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PoliGAF Thread of THE END and FIST POUNDS (NYT: Hillary drop out/endorse Saturday)

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ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Tamanon said:
Ah Ed Rendell:

"You don’t bargain with the Presidential nominee. Even if you’re Hillary Clinton and you have 18 million votes, you don’t bargain."

Figured he'd be one of the first to come around. Plus he even shot down Clinton's VP possibility indirectly.:p

[B][U]RubxQub's List of states that need to be turned into mushroom clouds[/U][/B]

New York
West Virginia
South Dakota
Rhode Island
New Mexico
New Jersey
New Hampshire


Master of the Google Search
RubxQub said:

[B][U]RubxQub's List of states that need to be turned into mushroom clouds[/U][/B]

New York
West Virginia
South Dakota
Rhode Island
New Mexico
New Jersey
New Hampshire

For a while now Obama has been polling better than Hillary in California and New Jersey


camineet said:
I am actually delighted by Hillary Clinton's behavior. It means even more people will loath her now, further destroying her chances for a 2012 or 2016 run.
If she keeps it up or doesn't get her way (VP), she might take Obama's chances this year along with her.

Also I think the guy from BET lobbying for Clinton as VP all but confirms MSNBC saying late last night that she really doesn't want it was false. She does, and she'll stop at nothing to get it, that's why she's lobbying congress. Fuckin' hell.

Tamanon said:
Ah Ed Rendell:

"You don’t bargain with the Presidential nominee. Even if you’re Hillary Clinton and you have 18 million votes, you don’t bargain."

Figured he'd be one of the first to come around. Plus he even shot down Clinton's VP possibility indirectly.:p
+1 Ed Rendell, I was hoping he'd come to his senses. He's so right, too.


Diablos said:
If she keeps it up or doesn't get her way (VP), she might take Obama's chances this year along with her.

Also I think the guy from BET lobbying for Clinton as VP all but confirms MSNBC saying late last night that she really doesn't want it. She does, and she'll stop at nothing to get it, that's why she's lobbying congress. Fuckin' hell.

Isn't that the same guy that owns the Charlotte Bobcats?:lol

She's not lobbying congress herself, don't worry about it, it'll be done within the week.

Democrat welcomes rival's invite for town hall meetings nationwide

I don't like it will be framed by the media. It makes McCain seem ahead of the game and setting the agenda with Obama just following along. He's got to take McCain's arguments for things like this, even though legitimate, and strongly set his own agenda and push McCain to go along. I know he was distracted before due to the primaries but I hope this is the last time they go along with this nonsense.


Well, 08ama is set to go. Now he just needs to deliver the general, but it's hard to hold on to idealism and hope even though it's kind of been his carrying message so far.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
grandjedi6 said:
For a while now Obama has been polling better than Hillary in California and New Jersey
Good to know.


Diablos said:
If she keeps it up or doesn't get her way (VP), she might take Obama's chances this year along with her.

Also I think the guy from BET lobbying for Clinton as VP all but confirms MSNBC saying late last night that she really doesn't want it was false. She does, and she'll stop at nothing to get it, that's why she's lobbying congress. Fuckin' hell.

+1 Ed Rendell, I was hoping he'd come to his senses. He's so right, too.

Its Obama's party now, and Rendell is on a lot of VP shortlists. He's not a supporter anymore, he's a competitor.

:lol :lol :lol

I like this one.

And what's wrong with Air America? Isn't that the station that Maddow is on? Or are you ... a republican?


Yes, because Rendell is smart.

Some of Hillary's other supporters may end up being just that until the bitter end, though, rather than being competitive.

Rendell as VP would make sense. He's been here in PA for a while; this is the last term that he's able to govern, so why not go for it?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Evander said:
Gen. Wesley Clark is the only good choice for VP.
Too far up Clinton's ass.

- Clinton (italianspidermanno.gif)
- Edwards
- Richardson
- Sebelius
- Webb?

