Diablos said:
Hillary's supporters not shutting up and defying logic with nearly every word that comes out of their mouth ensures a lack of party unity (to some extent, how much has yet to be seen), and that alone makes me worry regardless of outcome. And, you're right, nobody is going to let her steal the nomination from Obama. Yet she could keep marching on for as long as possible and just complicate things even further. The fact that this debate is even happening is awful. If Hillary's people actually had something called common sense, Hillary would have understood by now that she has no chance no matter what happens in MI and FL. Instead, she'd rather keep pushing forward for no good reason. I think McCain will prove to be a formidable candidate (many of his critics underestimate him); Obama can't afford to be putting up with crap from someone in his own party while also going up against the GOP.
Here's what you and all the other worry warts need to remember.
There's a difference between running to the convention when the race is still reasonably contested, and when the nominee is essentially picked.
Hillary can try to "complicate" things all she wants (and she won't, she remembers her legacy), but the fact of the matter is word has been given to swarm Obama with support if she tries. So, Obama would go into the convention AS the nominee, it would not be contested.
And that's a big difference.
Things have already shifted. She has less media coverage. Less people take her arguments seriously since Indiana and North Carolina. And the only superdelegates remaining haven't pledged because they want the season to end, and have chosen
not to pick Clinton, not the other way around.
CowboyAstronaut is simply being shortsighted, pay him no mind.