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POPGAF |OT2| Oops!... We Did It Again

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But hew's with who I never exchange a word with can be creepy and don't get the word "NO". Won't mention any names.

Most of my PMs stopped when I posted my pride and joy...get busy Second!



Some Amber Rose wannabe named Jess Molli recently submitted this to World Star (I know...ratchet in itself) and I've been in Ratchet Heaven ever since.

Jess Molli - "Lick It" (slightly NSFW)

Dancing around my house like I'm up in the club and KNOW everyone want it.



Lick it, lick it, lick it, lick it, lick it.

The production values of the video are through the roof.

I lol'd at the cosmetics mention at the end. So random.


Just saw Ted. Hilarious movie. Best part was when Mark Wahlberg was singing terribly and Ted says "Still better than Katy Perry." Everyone died.




The Guardian is probably the best newspaper in the UK.

and one of the best in the world

How cute, the flop poster pledges allegiance to the flop newspaper. It's got the second lowest circulation of the eleven dailies in Britain, having #DROPPEDT from 403k to 217k in daily circulation, costing the magazine £100,000 every day. Although I'm not quite sure I'm ready to see it go yet, as one of the reviewers for the culture section seems to possess an abundance of unquestionably good taste. I think it's important the newspaper stay in business so that his reviews continue to reach a large audience. Thankfully, The Guardian has a very large online presence which receives heavy traffic, so these reviews could potentially be viewed by as many as 4 million readers each day (67 million unique visitors a month and growing, 1/3 of all visitors are American). Despite generating a sizable online presence, the magazine insists on keeping the site's content free, and has had to let employees go on two occasions in addition to raising the price of the printed newspaper. I'm delighted to report that the Head Pop Critic and Spiller of Truth Tea, Alexis Petridis, is still employed and spilling the tea as of today!


When you tried to shade Janet, you were actually taking a quote out of context from a review that was actually quite positive overall. I'm not sure which scenario makes you look more foolish: thinking that I would not go digging for receipts when you were well-aware that your quote didn't hold up, or that you somehow happened upon just this little snippet and quoted it without doing your own homework. You're embarrassing yourself, dude. But don't go anywhere yet, because the fun's just getting started!


Marius said:
Gaga pic and Kylie pic
My faves have such good taste.


As the Head Pop Critic for The Guardian, Alexis Petridis happened to review not only Gaga's "The Fame", Kylie's "X", but also Madonna's MDNA tour that Roy pulled a quote from. Since you sought out the opinion of Mr. Petridis in particular, among the hundreds of options, and you stated that The Guardian is one of the world's best magazines in no uncertain terms, I guess I'll go with your reviewer/magazine. If I were to pick my own, magazine/reviewer, there would be too many problems caused by having more than one critic, so I'm just going to hold us both to the one you pulled that quote from. Since he's employed by one of the world's best magazines, he must have a pretty damn good idea what he's talking talking.


This is Head Pop Music Critic for The Guardian, Alexis Petridis. He is unhappy because he just learned that Godelsmetric used Alexis' words for evil-doing.

Janet Jackson: Number Ones World Tour -- 4 out of 5 stars. I won't quote him, elaborate further, or anything like that. Your excerpt in no way misrepresented the content of the review. Well done.


Your fave Lady Gaga: The Fame -- 3 out of 5 stars. Here are some my favorite excerpts from his review, although I had to make some really difficult decisions to cut stuff out because there so many gems in his review.
Alexis Petridis said:
Her single Just Dance has made the top 10 everywhere from Australia to Switzerland(!!!)...That success seems to have led Lady GaGa to come to some pretty bullish conclusions about her own originality...She recently told one journalist, seemingly confident of a place in the history books as the world's first pretty (fails here) female singer performing synthesiser-heavy R&B-influenced pop. "I'm very into fashion," she clarified...Sonically, there's nothing here that you haven't heard already...her voice lands somewhere between Gwen Stefani and Madonna (The reductive shade!)...Lady GaGa has suggested warrants comparison to Andy Warhol, but you could just as easily argue warrants comparison to Samanda off Big Brother. (Someone get this gorl on Got2BReal!)


Hopefully you're able to tell that the review above is parodying your own post, in which your desire to troll/instigate drama led you to find an excerpt from a review which reads like a harsh critique of Janet's concert when the frame of reference is not there. Selectively choosing what to quote or ignore for the purpose of creating a narrative to fit your "shading" needs is pretty pathetic. If you're ever going to post receipts again, make sure they're not being printed straight out of your ass, okay?


