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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Negative, I absolutely agree that that issue is about McCain's judgement. I also think that the Democrats need to hammer that point, they secondly need to speak about how traveled she is, I mean she is only been out of the country once.

The bigger story is that it generates noise that McCain doesn't need. I mean you have to look at the fact that McCain only met her once before offering the job. However, I think that McCain is more focused on getting cred with the base. Weather you agree or not I think that is the direction McCain is going.

If McCain picked Palin to shore up his approval rating with his base, then he has far more fucking problems than we thought.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i'm still shocked that McCain didn't pick or even consider Huckabee much. he has nearly all of Palin's purported pros (executive experience, deep religiosity/good with the base, 'washington outsider' and extremely charismatic) but without the cons (people actually know him).

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
deadbeef said:
Isn't this pretty much like the guys in the Gaming forum that say, "I was at Gamestop and saw 3 people buy a PS3 and nobody bought a Wii. PS3 4 LYFE!" Sample size of 1 and all that.

So your mom was a Hillary supporter, a Democrat, and she thinks that McCain's VP choice was cheesy and ridiculous. (Kudos to your mom for using "cheesy"). Big surprise.

my mother is a floridian independent that voted for bush twice. she has been leaning towards mccain for a bit now.. since the palin pick.. obama all the way. my grandmother is the same way.

i know this is only circumstantial.. but talking to people here in s. florida.. it seems like palin has really pushed peopel away from mccain.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
There RNC seems to have become a complete non-event following the weaker-than-expected Gutstav + Baby-gate + the seemingly incoming troopergate, am I correct?
ryutaro's mama said:
Wasn't Dwayne Johnson at the RNC a few years back?

I vaguely remember something like that via the wwe but I thought it was bi-partisan where they went to both or something. I can't really remember off the top of my head.

Guy Legend

Cloud said:
There can be no better proof that the white trash who are voting republicans are voting against their best interests. I had a discussion about this yesterday with some angry folks who were asking me to prove it. Well, there you go.

While I wouldn't call them white trash, I too am amazed at how ridiculous it is when I see lower income white folks voting for Republicans when it goes against their own interests (taxes, jobs, etc.). Brainwashed for stupid things like saying oh "he's pro life".


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
McCain has troop command experience? Whaaaat? When the hell was McCain in charge of anything during wartime as a Navy captain?


scorcho said:
i'm still shocked that McCain didn't pick or even consider Huckabee much. he has nearly all of Palin's purported pros (executive experience, deep religiosity/good with the base, 'washington outsider' and extremely charismatic) but without the cons (people actually know him).

Huckabee probably saw the events coming and decided to recuse himself from the Veep position. He's aiming for '12 and doesn't want to be stuck to McCain.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Their RNC seems to have become a complete non-event following the weaker-than-expected Gutstav + Baby-gate + the seemingly incoming troopergate, am I correct?

I think it's an event, but I'm beginning to wonder if McCain will get a similar bump.
I'm thinking 1-3 points.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i haven't watched much CNN lately, but i'm impressed that Campbell Brown consistently tries to get her guests to get off the talking points.

also, Tucker Bounds is a dissembling ass.




Stoney Mason said:
Yeah but they still get hot and bothered because he has celebrity status.

The irony... does not compute.

BTW, what are the chances McCain gets that "must be US-born citizen to be pres" overturned if he wins the election?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Slurpy said:

Well, they sure lived up to that "NO BIAS, NO BULL" tagline in the bottom right for a few minutes.
The bigger story is that it generates noise that McCain doesn't need.

This is the huge problem at hand-all this stuff is really going to present a problem for this convention to really establish the reformer narrative and put to rest the McCain-Bush connection that the Obama team has pinned on him, two things that McCain desparately needs to do if he has any hope of winning this election.

Between Gustav, Hanna (will be a huge news story by Thursday, probably), and all of the Palin noise, I can see the GOP getting little to no "bounce" out of their convention. Before I expected one but didn't think it would be as big as Obamas, and thought that Obama would be up by a couple of points in the tracking polls in mid-September after all of the noise subsided.
You know my mother had me when she was 18, and how a family deals with issues and teenage children, that shouldn’t be a topic of our politics.

Sorry Barack, your mother wasn't trying to be second in command of my nation, and getting a minute say in shaping policy that effects me.

This teenage pregnancy stuff, by it self doesn't change my opinion on things, but I reject the notion this isn't news worthy. When you run on a platform of family values it's fair game. There's nothing low road about this. This has just as much to do with potential policy as Troopergate and Bridge to nowhere.
scorcho said:
i'm still shocked that McCain didn't pick or even consider Huckabee much. he has nearly all of Palin's purported pros (executive experience, deep religiosity/good with the base, 'washington outsider' and extremely charismatic) but without the cons (people actually know him).

I honestly believe Mccain felt he had to try to close the gap with women and he felt (rightly or wrongly in hindsight) that Palin was the best way to do that.
reilo said:
McCain has troop command experience? Whaaaat? When the hell was McCain in charge of anything during wartime as a Navy captain?

