the moderate Muslim's fight against radical elements like Al Qaeda.

Americans have a chance at cutting off Neoconservative's influence on the future of their country. These people have brought nothing but war and a disregard for what is happening in America. Americans have a chance at saying, "forget about your own agenda, we'll dictate what happens now".

Just like Al Qaeda, Neoconservatives appeal to emotions, rather than intelligence. They have their own agenda and aim to use things like religion, or nationalism to garner support for this agenda. Fear is used as a motivator, and both sides paint their "enemies" with very broad brushes.

Keep in mind that my comparison in on a political level, not a military level, or any other level.

You can ask whether or not the Republicans are NeoConservatives...well, we can all agree that the last 8 years largely served NeoCon purposes. If you look at McCain's platform, there is simply not enough detail to come to any conclusions. There doesn't seem to even be a section on Foreign Policy, something that has been forefront on the NeoCon agenda. What does McCain feel about the issue of Iran? Well, we won't know until he's voted in.

In the same way I view supporters of organizations like Al Qaeda, I view Republican supporters as acting out of emotion, being manipulated, being hypocritical, applying their beliefs very selectively, being against unity, and simply uneducated on the issues.


Zabka said:
I'm glad the pregnancy stuff is settled (for the most part), because the Alaska Independence Party story will be far more entertaining and relevant. Picking a former secessionist as VP is just hilarious.

Oh, boy.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Hillaryis44 is loving this Palins daughter pregnant story. They are saying its good because it shows she can deal with everyday middle class issues. There hasn't been anything to deal with yet because she hasnt had the child and they covered it up for a while. This has been one interesting election year and I have a feeling that its going to get even crazier very soon....

Alaska Independence Party
MThanded said:
Hillaryis44 is loving this Palins daughter pregnant story. They are saying its good because it shows she can deal with everyday middle class issues. There hasn't been anything to deal with yet because she hasnt had the child and they covered it up for a while. This has been one interesting election year and I have a feeling that its going to get even crazier very soon.

If exit polls show moral values being the number 1 issue to voters, then I'm going to shoot myself..............in the foot.


MThanded said:
Hillaryis44 is loving this Palins daughter pregnant story. They are saying its good because it shows she can deal with everyday middle class issues. There hasn't been anything to deal with yet because she hasnt had the child and they covered it up for a while. This has been one interesting election year and I have a feeling that its going to get even crazier very soon.

It would if Hillaryis44 and other PUMA brand websites actually meant anything. They're good for a laugh or two.
FightyF, you are confusing the term "Neoconservative." That term refers to foreign policy only - the belief that American power should always be exercised to secure American interests in the world, even if it means going to war with countries that haven't attacked us.

FightyF said:
Just like Al Qaeda, Neoconservatives appeal to emotions, rather than intelligence. They have their own agenda and aim to use things like religion, or nationalism to garner support for this agenda. Fear is used as a motivator, and both sides paint their "enemies" with very broad brushes.

This applies to conservatives in general, not just neoconservatives. Read some Carl Schmitt for an eye-opener (he was a Nazi who put into words many of the methods conservative power brokers throughout human history - and the Republican party today - use to their advantage.)

FightyF said:
In the same way I view supporters of organizations like Al Qaeda, I view Republican supporters as acting out of emotion, being manipulated, being hypocritical, applying their beliefs very selectively, being against unity, and simply uneducated on the issues.

That's because they are both conservative groups.

"Conservatism" by itself means nothing in regards to political beliefs - they change dramatically according to times and cultures. It is merely a disposition to resist change and value emotion - pariticularly fear - over reason and logic.

This election will NOT make conservatism and the politics of emotion and fear go away. You were on the money with the Neoconservatism though - hopefully that ridiculous "realist" foreign policy will be dead in the water from now on, and viewed as a historical failure.


GhaleonEB said:
Sorry, that was too tempting. :lol

I still think polls aren't too useful until after both conventions, but it's nice to see the Gallup/Rasmussen bounce reiterated.

You really can't deduct much from polls until after the debates.
Gaborn said:
Well, as you are wont to say, "fair enough." I still dispute the "lie" part. The photo was used on a March 9, 2008 story, it seems odd to use a 2-year-old photo. And those kids don't look 3, 10 and 15 there, either.

But, my bad.


DeaconKnowledge said:
So is it safe to call this election or what?

Gotta say I can't see much changing unless there's some monumental scandal on Obama's side.

He weathered Rev. Wright. Palin is pretty much great for the Obama camp.

Frank the Great said:
FightyF, you are confusing the term "Neoconservative." That term refers to foreign policy only - the belief that American power should always be exercised to secure American interests in the world, even if it means going to war with countries that haven't attacked us.

This applies to conservatives in general, not just neoconservatives. Read some Carl Schmitt for an eye-opener (he was a Nazi who put into words many of the methods conservative power brokers throughout human history - and the Republican party today - use to their advantage.)

That's because they are both conservative groups.

"Conservatism" by itself means nothing in regards to political beliefs - they change dramatically according to times and cultures. It is merely a disposition to resist change and value emotion - pariticularly fear - over reason and logic.

This election will NOT make conservatism and the politics of emotion and fear go away. You were on the money with the Neoconservatism though - hopefully that ridiculous "realist" foreign policy will be dead in the water from now on, and viewed as a historical failure.

The Boss, is that you?


Frank the Great said:
FightyF, you are confusing the term "Neoconservative." That term refers to foreign policy only - the belief that American power should always be exercised to secure American interests in the world, even if it means going to war with countries that haven't attacked us.

This applies to conservatives in general, not just neoconservatives. Read some Carl Schmitt for an eye-opener (he was a Nazi who put into words many of the methods conservative power brokers throughout human history - and the Republican party today - use to their advantage.)

That's because they are both conservative groups.

"Conservatism" by itself means nothing in regards to political beliefs - they change dramatically according to times and cultures. It is merely a disposition to resist change and value emotion - pariticularly fear - over reason and logic.

This election will NOT make conservatism and the politics of emotion and fear go away. You were on the money with the Neoconservatism though - hopefully that ridiculous "realist" foreign policy will be dead in the water from now on, and viewed as a historical failure.

Thanks for the info, I'll have to take more time investigating the terms I used and the history behind them.


Trakdown said:
And of course, its antithesis, NOD- Nobody Originally Did.


"Peace through power."


Trakdown said:
You really can't deduct much from polls until after the debates.
Right, I'm just saying they are MORE useful after the conventions. Veep/convention stuff going on right now add a lot of noise.

And the last debate is a week before the election. At some point, we gotta shape the mashed potatoes and say, "This means something."
Trakdown said:
You really can't deduct much from polls until after the debates.

Usually a week after the conventions we can see how the race really is turning out but due to the hurricane things are different this year. Seems like Obama's lead will grow for a bit before evening out right in time for the first debate, after which point we'll really see how things are
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