Your other fave: Kylie Minogue - X: 3 out of 5 stars. The Guardian Review - X If you're going to post a review, this is how it should be done. Either link it/include all the text or don't even bother. However, attempting to upset me by posting a concert review that nobody had asked for, nor was relevant to the discussion at hand as a means of involving yourself in a disagreement that doesn't involve you is emblematic of the sophomoric behavior that I spoke out against in response to ITZ. I can't even begin to imagine what the thought process that went on in your head here, "This guy has an opinion that I disagree with! When has discourse ever resolved anything though? I know, I'll just try and make the guy who gets all serious on VIDEO GAME FORUMS mad, that will teach him a lesson about having an opinion that's not mine!"
I'm not sure how to actually speak baboon, but I hope I managed to still effectively communicate the nonsensical approach you seem to have taken to the situation[/b]

Just for fun, I'll include Madonna's MDNA tour review, which sounded like it was marred by a ton of tech problems. 3 out of 5 stars. The Guardian Review - MDNA

I can't say that I understand the Godel Metric, the theorems and math involved are way beyond my level of comprehension. However, there is one math concept I do know...comparing numbers! Janet's 4 > Gaga's 3, and Janet's 4 > Kylie's 3 too! (Can somebody double check this please? After spending so long writing this damn thing, I would love nothing more than to see it confirmed by a third party, tbh). No ifs, ands, or buts about it, the critic you endorsed, a senior employee of the well-respected newspaper you hold in high regard has spoken. Every day, millions of readers are able to access The Guardian's content free of charge and to educate themselves on the wide range of artists and sounds out there. As more people realize the absolute mediocrity of your faves (Gaga sales drop between albums, anyone?), and the gays migrate to a new diva, it's almost as if we possessed some kind of natural instincts, like knowing when it's time to dissociate oneself from a former fave. (It's sort of like whales, they all know to migrate to warmer waters, in a similar manner gays just know when it's to move away from a girl who's about to go flop hard and find one who's about to set the charts on fire). Not before long, your fave flops will be entirely forgotten by society, and the Demi Lovatos of the world will ensure your faves won't ever have a seat on a talent competition. Your flops' lasting contribution to society will be some question on Trivial Pursuit that will stump everyone. All this will all be brought about by your own magazine fostering awareness of the pedestrian qualities and basic struggles of the women you call Queen without irony.

Tick....tock..... =D



sputum-flecked apoplexy
How cute, the flop poster pledges allegiance to the flop newspaper. It's got the second lowest circulation of the eleven dailies in Britain, having #DROPPEDT from 403k to 217k in daily circulation, costing the magazine £100,000 every day. Although I'm not quite sure I'm ready to see it go yet, as one of the reviewers for the culture section seems to possess an abundance of unquestionably good taste. I think it's important the newspaper stay in business so that his reviews continue to reach a large audience. Thankfully, The Guardian has a very large online presence which receives heavy traffic, so these reviews could potentially be viewed by as many as 4 million readers each day (67 million unique visitors a month and growing, 1/3 of all visitors are American). Despite generating a sizable online presence, the magazine insists on keeping the site's content free, and has had to let employees go on two occasions in addition to raising the price of the printed newspaper. I'm delighted to report that the Head Pop Critic and Spiller of Truth Tea, Alexis Petridis, is still employed and spilling the tea as of today!


When you tried to shade Janet, you were actually taking a quote out of context from a review that was actually quite positive overall. I'm not sure which scenario makes you look more foolish: thinking that I would not go digging for receipts when you were well-aware that your quote didn't hold up, or that you somehow happened upon just this little snippet and quoted it without doing your own homework. You're embarrassing yourself, dude. But don't go anywhere yet, because the fun's just getting started!


As the Head Pop Critic for The Guardian, Alexis Petridis happened to review not only Gaga's "The Fame", Kylie's "X", but also Madonna's MDNA tour that Roy pulled a quote from. Since you sought out the opinion of Mr. Petridis in particular, among the hundreds of options, and you stated that The Guardian is one of the world's best magazines in no uncertain terms, I guess I'll go with your reviewer/magazine. If I were to pick my own, magazine/reviewer, there would be too many problems caused by having more than one critic, so I'm just going to hold us both to the one you pulled that quote from. Since he's employed by one of the world's best magazines, he must have a pretty damn good idea what he's talking talking.


This is Head Pop Music Critic for The Guardian, Alexis Petridis. He is unhappy because he just learned that Godelsmetric used Alexis' words for evil-doing.

Janet Jackson: Number Ones World Tour -- 4 out of 5 stars. I won't quote him, elaborate further, or anything like that. Your excerpt in no way misrepresented the content of the review. Well done.