These are the only options for VP. ONLY!

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I can't stand Hillary, I wanted the primaries to be over with simply so we can forget about her and so I wouldn't have to see her face on tv anymore. It would be terrible if she was picked as VP because she doesn't deserve it and, because of all the shit she's pulled and said the last few months, she's caused far more damage to the party than any other democrat presidential nominee hopeful.


RubxQub said:
Too far up Clinton's ass.

- Clinton (italianspidermanno.gif)
- Edwards
- Richardson
- Sebelius
- Webb?

These are the only options for VP. ONLY!
How do you know? You even put a question mark after Webb :lol

I have no doubts about Obama being able to defend his domestic positions. He may need someone with foreign policy muscle to help shut up the GOPers who bitch and moan about his lack of experience. Clark would be ideal.

GSG Flash said:
I can't stand Hillary, I wanted the primaries to be over with simply so we can forget about her and so I wouldn't have to see her face on tv anymore. It would be terrible if she was picked as VP because she doesn't deserve it and, because of all the shit she's pulled and said the last few months, she's caused far more damage to the party than any other democrat presidential nominee hopeful.
Agreed. Like I said before, if Obama loses, much of that loss will be attributed to Clinton who was so aggressive that it didn't even need to go to the convention.


"industry expert"
RubxQub said:
Too far up Clinton's ass.

- Clinton (italianspidermanno.gif)
- Edwards
- Richardson
- Sebelius
- Webb?

These are the only options for VP. ONLY!

Clinton is an option and Clark isn't?

Clark would be a decent candidate in his own right, and he handily counters McCain's experience.
Maybe this has come up in one of the thousands and thousands of messages I didn't read, but... plenty here seem to watch the MSNBC coverage. Remember how the night of North Carolina and Indiana the big discussion was whether Clinton would drop out the night of Oregon/Kentucky or sooner? The sole holdout was Maddow, whose argument was basically "Clinton didn't quit when her situation was impossible before, why would she now?"

Considering how things have gone over the last few weeks, did she ever bring some crow for her fellow commentators to snack on?


The Lamonster said:

:lol :lol :lol

I like this one.

And what's wrong with Air America? Isn't that the station that Maddow is on? Or are you ... a republican?

Because they've fired Sam Seder twice in last 18 months and he's their best host. Lionel in the mornings is annoying. Thom Hartman is good, but talks about the same crap every day. Randi Rhodes is/was the liberal Laura Ingrahm, and they should've given Seder the slot. Maddow is on too late for me to care.

That's basically it.
kkaabboomm said:
MSNBC: Obama Says He and Clinton Will Have Conversation in “Coming Weeks”

The network reports that the presumptive Democratic nominee told reporters as he got into his motorcade in Washington, D.C.

“I just spoke to her today and we’re going to be having a conversation in the coming weeks.”

When asked if Clinton she gave any indication if she will concede, he said “it wasn’t a detailed conversation.”

-the page

This thing needs to be over now.



Yeah, I just put those three because I like them the most. Bill Richardson holds a soft spot in my heart as a former citizen of New Mexico. However, Clark could definitely be very beneficial to an Obama ticket.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Gore's done the VP thing. I doubt he'd want to do it again.

My list is purely from my uninformed view of the potential runningmates.

Admittedly I don't know much about some of the lesser known folks.


Master of the Google Search
JoshuaJSlone said:
Maybe this has come up in one of the thousands and thousands of messages I didn't read, but... plenty here seem to watch the MSNBC coverage. Remember how the night of North Carolina and Indiana the big discussion was whether Clinton would drop out the night of Oregon/Kentucky or sooner? The sole holdout was Maddow, whose argument was basically "Clinton didn't quit when her situation was impossible before, why would she now?"

Considering how things have gone over the last few weeks, did she ever bring some crow for her fellow commentators to snack on?

