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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Rugasuki said:
I saw this but she gave up way too fast in the questioning. "I'll give it to you." The spokesman was incompetent and was defending the indefensible and she should have called him out on it.

I think it was more the segment was ending moreso than she was giving up. I mean the back and forth went of for 7 to 10 minutes which is a long time in the 24 hour news cycle.


Yeah, he didn't want to pick a pro-choicer so that narrowed the female list a great deal. There's a lot fewer pro-life women than men in the party.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Tamanon said:
Yeah, he didn't want to pick a pro-choicer so that narrowed the female list a great deal. There's a lot fewer pro-life women than men in the party.

...and ended up alienating plenty of moderate and independent women.
is it me or does Palin now overshadow McCain as news is concerned? Is this a good thing?

the more I hear of Palin the more it seems like McCain matters less and less


GhaleonEB said:

(From TPM)

Bravo, McCain. Bra. Vo.



ABC Confirms: Palin Was AIP Member


ABC News said:
Members of 'Fringe' Alaskan Independence Party Say Palin Was a Member in 90s

September 01, 2008 6:52 PM

The campaign of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., likes to herald the independence of its new running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party, which, since the 1970s, has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.

And while McCain's motto -- as seen in a new TV ad -- is "Country First," the AIP's motto is the exact opposite -- "Alaska First -- Alaska Always."

Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.

"We are a state's rights party," says Clark, a self-employed goldminer. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

She says it's not accurate to describe the party as secessionist -- they just want a vote, she says, adding that the members of the AIP hold different opinions on what Alaska should be.

"My own separate opinion as an individual is that we should be an independent nation," Clark says. Others in the AIP "believe that being a commonwealth would be a good avenue to follow." Some advocate statehood -- but a fuller statehood than exists now.

She doesn't know what Palin's position was.

"It never came up in conversation," Clark recalls. "But when she joined the party, our platform was right under her nose."

Clark says that Palin left the party and became a Republican in 1996, when she first ran for mayor of Wasilla.

The McCain-Palin campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The AIP platform states that the purpose of the party is to "seek the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the federal government, to the state and people of Alaska in conformance with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, of the federal constitution ... To prohibit all bureaucratic regulations and judicial rulings purporting to have the effect of law, except that which shall be approved by the elected legislature ... To support the privatization of government services ...”

Walter Hickel, a former Republican governor, was elected to the governorship in 1990 as an AIP member -- the third-largest party in Alaska -- with a plurality vote of 38.8%. A Seattle Post-Intelligencer story that year said that "Hickel is running with the Alaska Independence Party, a fringe group advocating that the 49th state declare itself a sovereign nation. But he's not a separatist; he's an opportunist: the Independence Party was the only 11th-hour ticket to the general election."

Hickel returned to the Republican Party in 1994; he endorsed Palin in her gubernatorial run in 2006. Subsequent AIP gubernatorial candidates did not fare as well as did Hickel, garnering less than 2 percent of the vote.

Earlier this year, Palin sent a video message to the AIP for its annual convention, where AIP vice chair George Clark told the small crowd that Palin "was an AIP member before she got the job as a mayor of a small town –- that was a non-partisan job. But you get along to go along -– she eventually joined the Republican Party, where she had all kinds of problems with their ethics, and well, I won’t go into that. She also had about an 80 percent approval rating, and is pretty well sympathetic to her former membership."

Lynette Clark says that Palin is "a fine individual. She's forthright and she puts Alaska first."

She is not a fan of McCain.

"I can't understand why in God's name she has aligned herself with a candidate who opposes the development of our republic and Alaska's resource wealth," Clark says.

Damn. Beaten.


Tommie Hu$tle said:
I think it was more the segment was ending moreso than she was giving up. I mean the back and forth went of for 7 to 10 minutes which is a long time in the 24 hour news cycle.

Yeah, I think you are right but it reminds me of when Chris Matthews forced a spokesman to admit he didn't know of any accomplishments of Obama. He didn't give up until the guy admitted it. Here they let a lot of his false spin about Obama's experience slide and the analysis after the fact by the other CNN analysts didn't add anything substantive and let the guy off the hook.
Smiles and Cries said:
is it me or does Palin now overshadow McCain as news is concerned? Is this a good thing?

the more I hear of Palin the more it seems like McCain matters less and less

This week, anything (short of a natural disaster, of course) that's prevening coverage of the RNC and keeping McCain from getting his message out is a good thing if you are a Democrat.


gluv65 said:
The really didn't vet this woman, McCain is reckless, I don't care what anyone says.