Your fave Lady Gaga: The Fame -- 3 out of 5 stars. Here are some my favorite excerpts from his review, although I had to make some really difficult decisions to cut stuff out because there so many gems in his review.


Hopefully you're able to tell that the review above is parodying your own post, in which your desire to troll/instigate drama led you to find an excerpt from a review which reads like a harsh critique of Janet's concert when the frame of reference is not there. Selectively choosing what to quote or ignore for the purpose of creating a narrative to fit your "shading" needs is pretty pathetic. If you're ever going to post receipts again, make sure they're not being printed straight out of your ass, okay?


Your other fave: Kylie Minogue - X: 3 out of 5 stars. The Guardian Review - X If you're going to post a review, this is how it should be done. Either link it/include all the text or don't even bother. However, attempting to upset me by posting a concert review that nobody had asked for, nor was relevant to the discussion at hand as a means of involving yourself in a disagreement that doesn't involve you is emblematic of the sophomoric behavior that I spoke out against in response to ITZ. I can't even begin to imagine what the thought process that went on in your head here, "This guy has an opinion that I disagree with! When has discourse ever resolved anything though? I know, I'll just try and make the guy who gets all serious on VIDEO GAME FORUMS mad, that will teach him a lesson about having an opinion that's not mine!"
I'm not sure how to actually speak baboon, but I hope I managed to still effectively communicate the nonsensical approach you seem to have taken to the situation[/b]

Just for fun, I'll include Madonna's MDNA tour review, which sounded like it was marred by a ton of tech problems. 3 out of 5 stars. The Guardian Review - MDNA

I can't say that I understand the Godel Metric, the theorems and math involved are way beyond my level of comprehension. However, there is one math concept I do know...comparing numbers! Janet's 4 > Gaga's 3, and Janet's 4 > Kylie's 3 too! (Can somebody double check this please? After spending so long writing this damn thing, I would love nothing more than to see it confirmed by a third party, tbh). No ifs, ands, or buts about it, the critic you endorsed, a senior employee of the well-respected newspaper you hold in high regard has spoken. Every day, millions of readers are able to access The Guardian's content free of charge and to educate themselves on the wide range of artists and sounds out there. As more people realize the absolute mediocrity of your faves (Gaga sales drop between albums, anyone?), and the gays migrate to a new diva, it's almost as if we possessed some kind of natural instincts, like knowing when it's time to dissociate oneself from a former fave. (It's sort of like whales, they all know to migrate to warmer waters, in a similar manner gays just know when it's to move away from a girl who's about to go flop hard and find one who's about to set the charts on fire). Not before long, your fave flops will be entirely forgotten by society, and the Demi Lovatos of the world will ensure your faves won't ever have a seat on a talent competition. Your flops' lasting contribution to society will be some question on Trivial Pursuit that will stump everyone. All this will all be brought about by your own magazine fostering awareness of the pedestrian qualities and basic struggles of the women you call Queen without irony.

Tick....tock..... =D

Jesus, I feel bad that the amount of time it takes you to type this stuff in no way reflects on the amount I care about reading and responding it.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Since you showed interest, Icicle, the Gödel Metric is a solution to Einstein's field equations that describes a universe that allows for time travel.

It's a shame our universe isn't like that or you could travel back to a time when Janet was a relevant artist. Then maybe you wouldn't be so pressed and aggressive whenever anyone spills the tea.



ITZ and Godel, its hilarious y'all not saying ANYTHING is a sign of how much you were DRAGGED. I expected more from you two tbh. You two have had better DAYS.
Show us what you got gurls I know you can do it.


Since you showed interest, Icicle, the Gödel Metric is a solution to Einstein's field equations that describes a universe that allows for time travel.

It's a shame our universe isn't like that or you could travel back to a time when Janet was a relevant artist. Then maybe you wouldn't be so pressed and aggressive whenever anyone spills the tea.



sputum-flecked apoplexy
ITZ and Godel, its hilarious y'all not saying ANYTHING is a sign of how much you were DRAGGED. I expected more from you two tbh. You two have had better DAYS.
Show us what you got gurls I know you can do it.

Sis I'm not here for an essay writing contest. Especially against someone who made an imaginary godelsmetric out of straw and then stamped on it while foaming at the mouth and beating at her chest. IDK hew Icicle thinks she's dragging but virtually none of the opinions she's criticising in her post resemble any I hold.


P!nk rockets into the Billboard Hot 100's top 10, as "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" vaults 58-9 in its second week on the chart. Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe," meanwhile, holds at No. 1 for a sixth week, Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" crowns the Digital Songs tally and Flo Rida reaches the Hot 100's top 10 with "Whistle."

