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Politico: 20 Trump electors could flip says law professor

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So even in this most optimistic opinion.... Trump still wins come December 19... wtf was the point of bringing this up again?


It is the system. It's not undermining it to actually consider its employment. It wouldn't have been done before because, no matter how shitty some presidents have been previously, they've never been this world-threatening in their sheer incompetency, ineptitude, and ill-will.

There's no precedent. Doesn't mean there's no necessity.

This is the only mild positive that could come from the EC getting close to flipping the 37 votes - Republicans, in a retaliatory move, finally begin to seriously entertain overhauling or junking the EC. But even then I don't buy that it'd actually happen, or that it would end up being overhauled in any other way but one that almost permanently favors the Republican Party's chances of winning, exclusively.

Holy shit!

Bobby! You're back!

So good to see you again, man! :)


beacuse that would it be at this point. No new information that came out about trump. People knew who exactly they were voting for.

Trump has even back down on some of the crazy stuff like going after Clinton to "lock her up."

People acting like trump doing everything by himselves. it the whole gop doing this. Stopping trump not going to stop the gop. Trump saved the gop this election now people like they will turn against him LOL

Lots of new info came out about his myriad conflicts of interest and his horrid cabinet picks so yes it has.


I don't have faith that it will happen but I do wonder who they would pick instead. If it went to the house I don't see them sticking with Trump, they would have the opportunity to put someone there who they can actually trust to stick to the party line. I'm not crazy about putting someone like Kasich is the White House but I imagine it would be preferable to a Trump presidency.

People also need to stop with the narrative that it somehow invalidates the system to use it like this, the two points of the electoral college were to appease the south and prevent someone dangerous from being elected. If it isn't going to serve the purpose of removing someone who could cause permanent damage to this country and has no respect for the rule of law then what is the point.


So it's party before country for you?
What? I fail to see where I indicated my party of choice.

You guys must not have read much about US history or the history of political parties in the US.

Republican officials will not jeopardize the future of their party even the ones that dislike Trump's policies. Parties are in it to win it, and use whatever policies gain them more votes and thus more power. Ideologues never last very long in politics because being bound by a certain ideology just isn't good politics(there are a few exceptions in solidly liberal or conservative states of course). Neither party cares about what is right or wrong, they care about which policies can maximize their vote total. Ideaologies are a constantly shifting thing, but the parties have been around either since the country's founding in the case of Democrats or from a merging of political parties right before the civil war in the case of Republicans.

Being bound by ideaology is not a good way for them to stay in power.
If these electors are considering it, they know the party is in a bad way. So they might. Crazy year, anything can happen.
Because they want the free press, nothing else. I bet all 306 Republican electors vote for Trump.
I think even non crazy Repubs know they are bad. He's hiring his buddies instead of hiring for the job.
You would be wrong. The only one to get pushback from Republicans is Steve Bannon and possibly Tillar.


His "horrid cabinet picks" are only that way to Democrats, Republicans love them(who will be who is required to flip)

They're not "horrid cabinet picks", they are horrid cabinet picks. Not one of these bumbling fools is qualified to lead their departments. The average voter can't possibly think that a CEO for SoS, and Rick "what is the third department" Perry for DoE, are good ideas. I refuse to believe that the average Republican voter actually thinks Perry is even a competent enough to be in government at all. Come the fuck on

EDIT: Misread your intent, my bad.
I wish people would stop giving this fantasy attention. This isn't what we should be focusing on, we need to focus on ways to make Trump's presidency a living hell for him.

Living hell lol, the man is completely unstoppable now that he's president. Even after the god awful campaign and all the putrid shit, he won. If there's still reasonable people among the republican party ( i doubt it ) then this could not be just a fantasy anymore.


They're not "horrid cabinet picks", they are horrid cabinet picks. Not one of these bumbling fools is qualified to lead their departments. You can't seriously tell me you approve of a fucking CEO for SoS, and Rick "what is the third department" Perry for DoE.
It doesn't matter if I approve of them or not.

You guys really don't understand that these guys beliefs are very much center piece to the Republican coalition. Republicans are the Conservative party, Trump is nominating conservatives. Why would Republican voters hate that?

Tillar is literally the only one likely to get any pushback from Republicans.

Saw your edit, yeah I wasn't arguing about the quality of his picks, was just quoting his words. And you would be surprised at the fact that most Republicans agree with Perry's Energy philosophy.