It's been beaten to death, but I can't believe they're just now sending a team up to Alaska to vet her. The last line George says in that video is what all the networks are asking right now, and you can bet they're digging like crazy. It's political catnip for them; Palin is going to be a huge distraction. I don't see how they get back on message any time soon.

Xisiqomelir said:
Jesus, I hope that AIP story gets a lot of play. That's a real story. The pregnant daughter thing on the other hand is playing with fire.
lexdysia said:
Campbell Brown should be VP. She has a patriot star by her name.

Right, sadly she had NO IDEA tonight the Governor of Alaska was the Commander-in-chief of the National guard or that ANY governor could call in the National Guard if needed.


Tucker Bounds and Campbell Brown have danced before. When watching these two tonight, I was hopping for another aggressive confrontation. I look forward to their next encounter where she latches on like a pit-bull and makes him quit the interview on the spot just after she flushes out his BS.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Clearly, when McCain vetted her and found out she was an AIP member, he had to choose her because he saw that she was a truly independent maverick.
GhaleonEB said:
It's been beaten to death, but I can't believe they're just now sending a team up to Alaska to vet her.

I don't think vetting is the reason why the team was sent up there. rather, they wanted to get a better grip on the troopergate situation.

and on the subject of vetting... i think she was "vetted," they knew about the dirt, they just didn't think it ruled her out. i personally don't think this stuff is too big when you consider that she was put on the ticket simply to galvanize the base.


Flakster99 said:
Tucker Bounds and Campbell Brown have danced before. When watching these two tonight, I was hopping for another aggressive confrontation. I look forward to their next encounter where she latches on like a pit-bull and makes him quit the interview on the spot just after she flushes out his BS.
If that interview shows up online, please post it. This I gotta see.


Just on CNN (my paraphrase):

"McCain knew early on in the vetting process about the pregnancy. He spoke to her last week."

That's not early.
King_Slender said:
Right, sadly she had NO IDEA tonight the Governor of Alaska was the Commander-in-chief of the National guard or that ANY governor could call in the National Guard if needed.

No, she knew it she was asking what has Palin done with National Guard as the Commander-in-Chief. The real anwser is nothing.


God, I remember way back when on Friday when I just through Palin was a bad choice because she was a nobody and was clearly not remotely groomed for higher office.

But this shitstorm....jesus. Not enough :lol in the world.
lexdysia said:
Just on CNN (my paraphrase):

"McCain knew early on in the vetting process about the pregnancy. He spoke to her last week."

That's not early.
Well, you see, they're technically right. The vetting process didn't begin until last week. ;)


A little piling on of the AIP thing, thanks to some of its wonderful members:
(Source: AIP Website)

Joe Vogler said:
"I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions."

And from the FAQs:
AIP website said:
Q: Didn't we vote for statehood already?

A: The vote for statehood was invalid because the people were not presented with the range of options available to them. Further, the federal government has since breached the contract for statehood on numerous occasions in over a dozen serious and substantial instances.

And the introduction:
AIP Website said:
The AIP, following Vogler's infamous confrontations with officials from the National Park Service and the Environmental Protection Agency, remains steadfastly opposed to environmental regulations and actively promotes the private ownership and widespread development of Alaskan land

Charming people.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Jesus there's so much dirt on Palin it has to be crushing her.

We need to somehow consolidate all of these controversies into one gigantic email or video or something and let it spread. This is ridiculous.


testicles on a cold fall morning
King_Slender said:
Right, sadly she had NO IDEA tonight the Governor of Alaska was the Commander-in-chief of the National guard or that ANY governor could call in the National Guard if needed.
so you're saying the governor has control the deployment overseas of the national guard within their state? that was the point of her question, and the McCain spokesperson was obfuscating her entire argument.
lexdysia said:
Just on CNN (my paraphrase):

"McCain knew early on in the vetting process about the pregnancy. He spoke to her last week."

That's not early.
and not even that, they will not confirm what DAY last week he learned. really? REALLY?
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