PoliGAF Thread of THE END and FIST POUNDS (NYT: Hillary drop out/endorse Saturday)

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listen to the mad man
Assuming Chuck Todd is right and FL and MI both get full-seated, half-votes, 69-59 in MI, and Obama gets two add-ons...

New Magic Number = 2117
Obama = 2036.5 (needs 80.5)
Clinton = 1878.5 (needs 238.5)

This is napkin math, so I might be off a little.
Deus Ex Machina said:
Sad, but necessary. He can't control every guest or clown who mouths off but get blame for it. Like what happen with the catholic priest this week.

Necessary? What difference does it make if he disassociates himself from these Looney Tune people or whoever comes out in the future? The media will eat that shit up.


Ninja Scooter said:
so he can't get a new church? Obama's a free agent now. I expect offers from churches to come pouring in.

People have to go to the same church all the time? I've gone to four different churches over my lifetime, mostly where it was more convenient, but sometimes it was Methodist and sometimes it was Catholic (my parents are one of each).


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
There has to be a reason for this move... I wonder what it is


Church decision sucks, but in time I don't think it'll be as bad as it seems. He'll join some other Church and that'll be it.
If Obama's resignation from his church is true, then:

1) He'll probably chose a church in the DC area if he becomes President
2) He'll probably chose another church in Illinois if he doesn't.
3) If this is spun the right way, there will be a LOT of angry Black churchgoers who are pissed at, not Obama, but the media. "They drove that man away from his church!"


Mrs. Manky said:
If Obama's resignation from his church is true, then:

1) He'll probably chose a church in the DC area if he becomes President
2) He'll probably chose another church in Illinois if he doesn't.
3) If this is spun the right way, there will be a LOT of angry Black churchgoers who are pissed at, not Obama, but the media. "They drove that man away from his church!"
Speaking of spin, I wonder if they will expect Obama to join another church before November so people don't think he's Muslim etc.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Clinton supporters cheering, what scumbags.

Wait for the hammer to drop in 3, 2, 1....


Kills Photobucket
The ONLY good way Obama could possibly spin this is that the Church asked him to resign because of the press and strain it was putting on the Church.


Master of the Google Search
Does the President even go to a normal church? One would think the secret service would prevent that. I always assumed modern presidents did religious services privately, if at all


God, every argument for Florida is all emotional about the "poor innocent voters." No regard for the rules. What bullshit.
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