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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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omg rite said:
there was an Obama/McCain tax chart posted in this thread a while back.

Anyone have that?


Obama/McCain tax chart


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks mods for keeping the sanity by leveling bans against crackpot fringe theories on both sides of the debate.

This "Desperate Housewives" cover-up pregnancy story is as ludicrous and lurid as the "sleeper Muslim" crap.

I think the Palin pick is transparently political, and a sign of admission by McCain's campaign that e doesn't believe he can win this without grabbing a large swath of the "dissaffected Clinton supporter" demo.

IF that is truly the case then I think things like this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/31/palin-laughs-as-opponent_n_122776.html
are going to make this pick a lot more damaging than the pregnant daughter crap. Just my take, and this stuff is relevant because it is related to past activity directly pertaining to campaigning and political representation.
Nuggs from the CBS Poll:

–Sixty-three percent of voters feel Obama understands their needs and problems, while only 41% feel McCain does.
–Thirty-seven percent have a favorable impression of Biden, 16% have an unfavorable impression.
–Twenty-two percent have a favorable impression of Palin, 11% have an unfavorable impression.
–Thirteen percent say they are more likely to vote for McCain because of Palin, 11% say they are less likely.
–Men are split 44%, 44% on Obama and McCain.
–Obama wins women 50% to 36%.
–Obama wins independents 43% to 37%.
–Obama wins Clinton supporters 58% to 22%.

That's the Silver Bullet if you ask me.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Nuggs from the CBS Poll:

That's the Silver Bullet if you ask me.
What the fuck at that 13% who are more likely to vote for McCain than 11% who are less likely.

Why can't people see she is such a bad choice?
Dax01 said:
What the fuck at that 13% who are more likely to vote for McCain than 11% who are less likely.

Why can't people see she is such a bad choice?

Because people don't know who she is. These polls were conducted very shortly after the choice - people haven't had time to get to know her. Interestingly now that people ARE reading about her in their newspapers/websites, they're also hearing about her daughter being pregnant and her hiring a lawyer (I'd imagine the context of this isn't fully understood by most people yet).


Dax01 said:
What the fuck at that 13% who are more likely to vote for McCain than 11% who are less likely.

Why can't people see she is such a bad choice?

Dude, those are pretty horrible numbers for the first weekend of a Veep being announced.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Nuggs from the CBS Poll:

That's the Silver Bullet if you ask me.

John McCain's "empathy problem". The DNC message machine started up three or four days before the campaign with the "John McCain is out of touch" message with the whole houses blow-up, the DNC speakers hammered him constantly on it. Looks like it stuck, which is what most of the pundits were saying last Friday when they were talking about what McCain needed to do at the convention this week.

He's got three days to make the case to the American people that Republican ideas and plans will best serve the average American citizen, despite a huge majority of Americans believing that Bush and the GOP have taken us on the wrong track.

Good luck getting that message through-we're all too busy going national enquirer on his ill-vetted VP pick and going through the media craziness of repeat (Hanna is on her way) natural disasters. In the end, I can't help but think that one of the short-term casualties of the Palin pick was GOP convention message coherence-something that the Democrats pulled off to perfection at this year's DNC.

edit: that Digg link tells the story. Instead of the GOP getting their message out they are going to have to deal with all of this fresh meat for the media to feed on.


adamsappel said:

Obama/McCain tax chart

There can be no better proof that the white trash who are voting republicans are voting against their best interests. I had a discussion about this yesterday with some angry folks who were asking me to prove it. Well, there you go.


testicles on a cold fall morning
one would hope that McCain would've heavily vetted his VP candidate instead of gambling it away purely for electoral success. alas.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
scorcho said:
one would hope that McCain would've heavily vetted his VP candidate instead of gambling it away purely for electoral success. alas.

But Gaborn told me that McCain vetted her thoroughly!


Fragamemnon said:
John McCain's "empathy problem". The DNC message machine started up three or four days before the campaign with the "John McCain is out of touch" message with the whole houses blow-up, the DNC speakers hammered him constantly on it. Looks like it stuck, which is what most of the pundits were saying last Friday when they were talking about what McCain needed to do at the convention this week.

