Thoughts on the Obama rally Tuesday in St. Paul. On one hand, this is awesome- I'll take Obama in Minnesota as many times as we can get him. On the other, it's fucking disappointing. My roommate is deeply involved with the MN Obama campaign, and he had been pushing one of Obama's MN campaign co-chairs to have the Senator come speak on our campus (which is like 15 blocks away from the Xcel Center) right before the RNC this fall, partly for the disruptive factor, and partly because people still consider MN a swing state.
But then, last night, I saw the story someone posted from our local NBC affiliate, and it killed me, because I knew it made complete political sense. I guess I should be honored that our next president wants to officially start his GE campaign in our fair state, and I'm definitely going to be at Tuesday's rally, but goddammit, now he'll never speak at our school.
I will take pictures, though (and they should be good...)