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PoliGAF Thread of THE END and FIST POUNDS (NYT: Hillary drop out/endorse Saturday)

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GhaleonEB said:
To be fair, Kerry didn't exactly help Kerry.

Also, this is awesome.


Sounds like a nice friendly chat!

That is all kinds of awesome. Intimidation You Can Believe In!


McCain brings up gas tax, dings Obama

On the same day Barack Obama suggested that John McCain talked about Iraq at the expense of domestic issues, the Republican reiterated his support for a summer suspension of the federal gas tax while blasting "elites" and his likely Democratic rival for opposing the measure.

Right at the top of his remarks before taking questions from the Nashville crowd -- where regular unleaded goes for about $3.85 -- McCain said he wanted to discuss "what's on everybody's mind, the price of oil."

McCain said he was struck by the loud opposition by "the elites in this country."

"The hysterical reaction was a little bit funny," he said.

In Washington, McCain noted, "the wealthiest people live in Georgetown" and can walk downtown to work. By contrast, he said, the lowest-income workers live the furthest away.

McCain explained that Barack Obama had called the plan "a gimmick"

"Well, I’d like to have some more quote gimmicks to give-low income Americans some relief," he jabbed back.
esbern said:
Dunno if you all saw this:


He wants to get Obama away from the pulpit. He knows the power of those words. He's thinking getting him in a more intimate setting with slightly more direct questions will show Obama's weak side.

I hope Obama agrees. Everybody already knows he can kick-ass and take names at the podium. This will put a more down to earth face on him (take away from the so called "I'm better than you, America" factor) and show that he can take on issues real Americans care about without carefully written and rehearsed rhetoric.

Also, kudos to McCain for suggesting this. It's damn civil of him. He already has more honor than Dubya, shame he's riding that moron's coat-tails. This would be such a nice change from the bullshit questions media moderators usually ask at standard debates.
its by far pretty obvious what is happening here

1. Hillary clinton does not want Obama to be the leader of the party, and if that means her getting on his team to bring Obama down she will do it

2. Hillary Clinton wants to jeapordize Obamas chances of winning against McCain, if she wanted him to win she would concede and then urge Obama to pick her.

3. Hillary Clinton is trying to stay in the race and say Obama supporters are pointing a gun to thier heads to concede thus making women mad and not voting for Obama in the fall

4. The only way to end this is to destroy the Clintons, once and for all, the quicker the better
StrikerObi said:
He wants to get Obama away from the pulpit. He knows the power of those words. He's thinking getting him in a more intimate setting with slightly more direct questions will show Obama's weak side.

I hope Obama agrees. Everybody already knows he can kick-ass and take names at the podium. This will put a more down to earth face on him (take away from the so called "I'm better than you, America" factor) and show that he can take on issues real Americans care about without carefully written and rehearsed rhetoric.

He already agreed. We've been talking about it for a while now.


"industry expert"
Mifune said:
Yeah. Edwards was the problem with that ticket. Not Kerry. Not Kerry at all.

Edwards did nothing to help.

Not only did he not do anything positive,buthe really hurt things talkingabout Cheney's daughter.


tanod said:
Add: Weak as a campaigner, rambles in speeches, and has 2 small children and a wife with terminal cancer

That's actually a good point, I don't think he wants to run with Elizabeth in her condition.


Lieberman really does suck, I wouldn't put it past him to talk serious shit on Obama so he can get a cabinet position or something.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
artredis1980 said:
its by far pretty obvious what is happening here

1. Hillary clinton does not want Obama to be the leader of the party, and if that means her getting on his team to bring Obama down she will do it

2. Hillary Clinton wants to jeapordize Obamas chances of winning against McCain, if she wanted him to win she would concede and then urge Obama to pick her.

