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POPGAF |OT2| Oops!... We Did It Again

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How embarrassing. I fell asleep in the dj room.

Damn, she looks so fake. That weave is disgusting.

...and missed a Beyonce stan complaining about someone else's weave being "disgusting".


This is beautiful.
You are beautiful.
I'm surprised you're actually doing this!

What makes me fond of this album is how incredibly effective I find it to be at establishing mood, to the extent that a gradual ignorance regarding tracks and running times occurs and I'm simply coasting along lost within the music.
This can rightfully be read as a criticism as to how alike production on the album can be (latter half especially) but it works for me.
I'd imagine the structure is intentional, but it does run the risk of turning off those who aren't enveloped into its atmosphere.
Regardless of effectiveness, I think there are some interesting ideas on the album and the vocals and writing remain impressive throughout so it's a shame it was so overlooked on release.
Thanks for listening, I enjoyed reading your thoughts :)

How embarrassing. I fell asleep in the dj room.

Oh man I did this the first time I went in.
When I woke up people had changed their names to Nintendo and Sony and stuff.
I was confused as hell haha.

Has anyone here actually finished Uncharted 3?

Yup, it's like a Hollywood remake of 2. Bigger and shittier.
I felt like I was playing 2 for most of it.

2's crumbling building = 3's burning building
2's train (which gets destroyed) = 3's boat (which gets destroyed)
2's truck chase = 3's horseback chase
2's Tibetan(?) village = 3's desert

etc, etc. There's loads of other similarity but don't wanna go into spoilers.
The story is probably the worst thing of all :(


This is beautiful.
You are beautiful.
I'm surprised you're actually doing this!

What makes me fond of this album is how incredibly effective I find it to be at establishing mood, to the extent that a gradual ignorance regarding tracks and running times occurs and I'm simply coasting along lost within the music.
This can rightfully be read as a criticism as to how alike production on the album can be (latter half especially) but it works for me.
I'd imagine the structure is intentional, but it does run the risk of turning off those who aren't enveloped into its atmosphere.
Regardless of effectiveness, I think there are some interesting ideas on the album and the vocals and writing remain impressive throughout so it's a shame it was so overlooked on release.
Thanks for listening, I enjoyed reading your thoughts :)

I agree with you - the structure is definitely intentional, and the second half did get a little bit grating towards the end as you can see in my iTunes ratings board that I posted.

It's not so much a bad album - which I didn't really elude to, but I understand what you mean. I do think this record should've got a bit more attention, though I don't think it will or ever will lol.

Good to know you did enjoy reading my thoughts but! That's why I wanted to do this, but also because it makes me listen to stuff I wouldn't otherwise touch (with a few exceptions as I see my list grow ;_;)


Botty, sis, I know i'm going to regret asking, but what's the story behind this gif? It looks normal enough, but it's also from a TLC show..........is that goat shit in her cigarette or something? :/

Whoever is with her is waiting for her to put the cigarette down, so she can eat the ash from it.


Botty, sis, I know i'm going to regret asking, but what's the story behind this gif? It looks normal enough, but it's also from a TLC show..........is that goat shit in her cigarette or something? :/

Whoever is with her is waiting for her to put the cigarette down, so she can eat the ash from it.

Yep. Her sister is addicted to eating cigarette ashes. So she's waiting for the girl in my gif to put it down. Ratchet.


Xtina's hair history is definitely worse than Bee's


What is that????


I can't defend that busted weave (except to point out that it least it wasn't ripping up her scalp). ;__;

However, let's just know that in this picture, taken this year, features Christina only wearing eye-makeup. #DATSKIN


Wow, I even see that Bee is sporting hairy armpits.
Must be her French-Creole heritage. So fierce. Show me dat armpit Bee




Blond Ambition
The Girlie Show
Drowned World

The opening was annoying and self indulgent. MORE RELIGIOUS REFERENCES. Sometimes I wonder if Madonna just sticks with this crap because she has nothing else to do. Mind you, the backing track, whatever it was, was great. You could feel the atmosphere, which was nice. But it was fucking OVERLONG. She also looks significantly better than Drowned World, which is nice. Madonna looked ESPECIALLY frightening during one UNFORTUNATE CLOSE UP.



Nobody Knows Me was pretty boring, but the other recording on the Secret DVD was much better and much more energetic, as inthzone suggested. I really like this song - I think it could've worked as a single though I suppose nothing could've saved American Life. A really energetic performance though. Frozen was next, and as always, is flawless *.* but her vocals were better on the Drowned World. Then we have some WAR INSPIRED Dance Interlude. Followed by American Life which was OKAY I guess but a bit weird and rock inspired. She really ramped up the controversy for this one, huh?

Then she played EXPRESS YOURSELF which felt a bit out of place. seeing Madge dance around with guns makes me realise how much she really isn't re-inventing herself in the modern era, instead rehasing all her old stuff ;_; Finally, BURNING UP was played in some kind of upbeat rock rendition, but it was boring (as it always is when it's just Madge and her guitar)

The same kind of thing happened for Material Girl but Madonna said "SOMETIMES I FORGET THE WORDS" lol ALZHEIMERS. It was unfortunate cos the crowd wasn't really filling in the gaps she was leaving - which sucked for her I guess LOL. Also really disappointed that Hollywood which is my favourite single from American Life, was relegated to a dancer interlude :(



After the interlude we've moved to a more CIRCUS themed part of the show. Hanky Panky played, which is some boring flop song from Dick Tracy that was included in Blond Ambition as well ;_;. Deeper and Deeper was performed in a kind of swing Jazz style and I have to say it worked really well - I think I might even prefer it to the original album version! Following that came DIE ANOTHER DAY which is still one of my most favourite Madonna songs, even before I took an interest in her back catalogue - though the vocals in this rendition seemed to be a little bit off (but I guess the song was very electronic-ised anyway).