Not during wartime, but he was commander of a navy fleet or something to that effect.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
The bigger story is that it generates noise that McCain doesn't need. I mean you have to look at the fact that McCain only met her once before offering the job. However, I think that McCain is more focused on getting cred with the base. Weather you agree or not I think that is the direction McCain is going.

Stoney Mason said:
I honestly believe Mccain felt he had to try to close the gap with women and he felt (rightly or wrongly in hindsight) that Palin was the best way to do that.

Like Diddy said... "he should have picked Michelle Obama if he wanted to shake things up!" :lol
Fragamemnon said:
This is the huge problem at hand-all this stuff is really going to present a problem for this convention to really establish the reformer narrative and put to rest the McCain-Bush connection that the Obama team has pinned on him, two things that McCain desparately needs to do if he has any hope of winning this election.

Between Gustav, Hanna (will be a huge news story by Thursday, probably), and all of the Palin noise, I can see the GOP getting little to no "bounce" out of their convention. Before I expected one but didn't think it would be as big as Obamas, and thought that Obama would be up by a couple of points in the tracking polls in mid-September after all of the noise subsided.

Agreed, that's what I'm waiting to see does all this noise translate into a net win or loss. If it translates to a loss after the convention then the McCain camp needs to start polishing up the resumes.


Jak140 said:
Holy Shit. Campbell Brown is destroying one of McCain's spokesmen on CNN on the Palin pick.

I saw this but she gave up way too fast in the questioning. "I'll give it to you." The spokesman was incompetent and was defending the indefensible and she should have called him out on it.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Stoney Mason said:
I honestly believe Mccain felt he had to try to close the gap with women and he felt (rightly or wrongly in hindsight) that Palin was the best way to do that.
i guess, but it's a really stupid gamble to assume that simply having a woman on the ticket (especially one that leans more conservative than a typical Clinton supporter) is the key to locking up their vote. it's a really simplistic view of identity politics and one that Obama's campaign needs to lash at hard.

also, i'm getting sick of the media saying that Biden has to lay kid gloves on Palin in a debate. it's a narrative the media's putting in the bank to collect on later.
scorcho said:
also, i'm getting sick of the media saying that Biden has to lay kid gloves on Palin in a debate. it's a narrative the media's putting in the bank to collect on later.

Yep. Its not even news in any sense yet I've read news stories such as "Will Palin De-Fang Biden?". wtf is that shit. Nice narrative setting.

Mccain could have also tried picking a more qualified women but I think the look of Palin really did play a part in the whole thing. She has the perfect look.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Poor Contessa Brewer being relegated to storm reporter status.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
scorcho said:
i guess, but it's a really stupid gamble to assume that simply having a woman on the ticket (especially one that leans more conservative than a typical Clinton supporter) is the key to locking up their vote. it's a really simplistic view of identity politics and one that Obama's campaign needs to lash at hard.

also, i'm getting sick of the media saying that Biden has to lay kid gloves on Palin in a debate. it's a narrative the media's putting in the bank to collect on later.

I know, it is sickening. She is trying to be second in command and they want him to come with roses. Fuck that noise.
Stoney Mason said:
Yep. Its not even news in any sense yet I've read news stories such as "Will Palin De-Fang Biden?". wtf is that shit. Nice narrative setting.

If that's the worst Obama has to deal with out of this, then that's awesome news.


*drowns in jizz*
Rugasuki said:
I saw this but she gave up way too fast in the questioning. "I'll give it to you." The spokesman was incompetent and was defending the indefensible and she should have called him out on it.

She knew she was getting nowhere, but that exchange had more 'journalism' than 99% of other exchanges out there with candidates spokespeople. She actually held his feet to the fire and called him on his BS. The audience can then make their own conclusions. You could actually see the sweat beads form on his forehead. You know you're fucked when you get asked to name something specific. We need this youtubed asap.
Slurpy said:
She knew she was getting nowhere, but that exchange had more 'journalism' than 99% of other exchanges out there with candidates spokespeople. She actually held his feet to the fire and called him on his BS. The audience can then make their own conclusions. You could actually see the sweat beads form on his forehead. You know you're fucked when you get asked to name something specific. We need this youtubed asap.

A few notes:

Barack Obama will be joining Anderson Cooper tonight on CNN.

If you have comcast, the whole DNC convention is available on "on demand" in HD via the"Elections 08" section. All the speeches are separated so it's quite good if you missed a particular speaker.

I'm glad we don't have any oil rigs off the coast of Florida. I can't even imagine the effect on the price of gas since there's hurricanes down their every year.
worldrunover said:
Not during wartime, but he was commander of a navy fleet or something to that effect.

Actually a squadron, a navy fleet is basically an Army on the sea. That would be run by a Rear Admiral. It could have made Rear Admiral but, probably not made full Admiral like his father.
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