3. Hillary Clinton is trying to stay in the race and say Obama supporters are pointing a gun to thier heads to concede thus making women mad and not voting for Obama in the fall

4. The only way to end this is to destroy the Clintons, once and for all, the quicker the better

should we just bomb Harlem and Chappaqua?


testicles on a cold fall morning
bitch about Edwards all you want, but he almost single-handedly changed the debate behind universal healthcare this election cycle.


What if Lieberman was really a double agent, and at the RNC or one of the big events suddenly rips his shirt off(it would probably have to be really torn to begin with) and there's a big O on his chest.

Then the folding chair, or superkicking McCain through a window.


Is it too much change for Obama to pick a gay vice president?

Its perfect IMO, if some drunken KKK hillbilly assassinates President Obama, they'll have a gay president. And if they assassinate the gay president, they'll have President Pelosi.


Tamanon said:
What if Lieberman was really a double agent, and at the RNC or one of the big events suddenly rips his shirt off(it would probably have to be really torn to begin with) and there's a big O on his chest.

Then the folding chair, or superkicking McCain through a window.



scorcho said:
bitch about Edwards all you want, but he almost single-handedly changed the debate behind universal healthcare this election cycle.
True, but I would also point to a certain movie that came out last year had a big impact on sparking the discussion as well.
Senators who haven't endorsed:
Joe Biden (DE) - former candidate
Tom Carper (DE)
Mary Landrieu (LA)
Carl Levin (MI)* - wants michigan respect
Harry Reid (NV) - majority leader, won't until him and pelosi all come out at once prolly
Sherrod Brown (OH) - part of the ohio group who haven't endorsed
Jack Reed (RI)
Jim Webb (VA) - huge clinton supporter but hasnt endorsed?

what is up with tom carper? seriously? he's from delaware. there are two senators from delaware, and not one of them have endorsed. are they looking for something, some sort of magical bone thrown to delaware before endorsing? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.
theBishop said:
Is it too much change for Obama to pick a gay vice president?

Its perfect IMO, if some drunken KKK hillbilly assassinates President Obama, they'll have a gay president. And if they assassinate the gay president, they'll have President Pelosi.

I don't think you understand the serial murder chain that will happen in this situation.
kkaabboomm said:
Senators who haven't endorsed:
Joe Biden (DE) - former candidate
Tom Carper (DE)
Mary Landrieu (LA)
Carl Levin (MI)* - wants michigan respect
Harry Reid (NV) - majority leader, won't until him and pelosi all come out at once prolly
Sherrod Brown (OH) - part of the ohio group who haven't endorsed
Jack Reed (RI)
Jim Webb (VA) - huge clinton supporter but hasnt endorsed?

what is up with tom carper? seriously? he's from delaware. there are two senators from delaware, and not one of them have endorsed. are they looking for something, some sort of magically bone thrown to delaware before endorsing? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

According to Huffington post they are waiting until tonight 9:00 pm for Hillary to Concede officially, if she does not, they will all officially endorse him tommorow


Junior Butler
artredis1980 said:
According to Huffington post they are waiting until tonight 9:00 pm for Hillary to Concede officially, if she does not, they will all officially endorse him tommorow

Is she scheduled to speak tonight or hold a press conference of some sort?
Diablos said:
I really wanna know what Lieberman is plotting...

he is working secretly with Al Gore to plot the democratic president to be in the whitehouse. mark my words, He is providing all the info to Al Gore who is giving it to Obama, and AL Gore has not endorsed Obama so as to not sounding too fishy
Wish Barack Obama showed that kind of intensity during Lamont's race against Lieberman or he wouldn't have to be dealing with Lieberman's antics right now.
Sol.. said:
We need vice president Santiago.

belvedere said:
Is she scheduled to speak tonight or hold a press conference of some sort?


While many of the Democrats in the Senate remain uncommitted superdelegates, it is unlikely there will be a wave of endorsement announcements by those Senators for Sen. Barack Obama -- at least not tonight.