It doesn't matter if I approve of them or not.

You guys really don't understand that these guys beliefs are very much center piece to the Republican coalition. Republicans are the Conservative party, Trump is nominating conservatives. Why would Republican voters hate that?

Edited my earlier comment as I misread your intent, but this is next level stupid from the Republicans. This isn't even Republican ideology - they're just straight up unqualified. John Bolton is an asshole but he's experienced. What the fuck does a CEO know about working in government, let alone about being the SoS? What does Perry know about energy? What does McMahon know about small business administration? Why even bother going to college and learning about public policy if all you need to do is suck up to the next president and get cabinet positions?


His "horrid cabinet picks" are only that way to Democrats, Republicans love them(who will be who is required to flip)

They might like Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and Rick Perry over energy, but I doubt they like Rex Tillerson, Ben Carson, or some of Trump's other picks.


Edited my earlier comment as I misread your intent, but this is next level stupid from the Republicans. This isn't even Republican ideology - they're just straight up unqualified. John Bolton is an asshole but he's experienced. What the fuck does a CEO know about working in government, let alone about being the SoS? What does Perry know about energy? What does McMahon know about small business administration? Why even bother going to college and learning about public policy if all you need to do is suck up to the next president and get cabinet positions?
Tillar is likely to get pushback, but the rest are just standard Republican politicians. The spoils system has been around since the country was founded. The thing is, normally it's a bunch of Washington politicians that are behind a presidential candidate, this wasn't the case with Trump so it is much more obvious this time around.
They might like Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and Rick Perry over energy, but I doubt they like Rex Tillerson, Ben Carson, or some of Trump's other picks.
from talking with my conservative father, the only pick he doesn't like is Tillar, but Price for HHS, Mattis for Def, AG etc he loves because of their "conservative values"(or in the case of Mattis because he understands the military)

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status

Soapbox Killer

Grand Nagus
Until the electoral collage is either abolished or reformed, this proposed circumvention of democracy is a bigger threat to the United States than Trumps bigly ego.

"Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts..."



Potts noted that his home state, Oklahoma, makes it a misdemeanor to oppose the statewide popular vote winner — a crime he doesn’t want to commit. But even if he believed that those laws can’t be enforced — as anti-Trump Democratic electors are arguing in lawsuits filed in three states — it would take a far more flawed candidate than Trump to convince him to disenfranchise Oklahoma’s voters.

“Let’s say that somehow the American people nominated a guy who had murdered 47 people, carved ’em all up and put ’em in a ditch and hadn’t been caught yet, and he got nominated for president,” Potts said. “Well, you know, then I might change my mind.”
Seriously, what the fuck. That's a cult-like level of stupid.



Ballot is secret, smart electors aren't going to say anything publically.

Until the electoral collage is either abolished or reformed, this proposed circumvention of democracy is a bigger threat to the United States than Trumps bigly ego.

"Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts..."

It's not circumvention when it's a specific power for the EC laid out in the Constitution, lol
If the electors don't pick Trump, the system would be working as intended. If we aren't going to allow the electors to do their job and prevent an unqualified candidate with a mountain of conflicts of interest from taking office, the electoral college should not exist in the first place.

Fucking THIS.


Indeed this now appears a futile show.
Even if electors rejected him, the GOP would elect him president without the electoral college.

At this point, democrats should be focussing on collecting names and preparing for a ' republicans are responsible for Russia taking over the US' narrative in the next few years.

I'm not a US citizen here, so I don't have a horse in this race. But if I may be so free to give an outsiders perspective,... how about instead of preemptively creating a narrative about the rival party, they focus on coming up with plans and policies that will appeal to a larger percentage of the population, come up with an individual they want to be the next president that has the correct skill set and personality both for the job and winning the election and work on an optimal campaign to get this across at election time?


Free press for unidentified electors? What does that even mean?
They get to stroke their ego by getting millions of desperate liberals clinging and sharing their articles.

If you are talking about the law professor, well who knows how truthful he's being, its not like he is unbiased.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
If the EC doesn't flip, I find it hard to see any further defense for its existence or current design moving forward.

The situation it was designed to prevent has occurred. The system failed to prevent it. Time for a new system.


It is imperative that Democracy is done, you may say the cost this time is too high, until the system is flipped and your candidate loses. Trump will likely be awful but if he is not elected then I really fear for America

technically, if "democracy" was done, hillary would be president
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