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Politco: White House rattled by McCarthy's spoof of Spicer

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Of all the things that could take down the Whitehouse it's a bunch of late night comedy sketches that are the most threatening, haha.


He should be fired. He's bugled the whole thing, and while you're kind of served a shit platter to sell you can do it better than he has. He looks totally out of place as a press secretary. There are much more qualified people to take the job.

They can't fire him two weeks in because it would look weak and would be admitting a mistake. They have to keep sending out this incompetent manbaby that had his rep destroyed before the job even started because Trump made him go yell at a room full of people that his was bigger.


I changed my mind, Rosie O'Donnell should play Trump.
I guess her impression isn't too far off.


Trump has said the same thing. Is there actually any validity to that idea though? Like, are stories with unnamed sources actually shown to be less accurate?
I trust Politico's reports compiled from testimony from unnamed sources a hell of a lot more than I trust anything that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth or Twitter account.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I really wonder how many people they can find that do what Spicer does. If that's the best they could find...

But Spicer for weeks now has been fighting to repair his troubling first impression behind the podium — he is still operating under a cloud that he created when he took no questions and made false statements about the crowd size at Trump’s inauguration, draining some of his credibility with the room of reporters he faces off with every day. Internally, people close to Trump are eager to point out that Spicer was also not Trump’s first choice for the high-profile position of press secretary, but that chief of staff Reince Priebus pushed for the former RNC spokesman to get the job.

That explains some things.


I don't believe much of politicos unnamed sources

Why not? We're not being asked to believe anything particularly surprising. We already know, from his pathetic and childish reaction to accurate reporting of the inauguration crowd size of all fucking things, that President Trump is just as thin-skinned and prone to lash out as Candidate Trump was. I mean for fucks sake he talked about the inauguration crowd in speeches and interviews, he had his press secretary make it a major part of the first press briefing.

We also already know, from what Trump has said publicly on twitter, that he watches SNL (and that he flips the fuck out about the way he's correctly portrayed as an incompetent whining baby by Baldwin).

So what exactly is implausible about Trump watching SNL again and getting upset about his press secretary being made to look like a loser? Or are we thinking that maybe Donald "grab em by the pussy" Trump just respects women too much to be bothered by McCarthy playing Spicer?


This is unreal! If a fucking comedy sketch can make him loose his temper like this, imagine a real crisis! We. Are. Fucked.


Baldwin as Trump, McCarthy as Spicer with a MLP tie, Rosie as Bannon, guest appearance of Leary as Conway... best skit ever!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
this of all things is what finally manages to pierce the armor??

Continues to watch TV. This President. Hahaha

This is unreal! If a fucking comedy sketch can make him loose his temper like this, imagine a real crisis! We. Are. Fucked.
This isn't even close to the first time Trump has been triggered by SNL in the past months.

Dude is such a snowflake. Seriously you have to laugh at the fact that Milo "anti-political correct" alt-righters picked the wrong horse. This isn't your anti-PC free speech hero. He's so triggered! The king of triggered.
"...was most problematic in the president’s eyes, according to sources close to him."

This guy needs better friends. They can't stop talking to fake news... So many leaks


Damn, Rosie O'Donnell can actually do Bannon, she kinda does look like him. Some makeup and it would work. They HAVE to do it.

Trump will send the feds at them!
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