"Kiss," the first single from P!nk's sixth studio album, "The Truth About Love," due Sept. 18, makes its monster Hot 100 move as the chart's top Digital and Airplay Gainer. On Digital Songs, it lunges 41-4 with a 259% increase to 171,000 downloads sold, according to Nielsen SoundScan. On the Radio Songs ranking, "Kiss" pounces 56-23 with a 76% gain to 39 million all-format audience impressions, according to Nielsen BDS.

Pink To Tell 'The Truth About Love' This September

"Kiss" is P!nk's 12th Hot 100 top 10, a history that began with "There You Go" in 2000. Since the turn of the millennium, she boasts the third-most top 10s among women, trailing only Rihanna (22) and Beyonce (14). (She passes the 11 top 10s each totaled by Lady Gaga and Katy Perry in that span.)

"Kiss" logs the largest leap into the Hot 100's top 10 since Drake's "Make Me Proud," featuring Nicki Minaj, bounded 97-9 the week of Nov. 5, 2011.

Jepsen's "Maybe" continues its Hot 100 command, although it drops 1-2 after eight weeks atop Digital Songs (203,000, down 17%). It spends a fifth (nonconsecutive) week at its No. 2 peak on Radio Songs (126 million, down 5%), while leading On-Demand Songs (857,000 on-demand streams, down 13%, according to BDS) for a fifth week.

Carly Rae Jepsen and Owl City: The Story Behind 'Good Time'

Maroon 5's "Payphone," featuring Wiz Khalifa, holds at No. 2 on the Hot 100 for a fifth frame; it's spent all 13 of its weeks on the chart between Nos. 2 and 3. The cut tops Radio Songs for a third week (138 million, up 2%), while dipping 2-3 on On-Demand Songs (799,000, down 14%) and 3-5 on Digital Songs (155,000, down 16%).

Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" rises 4-3 on the Hot 100 and assumes the top spot on Digital Songs (2-1; 205,000, down 2%). Now with eight Digital Songs No. 1s (passing Eminem's seven), Perry trails only Rihanna (11) for the most toppers in the chart's archives. "Awake" remains bulleted at No. 5 on Radio Songs (97 million, up 11%) and darts 9-6 on On-Demand Songs (626,000, up 12%).

Gotye's former eight-week No. 1 "Somebody That I Used to Know," featuring Kimbra, slides 3-4 on the Hot 100, while Ellie Goulding's "Lights" holds at No. 5 in its 30th week. While dropping in digital sales (150,000, down 6%) and on-demand songs (757,000, down 1%), "Lights" gains on Radio Songs, where it maintains its No. 6 rank (86 million, up 12%).

Rihanna's "Where Have You Been" stays at No. 6 on the Hot 100 (after reaching No. 5 earlier this month). The track pushes 4-3 on Radio Songs (120 million up 4%), inches 18-17 on On-Demand Songs (408,000, down 4%) and slides 9-13 on Digital Songs (82,000, down 20%).

Flo Rida flies to his eighth Hot 100 top 10, as "Whistle" jumps 12-7 with top Streaming Gainer honors. It soars 39-16 on On-Demand Songs (440,000, up 53%), while climbing 4-3 on Digital Songs (191,000, up 11%) and 53-34 on Radio Songs (32 million, up 40%).

With the ascent of "Whistle," Flo Rida makes it three consecutive top 10s from his new album, "Wild Ones." "Good Feeling" reached No. 3 in January and the title cut, featuring Sia, rose to No. 5 in May.

Surrounding P!nk's "Kiss" in the Hot 100's top 10, David Guetta's "Titanium," also featuring Sia, descends 7-9 and Usher's "Scream" holds at No. 10 for a fourth week. With 76,000 sold in the chart's tracking week, the latter song passes 1 million in digital sales since its release.

  1. Call Me Maybe
  2. Pay Phone
  3. Wide Awake
  4. Somebody That I Use to Know
  5. Lights
  6. Where Have You Been
  7. Blow Me One Last Kiss
  8. Whistle
  9. Titanium
  10. Scream


Well due to icicle everyone ignored the master shade Seth Macfarlane threw at Perra.

I like icicle but what kind of essay?


ITZ and Godel, its hilarious y'all not saying ANYTHING is a sign of how much you were DRAGGED. I expected more from you two tbh. You two have had better DAYS.
Show us what you got gurls I know you can do it.

I c u trying to instigate.

