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POPGAF |OT2| Oops!... We Did It Again

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Mau ®

Also I'm ready for Rihallah to block Ke$ha's number #1 on the Hot 100. The Ke$ha stans will seethe on the day of JUDGEMENT.

Actually, the Ke$ha and us RihALLAH stans will be seething on Judgement Day with the One Direction and Taylor Swift cockblockage.


EDIT: Oh I see you meant the Hot 100. Tehe. Yassss Rih better cockblock ha!!

Mau ®

Kesha will come out on top. I just feel like she will, with her being out of the limelight for so long.

Being out of the limelight does not equal to success tho.

Look at MDNA, Bionic, No Doubt, etc etc.

I think there will be more early interest on Ke$ha due to what you said. But whether that interest translates to long-term success on the charts is up in the air still.

Funny tho, Benny Blanco acted as co-producer on both Rih and K$'s singles. He wins either way lol.
She should've released this month to avoid the impending UK train that is Glassheart.

Insiders are already pegging it as #1 for two weeks in a row at the very least. And that's just based on pre-order buzz, since she'll be on X-Factor and Alan Carr the week the album comes out.



Thank fucking god that Ellie is releasing the week before. When I looked at the calendar for the first time, I could have sworn they were in the same week. She can easily get dat numba 1 without Leona there.

Mau ®

I seem to recall a plug.dj conversation that folllowed like this:

ITZ: I wish Rihanna had done the "Anything Could Happen" video so it could win a VMA
Arte: Rihanna WISHES. She could never do a video like that
ITZ: Well she doesnt have that "floatiness" about her that Ellie has
Arte: Rih just aint an Ethereal beauty like Ellie


That's not even a natural look though (one for a set of photos)

Keep trying though. It's cute.
On the other side of the spectrum, Smellie needs to try more with her styling in shoots

I seem to recall a plug.dj conversation that folllowed like this:

ITZ: I wish Rihanna had done the "Anything Could Happen" video so it could win a VMA
Arte: Rihanna WISHES. She could never do a video like that
ITZ: Well she doesnt have that "floatiness" about her that Ellie has
Arte: Rih just aint an Ethereal beauty like Ellie


I seem to recall a plug.dj conversation that folllowed like this:

ITZ: I wish Rihanna had done the "Anything Could Happen" video so it could win a VMA
Arte: Rihanna WISHES. She could never do a video like that
ITZ: Well she doesnt have that "floatiness" about her that Ellie has
Arte: Rih just aint an Ethereal beauty like Ellie



Hun Smellie doesn't HAVE ANY tho...

Miss Uninformed is throwing shade again I see.

Before the release of her debut studio album, Goulding won the BBC Sound of 2010 poll, which showcases the critics, broadcasters and music industry insiders' top choices for rising stars and artists for the coming year. She also won the Critics' Choice Award at the 2010 BRIT Awards, which prize made her the second artist to win both in the same year.

Goulding's debut album Lights was released in March 2010, reaching number one on the UK Albums Chart and number six on the Irish Albums Chart. Its singles, "Starry Eyed", "Guns and Horses" and "The Writer" peaked at numbers 4, 26, and 19 respectively. The album has sold over 850,000 copies in the UK as of April 2012. (Your Song, a single form the rerelease of the album reached number 2)

[Ellie] served as one of many live performers at the wedding reception of Prince William and Kate Middleton on 29 April 2011 singing her rendition of "Your Song" for the couple's first dance as well as her hits "The Writer" and "Starry Eyed" and several of William and Kate's personal favourites.

You tried.



I see you leaving out Lights' other chart numbers

Well she is a UK artist and I copied this from Wiki. UK numbers are the most relevant for her.

Anyway, they would ask Rihanna to perform at something important, but then she would have to 'perform'.

Beyonce got to sing for the President and First Lady. Gaga got to sing for Bill Clinton at a fundraising concert. Rihanna... moved around on stage at the VMAs that no one saw.


Well she is a UK artist and I copied this from Wiki. UK numbers are the most relevant for her.

Anyway, they would ask Rihanna to perform at something important, but then she would have to 'perform'.

Beyonce got to sing for the President and First Lady. Gaga got to sing for Bill Clinton at a fundraising concert. Rihanna... moved around on stage at the VMAs that no one saw.

It's cute that you know so much about Rih tho. That Navy card is sticking out your pocket boo.



So why does she lip it, then?

I know it's hard when you discover your fav lips, I really do. Celine (who has to be the best lipper in the business) and Mariah are notorious for lipping. I've only seen one performance where Whitney tried to.

Oh cut the condescension and give me a bit more credit than that, sis.

The argument has never been whether or not Christina lipsyncs at all. I'm not naive; the sky is blue, Santa doesn't exist, and Xtina has lip-synced some performances. Most pop singers who are expected to perform and/or keep rigorous promotional schedules have lip-synced performances at one era or another. Mariah has, Beyonce has, Christina has, and yes...even Rihanna has. So you're not really shedding light on a subject more than stating the obvious.

My point has always been that I don't necessarily believe that the run in the Burlesque performance specifically is lipped. If it is, then I don't know why she would have to lip-sync that note. Why? Well, simply put, if you have Xtina's range (even with the questionable technique) nothing about that run should have been difficult. Technically speaking, it's not extremely impressive
Hush Mumei
. She hits an F#5 at the top of it, yes - but it's not like she's hitting a clean, supported F#5 that's sustained over several seconds. She is, for all intents and purposes, barking that note out
hush Mumei
and quickly descending. Yes, it sounds good
Mumei seriously stop laughing
but again, not difficult with her range. Granted, I am a man with a male voice and a baritone's range, so I can't say for certain what was going on with Xtina at that time that would cause her to need to lip-sync that part. But I watch the entire performance, and listen to how her voice is holding up throughout and note where she's pausing to breathe, and it just doesn't make sense to me that she would need to lip-sync that part.

Same with the Hurt performances you linked to. You say she's lip-syncing in the beginning, but she's also hitting some, frankly, bum notes in those videos. I cringe whenever she gets to the chorus (that "for EVERYTHING..." is A-Cup as fuck). One of the main points of lip-syncing is to cover up the fact that you, for whatever reason, are unable to sing your song properly at that time. So considering that, I don't really see the sense in an artist using a prerecorded track of themselves singing a song improperly to cover up their inability to sing said song properly. I mean, unless the goal is to have the performance be as authentic as possible
Mumei stop
, but then if that's the case I'd say Christina has a hell of a lot of integrity to purposely insert bum notes into her prerecorded tracks.

I dunno at the end of the day, and frankly I don't feel like combing over every performance (and footage shot on someone's camera phone with quality so shitty you can barely hear her) trying to spot insignificant parts where she might be lip-syncing. She's still my queen and she's still one of the best in the biz.


Xtina is flopping ;___; turns out the single climbing the charts was just her stans. Should've held it's position at the top 5 but didn't :/

I'd say it's still too early to call. The Britney/Gaga/Taylor Swift explosive debuts are the exceptions. Lots of songs debut high on the iTunes charts, fall a bit, and then climb back up once the promotion starts.

If it continues dropped even after she's full-on promoted it, like NMT, then I'll admit it's a flop and go cry in a corner. Your Body is such a damn good song, it deserves better than that. ;______;
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