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PoliGAF Thread of THE END and FIST POUNDS (NYT: Hillary drop out/endorse Saturday)

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Tamanon said:
Bill Nelson is the Clinton guy.

Expect a lot of useless applause lines.:lol
It's all "deserve to be heard," and "civic duty." Ausman at least got into the rules interpretations.

"Megan Foster, a mother of five..."


I'm gonna take this opportunity to go fix myself a sammich


CowboyAstronaut said:
I know I'm not hearing this from someone who, early on, was falling for crap from the worst rhetoric spewer of them all Hilary Clinton :lol

I shall not forget that Cheebs and I shall not permit you to forget it either.

So, what do you think about Ausman's questioning then? His arguments seemed to me to be kinda deflected and parried deftly:p


adg1034 said:
Thoughts on the Obama rally Tuesday in St. Paul. On one hand, this is awesome- I'll take Obama in Minnesota as many times as we can get him. On the other, it's fucking disappointing. My roommate is deeply involved with the MN Obama campaign, and he had been pushing one of Obama's MN campaign co-chairs to have the Senator come speak on our campus (which is like 15 blocks away from the Xcel Center) right before the RNC this fall, partly for the disruptive factor, and partly because people still consider MN a swing state.

But then, last night, I saw the story someone posted from our local NBC affiliate, and it killed me, because I knew it made complete political sense. I guess I should be honored that our next president wants to officially start his GE campaign in our fair state, and I'm definitely going to be at Tuesday's rally, but goddammit, now he'll never speak at our school.

I will take pictures, though (and they should be good...)
Where in St. Paul is he gonna be?


testicles on a cold fall morning
CowboyAstronaut said:
I know I'm not hearing this from someone who, early on, was falling for crap from the worst rhetoric spewer of them all Hilary Clinton :lol

I shall not forget that Cheebs and I shall not permit you to forget it either.
you're right - these poligaf threads are full of idiots ;)

Bill Nelson reminds me of Charlton Heston. even his hair is carved out of stone.
Oh god a mother of 5 oh no :lol

He played the fucking woman card. Women are going to remember that and be pissed at obama.

And now MARY LOL

Oh mary is mad about the loss of the kennedy's? She must not be too happy about what Hilary said.

Wow now a disabled lady. Dirty move.

Yea Tamanon those questions owned him pretty hard, but he's smooth I'll give him that.

Where does it say you have a vote? I was like damn :eek:

Not about a candidate? You are a Hilary Clinton supporter.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Would they just STFU and get to the damn point? Good god hearing these people give speeches is so damn annoying. How long will this last btw?

All day. Lunch is soon for them. Keep in mind, we're still only on Florida.:lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Would they just STFU and get to the damn point? Good god hearing these people give speeches is so damn annoying. How long will this last btw?
according to some reports Florida has already been decided, making this an elderly pony show.

Michigan is still up in the air though, and could be more interesting to watch


Kills Photobucket
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Would they just STFU and get to the damn point? Good god hearing these people give speeches is so damn annoying. How long will this last btw?

All day, with even an outside chance of going till tomorrow.


testicles on a cold fall morning
it would've been perfect for Bill Nelson to end his presentation by raising a rifle high in the air.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
So Florida's delegates will be counted as halves for both Hillary and Obama?


And lol at Bill Nelson avoiding the question and saying "YOU CAN CHANGE THIS!"


LOL Nelson about snapped just now.

"You are only trying to spew division in this party!"

Um....what are you guys trying to do?:p


Jason's Ultimatum said:
So Florida's delegates will be counted as halves for both Hillary and Obama?

If they cut the delegation in half, rather than giving them a half vote, that would mean each district has half the delegates and with proportional distribution it would work out in Obama's favor. Clinton would only pick up a couple of delegates in that case


testicles on a cold fall morning
Bill Nelson: your question was adversarial, and in the interest of party unity I did not want to bring this up. but if you want me to answer it, i will answer it.

Committee member: you are right, it was adversarial, so what is the answer.

Bill Nelson: [30 seconds of silence]


i say the DNC do something unpredictable and cede the state to Cuba.


I can't believe I voted for this guy, what a tool.

But then again, it was either him or Kathrine Harris


testicles on a cold fall morning
is the audience filled with Clinton Florida supporters? they're clapping every other second. their enthusiasm is obnoxious.
There will be no party unity after this :lol

Bill Nelson's crap alone will be remembered.

Hmm... did I just see 2 clinton supporters ask easy questions to Nelson to have him end on a high note? HMMMM


scorcho said:
is the audience filled with Clinton Florida supporters? they're clapping every other second. their enthusiasm is obnoxious.

Yeah, there's a good amount of Clinton supporters, there's a decent amount of Obama supporters.


testicles on a cold fall morning
CowboyAstronaut said:
There will be no party unity after this :lol

Bill Nelson's crap alone will be remembered.

Hmm... did I just see 2 clinton supporters ask easy questions to Nelson to have him on a high note? HMMMM
dude, you're like Bizzaro Cheebs. stop it. this will be forgotten by Tuesday
scorcho said:
dude, you're like Bizzaro Cheebs. stop it. this will be forgotten by the end of next week.

You think after what Bill Nelson just pulled Clinton supporters aren't going to feel their candidate was cheated. You know why bill nelson mentioned 2 women? One of them being disabled and the other with 5 kids?


Play to the sympathy of women voters. It will work. There wont be any party unity.


so_awes said:
what was the question?

The question was "Did the Florida Democrat legislature vote for the primary date change?"

Oh and Bill Nelson wasn't the Clinton representation after all, this lady is. Wexler is the Obama guy.


testicles on a cold fall morning
so_awes said:
what was the question?
are Cheebs and CowboyAstronaut two different people, or bipolar personalities?

i was actually taken aback hearing it myself

media conspiracies unite: i found it cute that the talking heads prattled on for a solid two minutes and cut off the beginning of the representative from the Clinton campaign.

though now that i'm hearing her speak, i can see why. iraq != 'eye-rake'


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Tamanon said:
OK, I dunno if I can listen to this woman the entire time. Her voice is soooooooooo annoying.
Exactly what I was thinking :lol

Tamanon said:
The question was "Did the Florida Democrat legislature vote for the primary date change?"

Oh and Bill Nelson wasn't the Clinton representation after all, this lady is. Wexler is the Obama guy.

It was slightly insulting in a sense because he tried to suggest that it was the fault of the Florida delegation.

Bill Nelson was 100% correct in the sense that they HAD to vote for it because the electronic voting machines with a paper trail are an absolute must for Florida. They were backed into a corner by the Republicans.

You can tell the crowd seems to believe that all black people on the committee are in support of obama. They cheer after like everything anyone else says, but dead silence when an African American is speaking as if they know to expect Obama shilling.

I didn't hear a single clap UNTIL she mentioned something in favor of Hilary.


Stop putting me in the same camp! Obama will win the nom, the party will be unified and he'll win the general. End of discussion. No one will remember the RBC stuff in a day.
Cheebs said:
Stop putting me in the same camp! Obama will win the nom, the party will be unified and he'll win the general. End of discussion. No one will remember the RBC stuff in a day.

Thats my line :lol

Anyway at least she's not making Hilary look too good :p


scorcho said:
i'll give her this, she's making a persuasive point that, um, i'm not sure.



Except those who stayed home because their vote didn't count


Arthena Joyner...

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