Keep on doing so


lol, as weird as this may sound I actually like Seth's singing voice. Musical numbers on Family Guy are better for it.

this is why I dont drag Janet, I dont want essays directed at Gaga

Exactly. Icicle will read y'all a thesis on your floptitude. I just leave Janet alone.
Really LTTP but I've become.. as Koodo puts it: #aWARE.

Gosh Jessie Ware is just so GOOD. I need to hear 'Devotion' now, I don't want to wait until August 20th.

Someone in here said she reminded them of Sade right? Guess I should check out her stuff too.


Really LTTP but I've become.. as Koodo puts it: #aWARE.

Gosh Jessie Ware is just so GOOD. I need to hear 'Devotion' now, I don't want to wait until August 20th.

Someone in here said she reminded them of Sade right? Guess I should check out her stuff too.

Please do. Sade is great.


ITZ and Godel, its hilarious y'all not saying ANYTHING is a sign of how much you were DRAGGED. I expected more from you two tbh. You two have had better DAYS.
Show us what you got gurls I know you can do it.

Nothing in that essay Icicle wrote addressed the central point in that paragraph godel posted:

The point was not that Janet had a bad concert. It was that Janet was irrelevant, and her choices for her concert serve as a reminder of what she used to be.

To go digging for the receipts in order to prove that the review said the concert was actually totally awesome misses the point entirely and is ultimately a distraction.

But it was cute.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Nothing in that essay Icicle wrote addressed the central point in that paragraph godel posted:

The point was not that Janet had a bad concert. It was that Janet was irrelevant, and her choices for her concert serve as a reminder of what she used to be.

To go digging for the receipts in order to prove that the review said the concert was actually totally awesome misses the point entirely and is ultimately a distraction.

But it was cute.


Gerl THANKYOU. At last somebody who assumes I am not so stupid as to try and pass off a GOOD review as a BAD one.


this is why I dont drag Janet, I dont want essays directed at Gaga


We got a SENTENCE sis

Every day, millions of readers are able to access The Guardian's content free of charge and to educate themselves on the wide range of artists and sounds out there. As more people realize the absolute mediocrity of your faves (Gaga sales drop between albums, anyone?), and the gays migrate to a new diva, it's almost as if we possessed some kind of natural instincts, like knowing when it's time to dissociate oneself from a former fave. (It's sort of like whales, they all know to migrate to warmer waters, in a similar manner gays just know when it's to move away from a girl who's about to go flop hard and find one who's about to set the charts on fire).

A huge fucking sentence. What a CERTIFIED MESS.


Nothing in that essay Icicle wrote addressed the central point in that paragraph godel posted:

The point was not that Janet had a bad concert. It was that Janet was irrelevant, and her choices for her concert serve as a reminder of what she used to be.

To go digging for the receipts in order to prove that the review said the concert was actually totally awesome misses the point entirely and is ultimately a distraction.

But it was cute.

Nothing in that essay Icicle wrote addressed the central point in that paragraph godel posted:

The point was not that Janet had a bad concert. It was that Janet was irrelevant, and her choices for her concert serve as a reminder of what she used to be.

To go digging for the receipts in order to prove that the review said the concert was actually totally awesome misses the point entirely and is ultimately a distraction.

But it was cute.



I posted a bunch of unreleased album songs from one of her live shows in the Jessie Ware songs for those lacking in aWAREness and the unaWARE that seek forgiveness.

She loves you.


Really LTTP but I've become.. as Koodo puts it: #aWARE.

Gosh Jessie Ware is just so GOOD. I need to hear 'Devotion' now, I don't want to wait until August 20th.

Someone in here said she reminded them of Sade right? Guess I should check out her stuff too.

Yeah, it could just be me but she definitely reminds me of Sade, even though she says she gets her inspiration from Whitney Houston.
I See You.


Nothing in that essay Icicle wrote addressed the central point in that paragraph godel posted:

The point was not that Janet had a bad concert. It was that Janet was irrelevant, and her choices for her concert serve as a reminder of what she used to be.

To go digging for the receipts in order to prove that the review said the concert was actually totally awesome misses the point entirely and is ultimately a distraction.

But it was cute.
Icicle melting all over this page TBH, the desperate tea an avalanche of hilarity.

At least I have the common decency to recognize my fave's recent history of floppedt, though it's not so bad considering recent orgasmic impressions ensure an album heralding the chart-topping return of SLAYONA. Janet, though...don't know what her fans have to look forward to other than more Minnie Mouse vocals.




Sade is just too classy, too flawless to respond or even care about such a ridiculous and pathetic statement.[/QUOTE]

[quote="DMeisterJ, post: 40021137"]You shading Sade? In favor of #WARE?


A real FLOP poster tbh.

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