He's got three days to make the case to the American people that Republican ideas and plans will best serve the average American citizen, despite a huge majority of Americans believing that Bush and the GOP have taken us on the wrong track.

Good luck getting that message through-we're all too busy going national enquirer on his ill-vetted VP pick and going through the media craziness of repeat (Hanna is on her way) natural disasters. In the end, I can't help but think that one of the short-term casualties of the Palin pick was GOP convention message coherence-something that the Democrats pulled off to perfection at this year's DNC.

Yup, at least before Palin they had the fallback plan of casting doubt on Obama being ready to lead. Now they have the sorry task of saying that policies that were advanced in the name of their philosophies wasn't really what they meant.
PhoenixDark said:
Because people don't know who she is. These polls were conducted very shortly after the choice - people haven't had time to get to know her. Interestingly now that people ARE reading about her in their newspapers/websites, they're also hearing about her daughter being pregnant and her hiring a lawyer (I'd imagine the context of this isn't fully understood by most people yet).

I can't believe the two stories this week are going to be the Hurricane and the Baby/Troopergate. If they had a positive clear message for the Convention it would have been splitscreened with the storm. Unfortunately, this person was so totally not vetted.

Calamitously bad decision making.


scorcho said:
one would hope that McCain would've heavily vetted his VP candidate instead of gambling it away purely for electoral success. alas.

Note that even the critics of Obama choosing Biden never once questioned if he vetted him.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The funny thing is, we thought that Romney, Lieberman, or Pawlenty would have been bad VP picks, but alas, McCain fools us once again!


testicles on a cold fall morning
reilo said:
But Gaborn told me that McCain vetted her thoroughly!
i've been gone the whole weekend, made the above post (after hearing about Palin's 17 year old pregnant daughter via NPR on the drive home) and just noticed this TPM post -
We had heard hints of this. But just moments ago, Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC said that Republican lawyers are currently doing a vet of Sarah Palin up in Alaska. We'll get you the video shortly. But it seems that the really deep vet of Palin started after her selection was announced.
seriously, what the fuck


testicles on a cold fall morning
Trakdown said:
Note that even the critics of Obama choosing Biden never once questioned if he vetted him.
Biden's been in the public eye for decades and recently ran in the Democratic primaries; he's as vetted as anyone could be outside of Obama, McCain or Hillary Clinton.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
hey someone a little while back (was it hitokage?) posted a link to an article that described Obama's vetting process, and I never got around to reading it and lost it. anyone know what I'm talking about?


Unconfirmed Member
reilo said:
But Gaborn told me that McCain vetted her thoroughly!
If he didn't The Market sure as fuck will. His choice not ours.

If he didn't then it backs up one of my first theories as to why Obama is doing well, Clinton didn't, and McCain wont. If you poorly manage a campaign it will cost you at the polling place, and really, if you are a bad manager in your run up to an election, what should convince me that you will be a good manager after elected?
reilo said:
The funny thing is, we thought that Romney, Lieberman, or Pawlenty would have been bad VP picks, but alas, McCain fools us once again!
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.

Which stage are we at?


demon said:
hey someone a little while back (was it hitokage?) posted a link to an article that described Obama's vetting process, and I never got around to reading it and lost it. anyone know what I'm talking about?

It was nothing new or special, complete runthrough of financial records, investments, sources of income, background checks and the like.


I hope McCain is even more maverick-y in that he doesn't want Palin to resign before the election. That is the most logical step, but...

Actually, that's terrible. The country is more important and frankly I don't trust the voting public enough for this to be a slam dunk.


lexdysia said:
I hope McCain is even more maverick-y in that he doesn't want Palin to resign before the election. That is the most logical step, but...

I wish I could be in the room when McCain's team comes back with their information on her. There's gonna be one pissed off POW somewhere.


Fragamemnon said:
Obama hits the 50% in USA/Gallup:


The aggregate of the polling post convention and Palin says the same thing-less undecideds, and a clear shift to Obama. That 50% number should be sending out warning bells to the RNC donors-guys, it might be time to start funneling your money to the seats you can save in the Senate and House than it would to prop up McCain-he looks like a goner.