After meeting with Democratic Senators at a weekly strategy meeting, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , D-NV, said that he is ready for the primary to be over and will, in the next week or so, "set an example for the rest of the Senate."

Presumably, that means he will make a public announcement about the candidate he will endorse as a superdelegate.

Reid and other party leaders have said for several days that they will encourage uncommitted superdelegates to make their endorsements known and avoid a battle at the convention in August in Denver.

However, today Reid asked Senators to "keep their decisions in their pocket" until the primaries in South Dakota and Montana are done this evening.

Watch the VIDEO HERE.

"I want the primary over. I want everyone, until the elections are over, to keep their decisions in their pocket.

Reid said that Senator Hillary Clinton should not be pressured by her Democratic Senate colleagues to get out of the race today.

"Senator Clinton needs to be left alone to get through the primary process and let it run it’s course."

Reid also said he has already spoken with Democratic Party Rules Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein about fundamental changes to the primary process. He said he hopes such reform will be one of the first things Democrats tackle next year.

There are 16 uncommitted superdelegates left in the Senate, Reid included. Only four of those showed up to a meeting called yesterday by uncommitted Senators Tom Harkin, D-IA, and Ken Salazar, D-Colo, on how to move forward endorsing a candidate. Not much came of it yesterday, but maybe it was just a bit early.

Harkin and Salazar will call another meeting for Wednesday after the final primaries in South Dakota and Montana are over, and again invite all the undeclared Senators to determine how to go about endorsing. Harkin told reporters today that a number of things are on the table for that meeting, including discussions of a mass announcement by many of the remaining uncommitted superdelegates in the Senate. But he said nothing is set in stone yet.

"There is a genuine feeling that people want to bring this to a close very soon," Harkin told reporters before going into the weekly policy strategy lunch for all Democratic Senators this afternoon.

"The purpose of the meeting is because there are a lot of us, about 15 or 17 of us who are… not undecided or uncommitted, but undeclared and we wanted to see is there something we might want to do as a group or do we want to do it individually," Harkin said.

Harkin said he is not concerned that the nomination fight will jeopardize party unity in November or even in August at the Democratic National Convention.

"Passions will cool down. Things will cool down. We'll have a nominee and we'll all be focused as a party long before the convention," Harkin said.


Ideal cabinet for Obama would be Sebellius as VP, Clark as SoD, Edwards as attorney general, clinton on health, richardson somewhere. Chief of staff? I dunno.

Clinton CANNOT be VP. Crazy bitch would have Obama assassinated so she could be President.

Obama should have the line of succession with hillary out of the running. :p

The reason I think Sebellius would be a decent strategic choice and a fantastic complement to Obama is because

- she's a woman. That's a good chunk of the Hillary fan base there; once they get over the fact that Obama beat out Hillary, those people will definetly appreciate the fact that he has a woman on his ticket.
- Fiscally responsible
- Won in red state
- Shares simlar values and ethics of Obama
- One of the most successful governors
- isn't someone that is currently too much in the media spotlight; with the torchlight of vice presidency on her, recognition of her and her achievements will go up
- people will understand how well she matches the Obama ticket
- Is more photogenic than Hillary, and similar to boot. In this sort of time and age, that sort of on camera charisma does matter. Could you imagine the two of them standing side by side? Then contrast those PR shots with McCain and whatever white male cronie he has on his ticket? It's striking. And it emphasizes Obama's message of change even more.


formerly sane
Master Thespian said:

David Chapelle is a visonary for that one. Obama should do it get the hispanics involved with obama organization man would they take over some states quick as a fuck.
Ed Rendell not so crazy after all???

ABC News' James Gerber reports: While some high-profile supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., began advocating for her to be offered the vice presidency less than a day after Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., became the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee, Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, one of Clinton's most vocal surrogates, shot down this very idea in an interview Wednesday with NY1 News.

