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Politco: White House rattled by McCarthy's spoof of Spicer

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Fail out bailed
I kinda think Rosie as Bannon is a killer. Really good.

Especially if the sketch is ABOUT how these guys throw tantrums and can't take a fucking joke. Basically paint them as the whiners they accuse everyone else as.

Something everyone will talk about and expect Trump to respond to, but all of the material is about how it's embarrassing that he cares.


Junior Member
SNL should do one with Trump in a robe and Bannon (played by Rosie O Donnel) beside him.



I love the fact that this is what legit shook that den of carnies, kooks and crooks.

The meltdown with Rosie would be glorious though the people involved might want to get personal security.
Rosie O Donnell playing steve bannon would be a genius move by SNL.

I don't blame her if she declined though and chose not to dig up that feud again. He got really nasty with her and now he's in the biggest position of power in the country. It would be tough for her even if public opinion was on her side.


SNL should now do whatever it takes to get Melissa doing Spicer every week for the rest of the Administration, god knows they have enough material
Rosie O Donnell playing steve bannon would be a genius move by SNL.

I don't blame her if she declined though and chose not to dig up that feud again. He got really nasty with her and now he's in the biggest position of power in the country. It would be tough for her even if public opinion was on her side.

She has already agreed to do it. It's on SNL now if they bring her on.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her

The fact that Trump is so addicted to Twitter that the chances of him missing this is close to zero pleases me a lot.
Shook af.
It's crazy that an SNL skit would start something at the White House.

Maybe I'm just getting used to our new reality, but this seems rather low on the 'shook' meter for me.

Show me a white house meltdown over a Marmaduke comic, then we're talking.


As good as Rosie would be, Kenan (in whiteface) would be even better.

I'd rather not. Just seems like an invitation for some fuckers to parade in blackface. Also the fact that Trump HATES Rosie (God knows why) makes it much funnier if she does it.

Well it's no fun now that we know it's incoming. They should still do it though.

Knowing something is coming is not the same as seeing it executed well
Michael Moore just stated in his opinion Melissa has ended the career of Spicer
Just like Tina fey destroyed Sarah Palin

Which I think is very perfect because Bannon was so involved in building Sarah Palin up, and now the guy next to him in the bunker has been possibly destroyed by one video, in the same way, and there is a long shadow of Rosie falling over him...


butthurt Heat fan
So, this leaks out, and the winner of USA Today's Super Bowl Ad Meter is the Kia Motors ad where Melissa McCarthy gets killed over and over again.

I'm not saying there's a conspiracy, but it makes you think...
Watching this spectacle in real time is mind blowing. I can't wait to see what'll come of it and how we'll all reflect on it later. But holy f'in crap I'm excited for Saturday HEHE


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
There's been a lot of talk lately about how risiliant American institutions are to resisting authoritarianism. This talk usually revolves around congress, federal judges... mostly political checks and balances.

But I think one all-American check on power might be the world of popular entertainment. Seeing SNL land such a scathing blow to power this weekend makes me realize this is a far more resistant-to-control country than the likes of Putin's Russia.

There's no way authoritarianism comes to town without pop culture kicking and screaming and entertaining us along the way. This is motherfucking America.
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