Eh the RNC guys already are having to stop, remember he's publically funded:p


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
Eh the RNC guys already are having to stop, remember he's publically funded:p

Yep, his $47mil he made in August is useless.
what the fuck. pregnancy thing seems to be blowing up. i honestly thought this'd be non-news. i mean if this were 1955 i'm sure it'd be a huge deal. but teenage pregnancy is pretty standard these days.

but whatever. anything that paints the bad guys in a bad light flies with me.
Ahh, my return to the PoliGAF after a well-earned ban and I am GIDDY. It is so awesome how the Repubs are finally getting a taste of their own smear medicine.


testicles on a cold fall morning
the pregnancy isn't a big deal, but i hope it puts into perspective what the official GOP/Bush stance has been towards wider contraceptive distribution and abstinence-only funding.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
what the fuck. pregnancy thing seems to be blowing up. i honestly thought this'd be non-news. i mean if this were 1955 i'm sure it'd be a huge deal.

but whatever. anything that paints the bad guys in a good light flies with me.

Dude, teenage pregnancy is probably the ONLY thing that can compete with hurricane coverage on the news. The only thing that could top them would be a missing white girl.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

From NBC's Domenico Montanaro
Two new polls of note out today… CBS/New York Times has Obama with a slight bounce, up 48%-40%. An earlier poll, showed Obama up 45%-42%. CNN/Opinion Research, however, has Obama up just one point, 49%-48%

Both surveys were conducted Aug. 29-31. Obama's convention speech was made on Thursday, Aug. 28th; Palin was picked the next morning, Friday, Aug. 29th.

The five-point post-convention jump is the biggest for a Democrat in the CBS poll since 1996 when Bill Clinton also saw a 5-point increase. It shows a big swing in independents. McCain had led with the group in the last poll by 12 percentage points, but now Obama leads with them by 7.

With regard to McCain's pick of Palin, men viewed her more favorably than women did -- 41% of men had a favorable opinion; just 36% of women felt the same. Just 45% thought she was ready to president; 52% said she wasn't. Those are the lowest confidence numbers for a VP since Dan Quayle.



Tyrone Slothrop said:
what the fuck. pregnancy thing seems to be blowing up. i honestly thought this'd be non-news. i mean if this were 1955 i'm sure it'd be a huge deal. but teenage pregnancy is pretty standard these days.

but whatever. anything that paints the bad guys in a bad light flies with me.

Obama is leading by example and doesn't want the important issues of our time to be overshadowed by crap like this.

But, seriously. This is the media...who am I kidding?
Cloud said:
There can be no better proof that the white trash who are voting republicans are voting against their best interests. I had a discussion about this yesterday with some angry folks who were asking me to prove it. Well, there you go.

Republicans will tout the "average amount" of the cuts instead: "See, we'll cut taxes more!" :lol
One of those Digg stories is titled "Palin booed." Was Palin herself booed, or was Hillary booed when her name was invoked. I thought it was the latter, somewhat illustrating that it was going to be hard to ride any of her coat-tails.
How the hell is the Republican convention going to compete with all this shit going on? It'll be real interesting to see.

reilo said:
The funny thing is, we thought that Romney, Lieberman, or Pawlenty would have been bad VP picks, but alas, McCain fools us once again!

On Friday I was so pissed because I thought Palin was anti-lulz, but I was wrong. Guess she was against the lulz before she was for them.


adamsappel said:
One of those Digg stories is titled "Palin booed." Was Palin herself booed, or was Hillary booed when her name was invoked. I thought it was the latter, somewhat illustrating that it was going to be hard to ride any of her coat-tails.

It was the latter, she was booed when she mentioned Hillary's name. And now has stopped saying that part of the speech.:lol


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
adamsappel said:

Obama/McCain tax chart

Obama's tax plan seems much more fair than Bush/McCain.

Rich people typically make their money on investments anyway, and capital gains tax is like 15%!
scorcho said:
the pregnancy isn't a big deal, but i hope it puts into perspective what the official GOP/Bush stance has been towards wider contraceptive distribution and abstinence-only funding.

This is the main reason why this story matters to me. I hoping it's also the angle most news outlets take as a teenager getting pregnant doesn't offend me in any way and I feel sorry for the people it does offend (actually, no I don't)
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