The Clintons have hated the media with a passion for a while now so it's kinda of hard to tell
maximum360 said:

I don't like it will be framed by the media. It makes McCain seem ahead of the game and setting the agenda with Obama just following along. He's got to take McCain's arguments for things like this, even though legitimate, and strongly set his own agenda and push McCain to go along. I know he was distracted before due to the primaries but I hope this is the last time they go along with this nonsense.

I disagree completely. In terms of campaigning, I think they've been on the same ground for a while, in terms of PACs, in terms of going negative, and in terms of the structure of the their discussions.

The only weakness would have been cowering from this format.

Obama brought his own conditions to the table, wisely. There's no negatives here.


Am I the only one loving how Rendell has thrown Hillary under the bus and is sticking to the Obama talking points now and is rambling about how Bill is uncontrollable which makes hillary a bad pick? :lol

Also guys you dont need to wait up for Maddow's show. It is put online in a mp3 download form every day after her show is over:
Obama should really take up McCain's offer on the townhall format. The media is convinced that this is McCain's forte and are already setting expectations sky high. "Well, Obama didn't do so well in the debates and McCain thrives on the small forums!" "Obama likes the larger venues as opposed to the one on ones..." With that narrative already in place and the fact that all the issues likely to be discussed at these townhalls are issues voters overwhelmingly support Democrats on, this could turn out be a slaughter of epic scale.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Obama has chosen three people to help lead search for VP.

One is Caroline Kennedy (per MSNBC via AP)
Odd he picked JFK's daughter since she has no political experience really at all.


Cheebs said:
Odd he picked JFK's daughter since she has no political experience really at all.

Well she hasn't run for office, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to say a Kennedy has no political experience.:p

Besides, a lot of times people are hired from out of office.


Cheebs said:
Am I the only one loving how Rendell has thrown Hillary under the bus and is sticking to the Obama talking points now and is rambling about how Bill is uncontrollable which makes hillary a bad pick? :lol

He was in line to be her VP, along with Evan Bayh, and Indiana fucked Bayh out of it. So I'll bet he's genuinely pissed now that they've lost and he's blaming Bubba.

I don't want her as VP, and that's purely a visceral reaction. But logically, will she give up all her private info to the Obama campaign and be properly vetted about what Bubba's been up to the last eight years? Will she disclose her income? What about the upcoming trial that she could get called to testify in? Paul somebody? What about the rumored 1000-page dossiers the Pubbies were ready to use? How can Obama keep the high ground on the war with her on the ticket? What about the already running commercials using Hill's 'all he has is a speech' slam? The list goes on....


"industry expert"
icarus-daedelus said:
Clark really, really should have been the nominee in '04. He'd probably still make a good VP choice, though.

I agree entirely.

He entered too late for the 2004 race, IMO, and too quietly. Then he was ignored due to Dean's momentum.

At very least, I'd like to see him in the cabinet.


mrmyth said:
He was in line to be her VP, along with Evan Bayh, and Indiana fucked Bayh out of it. So I'll bet he's genuinely pissed now that they've lost and he's blaming Bubba.

I don't want her as VP, and that's purely a visceral reaction. But logically, will she give up all her private info to the Obama campaign and be properly vetted about what Bubba's been up to the last eight years? Will she disclose her income? What about the upcoming trial that she could get called to testify in? Paul somebody? What about the rumored 1000-page dossiers the Pubbies were ready to use? How can Obama keep the high ground on the war with her on the ticket? What about the already running commercials using Hill's 'all he has is a speech' slam? The list goes on....

I dunno, I don't think Rendell was going to be VP at all. He said it himself and it makes sense that he would be an awful VP. You don't have someone who always saw themselves as the big dog as number 2. Definitely can apply that to Clinton too:p


BTW some lady had a kinda odd view on sexism in the campaign on MSNBC earlier. She said that it was sexist to call Clinton "Hillary" but refer to Obama as "Obama". She said it was subtle sexism.....which really seems odd, especially when you combine it with her actual branding being Hillary and not Clinton.
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