He's nuts. Did you see the letter he sent the DOJ accusing the Clinton campaign of perpetrating "hate crimes" and human rights abuses against him?This guy's so slimy and stupid ... Why would he even agree to these interviews? Makes him look real guilty.
Page must be uber-confident to do the rounds like this.
The CNN interview is beyond hilarious. Like, what's the purpose of doing this TV blitz if you don't comment on anything.
The CNN interview is beyond hilarious. Like, what's the purpose of doing this TV blitz if you don't comment on anything.
Props to Cooper though, he came prepared in terms of the timeline.
Why is this guy voluntarily appearing making himself look guilty
Trying to score a plea bargain?
Cooper is amazing
Omg he won't say if Russia meddles in other countries but says USA does... The fuck is wrong with this guy
Omg he won't say if Russia meddles in other countries but says USA does... The fuck is wrong with this guy
We don't care, we won the election, we've got the power now so you damn liberals shut up and take it. /sThe President of the United States is compromised.
Good lord, honestly i am watching this and im thinking there isnt much of a story here until he starts talking about the Russian interpretation of meetings/rallies with a giant smile on his face and now im just thinking daddy Putin is watching. good lord. not done though.
Now JD Gordon says that Trump himself pushed for the GOP to soften its platform on Russia in Ukraine, at the RNC. Gordon also met Kislyak.
EDIT: Didn't know I was double posting
Don't forget this is also a guy who told Moscow that Tillerson could be appointed SoS before it was even made public.
Is this a ploy to distract? A cry for help maybe? What the fuck did I just watch?
Im still watching and trying to figure this out. I think maybe he is terrified, because he has a slight connection and maybe he knows shit is about to go down so he is trying to clear his name beforehand? I really dont know. The guy was squirming for a long time, 20+ mins. He was both willing to give information and unwilling to admit to anything. We need a psyche guy here lol
Im still watching and trying to figure this out. I think maybe he is terrified, because he has a slight connection and maybe he knows shit is about to go down so he is trying to clear his name beforehand? I really dont know. The guy was squirming for a long time, 20+ mins. He was both willing to give information and unwilling to admit to anything. We need a psyche guy here lol
Boy, this Russian dude is really popular. Must be a real fun guy to hang out with.
dear lord the last 5 minutes of that video is glorious. MELTDOWN
edit: Total fucking meltdown holy shit dear lord it was worth it
An American government that is destabilized and in chaos is the power play dream for the old Russian guard. The fucking dream scenario.if this is all an intelligence operation I must say what a leaky operation unless is intended to crash and burn...
I mean, common trend here guys, complete, absolute refusal to admit any wrongdoing by Russia. These guys must have like a family member in a dungeon or something. I mean they cannot admit to anything anti-putin. It is insane. Even when pressed with obvious facts they deny and refuse and try to say 'well America is the same'. Giant red warning lights folks.
My question is...WHO is the Russian intelligence operator who is looking at these pigeons and thinking, "They're convincing. Have them go on American TV."
Because it's not so much that the people around Trump are liars. It's that they're BAD liars. Every time. COMPLETELY TERRIBLE liars. The performance is ALWAYS unconvincing.
There is no way you can have a functioning brain and make it beyond the five minute mark of that Cooper interview still thinking that Carter Page has a shred of credibility. Even a sliver. And shout-out to Chris Hayes who wrecked him in under 10 minutes the night before.
From the insistence that he knows nothing of Russian espionage efforts (nothing!), to this continued assertion that the Clinton campaign carried out this huge smear operation against him based on his religion and maleness...this man is not only completely unbelievable, not only seemingly a fucking loon, but whatever questions there were about Trump's ties to Russia? DOUBLE THEM after watching that.
What's the strategy here. Who is thinking that putting Page out there is a good idea?