The theatrics started to ramp up from this point though, and then we saw more and more Kabbalah references starting to make their way into the show. Madge sings Lament which is quite a boring song, along with lots of close ups which aren't flattering at all.



BEDTIME STORIES got it's ONLY LIVE PERFORMANCE EVER following that, albeit only in an interlude #RIP. It was definitely a more upbeat rendition. I feel this is one of Madonna's most criminally underutilised songs. Then we have another MOROSE SIT DOWN WITH A GUITAR to play NOTHING FAILS, easily the most ironic title for a single (especially one with no videos shot lol). I quite like the song though ;_:

Don't Tell Me was mixed with Bittersweet Symphony which actually worked really well. I was surprised, especially since this is one of my least favourite released singles off of Music. She screamed at the end of this performance as well and it was REALLY horrible too ;_; Like a Prayer, which is one of my favourite songs of hers (heck probably the only from her early stuff) was incredibly underwhelming as well. Blond Ambition did this right as far as I'm concerned and has yet to be topped.

A random track from American Life, Mother and Father, played. It's quite boring to be perfectly honest. Not here for Madonna attempting to RAP. It's quite awful. Following this song, she sings a rendition of John Lennon's Imagine. It felt quite heartfelt (especially after watching I'm GoinG to Tell you a Secret) but this I notice a dischord between Madonna Now and Madonna Then. If she even attempted to sing this none of us would resonate with her as she does this tour. It's quite sad what she has become. >_>

The new "segment" of the show opens with a "scottish" inspired version of Into The Groove, which is also a great and upbeat song from Madge's back catalogue. The performance wasn't as eneergetic or interesting as her previous ones on The Girlie Show and Blond Ambition though. The Missy Elliott cameo was pretty cool though.



Papa Don't Preach opened with some tragic spinning and even more annoying Kabbalah references (KABBALISTS DO IT BETTER, really Madge?). This was a boring and barebones performance tbh. I was shocked to see her yelling and dedicating songs to her fans and THANKING them. I don't think we've seen this for a while now from MADGE. Crazy For You, as always, was quite boring.

MUSIC was the first encore, and it was pretty energetic and remixed to be more of an RnB and HipHop song. I actually liked the rendition, and Madge looked like she was giving it her all this time around to close the show. Holiday was also quite energetic, more so than I would've expected and it was cool to see a shot of Stuart Price doing what he DOES BEST. Did he accompany her on every date? That's pretty cool if so, our faves could never *.*
Gaga needs to work with him stat



Overall this tour was pretty good, it was very varied and she mixed things up as much as she could without ruining her back catalogue. It was pretty disappointing how little of Ray of Light especially was on there, and even more so WEIRD that so little of American Life was here as well (including the single Love Profusion).

Still this was a great tour overall that really ramped things up. Though we all know how it will be ECLIPSED in the future when I move on to the CONFESSIONS TOUR *O*

Blond Ambition > Re-Invention Tour > The Girlie Show > Drowned World > Who's That Girl > The Virgin Tour



Another glorious review, Nem.

I can't wait for you to be done with Madonna, so that you may move on to other, more promising artists.

but are there any others?

But seriously, other potentials include Xtincta, Rihanna, Katy and perhaps others whose names escape me right now. I haven't even looked into whether or not professional recordings exist, though, so I am not sure how viable some of these might be.

Thankfully I do these things AS I watch the tour, including GIFs. So all up it takes whatever time it takes to do the tour, plus the GIF processing (which is 30 minutes).

What kind of MULTITASKING, I know. ;_;
Hey soulscribe <3

I've finished the game too. But the second one is definitely better.
I think I even liked the first more than the third...

Heya ;)

Yeah UC2 was definitely the stronger overall experience because 3 was overall a bit too similar to stand out on its own... that is until you get to the desert chapters. That put it over the top for me. Gorgeous and the action is expertly paced to the end. 3 had a lot more fucking frustrating moments too, which is what hindered its reception overall I think. Overall I put it UC3 > UC2 >>> UC1


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm extremely drunk. Lets get some POP going. Link me.


I'm glad Nem is able to provide receipts on how reductive Madonna has been as of late. Rehashing, and exploiting her body isn't going to bring in the album sales. Good music might, though.


The opening was annoying and self indulgent. MORE RELIGIOUS REFERENCES.

You don't say...


I'm extremely drunk. Lets get some POP going. Link me.



I was abandoned in the pop gaf room.
I'm confused. Are those legit single covers?

If so, Xtina channeling Genie in a Bottle/What a Girl Wants teas, I approve

Of course not, the first and third pictures are from Stripped and B2B eras... not sure where the second one's from and I thought that was Britney at first. :/

Also, "Your Body?" What happened to "Easier to Lie?" That was such a better title. I'm REALLY not here for Stripped-era stuff. I want Christina to do pop-funk, ala "Nasty ft. Cee Lo." Why can't I just get what I want ughhhhhh
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