Ickes is the most often owned motherfucker I've seen in a while.
typhonsentra said:Ickes is the most owned often motherfucker I've seen in a while.
Kusagari said:Wexler should just run in and punch Ickes out.
BenjaminBirdie said:I just caught the applause. What did Levin say to drop the hammer?
.pxleyes said:FUCK YA! "How do you have a fair reflection of a flawed primary?"
Michigan was a flawed primary.BenjaminBirdie said:I just caught the applause. What did Levin say to drop the hammer?
I agree. I think they know what they are going to do and now it is just televised campaigning and grandstanding.grandjedi6 said:Don't worry guys, the committee pretty much agreed on what to do last night. Now they are just hammering out the exact details and trying to get Michigan sorted out
Pelydr said:I love how Ickes just practically put his head down on the desk after Levin knocked him around. :lol
What did they decide to do? PEACE.pxleyes said:I agree. I think they know what they are going to do and now it is just televised campaigning and grandstanding.
Pimpwerx said:What did they decide to do? PEACE.
Unifying the party one dare at a time? PEACE.EMBee99 said:Both states agreed to take the Physical Challenge and have to catch slime in bowls attached to helmets.
Ausman: [My proposal] is very generous, because Obama was initially fighting for a situation where Clinton would net 6 delegates, now it's 19.
Davis: Don't say you're being generous.
Ausman: I can say we're being generous.
Davis: But you're allowed to and I'm allowed to disagree...
Ausman: But I'm the one who's on the petition...
Reporter: Ok ok, why don't we --
Ausman: Are you a representative of Clinton?
Davis: No, I'm actually just a person...
Ausman: Are you a designated representative of Clinton?
Davis: I am not a designated representative.
Ausman: Then why don't we have a designated representative speak for Clinton and you be silent?
Pimpwerx said:PEACE.
Because the Obama camp has to kill Hillary's ability to claim the entire Michigan vote as her own.3rdman said:Don't like this 50/50 split proposal from the Obama camp. Why not accept the recommendation at half the votes and call it a day?
BenjaminBirdie said:It is a pretty insane precedent to start allocating delegates completely unconnected to an actual vote, but instead some kind of nebulous intent, including people who didn't even actually vote.
3rdman said:Don't like this 50/50 split proposal from the Obama camp. Why not accept the recommendation at half the votes and call it a day?
VistraNorrez said:The precedent was set when rules were broken. Now they're in a compromised spot with no fair options. I think the 69/59 split is the best idea. Still an unsatisfying compromise.
grandjedi6 said:I can't see how the DNC has the authority to randomly allocated delegates like that though
Why settle? He has an equal claim to being correct as she does. There is nothing about this decision that will let her win the nomination, so this is about principle. As an Obama supporter, I don't like this manipulation of the vote. And as Democrats, a lot of you should be disappointed considering the shit you went through in 2000 and 2004. I consider myself a liberal independent. I would have gone out and cast my vote for Sen. Obama, except for the fact that the DNC (the party running this contest) said clearly that the delegates wouldn't be counted. That's it, end of story.3rdman said:Don't like this 50/50 split proposal from the Obama camp. Why not accept the recommendation at half the votes and call it a day?