Rendell reminded Clinton and her supporters that the choice for vice president belongs solely to Obama. "He has to make the choice, and it's his choice to make," said Rendell. "You don't bargain with the Presidential nominee. Even if you're Hillary Clinton and you have 18 million votes, you don't bargain."

Last week, Rendell seemed optimistic that Clinton would get the V.P. nod. By Wednesday, the Governor had changed his tune, fearing that Clinton could overshadow Obama.

"The rule for the vice president is make sure you never upstage the president," said Rendell. "It's rule one. You know, Hillary Clinton in some ways couldn't help but upstage, even if she was trying not to."

Rendell also thinks that former President Bill Clinton could greatly complicate matters if his wife was the vice presidential nominee. Clinton has made several controversial remarks while stumping for his wife on the campaign trail, such as comparing Obama's victory in South Carolina to Jesse Jackson's win in 1988, then later claiming that the Obama camp had "played the race card" on him. Earlier this week, the former President issued a tirade against the media for its alleged Obama bias.

"The Obama campaign would have to make strict rules, you know, about what President Clinton could and could not do during the campaign," said Rendell.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Ooooh I really like Obama/Clark.

Just no Obama/Edwards / Obama/Hillary please. I'll deal with either, of course.

I think Clark will really shut down the fear machine.


"industry expert"
Zaptruder said:
Ideal cabinet for Obama would be Sebellius as VP, Clark as SoD, Edwards as attorney general, clinton on health, richardson somewhere. Chief of staff? I dunno.

Clinton CANNOT be VP. Crazy bitch would have Obama assassinated so she could be President.

Obama should have the line of succession with hillary out of the running. :p

Still need an SoS.
Zaptruder said:
Ideal cabinet for Obama would be Sebellius as VP, Clark as SoD, Edwards as attorney general, clinton on health, richardson somewhere. Chief of staff? I dunno.

Clinton CANNOT be VP. Crazy bitch would have Obama assassinated so she could be President.

Obama should have the line of succession with hillary out of the running. :p

You forgot Joe Biden as Sec of State and Al Gore as Sec of Energy OR head of the EPA.

Why the hell is there no Sec of The Environment? Is that too similar to Energy?


RiskyChris said:
You guys need to hear the girl on Fox news right now. Edit: It's over =(

She was hilarious.

"I fear for my children if Obama is President! He was so sexist towards Clinton!"

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Y2Kev said:
Ooooh I really like Obama/Clark.

Just no Obama/Edwards / Obama/Hillary please. I'll deal with either, of course.

I think Clark will really shut down the fear machine.

I think Jim Webb is abetter choice

- Good friend with Obama
- Both pretty fresh(political term)
- Jim cancels out McCains, "I SOLDIER, I BETTER THAn U" lingo
- Better speaker than Clark
- Former Elephant/Worked with them, fits Obama's overall message
- calm guy, and very smart


"industry expert"
StrikerObi said:
You forgot Joe Biden as Sec of State and Al Gore as Sec of Energy OR head of the EPA.

Why the hell is there no Sec of The Environment? Is that too similar to Energy?

What about an olive branch to McCain as Secretary of Veteran Affairs?


~Devil Trigger~ said:
I think Jim Webb is abetter choice

- Good friend with Obama
- Both pretty fresh(political term)
- Jim cancels out McCains, "I SOLDIER, I BETTER THAn U" lingo
- Better speaker than Clark
- Former Elephant/Worked with them, fits Obama's overall message
- calm guy, and very smart

You forgot:
- beat the Republican's first choice for Presidential nominee

But, he has some sexist history which kind of rules him out amongst the Hillary wing. Also, he didn't endorse which is pretty cowardly


Evander said:
Still need an SoS.

What does Sec of State do? :p

I'm actually not that familiar with all the cabinet roles... but he can definetly load up his cabinet with superstars for electability purposes, and still have something that's actually very workable...

except for the personality clashes! Don't know if all those people would work together... would probably have to drop Clinton as Sec of Health if she is still bitter by then.
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